Version: 5.5 (switch to 5.6b)
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hasFocus True if the GameObjects have focus, else False.


Sent to all GameObjects when the player gets or loses focus.

OnApplicationFocus is called when the application loses or gains focus. Alt-tabbing or Cmd-tabbing can take focus away from the Unity application to another desktop application. This causes the GameObjects to receive an OnApplicationFocus call with the argument set to false. When the user switches back to the Unity application, the GameObjects receive an OnApplicationFocus call with the argument set to true. OnApplicationFocus can be a co-routine; to do this, use the yield statement in the function. Implemented this way, it is evaluated twice during the initial frame: first as an early notification, and secondly during the normal co-routine update step.

On Android, when the on-screen keyboard is enabled, it causes a OnApplicationFocus( false ) event. Additionally, if you press Home at the moment the keyboard is enabled, the OnApplicationFocus() event is not called, but OnApplicationPause() is called instead.

#pragma strict
public class AppPaused extends MonoBehaviour {
	var isPaused: boolean = false;
	function OnGUI() {
		if (isPaused)
			GUI.Label(new Rect(100, 100, 50, 30), "Game paused");
	function OnApplicationFocus(hasFocus: boolean) {
		isPaused = !hasFocus;
	function OnApplicationPause(pauseStatus: boolean) {
		isPaused = pauseStatus;
using UnityEngine;

public class AppPaused : MonoBehaviour { bool isPaused = false;

void OnGUI( ) { if( isPaused ) GUI.Label( new Rect( 100, 100, 50, 30 ), "Game paused" ); }

void OnApplicationFocus( bool hasFocus ) { isPaused = !hasFocus; }

void OnApplicationPause( bool pauseStatus ) { isPaused = pauseStatus; } }