Version: 3.1.0
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CwxMessageDialog::ButtonLabelHelper class allowing to use either stock id or string labels
 CwxWindow::ChildrenRepositioningGuardHelper for ensuring EndRepositioningChildren() is called correctly
 CwxImage::HSVValueA simple class which stores hue, saturation and value as doubles in the range 0.0-1.0
 CwxPixelData< Image, PixelFormat >::IteratorThe iterator of class wxPixelData
 CwxFileType::MessageParametersClass representing message parameters
 CwxImage::RGBValueA simple class which stores red, green and blue values as 8 bit unsigned integers in the range of 0-255
 Ctemplate wxPixelDataIn< PixelFormat >
 CwxDateTime::TimeZoneClass representing a time zone
 CwxDateTime::TmContains broken down date-time representation
 CwxAboutDialogInfoWxAboutDialogInfo contains information shown in the standard About dialog displayed by the wxAboutBox() function
 CwxAcceleratorEntryAn object used by an application wishing to create an accelerator table (see wxAcceleratorTable)
 CwxAddRemoveAdaptorObject used to mediate between wxAddRemoveCtrl and the control showing the list of items which can be added or removed
 CwxAffineMatrix2DBaseA 2x3 matrix representing an affine 2D transformation
 CwxAnyContainer for any type
 CwxAnyValueBufferType for buffer within wxAny for holding data
 CwxAnyValueTypeWxAnyValueType is base class for value type functionality for C++ data types used with wxAny
 CwxAppProgressIndicatorA helper class that can be used to update the progress bar in the taskbar button on Windows and the dock icon on OS X
 CwxAppTraitsDefines various configurable aspects of a wxApp
 CwxArchiveIteratorAn input iterator template class that can be used to transfer an archive's catalogue to a container
 CwxArchiveNotifierIf you need to know when a wxArchiveInputStream updates a wxArchiveEntry object, you can create a notifier by deriving from this abstract base class, overriding wxArchiveNotifier::OnEntryUpdated
 CwxArray< T >This section describes the so called "dynamic arrays"
 CwxAuiDockArtWxAuiDockArt is part of the wxAUI class framework
 CwxAuiPaneInfoWxAuiPaneInfo is part of the wxAUI class framework
 CwxAuiTabArtTab art provider defines all the drawing functions used by wxAuiNotebook
 CwxAuiTabContainerWxAuiTabContainer is a class which contains information about each tab
 CwxAuiTabContainerButtonA simple class which holds information about wxAuiNotebook tab buttons and their state
 CwxAuiToolBarArtWxAuiToolBarArt is part of the wxAUI class framework
 CwxAuiToolBarItemWxAuiToolBarItem is part of the wxAUI class framework, representing a toolbar element
 CwxBrushListA brush list is a list containing all brushes which have been created
 CwxBusyCursorThis class makes it easy to tell your user that the program is temporarily busy
 CwxBusyInfoThis class makes it easy to tell your user that the program is temporarily busy
 CwxBusyInfoFlagsParameters for wxBusyInfo
 CwxCalendarDateAttrWxCalendarDateAttr is a custom attributes for a calendar date
 CwxCaretA caret is a blinking cursor showing the position where the typed text will appear
 CwxClassInfoThis class stores meta-information about classes
 CwxClientDataAll classes deriving from wxEvtHandler (such as all controls and wxApp) can hold arbitrary data which is here referred to as "client data"
 CwxClientDataContainerThis class is a mixin that provides storage and management of "client data"
 CwxCmdLineArgThe interface wxCmdLineArg provides information for an instance of argument passed on command line
 CwxCmdLineArgsAn ordered collection of wxCmdLineArg providing an iterator to enumerate the arguments passed on command line
 CwxCmdLineEntryDescThe structure wxCmdLineEntryDesc is used to describe a command line switch, option or parameter
 CwxCmdLineParserWxCmdLineParser is a class for parsing the command line
 CwxColourDatabaseWxWidgets maintains a database of standard RGB colours for a predefined set of named colours
 CwxComboCtrlFeaturesFeatures enabled for wxComboCtrl
 CwxComboPopupIn order to use a custom popup with wxComboCtrl, an interface class must be derived from wxComboPopup
 CwxConditionWxCondition variables correspond to pthread conditions or to Win32 event objects
 CwxConfigPathChangerA handy little class which changes the current path in a wxConfig object and restores it in dtor
 CwxCriticalSectionA critical section object is used for exactly the same purpose as a wxMutex
 CwxCriticalSectionLockerThis is a small helper class to be used with wxCriticalSection objects
 CwxDataFormatA wxDataFormat is an encapsulation of a platform-specific format handle which is used by the system for the clipboard and drag and drop operations
