Version: 3.0.2
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oCwxAboutDialogInfoWxAboutDialogInfo contains information shown in the standard About dialog displayed by the wxAboutBox() function
oCwxAcceleratorEntryAn object used by an application wishing to create an accelerator table (see wxAcceleratorTable)
oCwxAcceleratorTableAn accelerator table allows the application to specify a table of keyboard shortcuts for menu or button commands
oCwxAccessibleAllows wxWidgets applications, and wxWidgets itself, to return extended information about user interface elements to client applications such as screen readers
oCwxActivateEventAn activate event is sent when a window or application is being activated or deactivated
oCwxActiveXContainerWxActiveXContainer is a host for an ActiveX control on Windows (and as such is a platform-specific class)
oCwxActiveXEventAn event class for handling ActiveX events passed from wxActiveXContainer
oCwxAffineMatrix2DA 3x2 matrix representing an affine 2D transformation
oCwxAffineMatrix2DBaseA 2x3 matrix representing an affine 2D transformation
oCwxAnimationThis class encapsulates the concept of a platform-dependent animation
oCwxAnimationCtrlThis is a static control which displays an animation
oCwxAnyContainer for any type
oCwxAnyButtonA class for common button functionality used as the base for the various button classes
oCwxAnyValueBufferType for buffer within wxAny for holding data
oCwxAnyValueTypeWxAnyValueType is base class for value type functionality for C++ data types used with wxAny
oCwxAppApplication itself when wxUSE_GUI=1
oCwxAppConsoleThis class is essential for writing console-only or hybrid apps without having to define wxUSE_GUI=0
oCwxAppTraitsDefines various configurable aspects of a wxApp
oCwxArchiveClassFactoryAllows the creation of streams to handle archive formats such as zip and tar
oCwxArchiveEntryThis is an abstract base class which serves as a common interface to archive entry classes such as wxZipEntry
oCwxArchiveFSHandlerA file system handler for accessing files inside of archives
oCwxArchiveInputStreamThis is an abstract base class which serves as a common interface to archive input streams such as wxZipInputStream
oCwxArchiveIteratorAn input iterator template class that can be used to transfer an archive's catalogue to a container
oCwxArchiveNotifierIf you need to know when a wxArchiveInputStream updates a wxArchiveEntry object, you can create a notifier by deriving from this abstract base class, overriding wxArchiveNotifier::OnEntryUpdated
oCwxArchiveOutputStreamThis is an abstract base class which serves as a common interface to archive output streams such as wxZipOutputStream
oCwxArray< T >This section describes the so called "dynamic arrays"
oCwxArrayStringWxArrayString is an efficient container for storing wxString objects
oCwxArtProviderWxArtProvider class is used to customize the look of wxWidgets application
oCwxAuiDefaultTabArtDefault art provider for wxAuiNotebook
oCwxAuiDefaultToolBarArtWxAuiDefaultToolBarArt is part of the wxAUI class framework
oCwxAuiDockArtWxAuiDockArt is part of the wxAUI class framework
oCwxAuiManagerWxAuiManager is the central class of the wxAUI class framework
oCwxAuiManagerEventEvent used to indicate various actions taken with wxAuiManager
oCwxAuiNotebookWxAuiNotebook is part of the wxAUI class framework, which represents a notebook control, managing multiple windows with associated tabs
oCwxAuiNotebookEventThis class is used by the events generated by wxAuiNotebook
oCwxAuiPaneInfoWxAuiPaneInfo is part of the wxAUI class framework
oCwxAuiSimpleTabArtAnother standard tab art provider for wxAuiNotebook
oCwxAuiTabArtTab art provider defines all the drawing functions used by wxAuiNotebook
oCwxAuiTabContainerWxAuiTabContainer is a class which contains information about each tab
oCwxAuiTabContainerButtonA simple class which holds information about wxAuiNotebook tab buttons and their state
oCwxAuiToolBarWxAuiToolBar is a dockable toolbar, part of the wxAUI class framework
oCwxAuiToolBarArtWxAuiToolBarArt is part of the wxAUI class framework
oCwxAuiToolBarEventWxAuiToolBarEvent is used for the events generated by wxAuiToolBar
oCwxAuiToolBarItemWxAuiToolBarItem is part of the wxAUI class framework, representing a toolbar element
oCwxAutoBufferedPaintDCThis wxDC derivative can be used inside of an EVT_PAINT() event handler to achieve double-buffered drawing
oCwxAutomationObjectThe wxAutomationObject class represents an OLE automation object containing a single data member, an IDispatch pointer
oCwxBannerWindowA simple banner window showing either a bitmap or text
oCwxBitmapThis class encapsulates the concept of a platform-dependent bitmap, either monochrome or colour or colour with alpha channel support
oCwxBitmapButtonA bitmap button is a control that contains a bitmap
oCwxBitmapComboBoxA combobox that displays bitmap in front of the list items
oCwxBitmapDataObjectWxBitmapDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for bitmap data
oCwxBitmapHandlerThis is the base class for implementing bitmap file loading/saving, and bitmap creation from data
oCwxBitmapToggleButtonWxBitmapToggleButton is a wxToggleButton that contains a bitmap instead of text
oCwxBookCtrlBaseA book control is a convenient way of displaying multiple pages of information, displayed one page at a time
oCwxBookCtrlEventThis class represents the events generated by book controls (wxNotebook, wxListbook, wxChoicebook, wxTreebook, wxAuiNotebook)
oCwxBoxSizerThe basic idea behind a box sizer is that windows will most often be laid out in rather simple basic geometry, typically in a row or a column or several hierarchies of either
oCwxBrushA brush is a drawing tool for filling in areas
oCwxBrushListA brush list is a list containing all brushes which have been created
oCwxBufferedDCThis class provides a simple way to avoid flicker: when drawing on it, everything is in fact first drawn on an in-memory buffer (a wxBitmap) and then copied to the screen, using the associated wxDC, only once, when this object is destroyed
oCwxBufferedInputStreamThis stream acts as a cache
oCwxBufferedOutputStreamThis stream acts as a cache
oCwxBufferedPaintDCThis is a subclass of wxBufferedDC which can be used inside of an EVT_PAINT() event handler to achieve double-buffered drawing
oCwxBusyCursorThis class makes it easy to tell your user that the program is temporarily busy
oCwxBusyInfoThis class makes it easy to tell your user that the program is temporarily busy
oCwxButtonA button is a control that contains a text string, and is one of the most common elements of a GUI
oCwxCalculateLayoutEventThis event is sent by wxLayoutAlgorithm to calculate the amount of the remaining client area that the window should occupy
oCwxCalendarCtrlThe calendar control allows the user to pick a date
oCwxCalendarDateAttrWxCalendarDateAttr is a custom attributes for a calendar date
oCwxCalendarEventUsed together with wxCalendarCtrl
oCwxCaretA caret is a blinking cursor showing the position where the typed text will appear
oCwxCharBufferThis is a specialization of wxCharTypeBuffer<T> for char type
oCwxCharTypeBufferWxCharTypeBuffer<T> is a template class for storing characters
oCwxCheckBoxA checkbox is a labelled box which by default is either on (checkmark is visible) or off (no checkmark)
oCwxCheckListBoxA wxCheckListBox is like a wxListBox, but allows items to be checked or unchecked
oCwxChildFocusEventA child focus event is sent to a (parent-)window when one of its child windows gains focus, so that the window could restore the focus back to its corresponding child if it loses it now and regains later
oCwxChoiceA choice item is used to select one of a list of strings
oCwxChoicebookWxChoicebook is a class similar to wxNotebook, but uses a wxChoice control to show the labels instead of the tabs
oCwxClassInfoThis class stores meta-information about classes
oCwxClientA wxClient object represents the client part of a client-server DDE-like (Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation
oCwxClientDataAll classes deriving from wxEvtHandler (such as all controls and wxApp) can hold arbitrary data which is here referred to as "client data"
oCwxClientDataContainerThis class is a mixin that provides storage and management of "client data"
oCwxClientDCA wxClientDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the client area of a window from outside an EVT_PAINT() handler
oCwxClipboardA class for manipulating the clipboard
oCwxClipboardTextEventThis class represents the events generated by a control (typically a wxTextCtrl but other windows can generate these events as well) when its content gets copied or cut to, or pasted from the clipboard
oCwxCloseEventThis event class contains information about window and session close events
oCwxCmdLineEntryDescThe structure wxCmdLineEntryDesc is used to describe a command line switch, option or parameter
oCwxCmdLineParserWxCmdLineParser is a class for parsing the command line
oCwxCollapsiblePaneA collapsible pane is a container with an embedded button-like control which can be used by the user to collapse or expand the pane's contents
oCwxCollapsiblePaneEventThis event class is used for the events generated by wxCollapsiblePane
oCwxColourA colour is an object representing a combination of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) intensity values, and is used to determine drawing colours
oCwxColourDataThis class holds a variety of information related to colour dialogs
oCwxColourDatabaseWxWidgets maintains a database of standard RGB colours for a predefined set of named colours
oCwxColourDialogThis class represents the colour chooser dialog
oCwxColourPickerCtrlThis control allows the user to select a colour
oCwxColourPickerEventThis event class is used for the events generated by wxColourPickerCtrl
oCwxComboBoxA combobox is like a combination of an edit control and a listbox
oCwxComboCtrlA combo control is a generic combobox that allows totally custom popup
oCwxComboCtrlFeaturesFeatures enabled for wxComboCtrl
oCwxComboPopupIn order to use a custom popup with wxComboCtrl, an interface class must be derived from wxComboPopup
oCwxCommandWxCommand is a base class for modelling an application command, which is an action usually performed by selecting a menu item, pressing a toolbar button or any other means provided by the application to change the data or view
oCwxCommandEventThis event class contains information about command events, which originate from a variety of simple controls
oCwxCommandLinkButtonObjects of this class are similar in appearance to the normal wxButtons but are similar to the links in a web page in functionality
oCwxCommandProcessorWxCommandProcessor is a class that maintains a history of wxCommands, with undo/redo functionality built-in
