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23.20. exportevents

23.20.1. Usage


exportevents [options] project

Export event logs and anonymised user information of a game.

23.20.2. Options


Show version number and exit.

--help, -h

Show help message and exit.

--verbose, -v

Verbose output.

--silent, -s

Silent running.

--user=USER, -u USER

Hub login username (will be requested if not provided).

--password=PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD

Hub login password (will be requested if not provided).


The type of data to download, either events or users (defaults to events).


Individual ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ or range ‘yyyy-mm-dd : yyyy-mm-dd’ of dates to get the data for (defaults to today). This range gets clamped from when the project was created to today.


Folder to output the downloaded files to (defaults to the current directory).

--overwrite, -w

If a file to be downloaded exists in the output directory, overwrite instead of skipping it.


Apply indentation to the JSON output.


Hub url, defaults to

23.20.3. Example

exportevents sampleapp -v -o sampleapp\events

When exporting user information:

exportevents sampleapp -v -o sampleapp\users -t users


When exporting user information, the date range specified returns only the users acquired (i.e. who first played the game) during that time period.


Entries in the downloaded user information may contain an additional isTurbulenz or isDeveloper flag. The isTurbulenz flag will be set for anyone who is a Turbulenz employee. The isDeveloper flag will be set for anyone listed as a game team member via the project Edit tab on the Hub.