Installation and configuration guide
Template Toolkit
Version 2.14
04 October 2004
Copyright (C) 1996-2004 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved
Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The latest version of the Template Toolkit can be retrieved from:
Fetch and install AppConfig 1.55 if you don't already have it installed.
Available from CPAN in:
The following modules are optional. If you have them installed then
you will be able to access them via the appropriate Template Toolkit
plugins. If you don't have them and don't want them, then there's no
need to install them. They're all available from CPAN if you do.
Text::Autoformat 1.03+
DBI 1.14+ (and relevant DBD drivers)
GD 1.32+
GD::Text 0.80+
GD::Graph 1.33+
GD::Graph3d 0.55+
Pod::POM 0.1+
XML::Parser 2.23+
XML::DOM 1.27+ (in libxml-enno)
XML::RSS 0.9+
XML::XPath 1.00+
To install the Template Toolkit:
tar zxf Template-Toolkit-2.14.tar.gz
cd Template-Toolkit-2.14
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
The Makefile.PL will prompt for additional configuration options,
including the installation of optional template libraries, HTML
documentation and examples. You can safely answer 'n' to all of these
questions for a quick and basic installation.
If you're running ActivePerl on a Win32 platform then you can use the
Perl Package Manager (PPM) to install the Template Toolkit. Chris
Winters maintains a repository of pre-compiled PPM packages which contains
the Template Toolkit, AppConfig and others. For further information, see:
For further details, see the sections below on CONFIGURATION, BUILDING
The Template Toolkit is written entirely in Perl and should run on any
platform on which Perl is available. It requires Perl 5.005 or later.
The 'ttree' utility uses the AppConfig module (version 1.55 or above)
for parsing command line options and configuration files. It is
available from CPAN:
The Template Toolkit implements a "plugin" architecture which allow
you to incorporate the functionality of virtually any Perl module into
your templates. A number of plugin modules are included with the
distribution for interfacing to databases (DBI), XML files (XML::DOM,
XML::RSS, XML::XPath), CGI scripts (CGI), and so on. Some of these
plugin modules are dependant on external modules but these are not
pre-requisites for installation. All plugin modules are installed,
regardless of any unsatisfied dependencies, so that you can install an
external module at a later date and then use the plugin without
requiring re-installation of the Template Toolkit.
If you want to enable all plugin modules then the following modules,
all available from CPAN, should be installed:
Plugin Requires
------ --------
Autoformat Text::Autoformat 1.03+
DBI DBI 1.14+ and relevant DBD drivers
GD GD 1.32+
GD::Text GD::Text 0.80+
GD::Graph GD::Graph 1.33+
GD::Graph::lines3d GD::Graph3d 0.55+
Pod Pod::POM 0.1+
XML::DOM XML::DOM 1.27+ (requires XML::Parser 2.23+)
XML::RSS XML::RSS 0.9+ (ditto)
XML::XPath XML::XPath 1.00+ (ditto)
* XML::DOM can be found in the 'libxml-enno' distribution, available
The latest release version of the Template Toolkit can be downloaded
from any CPAN site:
Interim and development versions may also be available, along with
other useful information, news, publications, mailing list archives,
etc., from the Template Toolkit web site:
The Template Toolkit is distributed as a gzipped tar archive file:
where <version> represents the current version number, e.g. 2.14.
To install the Template Toolkit, unpack the distribution archive to
create an installation directory. Something like this:
tar zxf Template-Toolkit-2.14.tar.gz
gunzip Template-Toolkit-2.14.tar.gz
tar xf Template-Toolkit-2.14.tar
You can then 'cd' into the directory created,
cd Template-Toolkit-2.14
and perform the usual Perl installation procedure:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install # may need root access
The Makefile.PL performs various sanity checks and then prompts for a
number of configuration items. The following CONFIGURATION section
covers this in greater detail.
There are known to be a few minor issues with the test suite, with
some tests failing in certain conditions. None of these are thought
to be serious problems. The BUILDING AND TESTING section provides
more detail on this.
