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MiscellaneousMiscellaneousbellbell(). Generate a system-dependent sound (typically a short beep). clipboard_appendclipboard_append(string). Add text to the clipboard. clipboard_clearclipboard_clear(). Clear the clipboard. selection_clearselection_clear(). selection_getselection_get(). selection_handleselection_handle(command). selection_ownselection_own(). selection_own_getselection_own_get(). tk_focusFollowsMousetk_focusFollowsMouse(). tk_strictMotiftk_strictMotif(flag). Under Unix, this method can be called to enforce strict Motif look and feel. To use this, create a root window by calling the Tk constructor, and then call this method with flag set to 1 before you create any other widgets. This method has no effect on other platforms. winfo_rgbwinfo_rgb(color). Convert a color string (in any form accepted by Tkinter) to a 3-tuple containing the corresponding red, green, and blue component. Note that the tuple contains 16-bit values (0..65535). |