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class in UnityEngine.Windows.Speech

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DictationRecognizer listens to speech input and attempts to determine what phrase was uttered.

Users can register and listen for hypothesis and phrase completed events. Start() and Stop() methods respectively enable and disable dictation recognition. Once done with the recognizer, it must be disposed using Dispose() method to release the resources it uses. It will release these resources automatically during garbage collection at an additional performance cost if they are not released prior to that.

#pragma strict
public class DictationScript extends MonoBehaviour {
		private var m_Hypotheses: Text;
		private var m_Recognitions: Text;
		private var m_DictationRecognizer: DictationRecognizer;
		function Start() {
			m_DictationRecognizer = new DictationRecognizer();
			m_DictationRecognizer.DictationResult += function(text, confidence) {
				Debug.LogFormat("Dictation result: {0}", text);
				m_Recognitions.text += text + "\n";

m_DictationRecognizer.DictationHypothesis += function(text) { Debug.LogFormat("Dictation hypothesis: {0}", text); m_Hypotheses.text += text + Env; };

m_DictationRecognizer.DictationComplete += function(completionCause) { if (cause != DictationCompletionCause.Complete) Debug.LogErrorFormat("Dictation completed unsuccessfully: {0}.", cause); };

m_DictationRecognizer.DictationError += function(error, hresult) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Dictation error: {0}; HResult = {1}.", error, hresult); };

m_DictationRecognizer.Start(); } }
public class DictationScript : MonoBehaviour
		private Text m_Hypotheses;

[SerializeField] private Text m_Recognitions;

private DictationRecognizer m_DictationRecognizer;

void Start() { m_DictationRecognizer = new DictationRecognizer();

m_DictationRecognizer.DictationResult += (text, confidence) => { Debug.LogFormat("Dictation result: {0}", text); m_Recognitions.text += text + "\n"; };

m_DictationRecognizer.DictationHypothesis += (text) => { Debug.LogFormat("Dictation hypothesis: {0}", text); m_Hypotheses.text += text + Env; };

m_DictationRecognizer.DictationComplete += (completionCause) => { if (cause != DictationCompletionCause.Complete) Debug.LogErrorFormat("Dictation completed unsuccessfully: {0}.", cause); };

m_DictationRecognizer.DictationError += (error, hresult) => { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Dictation error: {0}; HResult = {1}.", error, hresult); };

m_DictationRecognizer.Start(); } }

Dictation recognizer is currently functional only on Windows 10.


AutoSilenceTimeoutSecondsThe time length in seconds before dictation recognizer session ends due to lack of audio input.
InitialSilenceTimeoutSecondsThe time length in seconds before dictation recognizer session ends due to lack of audio input in case there was no audio heard in the current session.
StatusIndicates the status of dictation recognizer.


DictationRecognizerCreate a DictationRecognizer with the specified minimum confidence and dictation topic constraint. Phrases under the specified minimum level will be ignored.

Public Functions

DisposeDisposes the resources this dictation recognizer uses.
StartStarts the dictation recognization session. Dictation recognizer can only be started if PhraseRecognitionSystem is not running.
StopStops the dictation recognization session.


DictationCompletedDelegateDelegate for DictationComplete event.
DictationErrorHandlerDelegate for DictationError event.
DictationHypothesisDelegateCallback indicating a hypothesis change event. You should register with DictationHypothesis event.
DictationResultDelegateCallback indicating a phrase has been recognized with the specified confidence level. You should register with DictationResult event.