Writing tests for Twisted code

  1. Trial basics
  2. Twisted-specific quirks: reactor, Deferreds, callLater

Trial basics

Trial is Twisted's testing framework. It provides a library for writing test cases and utility functions for working with the Twisted environment in your tests, and a command-line utility for running your tests. Trial is built on the Python standard library's unittest module.

To run all the Twisted tests, do:

$ trial twisted

Refer to the Trial man page for other command-line options.

Twisted-specific quirks: reactor, Deferreds, callLater

The standard Python unittest framework, from which Trial is derived, is ideal for testing code with a fairly linear flow of control. Twisted is an asynchronous networking framework which provides a clean, sensible way to establish functions that are run in response to events (like timers and incoming data), which creates a highly non-linear flow of control. Trial has a few extensions which help to test this kind of code. This section provides some hints on how to use these extensions and how to best structure your tests.

Leave the Reactor as you found it

Trial runs the entire test suite (over two thousand tests) in a single process, with a single reactor. Therefore it is important that your test leave the reactor in the same state as it found it. Leftover timers may expire during somebody else's unsuspecting test. Leftover connection attempts may complete (and fail) during a later test. These lead to intermittent failures that wander from test to test and are very time-consuming to track down.

Your test is responsible for cleaning up after itself. The tearDown method is an ideal place for this cleanup code: it is always run regardless of whether your test passes or fails (like a bare except clause in a try-except construct). Exceptions in tearDown are flagged as errors and flunk the test.

If your code uses Deferreds or depends on the reactor running, you can return a Deferred from your test method, setUp, or tearDown and Trial will do the right thing. That is, it will run the reactor for you until the Deferred has triggered and its callbacks have been run. Don't use reactor.run(), reactor.stop(), or reactor.iterate() in your tests.

Calls to reactor.callLater create IDelayedCalls. These need to be run or cancelled during a test, otherwise they will outlive the test. This would be bad, because they could interfere with a later test, causing confusing failures in unrelated tests! For this reason, Trial checks the reactor to make sure there are no leftover IDelayedCalls in the reactor after a test, and will fail the test if there are. The cleanest and simplest way to make sure this all works is to return a Deferred from your test.

Similarly, sockets created during a test should be closed by the end of the test. This applies to both listening ports and client connections. So, calls to reactor.listenTCP (and listenUNIX, and so on) return IListeningPorts, and these should be cleaned up before a test ends by calling their stopListening method. Calls to reactor.connectTCP return IConnectors, which should be cleaned up by calling their disconnect method. Trial will warn about unclosed sockets.

The golden rule is: If your tests call a function which returns a Deferred, your test should return a Deferred.

Using Timers to Detect Failing Tests

It is common for tests to establish some kind of fail-safe timeout that will terminate the test in case something unexpected has happened and none of the normal test-failure paths are followed. This timeout puts an upper bound on the time that a test can consume, and prevents the entire test suite from stalling because of a single test. This is especially important for the Twisted test suite, because it is run automatically by the buildbot whenever changes are committed to the Subversion repository.

The way to do this in Trial is to set the .timeout attribute on your unit test method. Set the attribute to the number of seconds you wish to elapse before the test raises a timeout error.


Version: 8.1.0