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11. Debugging Game Code

There are a number browsers and debuggers that can be used to debug the JavaScript you write. For Canvas develpoment Turbulenz recommends Chrome using its built in Developer Tools. For plugin development Turbulenz recommends the use of Firefox and Firebug as a debugging and testing environment. This section covers the use of Firebug to debug your JavaScript. The techniques in this section are merely suggestions and may still be relevant to other debuggers.

Note that the information here is generally only relevant when running the game in plugin-debug or canvas-debug mode.

See also DebuggingTools.

11.1. Configuring Firebug

To start debugging with Firefox and Firebug, you will need to get the latest version of each:


Turbulenz recommend using the latest stable build of both tools, however alpha and beta builds of both tools frequently have fixes and speed improvements that make them easier to work with. It is worth trying an unstable version to see if it suits you style of development. If not you can always switch back to a stable build again!

Once you have installed Firefox then Firebug you will probably need to restart the browser. When you first start you should see a little bug icon in the bottom right of your browser. If this icon is gray, firebug is not active. To activate click on the icon, then enable the tabs you are interested in by selecting the tab and clicking on the small arrow and selecting Enabled. We recommend to enable the following by default:

  • Console
  • HTML
  • Script

If you reload a page that has an error with Firebug minimized, the bug icon will be replaced with a red warning icon and text specifying how many errors have been encountered.


Errors in execution loops can cause a flood of error messages to the console (one for each frame). At this point it is probably easier to set a breakpoint at the top of the looping function and step through until a single error occurs. It can also be helpful to add guard code to the function to make sure only one instance is ever executed.

One option available to configure is to force Firebug to always break on errors. This configuration has the benefit that you will not miss any errors. The downside is that this option will probably interfere with standard internet browsing unless you remember to turn Firebug off.


This configuration involves editing options in Firebug in Firefox’s about:config. It is not an essential step, but it is useful.

To break on error:

  1. Open up Firefox with Firebug installed

  2. Navigate to about:config in the address bar

  3. Agree to the warning to be careful

  4. In the filter, type: breakOn

  5. Set true to both:
    • extensions.firebug.service.breakOnErrors
    • extensions.firebug.persistBreakOnError
  6. Restart Firefox

Now when you encounter an error, Firebug will break and display an orange box with a description of the error. The remainder of this section aims to educate users in handling common errors relevant to Turbulenz Technology. To find out how to use Firebug in depth, please refer to the follow documentation:

11.2. Using Firebug to Debug JavaScript

The following code is a basic function that sums indices from 0 to length and outputs the result in the webpage. Create a new file called “firebug.html”:

    <title>Firebug Basics</title>
    <h1>Firebug Basics</h1>
    <h2 id="output"></h2>

      function firebugFn()
          var index;
          var sum = 0;
          var length = 10;

          for(index = 0; index < length; index += 1)
              sum += index;

          document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "Loop Count:" + length + ", Sum: " + sum;

      window.onload = firebugFn;

The first step we will perform is to set a breakpoint:

  1. Open the file in Firefox and see the result output as text on the page.
  2. Open Firebug
  3. Navigate to the Script tab
  4. Place a breakpoint next to the line number for var length = 10;
  5. Reload the page
  6. You should see the yellow arrow indicating that the execution has stopped.
  7. Have a look at the Watch tab, notice how index is ‘undefined’. This is because although it has been declared, no value has been set yet.

The keyboard controls are:

  • Continue: F8
  • Step Into: F11
  • Step Over: F10
  • Step Out: Shift + F11

Now we will set a conditional breakpoint in the loop:

  1. At the sum += index, set a breakpoint and right click to bring up the conditional expression
  2. Type: sum > 30
  3. Press F8 to continue
  4. Observe that (index === 9) and (sum === 36)

Now we will use the console to edit the code on the fly:

  1. Select the console tab
  2. Type: length
  3. The console should output ‘10’
  4. Type the expression: length = 20;
  5. The console should return ‘20’
  6. Go back to the Script tab
  7. Now press step over or F10
  8. Notice how index goes higher than ‘10’

