Version: 5.4 beta (switch to 5.3)
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public static function DisplayDialogComplex(title: string, message: string, ok: string, cancel: string, alt: string): int;
public static int DisplayDialogComplex(string title, string message, string ok, string cancel, string alt);



Displays a modal dialog with three buttons.

Use it for displaying message boxes in the editor.

Similar to DisplayDialog, only this version shows a dialog with three buttons. ok, cancel and alt/ are labels to be displayed on the buttons. DisplayDialogComplex returns an integer 0, 1 or 2 corresponding to ok, cancel and alt buttons.

See Also: DisplayDialog function.

Display dialog complex for the example below.

#pragma strict
public class DisplayDlgComplexExample extends EditorWindow {
	// Lets you save, save and quit or quit without saving
	@MenuItem("Example/Enhanced Save")
	static function Init() {
		var option: int = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("What do you want to do?", "Please choose one of the following options.", "Save Scene", "Save and Quit", "Quit without saving");
		switch (option) {
			// Save Scene
			case 0:

break; // Save and Quit. case 1: EditorApplication.SaveScene(EditorApplication.currentScene);


break; // Quit Without saving. case 2: EditorApplication.Exit(0);

break; default: Debug.LogError("Unrecognized option.");

break; } } }
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class DisplayDlgComplexExample : EditorWindow { // Lets you save, save and quit or quit without saving

[MenuItem( "Example/Enhanced Save" )] static void Init( ) { int option = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex( "What do you want to do?", "Please choose one of the following options.", "Save Scene", "Save and Quit", "Quit without saving" );

switch( option ) { // Save Scene case 0: EditorApplication.SaveScene( EditorApplication.currentScene ); break;

// Save and Quit. case 1: EditorApplication.SaveScene( EditorApplication.currentScene ); EditorApplication.Exit( 0 ); break;

// Quit Without saving. case 2: EditorApplication.Exit( 0 ); break;

default: Debug.LogError( "Unrecognized option." ); break; } }