 CwxDataInputStreamThis class provides functions that read binary data types in a portable way
 CwxDataObjectA wxDataObject represents data that can be copied to or from the clipboard, or dragged and dropped
 CwxDataOutputStreamThis class provides functions that write binary data types in a portable way
 CwxDataViewItemWxDataViewItem is a small opaque class that represents an item in a wxDataViewCtrl in a persistent way, i.e
 CwxDataViewItemAttrThis class is used to indicate to a wxDataViewCtrl that a certain item (see wxDataViewItem) has extra font attributes for its renderer
 CwxDataViewModelNotifierA wxDataViewModelNotifier instance is owned by a wxDataViewModel and mirrors its notification interface
 CwxDateSpanThis class is a "logical time span" and is useful for implementing program logic for such things as "add one month to the date" which, in general, doesn't mean to add 60*60*24*31 seconds to it, but to take the same date the next month (to understand that this is indeed different consider adding one month to Feb, 15 – we want to get Mar, 15, of course)
 CwxDateTimeWxDateTime class represents an absolute moment in time
 CwxDCBrushChangerWxDCBrushChanger is a small helper class for setting a brush on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one
 CwxDCClipperWxDCClipper is a helper class for setting a clipping region on a wxDC during its lifetime
 CwxDCFontChangerWxDCFontChanger is a small helper class for setting a font on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one
 CwxDCOverlayConnects an overlay with a drawing DC
 CwxDCPenChangerWxDCPenChanger is a small helper class for setting a pen on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one
 CwxDCTextColourChangerWxDCTextColourChanger is a small helper class for setting a foreground text colour on a wxDC and unsetting it automatically in the destructor, restoring the previous one
 CwxDDEServerA wxDDEServer object represents the server part of a client-server DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation
 CwxDebugContextA class for performing various debugging and memory tracing operations
 CwxDebugReportWxDebugReport is used to generate a debug report, containing information about the program current state
 CwxDebugReportPreviewThis class presents the debug report to the user and allows him to veto report entirely or remove some parts of it
 CwxDialogLayoutAdapterThis abstract class is the base for classes that help wxWidgets perform run-time layout adaptation of dialogs
 CwxDialUpManagerThis class encapsulates functions dealing with verifying the connection status of the workstation (connected to the Internet via a direct connection, connected through a modem or not connected at all) and to establish this connection if possible/required (i.e
 CwxDirWxDir is a portable equivalent of Unix open/read/closedir functions which allow enumerating of the files in a directory
 CwxDirTraverserWxDirTraverser is an abstract interface which must be implemented by objects passed to wxDir::Traverse() function
 CwxDisplayDetermines the sizes and locations of displays connected to the system
 CwxDropSourceThis class represents a source for a drag and drop operation
 CwxDropTargetThis class represents a target for a drag and drop operation
 CwxDynamicLibraryWxDynamicLibrary is a class representing dynamically loadable library (Windows DLL, shared library under Unix etc)
 CwxDynamicLibraryDetailsThis class is used for the objects returned by the wxDynamicLibrary::ListLoaded() method and contains the information about a single module loaded into the address space of the current process
 CwxEventFilterA global event filter for pre-processing all the events generated in the program
 CwxEventLoopActivatorMakes an event loop temporarily active
 CwxEventLoopBaseBase class for all event loop implementations
 CwxExecuteEnvThis structure can optionally be passed to wxExecute() to specify additional options to use for the child process
 CwxFFileWxFFile implements buffered file I/O
 CwxFileA wxFile performs raw file I/O
 CwxFileNameWxFileName encapsulates a file name
 CwxFileTypeThis class holds information about a given file type
 CwxFileTypeInfoContainer of information about wxFileType
 CwxFontEnumeratorWxFontEnumerator enumerates either all available fonts on the system or only the ones with given attributes - either only fixed-width (suited for use in programs such as terminal emulators and the like) or the fonts available in the given encoding)
