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#include <EIKDOC.H>
Link against: eikcore.lib

Class CEikDocument

class CEikDocument : public CApaDocument, public MSaveObserver;


The base class for all GUI applications' documents.

In file-based applications, the document represents the data that relates to a particular instance of the application, and should handle storing and restoring it. In all applications, whether file-based or not, the document is used to create the application UI.

A class derived from CEikDocument must be defined by each GUI application, and minimally it must implement CEikDocument::CreateAppUiL(). Note that UIs may implement their own document base class, derived from CEikDocument, which applications may need to derive from instead.

The document is created by the application's CreateDocumentL() function.



Defined in CEikDocument:

Inherited from CApaDocument:

Inherited from CBase:

See also:

Related Topics

Construction and destruction


IMPORT_C ~CEikDocument();




protected: IMPORT_C CEikDocument();


Constructor for CEikDocument

CEikDocument(CEikApplication &)

protected: IMPORT_C CEikDocument(CEikApplication &aApp);


Constructs a new document.

This constructor is typically called from a derived UI-specific document class constructor.


CEikApplication &aApp

The application instance that is creating the document.


Member functions


virtual CEikAppUi* CreateAppUiL()=0;


Constructs the application UI.

This function is called by the UI framework during application start-up. It should only carry out first phase construction of the app UI, in other words, using new(ELeave). It should not call the app UI's ConstructL(), because the UI framework is responsible for this. Note also that the UI framework takes ownership of the app UI, so the document does not need to destroy it.

Return value

CEikAppUi *

A partially-constructed app UI object.

OpenFileL(TBool,const TDesC &,RFs &)

IMPORT_C virtual CFileStore* OpenFileL(TBool aDoOpen, const TDesC &aFilename, RFs &aFs);


Restores the document's state from the specified file, or creates a new default document.

If aDoOpen is true, the function tries to open the file for exclusive writing. If that fails, it tries to open it for reading only. If that fails, it leaves.

If aDoOpen is false, the function creates a new default document whose path and name are specified in aFilename.

This function is called by the UI framework during application start-up.


TBool aDoOpen

True to open an existing file, false to create a new default file.

const TDesC16 &aFilename

The path and name of the file to open or create.

RFs &aFs

File server session to use.

Return value

CFileStore *

The file store that stores the main document.

PrepareToEditL(MApaEmbeddedDocObserver *,TBool)

IMPORT_C void PrepareToEditL(MApaEmbeddedDocObserver *aObserver, TBool aReadOnly);


Prepares an embedded document for editing by creating its app UI.

This function is called by CEikDocument::EditL(MApaEmbeddedDocObserver *,TBool).


MApaEmbeddedDocObserver *aObserver

Pointer to an embedded document observer. This is notified when editing is complete.

TBool aReadOnly

If ETrue, the embedded document is opened as read-only.


IMPORT_C void PrepareToEditL();


Prepares a main (non-embedded) document for editing, by creating its app UI.

This function is called by the UI framework during application start-up.


IMPORT_C void SetAppFileMode(TUint aMode);


Sets the document's file sharing and access mode.


TUint aMode

The new file sharing and access mode. This is a bitwise OR of values enumerated in TFileMode.


IMPORT_C TUint AppFileMode() const;


Gets the document's file sharing and access mode.

By default, the access mode is EFileShareExclusive|EFileWrite, except when the file could not be opened for exclusive writing, in which case, its default access mode is EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly.

Return value


The file sharing and access mode. This is a bitwise OR of values enumerated in TFileMode.

UpdateTaskNameL(CApaWindowGroupName *)

IMPORT_C virtual void UpdateTaskNameL(CApaWindowGroupName *aWgName);


Updates a window group (or task) name with information about a main (non-embedded) document.

The window group name is updated to contain the application's caption and UID, and the filename of the main document.

The filename is also written to the application's ini file, to identify the application's most recently opened file. An ini file is created if one doesn't exist.

This function is called by the UI framework during application start-up.


CApaWindowGroupName *aWgName

Window group (or task) name. On return, this is updated to contain information about the main document.


IMPORT_C const TApaAppCaption& AppCaption() const;


Gets the caption of the application that created the document.

The application's caption is usually specified in its localisable resource file.

Return value

const TBuf &

The caption of the application that created the document.

See also:


IMPORT_C void SetChanged(TBool aHasChanged);


Sets this document's 'Has changed' flag.


TBool aHasChanged

New value for the 'Has changed' flag.

SetEditStoreL(CStreamStore *)

IMPORT_C void SetEditStoreL(CStreamStore *aStore);


Sets the document's stream store.

This function is called by the UI framework during application start-up.


CStreamStore *aStore

The stream store.


inline CStreamStore* EditStore() const;


Gets the file store object which is used to edit the document.

Return value

CStreamStore *

A pointer to the file store object which is used to edit the document.


IMPORT_C virtual void SaveL(MSaveObserver::TSaveType aSaveType);


Saves the document's state.

This function is called by the UI framework when it needs to close down the application and the parameter provides the reason. For instance, it might be due to RAM running out.

This function simply calls the other overload, and ignores the parameter. Applications should override this function if they need to take account of the parameter.


MSaveObserver::TSaveType aSaveType

Notification code. This indicates to the application why this function was called.


IMPORT_C virtual void NewDocumentL();


This empty function can be implemented in file-based applications to initialise a new default document.

