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18. Toplevel: Top-level window methods

A top-level window is a window that has an independent existence under the window manager. It is decorated with the window manager's decorations, and can be moved and resized independently. Your application can use any number of top-level windows.

For any widget w, you can get to its top-level widget using w.winfo_toplevel().

To create a new top-level window:

    w = Toplevel ( option, ... )

Options include:

bg or backgroundThe background color of the window. See Section 4.3, “Colors”.
bd or borderwidthBorder width in pixels; default is 0. For possible values, see Section 4.1, “Dimensions”. See also the relief option, below.
class_You can give a Toplevel window a “class” name. Such names are matched against the option database, so your application can pick up the user's configuration preferences (such as colors) by class name. For example, you might design a series of popups called “screamers,” and set them all up with class_="Screamer". Then you can put a line in your option database like this:
*Screamer*background: red
and then, if you use the .option_readfile() method to read your option database, all widgets with that class name will default to a red background. This option is named class_ because class is a reserved word in Python.
cursorThe cursor that appears when the mouse is in this window. See Section 4.8, “Cursors”.
heightWindow height; see Section 4.1, “Dimensions”.
reliefNormally, a top-level window will have no 3-d borders around it. To get a shaded border, set the bd option larger that its default value of zero, and set the relief option to one of the constants discussed under Section 4.6, “Relief styles”.
widthThe desired width of the window; see Section 4.1, “Dimensions”.

These methods are available for top-level windows:

.aspect ( nmin, dmin, nmax, dmax )

Constrain the root window's width:length ratio to the range [ nmin / dmin, nmax / dmax ].


If this window is iconified, expand it.

.geometry ( newGeometry=None )

Set the window geometry. For the form of the argument, see Section 4.10, “Geometry strings”. If the argument is omitted, the current geometry string is returned.


Iconify the window.

.lift ( aboveThis=None )

To raise this window to the top of the stacking order in the window manager, call this method with no arguments. You can also raise it to a position in the stacking order just above another Toplevel window by passing that window as an argument.

.lower ( belowThis=None )

If the argument is omitted, moves the window to the bottom of the stacking order in the window manager. You can also move the window to a position just under some other top-level window by passing that Toplevel widget as an argument.

.maxsize ( width=None, height=None )

Set the maximum window size. If the arguments are omitted, returns the current (width, height).

.minsize ( width=None, height=None )

Set the minimum window size. If the arguments are omitted, returns the current minima as a 2-tuple.

.resizable ( width=None, height=None )

If width is true, allow horizontal resizing. If height is true, allow vertical resizing. If the arguments are omitted, returns the current size as a 2-tuple.

.title ( text=None )

Set the window title. If the argument is omitted, returns the current title.


Hides the window. Restore it with .deiconify() or .iconify().