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#include <WNGMODEL.H>
Link against: wpeng.lib

Class CWordModel

Interface status: deprecated

class CWordModel : public CBase;


Word processor engine interface.

This is essentially a thin layer over the rich text support (CRichText etc.) provided by the Application Framework's ETEXT component.



Defined in CWordModel:

Inherited from CBase:

Construction and destruction

NewL(const MFieldFileNameInfo *,const MFieldNumPagesInfo *,const TDesC &)

Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

IMPORT_C static CWordModel* NewL(const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo, const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aFieldNumPagesInfo, const TDesC &aDriverPath);


Allocates and creates a new word processor engine, and performs printer initalisation.


const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo

Optional callback interface to get the current document's filename. This provides the file name for insertion into a field in the header or footer.

const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aFieldNumPagesInfo

Optional callback interface to return the number of pages in the current document. This provides the total number of pages for insertion into a field in the header or footer.

const TDesC16 &aDriverPath

Directory that contains printer driver files

Return value

CWordModel *

New word processor engine

NewL(const MFieldFileNameInfo *,const MFieldNumPagesInfo *)

Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

IMPORT_C static CWordModel* NewL(const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo, const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aFieldNumPagesInfo);


Allocates and creates a new word processor engine.


const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo

Optional callback interface to get the current document's filename. This provides the file name for insertion into a field in the header or footer.

const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aFieldNumPagesInfo

Optional callback interface to return the number of pages in the current document. This provides the total number of pages for insertion into a field in the header or footer.

Return value

CWordModel *

New word processor engine


Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

IMPORT_C ~CWordModel();




Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

protected: IMPORT_C CWordModel();


Default constructor.

ConstructL(const MFieldFileNameInfo *,const MFieldNumPagesInfo *)

Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

protected: IMPORT_C void ConstructL(const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo, const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aNumPagesInfo);


Second-phase constructor.


const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo

Callback interface to get the current document's filename.

const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aNumPagesInfo

Callback interface to return the number of pages in the current document.


Member functions

StoreL(CStreamStore &,CStreamDictionary &,const TAny *)const

Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

IMPORT_C void StoreL(CStreamStore &aStore, CStreamDictionary &aStreamDic, const TAny *aSecurity) const;


Stores the engine.

This function writes the engine data to a stream store, and records the streams used in a stream dictionary.


CStreamStore &aStore

Store to write to

CStreamDictionary &aStreamDic

Stream dictionary to write to

const TAny *aSecurity

Optional security object. If this is specified, the stored text stream is encrypted

RestoreL(const CStreamStore &,const CStreamDictionary &,const TAny *,const MFieldFileNameInfo *,const MFieldNumPagesInfo *,MPictureFactory *)

Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

IMPORT_C void RestoreL(const CStreamStore &aStore, const CStreamDictionary &aStreamDic, const TAny *aSecurity, const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo=0,const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aNumPagesInfo=0, MPictureFactory *aPictureFactory=0);


Restores the engine.


const CStreamStore &aStore

Store to read from

const CStreamDictionary &aStreamDic

Stream dictionary to read from

const TAny *aSecurity

Optional security object. This is required to read text from an encrypted stream.

const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo

An optional object implementing the MFieldFileNameInfo interface. This provides the file name for insertion into a field in the header or footer.

const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aNumPagesInfo

An optional object implementing the MFieldNumPagesInfo interface. This provides the total number of pages for insertion into a field in the header or footer.

MPictureFactory *aPictureFactory

An optional object implementing the picture factory interface. This is required if the header or footer contains pictures which should be restored.

RestoreMinimalL(const CStreamStore &,const CStreamDictionary &,const TAny *,const MFieldFileNameInfo *,const MFieldNumPagesInfo *,MPictureFactory *)

Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

IMPORT_C void RestoreMinimalL(const CStreamStore &aStore, const CStreamDictionary &aStreamDic, const TAny *aSecurity, const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo=0,const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aNumPagesInfo=0, MPictureFactory *aPictureFactory=0);


Restores the engine, without restoring the print setup stream.

This allows restoring without loading a printer driver. Header and footer information will not be available.


const CStreamStore &aStore

Store to read from

const CStreamDictionary &aStreamDic

Stream dictionary to read from

const TAny *aSecurity

Optional security object. This is required to read text from an encrypted stream.

const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo


const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aNumPagesInfo


MPictureFactory *aPictureFactory



Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

inline CRichText* Text();


Gets the engine's rich text object.

Return value

CRichText *

Engine's rich text object


Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

inline CStyleList* StyleList();


Gets the engine's style list object.

Return value

CStyleList *

Engine's style list object


Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

inline CPrintSetup* PrintSetup();


Gets the engine's print setup object.

Return value

CPrintSetup *

Engine's print setup object


Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

inline CArrayFix< TInt >* PageTable();


Gets the engine's page table array.

A page table is an array of integers; each integer represents the number of characters on a page. It is required for pagination.

Return value

CArrayFix< TInt > *

Page table array


Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

inline CStyleShortCutList* StyleShortCutList();


Gets the engine's style short cuts array.

This object stores a list of keyboard shortcuts to the styles (as returned by CWordModel::StyleList()). The array is in the same order as the style list array.

Return value

CArrayFixFlat *

Engine's style short cuts array


Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

inline TChar& NormalStyleShortCut();


Gets the keybord short cut for the normal style.

Return value

TChar &

Keybord short cut for the normal style

ConstructMinimalL(const MFieldFileNameInfo *,const MFieldNumPagesInfo *,const TDesC &)

Interface status: deprecated Inherited from: CWordModel

protected: IMPORT_C void ConstructMinimalL(const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo, const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aFieldNumPagesInfo, const TDesC &aDriverPath);


Second-phase constructor, with printer initialisation.


const MFieldFileNameInfo *aFileNameInfo

Optional callback interface to get the current document's filename. This provides the file name for insertion into a field in the header or footer.

const MFieldNumPagesInfo *aFieldNumPagesInfo

Optional callback interface to return the number of pages in the current document. This provides the total number of pages for insertion into a field in the header or footer.

const TDesC16 &aDriverPath

Directory that contains printer driver files