oCwxConditionWxCondition variables correspond to pthread conditions or to Win32 event objects
oCwxConfigBaseWxConfigBase defines the basic interface of all config classes
oCwxConfigPathChangerA handy little class which changes the current path in a wxConfig object and restores it in dtor
oCwxConnectionA wxConnection object represents the connection between a client and a server
oCwxContextHelpThis class changes the cursor to a query and puts the application into a 'context-sensitive help mode'
oCwxContextHelpButtonInstances of this class may be used to add a question mark button that when pressed, puts the application into context-help mode
oCwxContextMenuEventThis class is used for context menu events, sent to give the application a chance to show a context (popup) menu for a wxWindow
oCwxControlThis is the base class for a control or "widget"
oCwxControlWithItemsThis is convenience class that derives from both wxControl and wxItemContainer
oCwxConvAutoThis class implements a Unicode to/from multibyte converter capable of automatically recognizing the encoding of the multibyte text on input
oCwxCountingOutputStreamWxCountingOutputStream is a specialized output stream which does not write any data anywhere, instead it counts how many bytes would get written if this were a normal stream
oCwxCriticalSectionA critical section object is used for exactly the same purpose as a wxMutex
oCwxCriticalSectionLockerThis is a small helper class to be used with wxCriticalSection objects
oCwxCSConvThis class converts between any character set supported by the system and Unicode
oCwxCursorA cursor is a small bitmap usually used for denoting where the mouse pointer is, with a picture that might indicate the interpretation of a mouse click
oCwxCustomBackgroundWindowA helper class making it possible to use custom background for any window
oCwxCustomDataObjectWxCustomDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObjectSimple for some application-specific data in arbitrary (either custom or one of the standard ones)
oCwxDataFormatA wxDataFormat is an encapsulation of a platform-specific format handle which is used by the system for the clipboard and drag and drop operations
oCwxDataInputStreamThis class provides functions that read binary data types in a portable way
oCwxDataObjectA wxDataObject represents data that can be copied to or from the clipboard, or dragged and dropped
oCwxDataObjectCompositeWxDataObjectComposite is the simplest wxDataObject derivation which may be used to support multiple formats
oCwxDataObjectSimpleThis is the simplest possible implementation of the wxDataObject class
oCwxDataOutputStreamThis class provides functions that write binary data types in a portable way
oCwxDataViewBitmapRendererThis class is used by wxDataViewCtrl to render bitmap controls
oCwxDataViewChoiceByIndexRendererA wxDataViewCtrl renderer using wxChoice control and indexes into it
oCwxDataViewChoiceRendererA wxDataViewCtrl renderer using wxChoice control and values of strings in it
oCwxDataViewColumnThis class represents a column in a wxDataViewCtrl
oCwxDataViewCtrlWxDataViewCtrl is a control to display data either in a tree like fashion or in a tabular form or both
oCwxDataViewCustomRendererYou need to derive a new class from wxDataViewCustomRenderer in order to write a new renderer
oCwxDataViewDateRendererThis class is used by wxDataViewCtrl to render calendar controls
oCwxDataViewEventThis is the event class for the wxDataViewCtrl notifications
oCwxDataViewIconTextWxDataViewIconText is used by wxDataViewIconTextRenderer for data transfer
oCwxDataViewIconTextRendererUsed to display text with a small icon next to it as it is typically done in a file manager
oCwxDataViewIndexListModelWxDataViewIndexListModel is a specialized data model which lets you address an item by its position (row) rather than its wxDataViewItem (which you can obtain from this class)
oCwxDataViewItemWxDataViewItem is a small opaque class that represents an item in a wxDataViewCtrl in a persistent way, i.e
oCwxDataViewItemAttrThis class is used to indicate to a wxDataViewCtrl that a certain item (see wxDataViewItem) has extra font attributes for its renderer
oCwxDataViewListCtrlThis class is a wxDataViewCtrl which internally uses a wxDataViewListStore and forwards most of its API to that class
oCwxDataViewListModelBase class with abstract API for wxDataViewIndexListModel and wxDataViewVirtualListModel
oCwxDataViewListStoreWxDataViewListStore is a specialised wxDataViewModel for storing a simple table of data
oCwxDataViewModelWxDataViewModel is the base class for all data model to be displayed by a wxDataViewCtrl
oCwxDataViewModelNotifierA wxDataViewModelNotifier instance is owned by a wxDataViewModel and mirrors its notification interface
oCwxDataViewProgressRendererThis class is used by wxDataViewCtrl to render progress bars
oCwxDataViewRendererThis class is used by wxDataViewCtrl to render the individual cells
oCwxDataViewSpinRendererThis is a specialized renderer for rendering integer values
oCwxDataViewTextRendererWxDataViewTextRenderer is used for rendering text
oCwxDataViewToggleRendererThis class is used by wxDataViewCtrl to render toggle controls
oCwxDataViewTreeCtrlThis class is a wxDataViewCtrl which internally uses a wxDataViewTreeStore and forwards most of its API to that class
oCwxDataViewTreeStoreWxDataViewTreeStore is a specialised wxDataViewModel for storing simple trees very much like wxTreeCtrl does and it offers a similar API
oCwxDataViewVirtualListModelWxDataViewVirtualListModel is a specialized data model which lets you address an item by its position (row) rather than its wxDataViewItem and as such offers the exact same interface as wxDataViewIndexListModel
oCwxDateEventThis event class holds information about a date change and is used together with wxDatePickerCtrl
oCwxDatePickerCtrlThis control allows the user to select a date
oCwxDateSpanThis class is a "logical time span" and is useful for implementing program logic for such things as "add one month to the date" which, in general, doesn't mean to add 60*60*24*31 seconds to it, but to take the same date the next month (to understand that this is indeed different consider adding one month to Feb, 15 – we want to get Mar, 15, of course)
oCwxDateTimeWxDateTime class represents an absolute moment in time
oCwxDCA wxDC is a "device context" onto which graphics and text can be drawn
oCwxDCBrushChangerWxDCBrushChanger is a small helper class for setting a brush on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one
oCwxDCClipperWxDCClipper is a helper class for setting a clipping region on a wxDC during its lifetime
oCwxDCFontChangerWxDCFontChanger is a small helper class for setting a font on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one
oCwxDCOverlayConnects an overlay with a drawing DC
oCwxDCPenChangerWxDCPenChanger is a small helper class for setting a pen on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one
oCwxDCTextColourChangerWxDCTextColourChanger is a small helper class for setting a foreground text colour on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one
oCwxDDEClientA wxDDEClient object represents the client part of a client-server DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation
oCwxDDEConnectionA wxDDEConnection object represents the connection between a client and a server
oCwxDDEServerA wxDDEServer object represents the server part of a client-server DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation
oCwxDebugContextA class for performing various debugging and memory tracing operations
oCwxDebugReportWxDebugReport is used to generate a debug report, containing information about the program current state
oCwxDebugReportCompressWxDebugReportCompress is a wxDebugReport which compresses all the files in this debug report into a single ZIP file in its wxDebugReport::Process() function
oCwxDebugReportPreviewThis class presents the debug report to the user and allows him to veto report entirely or remove some parts of it
oCwxDebugReportPreviewStdWxDebugReportPreviewStd is a standard debug report preview window
oCwxDebugReportUploadThis class is used to upload a compressed file using HTTP POST request
oCwxDelegateRendererNativeWxDelegateRendererNative allows reuse of renderers code by forwarding all the wxRendererNative methods to the given object and thus allowing you to only modify some of its methods – without having to reimplement all of them
oCwxDialogA dialog box is a window with a title bar and sometimes a system menu, which can be moved around the screen
oCwxDialogLayoutAdapterThis abstract class is the base for classes that help wxWidgets perform run-time layout adaptation of dialogs
oCwxDialUpEventThis is the event class for the dialup events sent by wxDialUpManager
oCwxDialUpManagerThis class encapsulates functions dealing with verifying the connection status of the workstation (connected to the Internet via a direct connection, connected through a modem or not connected at all) and to establish this connection if possible/required (i.e
oCwxDirWxDir is a portable equivalent of Unix open/read/closedir functions which allow enumerating of the files in a directory
oCwxDirDialogThis class represents the directory chooser dialog
oCwxDirPickerCtrlThis control allows the user to select a directory
oCwxDirTraverserWxDirTraverser is an abstract interface which must be implemented by objects passed to wxDir::Traverse() function
oCwxDisplayDetermines the sizes and locations of displays connected to the system
oCwxDocChildFrameDefault frame for displaying documents on separate windows
oCwxDocManagerPart of the document/view framework supported by wxWidgets, and cooperates with the wxView, wxDocument and wxDocTemplate classes
oCwxDocMDIChildFrameDefault frame for displaying documents on separate windows
oCwxDocMDIParentFrameDefault top-level frame for applications using the document/view framework
oCwxDocParentFrameDefault top-level frame for applications using the document/view framework
oCwxDocTemplateUsed to model the relationship between a document class and a view class
oCwxDocumentThe document class can be used to model an application's file-based data
oCwxDragImageThis class is used when you wish to drag an object on the screen, and a simple cursor is not enough
oCwxDropFilesEventThis class is used for drop files events, that is, when files have been dropped onto the window
oCwxDropSourceThis class represents a source for a drag and drop operation
oCwxDropTargetThis class represents a target for a drag and drop operation
oCwxDynamicLibraryWxDynamicLibrary is a class representing dynamically loadable library (Windows DLL, shared library under Unix etc)
