#include <matchdata.h>
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class CMatchData : public CBase;
class provides detailed parser information for XML framework. Client application should use this class to precisely specify
the plugin, which should be used as a parsing engine in XML framework.
Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap.
Defined in Xml::CMatchData
Inherited from CBase
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XmlExample: Using XML framework to parse an XML file
Construction and destruction
IMPORT_C static CMatchData* NewL();
Creates Xml::CMatchData
object with its default values.
Return value
Leave codes
KErrNoMemory |
If there is not enough memory to create an object.
IMPORT_C static CMatchData* NewLC();
Creates Xml::CMatchData
object with its default values. Leaves an obeject pointer on a cleanup stack.
Return value
Leave codes
KErrNoMemory |
If there is not enough memory
SetMimeTypeL(const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C void SetMimeTypeL(const TDesC8 &aData);
Sets up a mime type attribute to a string given as an aData descriptor.
const TDesC8 &aData |
String descriptor
Leave codes
KErrNoMemory |
If there is not enough memory for new string allocation.
KErrArgument |
If passed descriptor doesn't comply with length constraints.
IMPORT_C const TPtrC8 MimeType() const;
Returns a pointer to the mime type string.
Return value
const TPtrC8
A pointer to the mime type string. Pointer to KNullDesC8 is returned if not set up yet.
SetVariantL(const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C void SetVariantL(const TDesC8 &aVariant);
Sets up a variant attribute to a string given as an aVariant descriptor. If this is not set OR is set to a string of length
0 the Variant ID is not used during parser resolution and hence the variant IDs of plug-in parsers are ignored.
Leave codes
KErrNoMemory |
If there is not enough memory for new string allocation.
KErrArgument |
If passed descriptor doesn't comply with length constraints.
IMPORT_C const TPtrC8 Variant() const;
Returns a pointer to the variant string.
Return value
const TPtrC8
A pointer to the variant string. Pointer to KNullDesC8 is returned if not set up yet.
IMPORT_C void SetLeaveOnMany(TBool aSetting);
Sets the LeaveOnManyFlag flag. If set, it notifies customized resolver it should leave when the query is resolved to more
than one parser. By default this flag is not set, so the framework chooses a parser in this case.
TBool aSetting |
The setting value.
IMPORT_C void SetRomOnly(TBool aSetting);
Sets the Rom Only flag. If set, it notifies customized resolver the request is for ROM-based parsers only. By default this
flag is not set, so the framework searches for rom and non-rom based parsers.
TBool aSetting |
The setting value.
IMPORT_C void SetCaseSensitivity(TBool aSetting);
Sets the Case Sensitivity flag. Customized resolver uses this setting to turn on or off case sensitivity for strings matching.
TBool aSetting |
The setting value.