Chapter 9. Customizing Wireshark

Table of Contents

9.1. Introduction
9.2. Start Wireshark from the command line
9.3. Packet colorization
9.4. Control Protocol dissection
9.4.1. The "Enabled Protocols" dialog box
9.4.2. User Specified Decodes
9.4.3. Show User Specified Decodes
9.5. Preferences
9.5.1. Interface Options
9.6. Configuration Profiles
9.7. User Table
9.8. Display Filter Macros
9.9. GeoIP Database Paths
9.10. Tektronix K12xx/15 RF5 protocols Table
9.11. SCCP users Table
9.12. SMI (MIB and PIB) Modules
9.13. SMI (MIB and PIB) Paths
9.14. SNMP users Table
9.15. User DLTs protocol table

9.1. Introduction

Wireshark's default behaviour will usually suit your needs pretty well. However, as you become more familiar with Wireshark, it can be customized in various ways to suit your needs even better. In this chapter we explore:

  • How to start Wireshark with command line parameters

  • How to colorize the packet list

  • How to control protocol dissection

  • How to use the various preference settings