

Kubuntu is a GNU/Linux distribution for your desktop or server, with a fast and easy install, regular releases, a tight selection of excellent packages installed by default, and every other package you can imagine available from the network. Kubuntu also provieds security updates for 18 months after each releasea, and professional technical support is available from many companies around the world.

These Release Notes cover new features in Kubuntu 5.10, download and installation notes, known issues, and frequently asked questions. Please read these notes before, during and after installation and configuration before reporting bugs

We hope you enjoy the release of Kubuntu 5.10

What's New

Here's what's new with Kubuntu 5.10

On the Desktop

Adept and Adept-Updater

Adept is a new package manager for KDE. With advanced search facilities using debtags, hunting for packages is now easier than ever.

To help keep your system current, adept-updater checks to see which packages have changed and makes it easy to download and install the latest fixes.

KDE System Settings

Kawabunga! The traditional KDE Control Center has been replaced with KDE System Settings. This change is not part of KDE, but is unique to Kubuntu. The new interface is cleaner, faster, simpler and comes with improved usability features such as quick search.

KDE Language Packs

Kubuntu now includes KDE translations on the CD for the most popular languages, over 50 languages are supported.

KDE Bluetooth Framework

The KDE Bluetooth tools aim to provide easy access to Bluetooth profiles and facilitate the communication between Bluetooth enabled devices such as cell phones and PDAs. 2

The 2 is installed by default and now comes with KDE integration.

GStreamer for Kaffine and AmaroK

Our Kaffine video player and AmaroK music player now use the GStreamer media framework, a large range of GStreamer plugins are available for many different media file formats.


A new advanced image editor program that is has been added to the mix by default


To help out our laptop users, KLaptopDaemon now works for hibernation and uses acpi.

Locate File Search

Having problems finding that file? In Konqueror just type locate:/ followed by what you are looking for. Konqueror will search for it.

Searching for something on the web? Use Konqueror's search bar and Google suggest to help find exactly what you are looking for.


If you are sick of hunting for where your CD-ROM and Memory stick are setup, in Kubuntu 5.10, these are automounted for ease of use.

KOffice 1.4 and Kexi

KOffice 1.4 is now included in the main repository. This lightweight but powerful office suite includes Kexi, a powerful database frontend. 6.8.2

For better hardware support Kubuntu 5.10 has updated to version 6.8.2


Katapult is used to start applications and bookmarks. Just press Alt+Space then type the name of the program you are interested in, it will quickly become the most useful tool on your desktop.

On the Server

LVM Volumes
Support for thin client devices
Support for 4 GB of RAM

Hardware Support Improvements

Changes for laptop users

To help out our laptop users, a lot of enhancements have been made to improve their experience (hot keys, working supsend/resume on many models)

HP All-in-one devices

Out of the box support is enabled for many HP all-in-one printer/scanner


Using a Bluetooth enabled devices? Input devices such as a keyboards and mice are also supported out of the box

64-bit PowerPC

Do you have a 64-bit PowerPC? Use the kernel for that architecture

Downloading and Installing

Where do I download Kubuntu 5.10?

Kubuntu 5.10 can be download from and then burned onto a writable CD

How do I install Kubuntu 5.10?

It is extremly easy to install Kubuntu 5.10. Make sure your computer can boot from a CD-ROM, insert the CD-ROM and then follow the screens.

Upgrade Notes


The easiest way to make the switch between Hoary HedgeHog and Breezy Badger is to simply change the source list that is currently being used. From the K Menu go to run and type kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list. This will bring up the list and then it is a simple apt-get update to fetch the new package information.

Before starting the actual upgrade login to failsafe mode, this will prevent problems with chances to X and the easy installation of the latest version of KDE. Replace each instance of Hoary with Breezy and close the file, saving changes. After doing this, a simple sudo apt-get dist-upgrade from the command prompt. The system will check for the updated packages and will prompt for a response on whether or not these need to be installed. Answer yes to the question and sit back while Brezy Badger is installed.


After the upgrade is finished, logout to restart your session with the new version of KDE and everything else upgraded. No reboot necessary.


  • Kubuntu Documentation: Greg Taylor, Jerome Gotangco, Jonathan Jesse, Sean Wheller, Troy Williams