If you choose to install the optional components then you may need to
perform some post-installation steps to ensure that the template
libraries, HTML documentation and examples can be correctly viewed via
your web browser. The INSTALLATION section covers this.
The easiest way to install the Template Toolkit on a Win32 machine is
using ActiveState's Perl Package Manager (ppm) and the pre-compiled
packages built by Chris Winters. For further details, see:
If you prefer, you can manually install the Template Toolkit on Win32
systems by following the instructions in this installation guide.
However, please note that you are likely to encounter problems using
'make' and should instead download and use 'nmake' as a replacement.
This is available from Microsoft's ftp site.
In this case, you should substitute 'nmake' for 'make' in all the
instructions contained herein.
This section covers the configuration of the Template Toolkit via
the Makefile.PL program. If you've successfully run this and didn't
have any problems answering any of the questions then you probably
don't need to read this section.
The Makefile.PL Perl program performs the module configuration and
generates the Makefile which can then be used to build, test and
install the Template Toolkit.
perl Makefile.PL
It first determines which modules you have installed to configure the
test suite accordingly. If you have the DBI module installed then it
will ask you if you want to run the DBI tests.
Do you want to run the DBI tests?\n" .
It requires access to an existing test database. [y]
If you answer 'y' then it will prompt you for the DBD driver and the
data source parameters (name, user, password) required to connect to
the relevant database. Please ensure that your database server is
running and that the database you specify exists before executing
'make test' (otherwise, expect a failure for the t/dbi.t test).
The Template Toolkit now boasts a high-speed implementation of
Template::Stash written in XS. You can choose to build this as
an optional module for using explicitly as an alternative to
the regular pure-perl stash module. In additional, you can opt
to use the XS Stash as the default, typically making the Template
Toolkit run twice as fast!
When prompted, answer 'y' or 'n' to build and optionally use
the XS Stash module by default:
Do you want to build the XS Stash module? [y]
Do you want to use the XS Stash for all Templates? [n]
The latex filter, new to release 2.03, allows you to generate
PostScript, PDF and DVI files directly from LaTeX source templates.
It relies on 3 external programs which the Makefile.PL script
will attempt to locate. You will then be prompted to enable or
disable the latex filter:
TT2 supports PDF, DVI and PostScript output using the latex
filter, implemented with the programs pdflatex, latex and dvips.
Because the latex filter runs latex and pdflatex, template authors
could use this feature to include any arbitrary file in their
latex input, or also open an arbitrary output file, independent of
the ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE configuration settings. This might create
a security concern at your site. If you don't trust your template
authors then don't enable the latex filter.
I found the following locations for pdflatex, latex and dvips:
+ pdflatex => /usr/bin/pdflatex
+ latex => /usr/bin/latex
+ dvips => /usr/bin/dvips
Do you want to enable the latex filter? [y]
Are the pdflatex, latex and dvips paths ok? [y]
In additional to the Perl modules and POD documentation installed in
the usual way, the Template Toolkit distribution also contains a
number of optional components.
* Template libaries for basic HTML, Pod -> HTML, and PostScript
* Splash! - a stylish HTML user interface template library / widget set
* HTML documentation - distributed in template form for customisation
* Stylesheet templates to generate docs as vanilla HTML or using Splash!
* Examples - numerous examples of using the template libraries
The Makefile.PL will prompt to ask if you want these components installed.
Do you want to install these components? [y]
If you answer 'y' then you will first be asked to specify an
installation directory. This directory should be separate from your
Perl installation directories. If your operating system is Unix or
Win32 then you should be offered a reasonable default. Suggestions
welcome for the correct values on other platforms.
Installation directory [/usr/local/tt2]
Installation directory [C:/Program Files/Template Toolkit 2]
The Splash! template library uses a number of very small images to
build user interface components. These will be installed (when you
"make install") into the 'images' directory relative to the
installation root specified above. If you want to use the Splash!
library then you'll need to copy this images directory, define an
alias to it (e.g. in the httpd.conf) or create a symbolic link to it
so that your web server can find and serve the images within. The
INSTALLATION section below gives further details about how you might
go about doing that, but for now you just need to specify what URL
you plan to use.
