#include <zipfile.h>
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class CZipFile : public CZipArchive;
A CZipFile represents a ZIP archive contained in a single file. Multi file zip archives are not supported.
Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap.
- A CZipFile represents a ZIP archive contained in a single file. Multi file zip a...
Defined in CZipFile
Inherited from CBase
Inherited from CZipArchive
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Construction and destruction
IMPORT_C static CZipFile* NewL(RFs &aFs, RFile &aFile);
Creates a new CZipFile object using the supplied file server session and a valid file handle. The caller must have sufficient
sufficient rights to access the content of the zipfile, if encrypted/protected.
RFs &aFs |
File server session used for opening the zipfile
RFile &aFile |
File handle to be used for accessing the zipfile
Return value
CZipFile *
CZipFile object associated with the zipfile if it succeeded
Leave codes
KZipArchiveError |
If file cannot be accessed(invalid handle, corrupt file header, etc.)
KZipFileIOError |
If file cannot be read
KCentralDirectoryTrailerNotFound |
If zip file header doesn't contain information about files inside the archive
KCentralDirectoryTrailerInvalid |
If the information about files inside the archive is corrupt
KMultiDiskArchivesNotSupported |
If zipfile is a multi disk archive
... |
Any one of the system-wide error codes for other errors.
NewL(RFs &,const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C static CZipFile* NewL(RFs &aFs, const TDesC &aFileName);
Creates a new CZipFile object using the supplied file server session and file name. The caller must have sufficient capabilities
to access the directory. The caller must also have sufficient rights to access the content of the zipfile, if encrypted/protected.
RFs &aFs |
File server session used for opening the zipfile
const TDesC16 &aFileName |
Name of the zipfile
Return value
CZipFile *
CZipFile object associated with the zipfile if it succeeded
Leave codes
KZipArchiveError |
If file cannot be accessed(invalid handle, corrupt file header, etc.)
KZipFileIOError |
If file cannot be read
KCentralDirectoryTrailerNotFound |
If zip file header doesn't contain information about files inside the archive
KCentralDirectoryTrailerInvalid |
If the information about files inside the archive is corrupt
KMultiDiskArchivesNotSupported |
If zipfile is a multi disk archive.
... |
Any one of the system-wide error codes for other errors.
CZipFile(RFs &,const TDesC &)
Interface status: |
deprecated |
in 7.0 |
IMPORT_C CZipFile(RFs &aFs, const TDesC &aFileName);
IMPORT_C virtual ~CZipFile();
ConstructL(const TDesC &)
protected: IMPORT_C void ConstructL(const TDesC &aFileName);
Second phase of construction. Used by filename using NewL overload
Leave codes
... |
Any one of the system-wide error codes for other errors.
protected: IMPORT_C void ConstructL(RFile &aFile);
Second phase of construction. Used by Rfile using NewL overload.
Leave codes
... |
Any one of the system-wide error codes for other errors.
Interface status: |
deprecated |
in 7.0 |
IMPORT_C TInt OpenL(void);
Return value
Interface status: |
deprecated |
in 7.0 |
IMPORT_C void Close(void);
IMPORT_C TInt Size(TInt &aSize) const;
Gets the size of the compressed data contained in the zip file in bytes Each CZipFile object has a compressed and uncompressed
size. This method will return the compressed size of a zip file.
TInt &aSize |
On return, the size of the compressed data in bytes
Return value
KErrNotReady If object hasn't been properly constructed KErrCASizeNotDetermined If size could not be determined ... Any one
of the system-wide error codes for other errors.
IMPORT_C CZipFileMember* MemberL(const TDesC &aName);
Constructs and returns a CZipFileMember
object which is used to access information about a compressed file contained in the CZipFile archive. The name of the file
to be searched for in the zipfile is case-sensitive.
const TDesC16 &aName |
The name of the file to be searched in the zipfile
Return value
Leave codes
... |
Any one of the system-wide error codes for other errors.
CaseInsensitiveMemberL(const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C CZipFileMember* CaseInsensitiveMemberL(const TDesC &aName);
Constructs and returns a CZipFileMember
object which is used to access information about a compressed file contained in the CZipFile archive. The name of the file
to be searched for in the zipfile is case-insensitive.
const TDesC16 &aName |
The name of the file to be searched in the zipfile
Return value
CZipFileMember *
A pointer to a member object of zip file NULL If the file doesn't exist in the zipfile
Leave codes
... |
Any one of the system-wide error codes for other errors.
CaseSensitiveOrCaseInsensitiveMemberL(const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C CZipFileMember* CaseSensitiveOrCaseInsensitiveMemberL(const TDesC &aName);
Constructs and returns a CZipFileMember
object which is used to access information about a compressed file contained in the CZipFile archive. An exact match for
the filename is searched for first. If a match is not found, a case-insensitive search is performed. If both filenames exist
in the archive, the case-sensitive match will be returned.
const TDesC16 &aName |
The name of the file to be searched in the zipfile
Return value
CZipFileMember *
A pointer to a member object of zip file NULL If the file doesn't exist in the zipfile
Leave codes
... |
Any one of the system-wide error codes for other errors.
GetInputStreamL(const CZipFileMember *,RZipFileMemberReaderStream *&)
IMPORT_C TInt GetInputStreamL(const CZipFileMember *aMember, RZipFileMemberReaderStream *&aStream);
Creates and returns the input stream for a file in the archive. Only files compressed with Stored or Deflated compression
methods are supported.
const CZipFileMember *aMember |
The compressed file in the archive
RZipFileMemberReaderStream *&aStream |
On return, the stream to be used for reading the contents of the compressed file. The caller owns this object and is responsible
for deleting it.
Return value
KErrNone if successful KCompressionMethodNotSupported if compression format unsupported ... Any one of the system-wide error
codes for other errors.
Leave codes
... |
Any one of the system-wide error codes for other errors.
IMPORT_C CZipFileMemberIterator* GetMembersL(void);
Gets the iterator used for iterating through the files contained in the ZIP file. It is the caller's responsibility to release
the iterator when finsihed.
Return value
Leave codes
... |
Any one of the system-wide error codes for other errors.
protected: struct TMemberPointer;
Internal representation of a compressed file in a zipfile
Defined in CZipFile::TMemberPointer
Member data
TFileName * iName;
the name of a compressed file
TUint32 iCentralHeaderOffset;
Not used in current implementation
TUint32 iLocalHeaderOffset;
The local offset of header in a compressed file
TUint32 iCRC32;
CRC with 32 bits length in a compressed file
TUint32 iCompressedSize;
The size of compressed file
TUint32 iUncompressedSize;
The size of file without compressed
ZipFile error enumeration.
KZipFileError |
Cannot read file directory in the archive file
KZipFileNotFound |
File not found error. It is not used in current implemenation
KZipFileIOError |
File IO error.Any error occurs during a archive file is readed. For examples, any error about reading number of disk, an offset
of signature, or the content of file is non-readable.