Chapter 1. Introduction

Table of Contents

1.1. Introduction
1.2. What is Wireshark?
1.3. Platforms Wireshark runs on
1.3.1. Unix
1.3.2. Linux
1.3.3. Microsoft Windows
1.4. Development and maintenance of Wireshark
1.4.1. Programming language(s) used
1.4.2. Open Source Software
1.5. Releases and distributions
1.5.1. Binary distributions
1.5.2. Source code distributions
1.6. Automated Builds (Buildbot)
1.6.1. Advantages
1.6.2. What does the Buildbot do?
1.7. Reporting problems and getting help
1.7.1. Website
1.7.2. Wiki
1.7.3. FAQ
1.7.4. Other sources
1.7.5. Mailing Lists
1.7.6. Bug database (Bugzilla)
1.7.7. Reporting Problems
1.7.8. Reporting Crashes on UNIX/Linux platforms
1.7.9. Reporting Crashes on Windows platforms

1.1. Introduction

This chapter will provide you with information about Wireshark development in general.