The console in Firebug is a very powerful tool for debugging. To prove what it can do we will edit the output text in the page:

  1. Select the console tab

  2. Type: document.getElementById(“output”)

  3. The console will return a pointer to the <h2> element with that id

  4. You can use the mouse to observe where the header exists in the page

  5. In the console type::

    document.getElementById(“output”).innerHTML = “We can output here”;

  6. You can see how we were able to edit the HTML dynamically.

To continue remove the breakpoints and press continue or F8. The loop count and sum are now different from the first time we ran it and we haven’t edited the source code at all! Now we will look at some incorrect JavaScript code using Firebug to view the errors.

11.3. Finding Errors Using Firebug

This hands-on topic will require you to debug and repair some common errors. The code given below has been deliberately written with errors to introduce to debugging with Firebug. In this example we will debug the first few errors in depth then you can attempt to fix the remaining errors independently. You will be able to find a list of the errors and how to avoid them at the bottom of this topic. Start by creating a file called debugging.js with the following contents and place it in your working directory:

TurbulenzEngine.onload = function onloadFn()
    // Create the GraphicsDevice interface with no parameters
    var graphicsDeviceParameters = { };
    var graphicsDevice = TurbulenzEngine.createGraphicsDevice(graphicsDeviceParameters);

    // Create the MathDevice interfaces with no parameters
    var mathDeviceParameters = { };
    var mathDevice = TurbulenzEngine.createMathDevice(mathDeviceParameters);

    var camera = Camera.create(mathDevice);
    var floor = Floor.create(graphicsDevice, mathDevice);

    var clearColor = {0.95, 0.95, 1.0, 0.0};

    var lastAngle = 0;
    var angle = mathDevice.deg2Rad(1);

    // Movement units
    var up = 1.0;
    var down = 1.0;
    var left = 2.0;
    var right = 2.0;
    var position = mathDevice.v3Build(0.0, 8.0, 0.0);
    var target = mathDevice.v3Build(0.0, 3.0, -15.0);
    var upVector = mathDevice.v3BuildYAxis();
    camera.lookAt(target, upVector, position);

    function updateRotationFn(angle)
        lastAngle += angle;
        camera.matrix = mathDevice.m43FromAxisRotation(down, lastAngle);
        mathDevice.m43SetPos(camera.matrix, position);

    var intervalID;
    function mainLoopFn()

        if (graphicsDevice.beginFrame())
            graphicsDevice.clear(clearColor, 1.0, 0.0);
            floor.render(graphicsDevice, camera);

    // Call the mainLoopFn, 60 fps
    intervalID = TurbulenzEngine.setInterval(mainLoopFn, 1000 / 60);

    TurbulenzEngine.onunload = function destroyFn()
        // Clear the interval

        position = null;
        clearColor = null;
        camera = null;
        floor = null;


To detect the errors run the code:

  1. Build the code in canvas-debug mode using the makehtml tool (as described in Creating a Turbulenz Application)

    makehtml --mode canvas-debug -t . debugging.js -o debugging.canvas.debug.html
  2. Start Firefox

  3. Make sure the Firebug icon in the bottom right corner is enabled

  4. Expand Firebug and select the ‘Script’ tab

  5. Load debugging.canvas.debug.html, by dragging and dropping it into the browser

Error 1 - Missing JavaScript Library (‘X’ is not defined)

Camera is not defined


The scripts that includes the definition of Camera and Floor have not been included. This is true for any library defined in another file.

To fix this:

  1. Copy the jslib directory from the SDK install path into your working directory.

  2. Add the following lines at the top of the debugging.js file:

    /*{{ javascript("jslib/camera.js") }}*/
    /*{{ javascript("jslib/floor.js") }}*/
  3. Rebuild debugging.canvas.debug.html:

    makehtml --mode canvas-debug -t . debugging.js -o debugging.canvas.debug.html

Watch For

Even if you have defined the script location, you might not have included the file itself. You will get the same error until the file can be found.