oCwxDynamicLibraryDetailsThis class is used for the objects returned by the wxDynamicLibrary::ListLoaded() method and contains the information about a single module loaded into the address space of the current process
oCwxEditableListBoxAn editable listbox is composite control that lets the user easily enter, delete and reorder a list of strings
oCwxEncodingConverterThis class is capable of converting strings between two 8-bit encodings/charsets
oCwxEraseEventAn erase event is sent when a window's background needs to be repainted
oCwxEventAn event is a structure holding information about an event passed to a callback or member function
oCwxEventBlockerThis class is a special event handler which allows to discard any event (or a set of event types) directed to a specific window
oCwxEventFilterA global event filter for pre-processing all the events generated in the program
oCwxEventLoopActivatorMakes an event loop temporarily active
oCwxEventLoopBaseBase class for all event loop implementations
oCwxEvtHandlerA class that can handle events from the windowing system
oCwxExecuteEnvThis structure can optionally be passed to wxExecute() to specify additional options to use for the child process
oCwxExtHelpControllerThis class implements help via an external browser
oCwxFFileWxFFile implements buffered file I/O
oCwxFFileInputStreamThis class represents data read in from a file
oCwxFFileOutputStreamThis class represents data written to a file
oCwxFFileStreamThis stream allows to both read from and write to a file using buffered STDIO functions
oCwxFileA wxFile performs raw file I/O
oCwxFileConfigWxFileConfig implements wxConfigBase interface for storing and retrieving configuration information using plain text files
oCwxFileCtrlThis control allows the user to select a file
oCwxFileCtrlEventA file control event holds information about events associated with wxFileCtrl objects
oCwxFileDataObjectWxFileDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for file names
oCwxFileDialogThis class represents the file chooser dialog
oCwxFileDirPickerEventThis event class is used for the events generated by wxFilePickerCtrl and by wxDirPickerCtrl
oCwxFileDropTargetThis is a drop target which accepts files (dragged from File Manager or Explorer)
oCwxFileHistoryThe wxFileHistory encapsulates a user interface convenience, the list of most recently visited files as shown on a menu (usually the File menu)
oCwxFileInputStreamThis class represents data read in from a file
oCwxFileNameWxFileName encapsulates a file name
oCwxFileOutputStreamThis class represents data written to a file
oCwxFilePickerCtrlThis control allows the user to select a file
oCwxFileStreamThis class represents data that can be both read from and written to a file
oCwxFileSystemThis class provides an interface for opening files on different file systems
oCwxFileSystemHandlerClasses derived from wxFileSystemHandler are used to access virtual file systems
oCwxFileSystemWatcherAllows to receive notifications of file system changes
oCwxFileSystemWatcherEventA class of events sent when a file system event occurs
oCwxFileTranslationsLoaderStandard wxTranslationsLoader implementation
oCwxFileTypeThis class holds information about a given file type
oCwxFileTypeInfoContainer of information about wxFileType
oCwxFilterClassFactoryAllows the creation of filter streams to handle compression formats such as gzip and bzip2
oCwxFilterFSHandlerFilter file system handler
oCwxFilterInputStreamA filter stream has the capability of a normal stream but it can be placed on top of another stream
oCwxFilterOutputStreamA filter stream has the capability of a normal stream but it can be placed on top of another stream
oCwxFindDialogEventWxFindReplaceDialog events
oCwxFindReplaceDataWxFindReplaceData holds the data for wxFindReplaceDialog
oCwxFindReplaceDialogWxFindReplaceDialog is a standard modeless dialog which is used to allow the user to search for some text (and possibly replace it with something else)
oCwxFlexGridSizerA flex grid sizer is a sizer which lays out its children in a two-dimensional table with all table fields in one row having the same height and all fields in one column having the same width, but all rows or all columns are not necessarily the same height or width as in the wxGridSizer
oCwxFloatingPointValidatorValidator for text entries used for floating point numbers entry
oCwxFocusEventA focus event is sent when a window's focus changes
oCwxFontA font is an object which determines the appearance of text
oCwxFontDataThis class holds a variety of information related to font dialogs
oCwxFontDialogThis class represents the font chooser dialog
oCwxFontEnumeratorWxFontEnumerator enumerates either all available fonts on the system or only the ones with given attributes - either only fixed-width (suited for use in programs such as terminal emulators and the like) or the fonts available in the given encoding)
oCwxFontInfoThis class is a helper used for wxFont creation using named parameter idiom: it allows to specify various wxFont attributes using the chained calls to its clearly named methods instead of passing them in the fixed order to wxFont constructors
oCwxFontListA font list is a list containing all fonts which have been created
oCwxFontMapperWxFontMapper manages user-definable correspondence between logical font names and the fonts present on the machine
oCwxFontMetricsSimple collection of various font metrics
oCwxFontPickerCtrlThis control allows the user to select a font
oCwxFontPickerEventThis event class is used for the events generated by wxFontPickerCtrl
oCwxFrameA frame is a window whose size and position can (usually) be changed by the user
oCwxFSFileThis class represents a single file opened by wxFileSystem
oCwxFSInputStreamInput stream for virtual file stream files
oCwxFSVolumeWxFSVolume represents a volume (also known as 'drive') in a file system under wxMSW
oCwxFTPWxFTP can be used to establish a connection to an FTP server and perform all the usual operations
oCwxGaugeA gauge is a horizontal or vertical bar which shows a quantity (often time)
oCwxGBPositionThis class represents the position of an item in a virtual grid of rows and columns managed by a wxGridBagSizer
oCwxGBSizerItemUsed by the wxGridBagSizer for tracking the items in the sizer
oCwxGBSpanThis class is used to hold the row and column spanning attributes of items in a wxGridBagSizer
oCwxGCDCWxGCDC is a device context that draws on a wxGraphicsContext
oCwxGDIObjectThis class allows platforms to implement functionality to optimise GDI objects, such as wxPen, wxBrush and wxFont
oCwxGenericAboutDialogThis class defines a customizable About dialog
oCwxGenericDirCtrlThis control can be used to place a directory listing (with optional files) on an arbitrary window
oCwxGenericProgressDialogThis class represents a dialog that shows a short message and a progress bar
oCwxGenericValidatorWxGenericValidator performs data transfer (but not validation or filtering) for many type of controls
oCwxGLCanvasWxGLCanvas is a class for displaying OpenGL graphics
oCwxGLContextAn instance of a wxGLContext represents the state of an OpenGL state machine and the connection between OpenGL and the system
oCwxGraphicsBitmapRepresents a bitmap
oCwxGraphicsBrushA wxGraphicsBrush is a native representation of a brush
oCwxGraphicsContextA wxGraphicsContext instance is the object that is drawn upon
oCwxGraphicsFontA wxGraphicsFont is a native representation of a font
oCwxGraphicsGradientStopRepresents a single gradient stop in a collection of gradient stops as represented by wxGraphicsGradientStops
oCwxGraphicsGradientStopsRepresents a collection of wxGraphicGradientStop values for use with CreateLinearGradientBrush and CreateRadialGradientBrush
oCwxGraphicsMatrixA wxGraphicsMatrix is a native representation of an affine matrix
oCwxGraphicsObjectThis class is the superclass of native graphics objects like pens etc
oCwxGraphicsPathA wxGraphicsPath is a native representation of a geometric path
oCwxGraphicsPenA wxGraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen
oCwxGraphicsRendererA wxGraphicsRenderer is the instance corresponding to the rendering engine used
oCwxGridWxGrid and its related classes are used for displaying and editing tabular data
oCwxGridBagSizerA wxSizer that can lay out items in a virtual grid like a wxFlexGridSizer but in this case explicit positioning of the items is allowed using wxGBPosition, and items can optionally span more than one row and/or column using wxGBSpan
oCwxGridCellAttrThis class can be used to alter the cells' appearance in the grid by changing their attributes from the defaults
oCwxGridCellAttrProviderClass providing attributes to be used for the grid cells
oCwxGridCellAutoWrapStringEditorGrid cell editor for wrappable string/text data
oCwxGridCellAutoWrapStringRendererThis class may be used to format string data in a cell
oCwxGridCellBoolEditorGrid cell editor for boolean data
oCwxGridCellBoolRendererThis class may be used to format boolean data in a cell
oCwxGridCellChoiceEditorGrid cell editor for string data providing the user a choice from a list of strings
oCwxGridCellCoordsRepresents coordinates of a grid cell
oCwxGridCellDateTimeRendererThis class may be used to format a date/time data in a cell
oCwxGridCellEditorThis class is responsible for providing and manipulating the in-place edit controls for the grid
oCwxGridCellEnumEditorGrid cell editor which displays an enum number as a textual equivalent (eg
oCwxGridCellEnumRendererThis class may be used to render in a cell a number as a textual equivalent
oCwxGridCellFloatEditorThe editor for floating point numbers data
oCwxGridCellFloatRendererThis class may be used to format floating point data in a cell
oCwxGridCellNumberEditorGrid cell editor for numeric integer data
oCwxGridCellNumberRendererThis class may be used to format integer data in a cell
oCwxGridCellRendererThis class is responsible for actually drawing the cell in the grid
oCwxGridCellStringRendererThis class may be used to format string data in a cell; it is the default for string cells
oCwxGridCellTextEditorGrid cell editor for string/text data
oCwxGridColumnHeaderRendererBase class for column headers renderer
oCwxGridColumnHeaderRendererDefaultDefault column header renderer
oCwxGridCornerHeaderRendererBase class for corner window renderer
oCwxGridCornerHeaderRendererDefaultDefault corner window renderer
oCwxGridEventThis event class contains information about various grid events
oCwxGridHeaderLabelsRendererCommon base class for row and column headers renderers
oCwxGridRowHeaderRendererBase class for row headers renderer
oCwxGridRowHeaderRendererDefaultDefault row header renderer
oCwxGridSizeEventThis event class contains information about a row/column resize event
