Removing an application

  1. Click ApplicationsUbuntu Software Center.

  2. In the Installed Software section, find the application that you want to remove by finding it in the list or by searching for it.

  3. Select the application and click Remove.

  4. You may be asked to enter your password. After you have done that, the application will be removed. This should not take very long.


Some applications depend on others being installed in order to work properly. If you try to remove an application which is needed by another application, both of them will be removed. You will be asked to confirm that this is what you want to happen before the applications are removed.

For more information about using the Ubuntu Software Center, consult the Ubuntu Software Center Manual.

If the application that you want to remove is not available in the Ubuntu Software Center, use Synaptic (SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager) to remove it instead.