Version: 3.0.2
wxControlWithItems Class Reference

#include <wx/ctrlsub.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for wxControlWithItems:

Detailed Description

This is convenience class that derives from both wxControl and wxItemContainer.

It is used as basis for some wxWidgets controls (wxChoice and wxListBox).

Library:  wxCore
Category:  Controls
See Also
wxItemContainer, wxItemContainerImmutable

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from wxControl
 wxControl (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator, const wxString &name=wxControlNameStr)
 Constructs a control.
 wxControl ()
 Default constructor to allow 2-phase creation.
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator, const wxString &name=wxControlNameStr)
virtual void Command (wxCommandEvent &event)
 Simulates the effect of the user issuing a command to the item.
wxString GetLabel () const
 Returns the control's label, as it was passed to SetLabel().
wxString GetLabelText () const
 Returns the control's label without mnemonics.
wxSize GetSizeFromTextSize (int xlen, int ylen=-1) const
 Determine the size needed by the control to leave the given area for its text.
wxSize GetSizeFromTextSize (const wxSize &tsize) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void SetLabel (const wxString &label)
 Sets the control's label.
void SetLabelText (const wxString &text)
 Sets the control's label to exactly the given string.
bool SetLabelMarkup (const wxString &markup)
 Sets the controls label to a string using markup.
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxItemContainer
void Clear ()
 Removes all items from the control.
void Delete (unsigned int n)
 Deletes an item from the control.
wxClientDataDetachClientObject (unsigned int n)
 Returns the client object associated with the given item and transfers its ownership to the caller.
bool HasClientData () const
 Returns true, if either untyped data (void*) or object data (wxClientData*) is associated with the items of the control.
bool HasClientObjectData () const
 Returns true, if object data is associated with the items of the control.
bool HasClientUntypedData () const
 Returns true, if untyped data (void*) is associated with the items of the control.
int Append (const wxString &item)
 Appends item into the control.
int Append (const wxString &item, void *clientData)
 Appends item into the control.
int Append (const wxString &item, wxClientData *clientData)
 Appends item into the control.
int Append (const wxArrayString &items)
 Appends several items at once into the control.
int Append (const wxArrayString &items, void **clientData)
 Appends several items at once into the control.
int Append (const wxArrayString &items, wxClientData **clientData)
 Appends several items at once into the control.
int Append (unsigned int n, const wxString *items)
 Appends several items at once into the control.
int Append (unsigned int n, const wxString *items, void **clientData)
 Appends several items at once into the control.
int Append (unsigned int n, const wxString *items, wxClientData **clientData)
 Appends several items at once into the control.
void * GetClientData (unsigned int n) const
 Returns a pointer to the client data associated with the given item (if any).
wxClientDataGetClientObject (unsigned int n) const
 Returns a pointer to the client data associated with the given item (if any).
void SetClientData (unsigned int n, void *data)
 Associates the given untyped client data pointer with the given item.
void SetClientObject (unsigned int n, wxClientData *data)
 Associates the given typed client data pointer with the given item: the data object will be deleted when the item is deleted (either explicitly by using Delete() or implicitly when the control itself is destroyed).
int Insert (const wxString &item, unsigned int pos)
 Inserts item into the control.
int Insert (const wxString &item, unsigned int pos, void *clientData)
 Inserts item into the control.
int Insert (const wxString &item, unsigned int pos, wxClientData *clientData)
 Inserts item into the control.
int Insert (const wxArrayString &items, unsigned int pos)
 Inserts several items at once into the control.
int Insert (const wxArrayString &items, unsigned int pos, void **clientData)
 Inserts several items at once into the control.
int Insert (const wxArrayString &items, unsigned int pos, wxClientData **clientData)
 Inserts several items at once into the control.
int Insert (unsigned int n, const wxString *items, unsigned int pos)
 Inserts several items at once into the control.
int Insert (unsigned int n, const wxString *items, unsigned int pos, void **clientData)
 Inserts several items at once into the control.
int Insert (unsigned int n, const wxString *items, unsigned int pos, wxClientData **clientData)
 Inserts several items at once into the control.
void Set (const wxArrayString &items)
 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
void Set (const wxArrayString &items, void **clientData)
 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
void Set (const wxArrayString &items, wxClientData **clientData)
 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
void Set (unsigned int n, const wxString *items)
 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
void Set (unsigned int n, const wxString *items, void **clientData)
 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
void Set (unsigned int n, const wxString *items, wxClientData **clientData)
 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxControl
static wxString GetLabelText (const wxString &label)
 Returns the given label string without mnemonics ("&" characters).
static wxString RemoveMnemonics (const wxString &str)
 Returns the given str string without mnemonics ("&" characters).
static wxString EscapeMnemonics (const wxString &text)
 Escapes the special mnemonics characters ("&") in the given string.
static wxString Ellipsize (const wxString &label, const wxDC &dc, wxEllipsizeMode mode, int maxWidth, int flags=wxELLIPSIZE_FLAGS_DEFAULT)
 Replaces parts of the label string with ellipsis, if needed, so that it fits into maxWidth pixels if possible.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxWindow
virtual void DoCentre (int direction)
 Centres the window.
virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize () const
 Implementation of GetBestSize() that can be overridden.
virtual wxSize DoGetBestClientSize () const
 Override this method to return the best size for a custom control.
virtual int DoGetBestClientHeight (int width) const
 Override this method to implement height-for-width best size calculation.
virtual int DoGetBestClientWidth (int height) const
 Override this method to implement width-for-height best size calculation.
virtual void SetInitialBestSize (const wxSize &size)
 Sets the initial window size if none is given (i.e. at least one of the components of the size passed to ctor/Create() is wxDefaultCoord).
void SendDestroyEvent ()
 Generate wxWindowDestroyEvent for this window.
virtual bool ProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
 This function is public in wxEvtHandler but protected in wxWindow because for wxWindows you should always call ProcessEvent() on the pointer returned by GetEventHandler() and not on the wxWindow object itself.
bool SafelyProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
 See ProcessEvent() for more info about why you shouldn't use this function and the reason for making this function protected in wxWindow.
virtual void QueueEvent (wxEvent *event)
 See ProcessEvent() for more info about why you shouldn't use this function and the reason for making this function protected in wxWindow.
virtual void AddPendingEvent (const wxEvent &event)
 See ProcessEvent() for more info about why you shouldn't use this function and the reason for making this function protected in wxWindow.
void ProcessPendingEvents ()
 See ProcessEvent() for more info about why you shouldn't use this function and the reason for making this function protected in wxWindow.
bool ProcessThreadEvent (const wxEvent &event)
 See ProcessEvent() for more info about why you shouldn't use this function and the reason for making this function protected in wxWindow.
- Protected Attributes inherited from wxObject
 Pointer to an object which is the object's reference-counted data.