oCwxGridSizerA grid sizer is a sizer which lays out its children in a two-dimensional table with all table fields having the same size, i.e
oCwxGridSizesInfoWxGridSizesInfo stores information about sizes of all wxGrid rows or columns
oCwxGridStringTableSimplest type of data table for a grid for small tables of strings that are stored in memory
oCwxGridTableBaseThe almost abstract base class for grid tables
oCwxGridTableMessageA simple class used to pass messages from the table to the grid
oCwxGridUpdateLockerThis small class can be used to prevent wxGrid from redrawing during its lifetime by calling wxGrid::BeginBatch() in its constructor and wxGrid::EndBatch() in its destructor
oCwxGUIEventLoopA generic implementation of the GUI event loop
oCwxHashMapThis is a simple, type-safe, and reasonably efficient hash map class, whose interface is a subset of the interface of STL containers
oCwxHashSetThis is a simple, type-safe, and reasonably efficient hash set class, whose interface is a subset of the interface of STL containers
oCwxHeaderButtonParamsThis struct can optionally be used with wxRendererNative::DrawHeaderButton() to specify custom values used to draw the text or bitmap label
oCwxHeaderColumnRepresents a column header in controls displaying tabular data such as wxDataViewCtrl or wxGrid
oCwxHeaderColumnSimpleSimple container for the information about the column
oCwxHeaderCtrlWxHeaderCtrl is the control containing the column headings which is usually used for display of tabular data
oCwxHeaderCtrlEventEvent class representing the events generated by wxHeaderCtrl
oCwxHeaderCtrlSimpleWxHeaderCtrlSimple is a concrete header control which can be used directly, without inheriting from it as you need to do when using wxHeaderCtrl itself
oCwxHelpControllerThis is an alias for one of a family of help controller classes which is most appropriate for the current platform
oCwxHelpControllerBaseThis is the abstract base class a family of classes by which applications may invoke a help viewer to provide on-line help
oCwxHelpControllerHelpProviderWxHelpControllerHelpProvider is an implementation of wxHelpProvider which supports both context identifiers and plain text help strings
oCwxHelpEventA help event is sent when the user has requested context-sensitive help
oCwxHelpProviderWxHelpProvider is an abstract class used by a program implementing context-sensitive help to show the help text for the given window
oCwxHScrolledWindowIn the name of this class, "H" stands for "horizontal" because it can be used for scrolling columns of variable widths
oCwxHtmlBookRecordHelper class for wxHtmlHelpData
oCwxHtmlCellInternal data structure
oCwxHtmlCellEventThis event class is used for the events generated by wxHtmlWindow
oCwxHtmlColourCellThis cell changes the colour of either the background or the foreground
oCwxHtmlContainerCellImplementation of a cell that may contain more cells in it
oCwxHTMLDataObjectWxHTMLDataObject is used for working with HTML-formatted text
oCwxHtmlDCRendererThis class can render HTML document into a specified area of a DC
oCwxHtmlEasyPrintingThis class provides very simple interface to printing architecture
oCwxHtmlFilterThis class is the parent class of input filters for wxHtmlWindow
oCwxHtmlFontCellThis cell represents a font change in the document stream
oCwxHtmlHelpControllerThis help controller provides an easy way of displaying HTML help in your application (see HTML Sample, test example)
oCwxHtmlHelpDataThis class is used by wxHtmlHelpController and wxHtmlHelpFrame to access HTML help items
oCwxHtmlHelpDataItemHelper class for wxHtmlHelpData
oCwxHtmlHelpDialogThis class is used by wxHtmlHelpController to display help
oCwxHtmlHelpFrameThis class is used by wxHtmlHelpController to display help
oCwxHtmlHelpWindowThis class is used by wxHtmlHelpController to display help within a frame or dialog, but you can use it yourself to create an embedded HTML help window
oCwxHtmlLinkEventThis event class is used for the events generated by wxHtmlWindow
oCwxHtmlLinkInfoThis class stores all necessary information about hypertext links (as represented by <A> tag in HTML documents)
oCwxHtmlListBoxWxHtmlListBox is an implementation of wxVListBox which shows HTML content in the listbox rows
oCwxHtmlModalHelpThis class uses wxHtmlHelpController to display help in a modal dialog
oCwxHtmlParserClasses derived from this handle the generic parsing of HTML documents: it scans the document and divide it into blocks of tags (where one block consists of beginning and ending tag and of text between these two tags)
oCwxHtmlPrintoutThis class serves as printout class for HTML documents
oCwxHtmlRenderingInfoThis class contains information given to cells when drawing them
oCwxHtmlRenderingStateSelection state is passed to wxHtmlCell::Draw so that it can render itself differently e.g
oCwxHtmlRenderingStyleWxHtmlSelection is data holder with information about text selection
oCwxHtmlTagThis class represents a single HTML tag
oCwxHtmlTagsModuleThis class provides easy way of filling wxHtmlWinParser's table of tag handlers
oCwxHtmlWidgetCellWxHtmlWidgetCell is a class that provides a connection between HTML cells and widgets (an object derived from wxWindow)
oCwxHtmlWindowWxHtmlWindow is probably the only class you will directly use unless you want to do something special (like adding new tag handlers or MIME filters)
oCwxHtmlWindowInterfaceAbstract interface to a HTML rendering window (such as wxHtmlWindow or wxHtmlListBox) that is passed to wxHtmlWinParser
oCwxHtmlWinParserThis class is derived from wxHtmlParser and its main goal is to parse HTML input so that it can be displayed in wxHtmlWindow
oCwxHtmlWinTagHandlerThis is basically wxHtmlTagHandler except that it is extended with protected member m_WParser pointing to the wxHtmlWinParser object (value of this member is identical to wxHtmlParser's m_Parser)
oCwxHtmlWordCellThis html cell represents a single word or text fragment in the document stream
oCwxHtmlWordWithTabsCellWxHtmlWordCell is a specialization for storing text fragments with embedded tab characters
oCwxHTTPWxHTTP can be used to establish a connection to an HTTP server
oCwxHVScrolledWindowThis window inherits all functionality of both vertical and horizontal, variable scrolled windows
oCwxHyperlinkCtrlThis class shows a static text element which links to an URL
oCwxHyperlinkEventThis event class is used for the events generated by wxHyperlinkCtrl
oCwxIconAn icon is a small rectangular bitmap usually used for denoting a minimized application
oCwxIconBundleThis class contains multiple copies of an icon in different sizes
oCwxIconizeEventAn event being sent when the frame is iconized (minimized) or restored
oCwxIconLocationWxIconLocation is a tiny class describing the location of an (external, i.e
oCwxIdleEventThis class is used for idle events, which are generated when the system becomes idle
oCwxIdManagerWxIdManager is responsible for allocating and releasing window IDs
oCwxImageThis class encapsulates a platform-independent image
oCwxImageHandlerThis is the base class for implementing image file loading/saving, and image creation from data
oCwxImageListA wxImageList contains a list of images, which are stored in an unspecified form
oCwxInfoBarAn info bar is a transient window shown at top or bottom of its parent window to display non-critical information to the user
oCwxInitDialogEventA wxInitDialogEvent is sent as a dialog or panel is being initialised
oCwxInitializerCreate an object of this class on the stack to initialize/cleanup the library automatically
oCwxInputStreamWxInputStream is an abstract base class which may not be used directly
oCwxIntegerValidatorValidator for text entries used for integer entry
oCwxInternetFSHandlerA file system handler for accessing files from internet servers
oCwxIPaddressWxIPaddress is an abstract base class for all internet protocol address objects
oCwxIPV4addressA class for working with IPv4 network addresses
oCwxItemContainerThis class is an abstract base class for some wxWidgets controls which contain several items such as wxListBox, wxCheckListBox, wxComboBox or wxChoice
oCwxItemContainerImmutableWxItemContainer defines an interface which is implemented by all controls which have string subitems each of which may be selected
oCwxJoystickWxJoystick allows an application to control one or more joysticks
oCwxJoystickEventThis event class contains information about joystick events, particularly events received by windows
oCwxKeyboardStateProvides methods for testing the state of the keyboard modifier keys
oCwxKeyEventThis event class contains information about key press and release events
oCwxLanguageInfoEncapsulates a wxLanguage identifier together with OS-specific information related to that language
oCwxLayoutAlgorithmWxLayoutAlgorithm implements layout of subwindows in MDI or SDI frames
oCwxLinuxDistributionInfoA structure containing information about a Linux distribution as returned by the lsb_release utility
oCwxList< T >The wxList<T> class provides linked list functionality
oCwxListbookWxListbook is a class similar to wxNotebook but which uses a wxListCtrl to show the labels instead of the tabs
oCwxListBoxA listbox is used to select one or more of a list of strings
oCwxListCtrlA list control presents lists in a number of formats: list view, report view, icon view and small icon view
oCwxListEventA list event holds information about events associated with wxListCtrl objects
oCwxListItemThis class stores information about a wxListCtrl item or column
oCwxListItemAttrRepresents the attributes (color, font, ...) of a wxListCtrl's wxListItem
oCwxListViewThis class currently simply presents a simpler to use interface for the wxListCtrl Рit can be thought of as a fa̤ade for that complicated class
oCwxLocaleWxLocale class encapsulates all language-dependent settings and is a generalization of the C locale concept
oCwxLogWxLog class defines the interface for the log targets used by wxWidgets logging functions as explained in the Logging Overview
oCwxLogBufferWxLogBuffer is a very simple implementation of log sink which simply collects all the logged messages in a string (except the debug messages which are output in the usual way immediately as we're presumably not interested in collecting them for later)
oCwxLogChainThis simple class allows you to chain log sinks, that is to install a new sink but keep passing log messages to the old one instead of replacing it completely as wxLog::SetActiveTarget does
oCwxLogFormatterWxLogFormatter class is used to format the log messages
oCwxLogGuiThis is the default log target for the GUI wxWidgets applications
oCwxLogInterposerA special version of wxLogChain which uses itself as the new log target
oCwxLogInterposerTempA special version of wxLogChain which uses itself as the new log target