URL base for TT2 images? [/tt2/images]
If you're installing on a Windows machine then the default value
will be based on the installation directory specified above. This
should allow you to browse the documentation and any other Splash!
files you create, with the images being accessed in the browser via
the filesystem. e.g.
URL base for TT2 images? [C:/Program Files/Template Toolkit 2/images]
On other platforms, we assume you'll be delivering the images via a
web server and the default will be '/tt2/images'. Other typical
values might be '/images/tt2', '/~yourid/tt2/images' or even something
like ''. If you haven't got a clue
then it's probably best to accept the default and worry about it later
when you get to the INSTALLATION section. If you don't plan to use
the Splash! library then you don't need to worry about this at all.
You can accept the default, or type in a silly message to bring some
small amusement to an otherwise dull process.
The modules comprising the Template Toolkit contain comprehensive POD
documentation which can be browsed using 'perldoc' or 'man' (if your
system supports it). This is all installed as the regular Perl part
of the Template Toolkit.
The distribution also includes a set of source templates and style
elements for generating the same documentation in HTML format. These
will be installed into the 'docs' directory relative to the
installation root entered above.
The HTML documentation can be built for you at "make install" time in
a plain and simple HTML format or using the Splash! library. You can
see examples of these different styles and browse the documentation
online at:
To have the HTML documentation built as part of the installation
process, answer 'y' to the question:
Do you want to build the HTML documentation? [y]
and then specify if you want it built using the vanilla HTML style
(answer: 'n') or using the Splash! library (answer: 'y'). The latter
comes highly recommended for those readers who enjoy a small dose of
of gratuitous eye candy served with their web pages, but if you answer
'y' and select Splash! then you'll have to ensure that the images URL
specified above is properly set.
Do you want to use the Splash! library? [y]
If you prefer your pages clean and simple and/or can't be bothered
messing around configuring image directories, then select 'n' to
generate the plain document style. This generates a "text-only" HTML
version, entirely free of graphics and embellished with no more
than textual navigatory links.
If you do specify that you want to use the Splash! library then you
will be prompted to select a colour scheme.
Which Splash! colour scheme would you like to use to build the
documentation? Acceptable values are:
Name Colours
default lilac/mauve
aqua aqua/marine
blue grey75/blue75
green grey75/green75
grey grey75/grey50
red grey75/red75
Enter name of Splash scheme: [default]
You can see examples of these different colour schemes at the Template
Toolkit web site, as above:
See the README in the 'docs' directory for instructions on building the
HTML documentation manually and/or customising the templates to your own
The final optional component is a set of examples showing use of the
HTML, Splash! and PostScript template libraries. These are installed
into the 'examples' directory under the installation root and can
also be automatically built at "make install" time.
Do you want to build the HTML example pages? [y]
Note that the examples rely on using the Splash! library and there is
no vanilla HTML version (currently) available. The examples mainly
focus on Splash! and other "advanced" HTML stuff so it probably wouldn't
make much sense, anyway. Note that the PostScript examples are far from
complete (only just begun, in fact).
This section describes the "make" and "make test" commands which build
and test the Template Toolkit. If you ran these without incident,
then you can probably skip this section.
The 'make' command will build the Template Toolkit modules in the
usual manner.
The 'make test' command runs the test scripts in the 't' subdirectory.
There is known to be at least one failures under certain conditions:
* The Text::Autoformat plugin may fail on tests 23 and 25 with
versions of Perl prior to 5.6.0 when using a locale which has a
decimal separator other than '.'.
You can set the TEST_VERBOSE flag when running 'make test' to see the
results of the individual tests:
make test TEST_VERBOSE=1
This section describes the final installation of the Template Toolkit
via the "make install" and covers any additional steps you may need to
take if you opted to build the HTML documentation and/or examples.
