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Style Methods

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 Style Methods


title(string), title(). Set (get) the window title.


group(window). Adds self to the window group controlled by the given window. A group member is usually hidden when the group owner is iconified or withdrawn (the exact behavior depends on the window manager in use).


transient(master). Make self a transient window for the given master (if omitted, master defaults to self's parent). A transient window is always drawn on top of its master, and is automatically hidden when the master is iconified or withdrawn. Under Windows, transient windows don't show show up in the task bar.


overrideredirect(flag), overrideredirect(). Set (get) the override redirect flag. If non-zero, this prevents the window manager from decorating the window. In other words, the window will not have a title or a border, and it cannot be moved or closed via ordinary means.

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