3.16. The "Filter" toolbar

The filter toolbar lets you quickly edit and apply display filters. More information on display filters is available in Section 6.3, “Filtering packets while viewing”.

Figure 3.13. The "Filter" toolbar

The "Filter" toolbar

Table 3.13. Filter toolbar items

Toolbar IconToolbar ItemDescription

Brings up the filter construction dialog, described in Figure 6.7, “The "Capture Filters" and "Display Filters" dialog boxes”.

 Filter input

The area to enter or edit a display filter string, see Section 6.4, “Building display filter expressions” . A syntax check of your filter string is done while you are typing. The background will turn red if you enter an incomplete or invalid string, and will become green when you enter a valid string. You can click on the pull down arrow to select a previously-entered filter string from a list. The entries in the pull down list will remain available even after a program restart.


After you've changed something in this field, don't forget to press the Apply button (or the Enter/Return key), to apply this filter string to the display.


This field is also where the current filter in effect is displayed.


The middle button labeled "Add Expression..." opens a dialog box that lets you edit a display filter from a list of protocol fields, described in Section 6.5, “The "Filter Expression" dialog box”


Reset the current display filter and clears the edit area.


Apply the current value in the edit area as the new display filter.


Applying a display filter on large capture files might take quite a long time!