oCwxLogNullThis class allows you to temporarily suspend logging
oCwxLogRecordInfoInformation about a log record (unit of the log output)
oCwxLogStderrThis class can be used to redirect the log messages to a C file stream (not to be confused with C++ streams)
oCwxLogStreamThis class can be used to redirect the log messages to a C++ stream
oCwxLogTextCtrlUsing these target all the log messages can be redirected to a text control
oCwxLogWindowThis class represents a background log window: to be precise, it collects all log messages in the log frame which it manages but also passes them on to the log target which was active at the moment of its creation
oCwxLongLongThis class represents a signed 64 bit long number
oCwxMaskThis class encapsulates a monochrome mask bitmap, where the masked area is black and the unmasked area is white
oCwxMatrix2DA simple container for 2x2 matrix
oCwxMaximizeEventAn event being sent when a top level window is maximized
oCwxMBConvThis class is the base class of a hierarchy of classes capable of converting text strings between multibyte (SBCS or DBCS) encodings and Unicode
oCwxMBConvUTF16This class is used to convert between multibyte encodings and UTF-16 Unicode encoding (also known as UCS-2)
oCwxMBConvUTF32This class is used to convert between multibyte encodings and UTF-32 Unicode encoding (also known as UCS-4)
oCwxMBConvUTF7This class converts between the UTF-7 encoding and Unicode
oCwxMBConvUTF8This class converts between the UTF-8 encoding and Unicode
oCwxMDIChildFrameAn MDI child frame is a frame that can only exist inside a wxMDIClientWindow, which is itself a child of wxMDIParentFrame
oCwxMDIClientWindowAn MDI client window is a child of wxMDIParentFrame, and manages zero or more wxMDIChildFrame objects
oCwxMDIParentFrameAn MDI (Multiple Document Interface) parent frame is a window which can contain MDI child frames in its client area which emulates the full desktop
oCwxMediaCtrlWxMediaCtrl is a class for displaying types of media, such as videos, audio files, natively through native codecs
oCwxMediaEventEvent wxMediaCtrl uses
oCwxMemoryBufferA wxMemoryBuffer is a useful data structure for storing arbitrary sized blocks of memory
oCwxMemoryDCA memory device context provides a means to draw graphics onto a bitmap
oCwxMemoryFSHandlerThis wxFileSystem handler can store arbitrary data in memory stream and make them accessible via an URL
oCwxMemoryInputStreamThis class allows to use all methods taking a wxInputStream reference to read in-memory data
oCwxMemoryOutputStreamThis class allows to use all methods taking a wxOutputStream reference to write to in-memory data
oCwxMenuA menu is a popup (or pull down) list of items, one of which may be selected before the menu goes away (clicking elsewhere dismisses the menu)
oCwxMenuBarA menu bar is a series of menus accessible from the top of a frame
oCwxMenuEventThis class is used for a variety of menu-related events
oCwxMenuItemA menu item represents an item in a menu
oCwxMessageDialogThis class represents a dialog that shows a single or multi-line message, with a choice of OK, Yes, No and Cancel buttons
oCwxMessageOutputSimple class allowing to write strings to various output channels
oCwxMessageOutputBestOutput messages in the best possible way
oCwxMessageOutputDebugOutput messages to the system debug output channel
oCwxMessageOutputMessageBoxOutput messages by showing them in a message box
oCwxMessageOutputStderrOutput messages to stderr or another STDIO file stream
oCwxMessageQueue< T >WxMessageQueue allows passing messages between threads
oCwxMetafileA wxMetafile represents the MS Windows metafile object, so metafile operations have no effect in X
oCwxMetafileDCThis is a type of device context that allows a metafile object to be created (Windows only), and has most of the characteristics of a normal wxDC
oCwxMimeTypesManagerThis class allows the application to retrieve information about all known MIME types from a system-specific location and the filename extensions to the MIME types and vice versa
oCwxMiniFrameA miniframe is a frame with a small title bar
oCwxMirrorDCWxMirrorDC is a simple wrapper class which is always associated with a real wxDC object and either forwards all of its operations to it without changes (no mirroring takes place) or exchanges x and y coordinates which makes it possible to reuse the same code to draw a figure and its mirror – i.e
oCwxModalDialogHookAllows to intercept all modal dialog calls
oCwxModuleThe module system is a very simple mechanism to allow applications (and parts of wxWidgets itself) to define initialization and cleanup functions that are automatically called on wxWidgets startup and exit
oCwxMouseCaptureChangedEventAn mouse capture changed event is sent to a window that loses its mouse capture
oCwxMouseCaptureLostEventA mouse capture lost event is sent to a window that had obtained mouse capture, which was subsequently lost due to an "external" event (for example, when a dialog box is shown or if another application captures the mouse)
oCwxMouseEventThis event class contains information about the events generated by the mouse: they include mouse buttons press and release events and mouse move events
oCwxMouseEventsManagerHelper for handling mouse input events in windows containing multiple items
oCwxMouseStateRepresents the mouse state
oCwxMoveEventA move event holds information about wxTopLevelWindow move change events
oCwxMsgCatalogRepresents a loaded translations message catalog
oCwxMultiChoiceDialogThis class represents a dialog that shows a list of strings, and allows the user to select one or more
oCwxMutexA mutex object is a synchronization object whose state is set to signaled when it is not owned by any thread, and nonsignaled when it is owned
oCwxMutexLockerThis is a small helper class to be used with wxMutex objects
oCwxNativeFontInfoWxNativeFontInfo is platform-specific font representation: this class should be considered as an opaque font description only used by the native functions, the user code can only get the objects of this type from somewhere and pass it somewhere else (possibly save them somewhere using ToString() and restore them using FromString())
oCwxNavigationEnabledA helper class implementing TAB navigation among the window children
oCwxNavigationKeyEventThis event class contains information about navigation events, generated by navigation keys such as tab and page down
oCwxNode< T >WxNode<T> is the node structure used in linked lists (see wxList) and derived classes
oCwxNonOwnedWindowCommon base class for all non-child windows
oCwxNotebookThis class represents a notebook control, which manages multiple windows with associated tabs
oCwxNotificationMessageThis class allows to show the user a message non intrusively
oCwxNotifyEventThis class is not used by the event handlers by itself, but is a base class for other event classes (such as wxBookCtrlEvent)
oCwxNumberFormatterHelper class for formatting and parsing numbers with thousands separators
oCwxNumValidatorWxNumValidator is the common base class for numeric validator classes
oCwxObjectThis is the root class of many of the wxWidgets classes
oCwxObjectDataPtr< T >This is an helper template class primarily written to avoid memory leaks because of missing calls to wxRefCounter::DecRef() and wxObjectRefData::DecRef()
oCwxObjectRefDataThis class is just a typedef to wxRefCounter and is used by wxObject
oCwxOutputStreamWxOutputStream is an abstract base class which may not be used directly
oCwxOverlayCreates an overlay over an existing window, allowing for manipulations like rubberbanding, etc
oCwxOwnerDrawnComboBoxWxOwnerDrawnComboBox is a combobox with owner-drawn list items
oCwxPageSetupDialogThis class represents the page setup common dialog
oCwxPageSetupDialogDataThis class holds a variety of information related to wxPageSetupDialog
oCwxPaintDCA wxPaintDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the client area of a window from within an EVT_PAINT() event handler
oCwxPaintEventA paint event is sent when a window's contents needs to be repainted
oCwxPaletteA palette is a table that maps pixel values to RGB colours
oCwxPanelA panel is a window on which controls are placed
oCwxPasswordEntryDialogThis class represents a dialog that requests a one-line password string from the user
oCwxPathListThe path list is a convenient way of storing a number of directories, and when presented with a filename without a directory, searching for an existing file in those directories
oCwxPenA pen is a drawing tool for drawing outlines
oCwxPenListThere is only one instance of this class: wxThePenList
oCwxPersistenceManagerProvides support for automatically saving and restoring object properties to persistent storage
oCwxPersistentBookCtrlPersistence adapter for wxBookCtrlBase
oCwxPersistentObjectBase class for persistent object adapters
oCwxPersistentTLWPersistence adapter for wxTopLevelWindow
oCwxPersistentTreeBookCtrlPersistence adapter for wxTreebook
oCwxPersistentWindowBase class for persistent windows
oCwxPGCellBase class for wxPropertyGrid cell information
oCwxPGChoicesHelper class for managing choices of wxPropertyGrid properties
oCwxPGEditorBase class for custom wxPropertyGrid editors
oCwxPGMultiButtonThis class can be used to have multiple buttons in a property editor
oCwxPGPropertyWxPGProperty is base class for all wxPropertyGrid properties
oCwxPickerBaseBase abstract class for all pickers which support an auxiliary text control
oCwxPixelDataA class template with ready to use implementations for getting direct and efficient access to wxBitmap's internal data and wxImage's internal data through a standard interface
oCwxPlatformInfoThis class holds information about the operating system, the toolkit and the basic architecture of the machine where the application is currently running
oCwxPointA wxPoint is a useful data structure for graphics operations
oCwxPopupTransientWindowA wxPopupWindow which disappears automatically when the user clicks mouse outside it or if it loses focus in any other way
oCwxPopupWindowA special kind of top level window used for popup menus, combobox popups and such
oCwxPositionThis class represents the position of an item in any kind of grid of rows and columns such as wxGridBagSizer, or wxHVScrolledWindow
oCwxPostScriptDCThis defines the wxWidgets Encapsulated PostScript device context, which can write PostScript files on any platform
oCwxPowerEventThe power events are generated when the system power state changes, e.g
oCwxPreferencesEditorManage preferences dialog
oCwxPreferencesPageOne page of preferences dialog
oCwxPreviewCanvasA preview canvas is the default canvas used by the print preview system to display the preview
