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os_mac.txt    For Vim version 7.4.  Last change: 2006 Apr 30

                  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar et al.

                                        mac Mac macintosh Macintosh

This file documents the particularities of the Macintosh version of Vim.

NOTE: This file is a bit outdated.  You might find more useful info here:

1. Filename Convention          mac-filename
2. .vimrc an .vim files         mac-vimfile
3. FAQ                          mac-faq
4. Known Lack                   mac-lack
5. Mac Bug Report               mac-bug
6. Compiling Vim                mac-compile

There was a Mac port for version 3.0 of Vim.  Here are the first few lines
from the old file:

VIM Release Notes
Initial Macintosh release, VIM version 3.0
19 October 1994

Eric Fischer
<enf1@midway.uchicago.edu>, <eric@jcp.uchicago.edu>, <etaoin@uchicago.edu>
5759 N. Guilford Ave
Indianapolis IN 46220 USA

1. Filename Convention                                  mac-filename

Starting with Vim version 7 you can just use the unix path separators with
Vim. In order to determine if the specified filename is relative to the
current folder or absolute (i.e. relative to the "Desktop"), the following
algorithm is used:

        If the path start by a "/", the path is absolute
        If the path start by a ":", the path is relative
        If the path doesn't start by neither a "/" nor ":",
          and a ":" is found before a "/" then the path is absolute

                :e /HD/text
                :e HD:text
       Edit the file "text" of the disk "HD" 
                :e :src:main.c
                :e src/main.c
       Edit the file "main.c" in the folder "src" in the current folder 
                :e os_mac.c
       Edit the file "os_mac.c" in the current folder.

You can use the $VIM and $VIMRUNTIME  variable. 

                :so $VIMRUNTIME:syntax:syntax.vim

2. .vimrc and .vim files                                mac-vimfile

It is recommended to use Unix style line separators for Vim scripts, thus a
single newline character.

When starting up Vim will load the $VIMRUNTIME/macmap.vim script to define
default command-key mappings.

On older systems files starting with a dot "." are discouraged, thus the rc
files are named "vimrc" or "_vimrc" and "gvimrc" or "_gvimrc".  These files
can be in any format (mac, dos or unix).  Vim can handle any file format when
the 'nocompatible' option is set, otherwise it will only handle mac format

3. Mac FAQ                                              mac-faq

On the internet:  http://macvim.org/OSX/index.php#FAQ

Q: I can't enter non-ASCII character in Apple Terminal.
A: Under Window Settings, Emulation, make sure that "Escape non-ASCII
   characters" is not checked.

Q: How do I start the GUI from the command line?
A: Assuming that Vim.app is located in /Applications:
        open /Applications/Vim.app
        /Applications/Vim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim -g  {arguments}

Q: How can I set $PATH to something reasonable when I start Vim.app from the
   GUI or with open?
A: The following trick works with most shells.  Put it in your vimrc file.
   This is included in the system vimrc file included with the binaries
   distributed at macvim.org . 
        let s:path = system("echo echo VIMPATH'${PATH}' | $SHELL -l")
        let $PATH = matchstr(s:path, 'VIMPATH\zs.\{-}\ze\n')

4. Mac Lack                                             mac-lack

In a terminal CTRL-^ needs to be entered as Shift-Control-6.  CTRL-@ as

5. Mac Bug Report                                       mac-bug

When reporting any Mac specific bug or feature change, please use the vim-mac
maillist vim-mac.  However, you need to be subscribed.  An alternative is to
send a message to the current MacVim maintainers:


6. Compiling Vim                                        mac-compile

See the file "src/INSTALLmac.txt" that comes with the source files.


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