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interface in UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension

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A Unity IAP configuration of one or more stores.

Store implementations must provide an implementation of this interface. Use IPurchasingModule implementations with the ConfigurationBuilder to extend Unity IAP's store functionality.

using UnityEngine

class MyPurchasingModule : IPurchasingModule { public void Configure(IPurchasingBinder binder) { binder.RegisterStore("MyManufacturerAppStore", InstantiateMyManufacturerAppStore()); // Our Purchasing service implementation provides the real implementation. binder.RegisterExtension<IManufacturerExtensions>(new FakeManufacturerExtensions()); } public IStore InstantiateMyManufacturerAppStore() { // Check for Manufacturer. "Android" used here for the sake of example. if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { return null; } else { return null }; } public IStoreExtension IManufacturerExtensions() { return null; } }

Public Functions

ConfigureCalled when Unity IAP is loading your module. Register stores and associated extensions using the IPurchasingBinder.