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Vim documentation: pi_vimball

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*pi_vimball.txt*	For Vim version 7.2.  Last change: 2008 Jul 30

			       Vimball Archiver

Author:  Charles E. Campbell, Jr.  <[email protected]>
	  (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)

Copyright: (c) 2004-2008 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.	*Vimball-copyright*
	   The VIM LICENSE applies to Vimball.vim, and Vimball.txt
	   (see |copyright|) except use "Vimball" instead of "Vim".
	   No warranty, express or implied.
	   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!


1. Contents				*vba* *vimball* *vimball-contents*

	1. Contents......................................: |vimball-contents|
	3. Vimball Manual................................: |vimball-manual|
	   MkVimball.....................................: |:MkVimball|
	   UseVimball....................................: |:UseVimball|
	   RmVimball.....................................: |:RmVimball|
	4. Vimball History...............................: |vimball-history|


2. Vimball Introduction						*vimball-intro*

	Vimball is intended to make life simpler for users of plugins.  All
	a user needs to do with a vimball is:
		vim someplugin.vba
		:so %
 	and the plugin and all its components will be installed into their
	appropriate directories.  Note that one doesn't need to be in any
	particular directory when one does this.  Plus, any help for the
	plugin will also be automatically installed.

	If a user has decided to use the AsNeeded plugin, vimball is smart
	enough to put scripts nominally intended for .vim/plugin/ into
	.vim/AsNeeded/ instead.

	Removing a plugin that was installed with vimball is really easy:
		:RmVimball someplugin
 	This operation is not at all easy for zips and tarballs, for example.

	Vimball examines the user's |'runtimepath'| to determine where to put
	the scripts.  The first directory mentioned on the runtimepath is
	usually used if possible.  Use
		:echo &rtp
 	to see that directory.


3. Vimball Manual					*vimball-manual*

		:[range]MkVimball[!] filename [path]

	The range is composed of lines holding paths to files to be included
	in your new vimball, omitting the portion of the paths that is
	normally specified by the runtimepath (|'rtp'|).  As an example:
		:[range]MkVimball filename
	on this range of lines will create a file called "filename.vba" which
	can be used by Vimball.vim to re-create these files.  If the
	"filename.vba" file already exists, then MkVimball will issue a
	warning and not create the file.  Note that these paths are relative
	to your .vim (vimfiles) directory, and the files should be in that
	directory.  The vimball plugin normally uses the first |'runtimepath'|
	directory that exists as a prefix; don't use absolute paths, unless
	the user has specified such a path.

	If you use the exclamation point (!), then MkVimball will create the
	"filename.vba" file, overwriting it if it already exists.  This
	behavior resembles that for |:w|.

	First, the |mkdir()| command is tried (not all systems support it).

	If it doesn't exist, then g:vimball_mkdir doesn't exist, it is set to:
	  |g:netrw_local_mkdir|, if it exists
	   "mkdir", if it is executable
	   "makedir", if it is executable
	   Otherwise, it is undefined.
	One may explicitly specify the directory making command using
	g:vimball_mkdir.  This command is used to make directories that
	are needed as indicated by the vimball.

	You may override the use of the |'runtimepath'| by specifying a
	variable, g:vimball_home.

	Path Preprocessing				*g:vimball_path_escape*

	Paths used in vimball are preprocessed by s:Path(); in addition,
	certain characters are escaped (by prepending a backslash).  The
	characters are in g:vimball_path_escape, and may be overridden by
	the user in his/her .vimrc initialization script.

		vim filename.vba

	Simply editing a Vimball will cause Vimball.vim to tell the user to
	source the file to extract its contents.

	Extraction will only proceed if the first line of a putative vimball
	file holds the "Vimball Archiver by Charles E. Campbell, Jr., Ph.D."

		:VimballList				*:VimballList*

	This command will tell Vimball to list the files in the archive, along
	with their lengths in lines.

		:UseVimball [path]			*:UseVimball*

	This command is contained within the vimball itself; it invokes the
	vimball#Vimball() routine which is responsible for unpacking the
	vimball.  One may choose to execute it by hand instead of sourcing
	the vimball; one may also choose to specify a path for the
	installation, thereby overriding the automatic choice of the first
	existing directory on the |'runtimepath'|.

		:RmVimball vimballfile [path]		*:RmVimball*

	This command removes all files generated by the specified vimball
	(but not any directories it may have made).  One may choose a path
	for de-installation, too (see |'runtimepath'|); otherwise, the
	default is the first existing directory on the |'runtimepath'|.
	To implement this, a file (.VimballRecord) is made in that directory
	containing a record of what files need to be removed for all vimballs
	used thus far.


4. Vimball History					*vimball-history* {{{1

	26 : May 27, 2008 * g:vimball_mkdir usage installed.  Makes the
	                    $HOME/.vim (or $HOME\vimfiles) directory if
	     May 30, 2008 * (tnx to Bill McCarthy) found and fixed a bug:
			    vimball wasn't updating plugins to AsNeeded/
			    when it should
	25 : Mar 24, 2008 * changed vimball#Vimball() to recognize doc/*.??x
			    files as help files, too.
	     Apr 18, 2008 * RmVimball command is now protected by saving and
	                    restoring settings -- in particular, acd was
			    causing problems as reported by Zhang Shuhan
	24 : Nov 15, 2007 * |g:vimball_path_escape| used by s:Path() to
	                    prevent certain characters from causing trouble
	22 : Mar 21, 2007 * uses setlocal instead of set during BufEnter
	21 : Nov 27, 2006 * (tnx to Bill McCarthy) vimball had a header
	                    handling problem and it now changes \s to /s
	20 : Nov 20, 2006 * substitute() calls have all had the 'e' flag
	18 : Aug 01, 2006 * vimballs now use folding to easily display their
			  * if a user has AsNeeded/somefile, then vimball
			    will extract plugin/somefile to the AsNeeded/
	17 : Jun 28, 2006 * changes all \s to /s internally for Windows
	16 : Jun 15, 2006 * A. Mechelynck's idea to allow users to specify
			    installation root paths implemented for
			    UseVimball, MkVimball, and RmVimball.
			  * RmVimball implemented
	15 : Jun 13, 2006 * bugfix
	14 : May 26, 2006 * bugfixes
	13 : May 01, 2006 * exists("&acd") used to determine if the acd
			    option exists
	12 : May 01, 2006 * bugfix - the |'acd'| option is not always defined
	11 : Apr 27, 2006 * VimballList would create missing subdirectories that
			    the vimball specified were needed.  Fixed.
	10 : Apr 27, 2006 * moved all setting saving/restoration to a pair of
			    functions.  Included some more settings in them
			    which frequently cause trouble.
	9  : Apr 26, 2006 * various changes to support Windows' predilection
			    for backslashes and spaces in file and directory
	7  : Apr 25, 2006 * bypasses foldenable
			  * uses more exe and less norm! (:yank :put etc)
			  * does better at insuring a "Press ENTER" prompt
			    appears to keep its messages visible
	4  : Mar 31, 2006 * BufReadPost seems to fire twice; BufReadEnter
			    only fires once, so the "Source this file..."
			    message is now issued only once.
	3  : Mar 20, 2006 * removed query, now requires sourcing to be
			    extracted (:so %).  Message to that effect
			  * :VimballList  now shows files that would be
	2  : Mar 20, 2006 * query, :UseVimball included
	1  : Mar 20, 2006 * initial release

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