1 Objectives and Scope

Java API's for the Integrated Network (JAIN) Framework brings Service Portability and Network Convergence into the Telephony Network. JAIN encompasses a standard set of interfaces for service creation and a number of standard interfaces for service execution. The service creation interfaces allow new services to be described as JavaBeans , which can be connected using standard graphics tools to create new services. The service execution environment includes JAVA interfaces to a number of telephony protocols, such as ISUP and TCAP. How the development of JAIN TCAP fits into overall JAIN program management is specified in Figure 1.1:

The reason why we need JAIN is due to the technological blockage with interfaces to switches, computers, and services. The problem, which is deep inside the network, is that services cannot be transported from one system to another. The JAIN specification defines an interface into the specific domain of each vendor's SS7 stack, as well as providing an interface for an application to any vendors stack.

The need to define a standard API specification has become paramount as users of the telephone and Internet demand better, coherent services. Java provides a perfect environment for developing such a standard. The Java write once, run anywhere philosophy commands interoperability between JAIN SS7 stack providers enabling Network Equipment Providers to choose between JAIN SS7 vendors and provide services compatible with any system.

A Java approach to telephony offers telephone service providers interoperability between network elements. Resulting from this, Network Equipment Providers and SS7 Vendors will be able to bring their true value to the market unobstructed by compatibility and interoperability issues.

The scope of JAIN TCAP is to define an Java Application Programming Interface (API) for the TCAP layer of a Signaling System 7 (SS7) stack. The JAIN TCAP design concept provides a high level common interface, which supplies the functionality of all the supported variants. A specific implementation of the API can then be mapped to a specific protocol variant.

This document is laid out in the following format:

1.1 JAIN TCAP API Specification

The JAIN TCAP API specification provides a standard portable interface for the transfer of information between Telephony Network Nodes. The purpose of this document is to define the requirements for the JAIN TCAP API specification. This document contains a concise list of all the requirements, which need to be satisfied for the public release of he JAIN TCAP API specification. It is important to note the syntax of the requirements, in that:

The deliverables of the JAIN TCAP API specification will encompass: The Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) and the Reference Implementation (RI) do not have to be delivered until the public release of JAIN TCAP API specification. The Participant whose Expert is chosen as Specification Lead is typically responsible for obtaining the appropriate rights the TCK and the RI to fulfill the Java Specification Participant Agreement.

The JAIN TCAP API specification will follow the Java language naming convention and strictly follow the functionality of the TCAP specifications used. The Java specification definition and process can be found at:


Copyright - 2000 Sun Microsystems
28 June 00
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