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1.1. Turbulenz SDK 0.25.1

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2. Installing the SDK

The Turbulenz SDK includes the libraries, tools, documentation and examples to start using Turbulenz. The SDK includes the contents of the Turbulenz Engine open source repository with pre-built examples and the Turbulenz Engine Installer for browsers and platforms that don’t support the required features.

Optionally, you can find the Turbulenz Engine Installer for each SDK located at


The latest documentation can be found online at

If you are having difficulties with Turbulenz Technology, the following steps will get you to the support site:

  1. Log in to the Turbulenz Hub at
  2. Press the ‘Support’ button on the landing page. This with automatically log you into the support service.
  3. Take a look at the knowledge base or create a support request.

For more help using the support site see the support section.

2.1. Installation steps

Windows XP/Vista/7

The Turbulenz SDK for Windows is available from as a downloadable a self-extracting installer exe. This contains the tools, samples and engine components required to develop Turbulenz applications.

The following software should be installed before installing the Turbulenz SDK:



  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 - Used to compile speed-ups for python environment if available on platform.
  • PDF reader - Required to read documentation in PDF format

After installing the essential and recommended software, install the SDK:

  1. Visit and login
  2. Download SDK X.X.X for Windows
  3. Run TurbulenzSDK-X.X.X.exe
  4. Follow the instructions


Performance of any Python modules could potentially be slower if speed-ups cannot be compiled. It is recommended that you install Visual Studio before installing the Turbulenz SDK, so that the speed-ups can be configured in the environment. If you are using a 64bit version of Python you must have installed a 64bit version of the Visual Studio compilers.

Mac OS X 10.6 and above

The Turbulenz SDK for Mac OS X is now available to developers in beta from as a self-extracting shell script. This contains the tools, samples and engine components required to develop Turbulenz applications.

The following software should be installed before installing the Turbulenz SDK:


Mac OS X 10.6

  • Xcode 3.2.6+ - This MUST be installed before running the script so that Python can compile certain modules.


    Only the command line development tools are required from Xcode and the iOS SDK is NOT required.

Mac OS X 10.7 and above

  • Xcode 4.3.2+ Command Line Tools for Xcode (February 2012 or later)


    If you DON’T already have Xcode installed, Turbulenz recommend the command line tools only, which is the minimum required for Turbulenz development.

    If you DO already have Xcode installed, go to the “Downloads” preference pane in Xcode and under the “components” tab you can select to install the “Command Line Tools”.

After installing the essential software, install the SDK:

  1. Visit and login
  2. Download SDK X.X.X for Mac
  3. Open a terminal in the same directory as the SDK installer and type:
  4. chmod a+x
  5. ./
  6. Follow the instructions

Linux (BETA)

A release of the Turbulenz SDK for Linux is available from as a self-extracting shell script. This contains the tools, samples and engine components required to develop Turbulenz applications. Not that the Linux version of the browser plugin is not released. Developers must use ‘canvas’ mode when running on Linux.

This release has only been tested against Ubuntu 12.04 (64bit), although feedback from developers using other recent releases of other distributions is welcome.

The following software should be installed before installing the Turbulenz SDK. We recommend installing via your package manager:


  • Python 2.7.3+ (incl. development files)

    • Under Linux, the Python development package (libraries and header files) must be installed. On Ubuntu, this can be done with the following command:

      sudo apt-get install python-dev
    • It is recommended that you install virtualenv and setuptools for Python from your for your distribution’s package manager. On Ubuntu:

      sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv python-setuptools


    It is not possible to use Python 3.X with the Turbulenz tools.

  • GCC (including g++)

    • This MUST be installed before running the script so that Python can compile certain modules.
  • Cg Toolkit 3.0+

    • The cgfx2json tool in the SDK relies on this library being installed. Either install from your package manager or visit to download the latest version. Make sure you have the correct configuration for your system (32 / 64-bit).

After installing the essential and recommended software, install the SDK:

  1. Visit and login
  2. Download SDK X.X.X for Linux
  3. Open a terminal in the same directory as the SDK installer and type:
  4. chmod a+x
  5. ./
  6. Follow the instructions

2.2. Running the Turbulenz SDK

(See Supported Platforms and Browsers for a list of supported platforms and prerequisites)

Run the Environment:

This environment allows you to run the tools provided with the SDK.


There is a shortcut in the start menu will start a command prompt inside the SDK virtual environment.

Start Menu -> Programs -> Turbulenz -> SDK X.X.X -> Run Environment X.X.X


The starting directory of the environment is the SDK directory in which it is installed.

Mac / Linux:

In a terminal window, enter

source env/bin/activate

You should see an ‘(env)’ tag in front of your prompt.

You are now ready to run the tools.

Run the Local Server:


This shortcut in the start menu will allow you to start the development server to test your games on your machine or on a local network.

Mac / Linux:

In a terminal window, enter



When you run the Local Server for the first time, some firewalls may prompt you to allow python or python.exe to listen on a port. You will need to grant permission in order to run the server.

2.3. Verifying the Install

Turbulenz tools use a Python virtual environment with the necessary python packages (avoiding the need to install packages into the default system Python folders).

To verify the install:

  • Run the Local Server (described above) and ensure that there are no errors. On Windows ensure that a browser opens to display the front page of the development server.

  • Run the Turbulenz Environment (described above). The string (env) prefixed to the command prompt indicating that the environment has been successfully activated.

  • From this environment command prompt, type:


    The command line options for the dae2json command should be displayed. If you see an error message instead, the environment has not been correctly installed.

2.4. Running a Sample

With the local development server running, open your browser and navigate to

Click the Samples project, and then click the Play button to show the list of available samples. There are several HTML files available for each sample, corresponding to the different build configurations. Clicking on the name of an HTML file will open and run the corresponding sample.