 CwxFontInfoThis class is a helper used for wxFont creation using named parameter idiom: it allows to specify various wxFont attributes using the chained calls to its clearly named methods instead of passing them in the fixed order to wxFont constructors
 CwxFontListA font list is a list containing all fonts which have been created
 CwxFontMapperWxFontMapper manages user-definable correspondence between logical font names and the fonts present on the machine
 CwxFontMetricsSimple collection of various font metrics
 CwxFSVolumeWxFSVolume represents a volume (also known as 'drive') in a file system under wxMSW
 CwxGBPositionThis class represents the position of an item in a virtual grid of rows and columns managed by a wxGridBagSizer
 CwxGBSpanThis class is used to hold the row and column spanning attributes of items in a wxGridBagSizer
 CwxGenericAboutDialogThis class defines a customizable About dialog
 CwxGLAttribsBaseThis is the base class for wxGLAttributes and wxGLContextAttrs
 CwxGraphicsGradientStopRepresents a single gradient stop in a collection of gradient stops as represented by wxGraphicsGradientStops
 CwxGraphicsGradientStopsRepresents a collection of wxGraphicGradientStop values for use with CreateLinearGradientBrush and CreateRadialGradientBrush
 CwxGridCellCoordsRepresents coordinates of a grid cell
 CwxGridCornerHeaderRendererBase class for corner window renderer
 CwxGridSizesInfoWxGridSizesInfo stores information about sizes of all wxGrid rows or columns
 CwxGridTableMessageA simple class used to pass messages from the table to the grid
 CwxGridUpdateLockerThis small class can be used to prevent wxGrid from redrawing during its lifetime by calling wxGrid::BeginBatch() in its constructor and wxGrid::EndBatch() in its destructor
 CwxHashMapThis is a simple, type-safe, and reasonably efficient hash map class, whose interface is a subset of the interface of STL containers
 CwxHashSetThis is a simple, type-safe, and reasonably efficient hash set class, whose interface is a subset of the interface of STL containers
 CwxHeaderButtonParamsThis struct can optionally be used with wxRendererNative::DrawHeaderButton() to specify custom values used to draw the text or bitmap label
 CwxHeaderColumnRepresents a column header in controls displaying tabular data such as wxDataViewCtrl or wxGrid
 CwxHelpProviderWxHelpProvider is an abstract class used by a program implementing context-sensitive help to show the help text for the given window
 CwxHtmlBookRecordHelper class for wxHtmlHelpData
 CwxHtmlHelpDataItemHelper class for wxHtmlHelpData
 CwxHtmlModalHelpThis class uses wxHtmlHelpController to display help in a modal dialog
 CwxHtmlParserClasses derived from this handle the generic parsing of HTML documents: it scans the document and divide it into blocks of tags (where one block consists of beginning and ending tag and of text between these two tags)
 CwxHtmlRenderingInfoThis class contains information given to cells when drawing them
 CwxHtmlRenderingStateSelection state is passed to wxHtmlCell::Draw so that it can render itself differently e.g
 CwxHtmlRenderingStyleWxHtmlSelection is data holder with information about text selection
 CwxHtmlTagThis class represents a single HTML tag
 CwxHtmlWindowInterfaceAbstract interface to a HTML rendering window (such as wxHtmlWindow or wxHtmlListBox) that is passed to wxHtmlWinParser
 CwxIconLocationWxIconLocation is a tiny class describing the location of an (external, i.e
 CwxIdManagerWxIdManager is responsible for allocating and releasing window IDs
 CwxInitializerCreate an object of this class on the stack to initialize/cleanup the library automatically
 CwxItemContainerImmutableWxItemContainer defines an interface which is implemented by all controls which have string subitems each of which may be selected
 CwxKeyboardStateProvides methods for testing the state of the keyboard modifier keys
 CwxLanguageInfoEncapsulates a wxLanguage identifier together with OS-specific information related to that language
 CwxLinuxDistributionInfoA structure containing information about a Linux distribution as returned by the lsb_release utility
 CwxList< T >The wxList<T> class provides linked list functionality
 CwxListItemAttrRepresents the attributes (color, font, ...) of a wxListCtrl's wxListItem
 CwxLocaleWxLocale class encapsulates all language-dependent settings and is a generalization of the C locale concept
 CwxLogWxLog class defines the interface for the log targets used by wxWidgets logging functions as explained in the Logging Overview
 CwxLogFormatterWxLogFormatter class is used to format the log messages
 CwxLogNullThis class allows you to temporarily suspend logging
 CwxLogRecordInfoInformation about a log record (unit of the log output)