Error 2 - Objects as Arrays, Arrays as Objects

Invalid object initializer


The variable clearColor is supposed to be an array, but has been constructed using {} by mistake (which denotes an object construction). The line should read:

var clearColor = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0];

Watch For

Confusing the syntax of Arrays and pure Objects. It is common place to convert one to the other and to forget to modify the syntax.

Error 3 - Non-existent Functions and Methods

mathDevice.deg2Rad is not a function


The mathDevice object has no method deg2Rad. This can be fixed by replacing the offending line with:

angle = 0.0392699;

Note that in some cases you may wish to dynamically check for the existence of a given function or method, although you should be aware of the potential performance consequences of this:

var angle;
var deg2Rad = mathDevice.deg2Rad;
if (deg2Rad)
    angle = deg2Rad(1);
    angle = 0.0392699;

Error 4 - Bad Arguments


This error is written to the console: “Error from TurbulenzEngine: parameters should be (<vector3>, <scalar>)” (causing the subsequent error “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined”)


The mathDevice.m43FromAxisRotation call expects to receive a vector object as its first argument, but is being passed a scalar. The engine code detects this and posts the error to the console.

The upVector is available as an appropriate axis, so this error can be fixed:

function updateRotationFn(angle)
    var upAxis = mathDevice.v3BuildYAxis();
    lastAngle += angle;
    camera.matrix = mathDevice.m43FromAxisRotation(upAxis, lastAngle);
    mathDevice.m43SetPos(camera.matrix, position);

Note that this error could have been caught programmatically by setting the TurbulenzEngine.onerror property at the top of the onloadFn function:

TurbulenzEngine.onerror = function (msg)

Watch For

Errors reported to the console catching this kind of programming mistake. Be sure to set the TurbulenzEngine.onerror property during development to catch bugs at the earliest opportunity.

Destruction Errors

What is wrong with this piece of code?:

function destroyFn()
    // Clear the interval
    clearColor = null;



The answer is that clearInterval is called after clearColor is set to null. If the main loop called by the interval references clearColor, you could get some very strange errors on destruction. Make sure clearInterval happens before anything else in destruction.


Many of the errors in this example can be found early by using a validation tool such as JSLint.

11.4. Debugging Tips

I have started running my JavaScript in Firebug, but each line of source is grayed out. Why can’t I debug it?

Check the other tabs you have open in the browser, it is likely you are stepping through something else and Firebug is busy debugging that. Simple solution is close any other tabs and refresh or reload your code. The lines should then take on the standard green highlighting and you should be able to debug as normal.

Sometimes Firebug will throw errors similar to “Turbulenz Engine is not defined”, what does this mean?

This sometimes occurs when refreshing the page. It could be related to the loading/unloading of the Turbulenz Engine object or waiting for garbage collection. You could either refresh the page again or close the tab/windows and reopen it. To minimize the likelihood of seeing these type of errors, make sure your code is correctly destroying objects and prompting garbage collection (See Shutdown and JavaScript Development Guide).

I have placed a breakpoint and it has stopped at that point, but visually the code still appears to be running! What is going on?

It appears in some situations that Firebug doesn’t always manage to trap the execution of code, more frequently when relating to code that is using setInterval. One way to overcome this is to make sure a breakpoint also exists in the function specified in setInterval. At least in the case that execution does continue, it should stop at that breakpoint.

I have set a breakpoint at line X + N, Firebug returns a non-critical error at line X and then it never reaches my breakpoint! I can’t debug my code, because I can’t hit the particular breakpoint!

This could be one of many things - a variable access error, an error in Firebug itself or even a genuine error you just have to fix. Sometimes you might see an error such as “Can’t convert NPObject JS wrapper class to string”. Firebug is trying to display this object, that we are not interested in but keeps throwing an error about it. Suggestions to get past this problem include:

  • Remove references to that object from your code (could be tricky).
  • Attempt to use a different debugger, such as Webkit’s Inspector. Sometime a different debugger will highlight a different set of errors and hopefully more relaxed than Firebug in some cases.
  • Use error printing or alerts instead of variable inspection.