It is called by the UI framework during application start-up when the application is launched without a document being associated with it and when no default document exists.

CreateFileStoreLC(RFs &,const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C virtual CFileStore* CreateFileStoreLC(RFs &aFs, const TDesC &aFileName);


Creates a file store for a new default document.

This function is called by the UI framework during application start-up, as part of creating a default document.


RFs &aFs

The file server session to use.

const TDesC16 &aFileName

The path and name of the file to create.

Return value

CFileStore *

The newly created file store.

EditL(MApaEmbeddedDocObserver *,TBool)

IMPORT_C virtual void EditL(MApaEmbeddedDocObserver *aObserver, TBool aReadOnly=EFalse);


Creates an embedded document's app UI and opens the document for editing or viewing.


MApaEmbeddedDocObserver *aObserver

Optional pointer to an embedded document observer. This is informed when editing is complete. An observer should only be supplied if the document is embedded.

TBool aReadOnly

If ETrue, the embedded document is opened as read-only.

Leave codes


An observer is specified but the application is not embeddable.

PrintL(const CStreamStore &)

IMPORT_C virtual void PrintL(const CStreamStore &aSourceStore);


Prints a document without opening it first.

This function is empty. It might be used to print a document directly from a shell or file manager application rather than from the document's associated application, using default print parameters.


const CStreamStore &aSourceStore


IMPORT_C virtual void SaveL();


Saves the document's state.

It calls CEikDocument::StoreL(CStreamStore &,CStreamDictionary &)const to save the document and also stores the application's identifier, (a TApaAppIdentifier). The document is left open and its 'Has changed' flag is unset.

This function is called by CEikAppUi::SaveL().

StoreL(CStreamStore &,CStreamDictionary &)const

IMPORT_C virtual void StoreL(CStreamStore &aStore, CStreamDictionary &aStreamDic) const;


Stores the document.

This function is empty. Applications that need to persist data must provide their own implementation of this function, and CEikDocument::RestoreL(const CStreamStore &,const CStreamDictionary &).

This function is called by CEikAppUi::SaveL().


CStreamStore &aStore

Stream store which holds one or more streams, each of which is generally used to store the state of an object (by calling CEikDocument::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)const).

CStreamDictionary &aStreamDic

Stream dictionary which is used to store the IDs of the streams in the store so they can be identified and restored later.

See also:

RestoreL(const CStreamStore &,const CStreamDictionary &)

IMPORT_C virtual void RestoreL(const CStreamStore &aStore, const CStreamDictionary &aStreamDic);


Restores the document.

This function is empty. Applications that need to persist data must provide their own implementation of this function, and CEikDocument::StoreL(CStreamStore &,CStreamDictionary &)const.

This function is called by the UI framework during application start-up when there is a document associated with the application.


const CStreamStore &aStore

Stream store which holds the document's state.

const CStreamDictionary &aStreamDic

Stream dictionary which holds the IDs of the streams in the store.

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)const

IMPORT_C virtual void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream) const;


Externalises an object to a write stream.

Implementations of this function are normally called from CEikDocument::StoreL(CStreamStore &,CStreamDictionary &)const.


RWriteStream &aStream

A write stream inside the stream store passed to CEikDocument::StoreL(CStreamStore &,CStreamDictionary &)const, to which the object's state is written.


IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsEmpty() const;


Tests whether the document contains any content.

This implementation always returns ETrue. Any applications that persist data may optionally override it. It is not called by the UI framework.

Return value


Always ETrue (in CEikDocument).


IMPORT_C virtual TBool HasChanged() const;


Gets the document's 'Has changed' flag.

The flag is set and unset using CEikDocument::SetChanged(TBool). Also, calling CEikDocument::SaveL() unsets it.

CEikAppUi::SaveAnyChangesL() tests the value of this flag to identify whether the document needs to be saved.

Return value


The value of the document's 'Has changed' flag.

See also:


IMPORT_C virtual void ValidatePasswordL() const;


Checks the document password. The default implementation is empty.

If a document is intended to be password protected, the UI application should provide an implementation that forces the user to enter the password and validate the input. If the document is protected by a password and the password entered by the user is incorrect, the function should leave with KErrLocked, otherwise it should just return.

OpenFileL(CFileStore *&,RFile &)

IMPORT_C virtual void OpenFileL(CFileStore *&aFileStore, RFile &aFile);


Restores the document's state from the specified file.

This virtual function should be overridden if the file is not a "native" Symbian OS file (i.e. is not a CFileStore). In this case, the override should set the aFileStore parameter to NULL.

Overrides of this function must only set aFileStore once all leave-prone operations have succesfully completed.

This function is called by the UI framework during application start-up.

When a file is opened, the current write position is automatically set to the start of the file, therefore there is no need to call RFile::Seek(ESeekStart,0). A call to RFile::Close() should be made when the file handle is no longer required. The file handle should not be passed to another process or application as it will be closed automatically when its associated file-server session is closed.


CFileStore *&aFileStore

This is set by the function to the file store that stores the main document, if the file is a "native" Symbian OS file, otherwise it is set to NULL.

RFile &aFile

The path and name of the file to read from.


private: IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();



Member data


protected: CEikAppUi * iAppUi;


A pointer to the app UI which the document is associated with.


protected: CStreamStore * iEditStore;


A pointer to the file store object which is used to edit the document.