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public static function RegisterHandler(msgType: short, handler: Networking.NetworkMessageDelegate): void;
public static void RegisterHandler(short msgType, Networking.NetworkMessageDelegate handler);


msgType Message type number.
handler Function handler which will be invoked for when this message type is received.


Register a handler for a particular message type.

There are several system message types which you can add handlers for. You can also add your own message types.

#pragma strict
class MyServer {
	function Start() {
		Debug.Log("Registering server callbacks");
		NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);
	function OnConnected(netMsg: NetworkMessage) {
		Debug.Log("Client connected");
class MyServer
	void Start()
	    Debug.Log ("Registering server callbacks");
	    NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);

void OnConnected(NetworkMessage netMsg) { Debug.Log ("Client connected"); } }

The system message types are listed below:

#pragma strict
class MsgType {
	public const var ObjectDestroy: short = 1;
	public const var Rpc: short = 2;
	public const var ObjectSpawn: short = 3;
	public const var Owner: short = 4;
	public const var Command: short = 5;
	public const var LocalPlayerTransform: short = 6;
	public const var SyncEvent: short = 7;
	public const var UpdateVars: short = 8;
	public const var SyncList: short = 9;
	public const var ObjectSpawnScene: short = 10;
	public const var NetworkInfo: short = 11;
	public const var SpawnFinished: short = 12;
	public const var ObjectHide: short = 13;
	public const var CRC: short = 14;
	public const var LocalClientAuthority: short = 15;
class MsgType
	public const short ObjectDestroy = 1;
	public const short Rpc = 2;
	public const short ObjectSpawn = 3;
	public const short Owner = 4;
	public const short Command = 5;
	public const short LocalPlayerTransform = 6;
	public const short SyncEvent = 7;
	public const short UpdateVars = 8;
	public const short SyncList = 9;
	public const short ObjectSpawnScene = 10;
	public const short NetworkInfo = 11;
	public const short SpawnFinished = 12;
	public const short ObjectHide = 13;
	public const short CRC = 14;
	public const short LocalClientAuthority = 15;

Most of these messages are for internal use only. Users should not define message ids in this range.