Version: 5.4 beta (switch to 5.3)
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public static function Receive(out hostId: int, out connectionId: int, out channelId: int, buffer: byte[], bufferSize: int, out receivedSize: int, out error: byte): Networking.NetworkEventType;
public static Networking.NetworkEventType Receive(out int hostId, out int connectionId, out int channelId, byte[] buffer, int bufferSize, out int receivedSize, out byte error);


hostId id of udp socket where event happened.
connectionId Device connected to.
channelId Channel id for data event.
buffer Data received over the network.
bufferSize Buffer size.
receivedSize Actually received length.
error Possible returned error.


NetworkEventType Type of event returned from Receive().


Deliver network events to user.

The API process received data returned in the connection. The data is returned in the buffer argument, with the number of bytes permitted set by the bufferSize argument. The exact number of bytes returned is set in receivedSize.

kConnectionEvent will notify about new connection established, kDisconnectEvent will report about disconnection happened, kDataEvent will report about new information delivered.

See Connect for a code example.