Version: 3.0.2
base64.h File Reference


enum  wxBase64DecodeMode {
 Elements of this enum specify the possible behaviours of wxBase64Decode when an invalid character is encountered. More...


size_t wxBase64Encode (char *dst, size_t dstLen, const void *src, size_t srcLen)
 This function encodes the given data using base64.
wxString wxBase64Encode (const void *src, size_t srcLen)
 This function encodes the given data using base64 and returns the output as a wxString.
wxString wxBase64Encode (const wxMemoryBuffer &buf)
 This function encodes the given data using base64 and returns the output as a wxString.
size_t wxBase64DecodedSize (size_t srcLen)
 Returns the size of the buffer necessary to contain the data encoded in a base64 string of length srcLen.
size_t wxBase64EncodedSize (size_t len)
 Returns the length of the string with base64 representation of a buffer of specified size len.
size_t wxBase64Decode (void *dst, size_t dstLen, const char *src, size_t srcLen=wxNO_LEN, wxBase64DecodeMode mode=wxBase64DecodeMode_Strict, size_t *posErr=NULL)
 This function decodes a Base64-encoded string.
size_t wxBase64Decode (void *dst, size_t dstLen, const wxString &str, wxBase64DecodeMode mode=wxBase64DecodeMode_Strict, size_t *posErr=NULL)
 Decode a Base64-encoded wxString.
wxMemoryBuffer wxBase64Decode (const char *src, size_t srcLen=wxNO_LEN, wxBase64DecodeMode mode=wxBase64DecodeMode_Strict, size_t *posErr=NULL)
 Decode a Base64-encoded string and return decoded contents in a buffer.
wxMemoryBuffer wxBase64Decode (const wxString &src, wxBase64DecodeMode mode=wxBase64DecodeMode_Strict, size_t *posErr=NULL)
 Decode a Base64-encoded wxString and return decoded contents in a buffer.