oCwxPreviewControlBarThis is the default implementation of the preview control bar, a panel with buttons and a zoom control
oCwxPreviewFrameThis class provides the default method of managing the print preview interface
oCwxPrintAbortDialogThe dialog created by default by the print framework that enables aborting the printing process
oCwxPrintDataThis class holds a variety of information related to printers and printer device contexts
oCwxPrintDialogThis class represents the print and print setup common dialogs
oCwxPrintDialogDataThis class holds information related to the visual characteristics of wxPrintDialog
oCwxPrinterThis class represents the Windows or PostScript printer, and is the vehicle through which printing may be launched by an application
oCwxPrinterDCA printer device context is specific to MSW and Mac, and allows access to any printer with a Windows or Macintosh driver
oCwxPrintoutThis class encapsulates the functionality of printing out an application document
oCwxPrintPreviewObjects of this class manage the print preview process
oCwxProcessThe objects of this class are used in conjunction with the wxExecute() function
oCwxProcessEventA process event is sent to the wxEvtHandler specified to wxProcess when a process is terminated
oCwxProgressDialogIf supported by the platform this class will provide the platform's native progress dialog, else it will simply be the wxGenericProgressDialog
oCwxPropagateOnceHelper class to temporarily lower propagation level
oCwxPropagationDisablerHelper class to temporarily change an event to not propagate
oCwxPropertyGridWxPropertyGrid is a specialized grid for editing properties - in other words name = value pairs
oCwxPropertyGridEventA property grid event holds information about events associated with wxPropertyGrid objects
oCwxPropertyGridInterfaceMost of the shared property manipulation interface shared by wxPropertyGrid, wxPropertyGridPage, and wxPropertyGridManager is defined in this class
oCwxPropertyGridManagerWxPropertyGridManager is an efficient multi-page version of wxPropertyGrid, which can optionally have toolbar for mode and page selection, a help text box, and a header
oCwxPropertyGridPageHolder of property grid page information
oCwxPropertySheetDialogThis class represents a property sheet dialog: a tabbed dialog for showing settings
oCwxProtocolRepresents a protocol for use with wxURL
oCwxProtocolLogClass allowing to log network operations performed by wxProtocol
oCwxQuantizePerforms quantization, or colour reduction, on a wxImage
oCwxQueryLayoutInfoEventThis event is sent when wxLayoutAlgorithm wishes to get the size, orientation and alignment of a window
oCwxRadioBoxA radio box item is used to select one of number of mutually exclusive choices
oCwxRadioButtonA radio button item is a button which usually denotes one of several mutually exclusive options
oCwxRealPointA wxRealPoint is a useful data structure for graphics operations
oCwxRearrangeCtrlA composite control containing a wxRearrangeList and the buttons allowing to move the items in it
oCwxRearrangeDialogA dialog allowing the user to rearrange the specified items
oCwxRearrangeListA listbox-like control allowing the user to rearrange the items and to enable or disable them
oCwxRectA class for manipulating rectangles
oCwxRecursionGuardWxRecursionGuard is a very simple class which can be used to prevent reentrancy problems in a function
oCwxRecursionGuardFlagThis is a completely opaque class which exists only to be used with wxRecursionGuard, please see the example in that class' documentation
oCwxRefCounterThis class is used to manage reference-counting providing a simple interface and a counter
oCwxRegConfigWxRegConfig implements the wxConfigBase interface for storing and retrieving configuration information using Windows registry
oCwxRegExWxRegEx represents a regular expression
oCwxRegionA wxRegion represents a simple or complex region on a device context or window
oCwxRegionIteratorThis class is used to iterate through the rectangles in a region, typically when examining the damaged regions of a window within an OnPaint call
oCwxRegKeyWxRegKey is a class representing the Windows registry (it is only available under Windows)
oCwxRendererNativeFirst, a brief introduction to wxRendererNative and why it is needed
oCwxRendererVersionThis simple struct represents the wxRendererNative interface version and is only used as the return value of wxRendererNative::GetVersion()
oCwxResourceTranslationsLoaderThis loader makes it possible to load translations from Windows resources
oCwxRibbonArtProviderWxRibbonArtProvider is responsible for drawing all the components of the ribbon interface
oCwxRibbonBarTop-level control in a ribbon user interface
oCwxRibbonBarEventEvent used to indicate various actions relating to a wxRibbonBar
oCwxRibbonButtonBarA ribbon button bar is similar to a traditional toolbar
oCwxRibbonButtonBarEventEvent used to indicate various actions relating to a button on a wxRibbonButtonBar
oCwxRibbonControlWxRibbonControl serves as a base class for all controls which share the ribbon characteristics of having a ribbon art provider, and (optionally) non-continuous resizing
oCwxRibbonGalleryA ribbon gallery is like a wxListBox, but for bitmaps rather than strings
oCwxRibbonPageContainer for related ribbon panels, and a tab within a ribbon bar
oCwxRibbonPanelServes as a container for a group of (ribbon) controls
oCwxRibbonPanelEventEvent used to indicate various actions relating to a wxRibbonPanel
oCwxRibbonToolBarA ribbon tool bar is similar to a traditional toolbar which has no labels
oCwxRichMessageDialogExtension of wxMessageDialog with additional functionality
oCwxRichTextActionImplements a part of a command
oCwxRichTextAttrA class representing enhanced attributes for rich text objects
oCwxRichTextBoxThis class implements a floating or inline text box, containing paragraphs
oCwxRichTextBufferThis is a kind of paragraph layout box, used to represent the whole buffer
oCwxRichTextBufferDataObjectImplements a rich text data object for clipboard transfer
oCwxRichTextCellWxRichTextCell is the cell in a table, in which the user can type
oCwxRichTextCharacterStyleDefinitionThis class represents a character style definition, usually added to a wxRichTextStyleSheet
oCwxRichTextCommandImplements a command on the undo/redo stack
oCwxRichTextCompositeObjectObjects of this class can contain other objects
oCwxRichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfoWxRichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo keeps track of objects that appear in the context menu, whose properties are available to be edited
oCwxRichTextCtrlWxRichTextCtrl provides a generic, ground-up implementation of a text control capable of showing multiple styles and images
oCwxRichTextDrawingContextA class for passing information to drawing and measuring functions
oCwxRichTextDrawingHandlerThe base class for custom drawing handlers
oCwxRichTextEventThis is the event class for wxRichTextCtrl notifications
oCwxRichTextFieldThis class implements the general concept of a field, an object that represents additional functionality such as a footnote, a bookmark, a page number, a table of contents, and so on
oCwxRichTextFieldTypeThe base class for custom field types
oCwxRichTextFieldTypeStandardA field type that can handle fields with text or bitmap labels, with a small range of styles for implementing rectangular fields and fields that can be used for start and end tags
oCwxRichTextFileHandlerThe base class for file handlers
oCwxRichTextFontTableManages quick access to a pool of fonts for rendering rich text
oCwxRichTextFormattingDialogThis dialog allows the user to edit a character and/or paragraph style
oCwxRichTextFormattingDialogFactoryThis class provides pages for wxRichTextFormattingDialog, and allows other customization of the dialog
oCwxRichTextHeaderFooterDataThis class represents header and footer data to be passed to the wxRichTextPrinting and wxRichTextPrintout classes
oCwxRichTextHTMLHandlerHandles HTML output (only) for wxRichTextCtrl content
oCwxRichTextImageThis class implements a graphic object
oCwxRichTextImageBlockThis class stores information about an image, in binary in-memory form
oCwxRichTextLineThis object represents a line in a paragraph, and stores offsets from the start of the paragraph representing the start and end positions of the line
oCwxRichTextListStyleDefinitionThis class represents a list style definition, usually added to a wxRichTextStyleSheet
oCwxRichTextObjectThis is the base for drawable rich text objects
oCwxRichTextObjectAddressA class for specifying an object anywhere in an object hierarchy, without using a pointer, necessary since wxRTC commands may delete and recreate sub-objects so physical object addresses change
oCwxRichTextParagraphThis object represents a single paragraph containing various objects such as text content, images, and further paragraph layout objects
oCwxRichTextParagraphLayoutBoxThis class knows how to lay out paragraphs
oCwxRichTextParagraphStyleDefinitionThis class represents a paragraph style definition, usually added to a wxRichTextStyleSheet
oCwxRichTextPlainTextThis object represents a single piece of text
oCwxRichTextPlainTextHandlerImplements saving a buffer to plain text
oCwxRichTextPrintingThis class provides a simple interface for performing wxRichTextBuffer printing and previewing
oCwxRichTextPrintoutThis class implements print layout for wxRichTextBuffer
oCwxRichTextPropertiesA simple property class using wxVariants
oCwxRichTextRangeThis stores beginning and end positions for a range of data
oCwxRichTextRendererThis class isolates some common drawing functionality
oCwxRichTextSelectionStores selection information
oCwxRichTextStdRendererThe standard renderer for drawing bullets
oCwxRichTextStyleComboCtrlThis is a combo control that can display the styles in a wxRichTextStyleSheet, and apply the selection to an associated wxRichTextCtrl
oCwxRichTextStyleDefinitionThis is a base class for paragraph and character styles
oCwxRichTextStyleListBoxThis is a listbox that can display the styles in a wxRichTextStyleSheet, and apply the selection to an associated wxRichTextCtrl
oCwxRichTextStyleListCtrlThis class incorporates a wxRichTextStyleListBox and a choice control that allows the user to select the category of style to view
oCwxRichTextStyleOrganiserDialogThis class shows a style sheet and allows the user to edit, add and remove styles
oCwxRichTextStyleSheetA style sheet contains named paragraph and character styles that make it easy for a user to apply combinations of attributes to a wxRichTextCtrl
oCwxRichTextTableWxRichTextTable represents a table with arbitrary columns and rows
oCwxRichTextTableBlockStores the coordinates for a block of cells
