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23.1. Viewer

23.1.1. Usage



Allows to view game asset objects with a set of different tools for their debugging.

  • To get control of the object view, click on the viewer.
  • Use keyboard arrows or keys ‘W’/’S’ (forward/backward) and ‘A’/’D’ (left/right) to move the camera.
  • Use mouse to control the view angle of the camera.
  • To obtain control over the mouse cursor back, press Escape.

23.1.2. Options

  • Select Wireframe

    Renders the object using a default or blueprint style wire-frame model, to visualize the underlying design structure of the asset object.

  • Select a debug shader

    Depending on the geometry semantics the object has (normals, binormals, tangents), it can have different debug shaders available to render it, which can be used to debug the object view problems.

  • Draw lights extents

    Draws the extents of the lights loaded in the scene.

  • Draw Interpolators

    Draws the animated object hierarchy skeleton.

  • Draw Skeleton

    For skinned objects, draws the skeleton of the object.

  • Draw scene node hierarchy

    Draws the hierarchy of the objects, if such exists.

  • Draw opaque nodes extents

    The extents of the opaque nodes will be drawn in green.

  • Draw physics geometry

    For the objects that have kinematics, their geometry is drawn in blue, for dynamic objects - in green, and for static - in red.

  • Draw physics extents

    Draws the extents of the object physics.

  • Draw areas extents

    Draws the scene subdivision in areas.

  • Draw portals

    Displays portals on the scene.

  • Draw skins in bind pose

    For the skinned, animated objects, will display the skin in a non-moving pose.

  • Draw normals/tangents/binormals

    Draw the normals/tangents/binormals at each vertex on the model.

  • Animation speed scale

    Allows to control the speed of animation, for animated objects.

  • Movement speed scale

    Allows to control the movement speed of objects.

  • Normals scale

    Scale the size of the normals/tangents/binormals lines.