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Toplevel Window Methods

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 Chapter 45. Toplevel Window Methods

This group of methods are used to communicated with the window manager. They are available on the root window (Tk), as well as on all Toplevel instances.

Note that different window managers behave in different ways. For example, some window managers don't support icon windows, some don't support window groups, etc.

 Visibility Methods


deiconify(). Display the window. New windows are displayed by default, so you only have to use this method if you have used iconify or withdraw to remove the window from the screen.


iconify(). Turn the window into an icon (without destroying it). To redraw the window, use deiconify. Under Windows, the window will show up in the taskbar.

When the window has been iconified, the state method returns "iconic".


withdraw(). Remove the window from the screen (without destroying it). To redraw the window, use deiconify.

When the window has been withdrawn, the state method returns "withdrawn".


state(). Returns the current state of self. This is one of the values "normal", "iconic" (see iconify), "withdrawn" (see withdraw) or "icon" (see iconwindow).

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