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public static function Connect(hostId: int, address: string, port: int, exeptionConnectionId: int, out error: byte): int;
public static int Connect(int hostId, string address, int port, int exeptionConnectionId, out byte error);


hostId Host (actually socket) id for this connection.
address Ip4 address.
port Port.
exeptionConnectionId 0 in the case of a default connection.
error Possible error, kOK if it is good.


int ConnectionId on success (otherwise zero).


Try to establish connection to other peer.

Receive() with event type kConnectEvent(kDisconnectEvent) will be signal that this connection established(cannot be established). Error parameter will return possible error. Function itself will return unique identifier (for the host) of connection.

var connectionId = NetworkTransport.Connect(hostId, "", 2355, 0, error );
if( error != kOk )
//cannot allocate resources for connection

//... var event = NetworkTransport.Receive(recHostId, recConnectionId, cannelId, buffer, bufferSize, receivedSize, error ); if( event == kConnectEvent ) { if( recHostId == hostId && recConnectionId == connectionId && error == kOK ) ///connection can be used } if( event == kDisconnectEvent ) { if( recHostId == hostId && recConnectionId == connectionId ) { //connection which identified by connectionId cannot be established if( error == kVersionMismatch ) //treansport protocol is different else if( error == kCRCMismatch ) //peer has different network configuration else if( error == kTimeout ) //cannot connect to other peer in period of time, possible peer has not running } }