Version: 5.5 (switch to 5.6b)
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public static function RegisterPrefab(prefab: GameObject): void;
public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab);
public static function RegisterPrefab(prefab: GameObject, spawnHandler: Networking.SpawnDelegate, unspawnHandler: Networking.UnSpawnDelegate): void;
public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, Networking.SpawnDelegate spawnHandler, Networking.UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler);
public static function RegisterPrefab(prefab: GameObject, newAssetId: Networking.NetworkHash128): void;
public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, Networking.NetworkHash128 newAssetId);


prefab A Prefab that will be spawned.
spawnHandler A method to use as a custom spawnhandler on clients.
unspawnHandler A method to use as a custom un-spawnhandler on clients.
newAssetId An assetId to be assigned to this prefab. This allows a dynamically created game object to be registered for an already known asset Id.


Registers a prefab with the UNET spawning system.

When a NetworkIdentity object is spawned on a server with NetworkServer.SpawnObject(), and the prefab that the object was created from was registered with RegisterPrefab(), the client will use that prefab to instantiate a corresponding client object with the same netId.

The NetworkManager has a list of spawnable prefabs, it uses this function to register those prefabs with the ClientScene.

The set of current spawnable object is available in the ClientScene static member variable ClientScene.prefabs, which is a dictionary of NetworkAssetIds and prefab references.

no example available in JavaScript
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class PlantSpawner : NetworkBehaviour {

public GameObject plantPrefab;

public void OnStartClient() { ClientScene.RegisterPrefab(plantPrefab); }

[Server] public void ServerSpawnPlant(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot) { var plant = (GameObject)Instantiate(plantPrefab, pos, rot); NetworkServer.Spawn(plant); } }

The optional custom spawn and un-spawn handler functions can be used to implement more advanced spawning strategies such as pbject pools.