The 'make install' will install the modules and scripts on your
system. You may need administrator privileges to perform this task.
Alternately you can can install the Template Toolkit to a local
directory (see ExtUtils::MakeMaker for full details), e.g.
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/abw/
Don't forget to update your PERL5LIB environment variable if you do
this, or add a line to your script to tell Perl where to find the files,
use lib qw( /home/abw/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0 );
If you chose to install the optional components then these will be
also be installed as part of the "make install" procedure. They are
installed into the separate Template Toolkit directory (independant of
any Perl location) specified during the configuration process. Note
that you must have the correct permissions required to create and/or
write to this directory. If you run the "make install" as root, or
some other privileged user, then the directory will be created (if it
doesn't already exist) and all the files installed into it will be
owned by that user.
If you want to use the Splash! template library then you will need to
ensure that the images URL base you specified during the configuration
correctly maps onto the 'images' subdirectory of the installation. If
you built the HTML documentation then you'll also want to make that
available via your web server.
If you're installing in a Win32 machine and accepted the default
values above then you should already be able to browse the HTML
documentation and examples via the browser and have it display
correctly. Otherwise, you'll need to tweak the web server
configuration, create links to the files or copy them to where the web
server can find them.
If you're using Apache then you might do something like this in the
httpd.conf (in the <IfModule mod_alias.c> section, and here assumes
/usr/local/tt2 is installation root)
Alias /tt2/images/ /usr/local/tt2/images/
Alias /tt2/docs/ /usr/local/tt2/docs/html/
Alias /tt2/examples/ /usr/local/tt2/examples/html/
<Directory /usr/local/tt2/>
Options Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Another approach is to create a 'tt2' directory in your document root
and create symbolic links to the relevant installation directories. On a
Unix system, it might be performed something like this:
cd /path/to/your/webserver/docroot
mkdir tt2
cd tt2
ln -s /usr/local/tt2/images images
ln -s /usr/local/tt2/docs/html docs
ln -s /usr/local/tt2/examples/html examples
Note that if you use symbolic links, you'll have to make sure that you
web server is configured to follow them. For example, in Apache:
<Location /tt2>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
You should then be able to access the Template Toolkit documentation
and examples as:
If you haven't got configuration access to your webserver or don't
want to go messing with it, then you can always copy everything to a
user directory (or create links to it if your webserver is configured
to follow them from your user directory). e.g.
mkdir ~/public_html/tt2
cd ~/public_html/tt2
cp -R /usr/local/tt2/images .
cp -R /usr/local/tt2/docs/html docs
cp -R /usr/local/tt2/example/html examples
You should then be able to access them as (for example):
And of course, the value for the base URL of the Template Toolkit images
(as specified in the configuration process) should be something like:
The examples and HTML docs (if you built them with Splash!) will
reference the Splash! images using this URL (default: '/tt2/images').
If this value is incorrect then instead of smooth, rounded corners,
the user interface components will have broken images links, square
blocks of colour, or other ghastly abberations dotted across them.
If necessary, you can re-install the Template Toolkit to specify a
different image URL. Alternately, you can fix the value in the
'templates/splash/config' file (under the installation directory)
and rebuild the documentation and/or examples.
The Makefile generated by Makefile.PL contains 4 additional targets:
tt2_install, tt2_splash, tt2_html_docs and tt2_examples (but only if
you selected the appropriate options). These are run automatically as
part of the "make install" (you can do "make pure_install" or "make
doc_install" instead of "make install" to just get the Perl module or
regular documentation installation by itself). You can also run them
manually if you want to re-install the additional components, generate
the Splash! images, rebuild the documentation or the examples at some
later date:
make tt2_install
make tt2_splash
make tt2_html_docs
make tt2_examples
The README files in the 'docs' and 'examples' directories contain
futher information about rebuilding HTML and examples if you want to
dig deeper.
The Template Toolkit was written by Andy Wardley <[email protected]> with
the invaluable assistance and contributions from many other people.
See Template::Manual::Credits for details.
Copyright (C) 1996-2004 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.