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An Introduction to Tkinter

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Window Related Information

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 Window Related Information

This group of methods provide information related to the widget (self) to which the method belongs.


winfo_cells(). Return the number of "cells" in the color map for self. This is typically a value between 2 and 256 (also for true color displays, by some odd reason).


winfo_children(). Return a list containing widget instances for all children of self. The windows are returned in stacking order from bottom to top. If the order doesn't matter, you can get the same information from the children widget attribute (it's a dictionary mapping Tk widget names to widget instances, so widget.children.values() gives you a list of instances).


winfo_class(). Returns the Tkinter widget class name for self. If self is a Tkinter base widget, widget.winfo_class() is the same as widget.__class__.__name__.


winfo_colormapfull(). Return true if the color map for self is full.


winfo_containing(x, y). Return the widget at the given position, or None if there is no such window, or it isn't owned by this application. The coordinates are given relative to the screen's upper left corner.


winfo_depth(). Return the bit depth used to display self. This is typically 8 for a 256-color display device, 15 or 16 for a "hicolor" display, and 24 or 32 for a true color display.


winfo_exists(). Return true if there is Tk window corresponding to self. Unless you've done something really strange, this method should always return true.


winfo_pixels(distance), winfo_fpixels(distance). Convert the given distance (in any form accepted by Tkinter) to the corresponding number of pixels. winfo_pixels returns an integer value, winfo_fpixels a floating point value.


winfo_geometry(). Returns a string describing self's "geometry". The string has the following format:

    "%dx%d%+d%+d" % (width, height, xoffset, yoffset)

where all coordinates are given in pixels.

 winfo_width, winfo_height

winfo_width(), winfo_height(). Return the width (height) of self, in pixels. Note that if the window isn't managed by a geometry manager, these methods returns 1. To you get the real value, you may have to call update_idletasks first. You can also use winfo_reqheight to get the widget's requested height (that is, the "natural" size as defined by the widget itself based on it's contents).


winfo_id(). Return a string containing a system-specific window identifier corresponding to self. For Unix, this is the X window identifier. For Windows, this is the HWND cast to a long integer.


winfo_ismapped(). Return true if there is window corresponding to self in the underlying window system (an X window, a Windows HWND, etc).


winfo_manager(). Return the name of the geometry manager used to keep manage self (typically one of grid, pack, place, canvas, or text).

FIXME: this is not implemented by Tkinter (or is it, in 1.5.2?)


winfo_name(). Return the Tk widget name. This is the same as the last part of the full widget name (which you can get via str(widget)).


winfo_parent(). Return the full widget name of self's parent, or an empty string if self doesn't have a parent (if self is the root window, that is).

To get the widget instance instead, you can simply use the master attribute instead of calling this method (the master attribute is None for the root window). Or if you insist, use _nametowidget to map the full widget name to an instance.


winfo_pathname(id). Return the full window name for the window having the given identity (see winfo_id for details). If the window doesn't exist, or it isn't owned by this application, Tkinter raises a TclError exception.

To convert the full name to a widget instance, use _nametowidget.

 winfo_reqheight, winfo_reqwidth

winfo_reqheight(), winfo_reqwidth(). Return the "natural" height (width) for self. The natural size is the minimal size needed to display the widget's contents, including padding, borders, etc. This size is calculated by the widget itself, based on the given options. The actual widget size is then determined by the widget's geometry manager, based on this value, the size of the widget's master, and the options given to the geometry manager.

 winfo_rootx, winfo_rooty

winfo_rootx(), winfo_rooty(). Return the pixel coordinates for self's upper left corner, relative to the screen's upper left corner.


winfo_screen(). Return the X window screen name for the current window. The string has the following format:

    ":%d.%d" % (display, screen)

On Windows and Macintosh, this is always ":0.0".


winfo_screencells(). Returns the number of "cells" in the default color map for self's screen.


winfo_screendepth(). Return the default bit depth for self's screen.

 winfo_screenwidth, winfo_screenheight

winfo_screenwidth(), winfo_screenheight(). Return the width (height) of self's screen, in pixels.

  winfo_screenmmwidth, winfo_screenmmheight

winfo_screenmmwidth(), winfo_screenmmheight(). Return the width (height) of self's screen, in millimetres. This may not be accurate on all platforms.

FIXME: does this take the logical resolution into account on Windows?


winfo_screenvisual(). Return the "visual" type used for self. This is typically "pseudocolor" (for 256-color displays) or "truecolor" (for 16- or 24-bit displays).

Other possible values (on X window systems only) include "directcolor", "staticcolor", "grayscale", or "staticgray".


winfo_toplevel(). Return the toplevel window (or root) window for self, as a widget instance.


winfo_visual(). Return a string describing the display type (the X window "visual") for self's screen. This is one of staticgray, grayscale, staticcolor, psuedocolor, directcolor, or truecolor. For most display devices, this is either psuedocolor (an 8-bit colormapped display), or truecolor (a 15- or 24-bit truecolor display).

 winfo_x, winfo_y

winfo_x(), winfo_y(). Return the pixel coordinates for self's upper left corner, relative to its parent's upper left corner.

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