oCwxRichTextXMLHandlerA handler for loading and saving content in an XML format specific to wxRichTextBuffer
oCwxRichToolTipAllows to show a tool tip with more customizations than wxToolTip
oCwxSashEventA sash event is sent when the sash of a wxSashWindow has been dragged by the user
oCwxSashLayoutWindowWxSashLayoutWindow responds to OnCalculateLayout events generated by wxLayoutAlgorithm
oCwxSashWindowWxSashWindow allows any of its edges to have a sash which can be dragged to resize the window
oCwxScopedArrayA scoped array template class
oCwxScopedCharTypeBufferWxScopedCharTypeBuffer<T> is a template class for storing characters
oCwxScopedPtrThis is a simple scoped smart pointer implementation that is similar to the Boost smart pointers (see but rewritten to use macros instead
oCwxScopedPtr< T >A scoped pointer template class
oCwxScopedTiedPtrThis is a variation on the topic of wxScopedPtr
oCwxScopeGuardScope guard is an object which allows executing an action on scope exit
oCwxScreenDCA wxScreenDC can be used to paint on the screen
oCwxScrollBarA wxScrollBar is a control that represents a horizontal or vertical scrollbar
oCwxScrolledThe wxScrolled class manages scrolling for its client area, transforming the coordinates according to the scrollbar positions, and setting the scroll positions, thumb sizes and ranges according to the area in view
oCwxScrollEventA scroll event holds information about events sent from stand-alone scrollbars (see wxScrollBar) and sliders (see wxSlider)
oCwxScrollWinEventA scroll event holds information about events sent from scrolling windows
oCwxSearchCtrlA search control is a composite control with a search button, a text control, and a cancel button
oCwxSemaphoreWxSemaphore is a counter limiting the number of threads concurrently accessing a shared resource
oCwxServerA wxServer object represents the server part of a client-server DDE-like (Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation
oCwxSetCursorEventA wxSetCursorEvent is generated from wxWindow when the mouse cursor is about to be set as a result of mouse motion
oCwxSettableHeaderColumnAdds methods to set the column attributes to wxHeaderColumn
oCwxSharedPtr< T >A smart pointer with non-intrusive reference counting
oCwxShowEventAn event being sent when the window is shown or hidden
oCwxSimplebookWxSimplebook is a control showing exactly one of its several pages
oCwxSimpleHelpProviderWxSimpleHelpProvider is an implementation of wxHelpProvider which supports only plain text help strings, and shows the string associated with the control (if any) in a tooltip
oCwxSimpleHtmlListBoxWxSimpleHtmlListBox is an implementation of wxHtmlListBox which shows HTML content in the listbox rows
oCwxSingleChoiceDialogThis class represents a dialog that shows a list of strings, and allows the user to select one
oCwxSingleInstanceCheckerWxSingleInstanceChecker class allows to check that only a single instance of a program is running
oCwxSizeA wxSize is a useful data structure for graphics operations
oCwxSizeEventA size event holds information about size change events of wxWindow
oCwxSizerWxSizer is the abstract base class used for laying out subwindows in a window
oCwxSizerFlagsContainer for sizer items flags providing readable names for them
oCwxSizerItemUsed to track the position, size and other attributes of each item managed by a wxSizer
oCwxSliderA slider is a control with a handle which can be pulled back and forth to change the value
oCwxSockAddressYou are unlikely to need to use this class: only wxSocketBase uses it
oCwxSocketBaseWxSocketBase is the base class for all socket-related objects, and it defines all basic IO functionality
oCwxSocketEventThis event class contains information about socket events
oCwxSocketInputStreamThis class implements an input stream which reads data from a connected socket
oCwxSocketOutputStreamThis class implements an output stream which writes data from a connected socket
oCwxSortedArrayStringWxSortedArrayString is an efficient container for storing wxString objects which always keeps the string in alphabetical order
oCwxSoundThis class represents a short sound (loaded from Windows WAV file), that can be stored in memory and played
oCwxSpinButtonA wxSpinButton has two small up and down (or left and right) arrow buttons
oCwxSpinCtrlWxSpinCtrl combines wxTextCtrl and wxSpinButton in one control
oCwxSpinCtrlDoubleWxSpinCtrlDouble combines wxTextCtrl and wxSpinButton in one control and displays a real number
oCwxSpinDoubleEventThis event class is used for the events generated by wxSpinCtrlDouble
oCwxSpinEventThis event class is used for the events generated by wxSpinButton and wxSpinCtrl
oCwxSplashScreenWxSplashScreen shows a window with a thin border, displaying a bitmap describing your application
oCwxSplitterEventThis class represents the events generated by a splitter control
oCwxSplitterRenderParamsThis is just a simple struct used as a return value of wxRendererNative::GetSplitterParams()
oCwxSplitterWindowThis class manages up to two subwindows
oCwxStack< T >WxStack<T> is similar to std::stack and can be used exactly like it
oCwxStackFrameWxStackFrame represents a single stack frame, or a single function in the call stack, and is used exclusively together with wxStackWalker, see there for a more detailed discussion
oCwxStackWalkerWxStackWalker allows an application to enumerate, or walk, the stack frames (the function callstack)
oCwxStandardPathsWxStandardPaths returns the standard locations in the file system and should be used by applications to find their data files in a portable way
oCwxStaticBitmapA static bitmap control displays a bitmap
oCwxStaticBoxA static box is a rectangle drawn around other windows to denote a logical grouping of items
oCwxStaticBoxSizerWxStaticBoxSizer is a sizer derived from wxBoxSizer but adds a static box around the sizer
oCwxStaticLineA static line is just a line which may be used in a dialog to separate the groups of controls
oCwxStaticTextA static text control displays one or more lines of read-only text
oCwxStatusBarA status bar is a narrow window that can be placed along the bottom of a frame to give small amounts of status information
oCwxStatusBarPaneA status bar pane data container used by wxStatusBar
oCwxStdDialogButtonSizerThis class creates button layouts which conform to the standard button spacing and ordering defined by the platform or toolkit's user interface guidelines (if such things exist)
oCwxStdInputStreamWxStdInputStream is a std::istream derived stream which reads from a wxInputStream
oCwxStdInputStreamBufferWxStdInputStreamBuffer is a std::streambuf derived stream buffer which reads from a wxInputStream
oCwxStdOutputStreamWxStdOutputStream is a std::ostream derived stream which writes to a wxOutputStream
oCwxStdOutputStreamBufferWxStdOutputStreamBuffer is a std::streambuf derived stream buffer which writes to a wxOutputStream
oCwxStockPreferencesPageSpecialization of wxPreferencesPage useful for certain commonly used preferences page
oCwxStopWatchAllow you to measure time intervals
oCwxStreamBaseThis class is the base class of most stream related classes in wxWidgets
oCwxStreamBufferWxStreamBuffer is a cache manager for wxStreamBase: it manages a stream buffer linked to a stream
oCwxStreamToTextRedirectorThis class can be used to (temporarily) redirect all output sent to a C++ ostream object to a wxTextCtrl instead
oCwxStringString class for passing textual data to or receiving it from wxWidgets
oCwxStringBufferThis tiny class allows you to conveniently access the wxString internal buffer as a writable pointer without any risk of forgetting to restore the string to the usable state later
oCwxStringBufferLengthThis tiny class allows you to conveniently access the wxString internal buffer as a writable pointer without any risk of forgetting to restore the string to the usable state later, and allows the user to set the internal length of the string
oCwxStringClientDataPredefined client data class for holding a string
oCwxStringInputStreamThis class implements an input stream which reads data from a string
oCwxStringOutputStreamThis class implements an output stream which writes data either to a user-provided or internally allocated string
oCwxStringTokenizerWxStringTokenizer helps you to break a string up into a number of tokens
oCwxStyledTextCtrlA wxWidgets implementation of the Scintilla source code editing component
oCwxStyledTextEventThe type of events sent from wxStyledTextCtrl
oCwxSVGFileDCA wxSVGFileDC is a device context onto which graphics and text can be drawn, and the output produced as a vector file, in SVG format
oCwxSymbolPickerDialogWxSymbolPickerDialog presents the user with a choice of fonts and a grid of available characters
oCwxSysColourChangedEventThis class is used for system colour change events, which are generated when the user changes the colour settings using the control panel
oCwxSystemOptionsWxSystemOptions stores option/value pairs that wxWidgets itself or applications can use to alter behaviour at run-time
oCwxSystemSettingsWxSystemSettings allows the application to ask for details about the system
oCwxTarClassFactoryClass factory for the tar archive format
oCwxTarEntryHolds the meta-data for an entry in a tar
oCwxTarInputStreamInput stream for reading tar files
oCwxTarOutputStreamOutput stream for writing tar files
oCwxTaskBarIconThis class represents a taskbar icon
oCwxTaskBarIconEventThe event class used by wxTaskBarIcon
oCwxTCPClientA wxTCPClient object represents the client part of a client-server conversation
oCwxTCPConnectionA wxTCPClient object represents the connection between a client and a server
oCwxTCPServerA wxTCPServer object represents the server part of a client-server conversation
oCwxTempFileWxTempFile provides a relatively safe way to replace the contents of the existing file
oCwxTempFileOutputStreamWxTempFileOutputStream is an output stream based on wxTempFile
oCwxTextAttrWxTextAttr represents the character and paragraph attributes, or style, for a range of text in a wxTextCtrl or wxRichTextCtrl
oCwxTextAttrBorderA class representing a rich text object border
oCwxTextAttrBordersA class representing a rich text object's borders
oCwxTextAttrDimensionA class representing a rich text dimension, including units and position
oCwxTextAttrDimensionConverterA class to make it easier to convert dimensions
oCwxTextAttrDimensionsA class for left, right, top and bottom dimensions
oCwxTextAttrSizeA class for representing width and height
oCwxTextBoxAttrA class representing the box attributes of a rich text object
oCwxTextCompleterBase class for custom text completer objects
oCwxTextCompleterSimpleA simpler base class for custom completer objects
oCwxTextCtrlA text control allows text to be displayed and edited
oCwxTextDataObjectWxTextDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObjectSimple for text data
oCwxTextDropTargetA predefined drop target for dealing with text data
oCwxTextEntryCommon base class for single line text entry fields
oCwxTextEntryDialogThis class represents a dialog that requests a one-line text string from the user
oCwxTextFileThe wxTextFile is a simple class which allows to work with text files on line by line basis
oCwxTextInputStreamThis class provides functions that reads text data using an input stream, allowing you to read text, floats, and integers
oCwxTextOutputStreamThis class provides functions that write text data using an output stream, allowing you to write text, floats, and integers
oCwxTextValidatorWxTextValidator validates text controls, providing a variety of filtering behaviours
oCwxTextWrapperHelps wrap lines of text to given width
oCwxThreadA thread is basically a path of execution through a program
oCwxThreadEventThis class adds some simple functionality to wxEvent to facilitate inter-thread communication
oCwxThreadHelperMix-in class that manages a single background thread, either detached or joinable (see wxThread for the differences)
oCwxTimePickerCtrlThis control allows the user to enter time
oCwxTimerAllows you to execute code at specified intervals
oCwxTimerEventWxTimerEvent object is passed to the event handler of timer events (see wxTimer::SetOwner)
oCwxTimerRunnerStarts the timer in its ctor, stops in the dtor
oCwxTimeSpanWxTimeSpan class represents a time interval
oCwxTipProviderThis is the class used together with wxShowTip() function
oCwxTipWindowShows simple text in a popup tip window on creation
oCwxToggleButtonWxToggleButton is a button that stays pressed when clicked by the user
oCwxToolBarA toolbar is a bar of buttons and/or other controls usually placed below the menu bar in a wxFrame
oCwxToolBarToolBaseA toolbar tool represents one item on the toolbar
oCwxToolbookWxToolbook is a class similar to wxNotebook but which uses a wxToolBar to show the labels instead of the tabs
oCwxToolTipThis class holds information about a tooltip associated with a window (see wxWindow::SetToolTip())
oCwxTopLevelWindowWxTopLevelWindow is a common base class for wxDialog and wxFrame
oCwxTrackableAdd-on base class for a trackable object
oCwxTranslationsThis class allows to get translations for strings
oCwxTranslationsLoaderAbstraction of translations discovery and loading
oCwxTreebookThis class is an extension of the wxNotebook class that allows a tree structured set of pages to be shown in a control
oCwxTreeCtrlA tree control presents information as a hierarchy, with items that may be expanded to show further items
oCwxTreeEventA tree event holds information about events associated with wxTreeCtrl objects
oCwxTreeItemDataWxTreeItemData is some (arbitrary) user class associated with some item
oCwxTreeItemIdAn opaque reference to a tree item
oCwxTreeListCtrlA control combining wxTreeCtrl and wxListCtrl features
oCwxTreeListEventEvent generated by wxTreeListCtrl
oCwxTreeListItemUnique identifier of an item in wxTreeListCtrl
oCwxTreeListItemComparatorClass defining sort order for the items in wxTreeListCtrl
oCwxUIActionSimulatorWxUIActionSimulator is a class used to simulate user interface actions such as a mouse click or a key press
oCwxULongLongThis class represents an unsigned 64 bit long number
oCwxUniCharThis class represents a single Unicode character
oCwxUniCharRefWriteable reference to a character in wxString
oCwxUpdateUIEventThis class is used for pseudo-events which are called by wxWidgets to give an application the chance to update various user interface elements
oCwxURIWxURI is used to extract information from a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
oCwxURLWxURL is a specialization of wxURI for parsing URLs
oCwxURLDataObjectWxURLDataObject is a wxDataObject containing an URL and can be used e.g
oCwxUStringWxUString is a class representing a Unicode character string where each character is stored using a 32-bit value
oCwxValidatorWxValidator is the base class for a family of validator classes that mediate between a class of control, and application data
oCwxVarHScrollHelperThis class provides functions wrapping the wxVarScrollHelperBase class, targeted for horizontal-specific scrolling
oCwxVarHVScrollHelperThis class provides functions wrapping the wxVarHScrollHelper and wxVarVScrollHelper classes, targeted for scrolling a window in both axis
oCwxVariantContainer for any type
oCwxVariantDataUsed to implement a new type for wxVariant
oCwxVariantDataCurrencyThis class represents a thin wrapper for Microsoft Windows CURRENCY type
oCwxVariantDataErrorCodeThis class represents a thin wrapper for Microsoft Windows SCODE type (which is the same as HRESULT)
oCwxVariantDataSafeArrayThis class represents a thin wrapper for Microsoft Windows SAFEARRAY type
oCwxVarScrollHelperBaseThis class provides all common base functionality for scroll calculations shared among all variable scrolled window implementations as well as automatic scrollbar functionality, saved scroll positions, controlling target windows to be scrolled, as well as defining all required virtual functions that need to be implemented for any orientation specific work
oCwxVarVScrollHelperThis class provides functions wrapping the wxVarScrollHelperBase class, targeted for vertical-specific scrolling
oCwxVector< T >WxVector<T> is a template class which implements most of the std::vector class and can be used like it
oCwxVersionInfoWxVersionInfo contains version information
oCwxVideoModeDetermines the sizes and locations of displays connected to the system
oCwxViewThe view class can be used to model the viewing and editing component of an application's file-based data
oCwxVisualAttributesStruct containing all the visual attributes of a control
oCwxVListBoxWxVListBox is a wxListBox-like control with the following two main differences from a regular wxListBox: it can have an arbitrarily huge number of items because it doesn't store them itself but uses the OnDrawItem() callback to draw them (so it is a virtual listbox) and its items can have variable height as determined by OnMeasureItem() (so it is also a listbox with the lines of variable height)
oCwxVScrolledWindowIn the name of this class, "V" may stand for "variable" because it can be used for scrolling rows of variable heights; "virtual", because it is not necessary to know the heights of all rows in advance – only those which are shown on the screen need to be measured; or even "vertical", because this class only supports scrolling vertically
oCwxWCharBufferThis is a specialization of wxCharTypeBuffer<T> for wchar_t type
oCwxWeakRef< T >WxWeakRef<T> is a template class for weak references to wxWidgets objects, such as wxEvtHandler, wxWindow and wxObject
oCwxWeakRefDynamic< T >WxWeakRefDynamic<T> is a template class for weak references that is used in the same way as wxWeakRef<T>
oCwxWebKitCtrlThis control is a native wrapper around the Safari web browsing engine
oCwxWebViewThis control may be used to render web (HTML / CSS / javascript) documents
oCwxWebViewArchiveHandlerA custom handler for the file scheme which also supports loading from archives
oCwxWebViewEventA navigation event holds information about events associated with wxWebView objects
oCwxWebViewFactoryAn abstract factory class for creating wxWebView backends
oCwxWebViewFSHandlerA wxWebView file system handler to support standard wxFileSystem protocols of the form example:page.htm The handler allows wxWebView to use wxFileSystem in a similar fashion to its use with wxHtml
oCwxWebViewHandlerThe base class for handling custom schemes in wxWebView, for example to allow virtual file system support
oCwxWebViewHistoryItemA simple class that contains the URL and title of an element of the history of a wxWebView
oCwxWindowWxWindow is the base class for all windows and represents any visible object on screen
oCwxWindowCreateEventThis event is sent just after the actual window associated with a wxWindow object has been created
oCwxWindowDCA wxWindowDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the whole area of a window (client and decorations)
oCwxWindowDestroyEventThis event is sent as early as possible during the window destruction process
oCwxWindowDisablerThis class disables all windows of the application (may be with the exception of one of them) in its constructor and enables them back in its destructor
oCwxWindowModalDialogEventEvent sent by wxDialog::ShowWindowModal() when the dialog closes
oCwxWindowPtr< T >A reference-counted smart pointer for holding wxWindow instances
oCwxWindowUpdateLockerThis tiny class prevents redrawing of a wxWindow during its lifetime by using wxWindow::Freeze() and wxWindow::Thaw() methods
oCwxWithImagesA mixin class to be used with other classes that use a wxImageList
oCwxWizardWxWizard is the central class for implementing 'wizard-like' dialogs
oCwxWizardEventWxWizardEvent class represents an event generated by the wxWizard: this event is first sent to the page itself and, if not processed there, goes up the window hierarchy as usual
oCwxWizardPageWxWizardPage is one of the screens in wxWizard: it must know what are the following and preceding pages (which may be NULL for the first/last page)
oCwxWizardPageSimpleWxWizardPageSimple is the simplest possible wxWizardPage implementation: it just returns the pointers given to its constructor from wxWizardPage::GetNext() and wxWizardPage::GetPrev() functions
oCwxWrapperInputStreamA wrapper input stream is a kind of filter stream which forwards all the operations to its base stream
oCwxWrapSizerA wrap sizer lays out its items in a single line, like a box sizer – as long as there is space available in that direction
oCwxXLocaleThis class represents a locale object used by so-called xlocale API
oCwxXmlAttributeRepresents a node attribute
oCwxXmlDocumentThis class holds XML data/document as parsed by XML parser in the root node
oCwxXmlNodeRepresents a node in an XML document
oCwxXmlResourceThis is the main class for interacting with the XML-based resource system
oCwxXmlResourceHandlerWxSizerXmlHandler is a class for resource handlers capable of creating a wxSizer object from an XML node
oCwxZipClassFactoryClass factory for the zip archive format
oCwxZipEntryHolds the meta-data for an entry in a zip
oCwxZipInputStreamInput stream for reading zip files
oCwxZipNotifierIf you need to know when a wxZipInputStream updates a wxZipEntry, you can create a notifier by deriving from this abstract base class, overriding wxZipNotifier::OnEntryUpdated()
oCwxZipOutputStreamOutput stream for writing zip files
oCwxZlibInputStreamThis filter stream decompresses a stream that is in zlib or gzip format
\CwxZlibOutputStreamThis stream compresses all data written to it