 CwxLongLongThis class represents a signed 64 bit long number
 CwxMatrix2DA simple container for 2x2 matrix
 CwxMBConvThis class is the base class of a hierarchy of classes capable of converting text strings between multibyte (SBCS or DBCS) encodings and Unicode
 CwxMemoryBufferA wxMemoryBuffer is a useful data structure for storing arbitrary sized blocks of memory
 CwxMessageOutputSimple class allowing to write strings to various output channels
 CwxMessageQueue< T >WxMessageQueue allows passing messages between threads
 CwxMimeTypesManagerThis class allows the application to retrieve information about all known MIME types from a system-specific location and the filename extensions to the MIME types and vice versa
 CwxModalDialogHookAllows to intercept all modal dialog calls
 CwxMsgCatalogRepresents a loaded translations message catalog
 CwxMutexA mutex object is a synchronization object whose state is set to signaled when it is not owned by any thread, and nonsignaled when it is owned
 CwxMutexLockerThis is a small helper class to be used with wxMutex objects
 CwxNativeFontInfoWxNativeFontInfo is platform-specific font representation: this class should be considered as an opaque font description only used by the native functions, the user code can only get the objects of this type from somewhere and pass it somewhere else (possibly save them somewhere using ToString() and restore them using FromString())
 CwxNode< T >WxNode<T> is the node structure used in linked lists (see wxList) and derived classes
 CwxNumberFormatterHelper class for formatting and parsing numbers with thousands separators
 CwxObjectThis is the root class of many of the wxWidgets classes
 CwxObjectDataPtr< T >This is an helper template class primarily written to avoid memory leaks because of missing calls to wxRefCounter::DecRef() and wxObjectRefData::DecRef()
 CwxObjectRefDataThis class is just a typedef to wxRefCounter and is used by wxObject
 CwxOverlayCreates an overlay over an existing window, allowing for manipulations like rubberbanding, etc
 CwxPenListThere is only one instance of this class: wxThePenList
 CwxPersistenceManagerProvides support for automatically saving and restoring object properties to persistent storage
 CwxPersistentObjectBase class for persistent object adapters
 CwxPGChoicesHelper class for managing choices of wxPropertyGrid properties
 CwxPlatformInfoThis class holds information about the operating system, the toolkit and the basic architecture of the machine where the application is currently running
 CwxPointA wxPoint is a useful data structure for graphics operations
 CwxPositionThis class represents the position of an item in any kind of grid of rows and columns such as wxGridBagSizer, or wxHVScrolledWindow
 CwxPowerResourceHelper functions for acquiring and releasing the given power resource
 CwxPowerResourceBlockerHelper RAII class ensuring that power resources are released
 CwxPreferencesEditorManage preferences dialog
 CwxPreferencesPageOne page of preferences dialog
 CwxPropagateOnceHelper class to temporarily lower propagation level
 CwxPropagationDisablerHelper class to temporarily change an event to not propagate
 CwxPropertyGridInterfaceMost of the shared property manipulation interface shared by wxPropertyGrid, wxPropertyGridPage, and wxPropertyGridManager is defined in this class
 CwxProtocolLogClass allowing to log network operations performed by wxProtocol
 CwxRealPointA wxRealPoint is a useful data structure for graphics operations
 CwxRectA class for manipulating rectangles
 CwxRecursionGuardWxRecursionGuard is a very simple class which can be used to prevent reentrancy problems in a function
 CwxRecursionGuardFlagThis is a completely opaque class which exists only to be used with wxRecursionGuard, please see the example in that class' documentation
 CwxRefCounterThis class is used to manage reference-counting providing a simple interface and a counter
 CwxRegExWxRegEx represents a regular expression
 CwxRegKeyWxRegKey is a class representing the Windows registry (it is only available under Windows)
 CwxRendererNativeFirst, a brief introduction to wxRendererNative and why it is needed
 CwxRendererVersionThis simple struct represents the wxRendererNative interface version and is only used as the return value of wxRendererNative::GetVersion()
 CwxRibbonArtProviderWxRibbonArtProvider is responsible for drawing all the components of the ribbon interface
 CwxRichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfoWxRichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo keeps track of objects that appear in the context menu, whose properties are available to be edited
 CwxRichTextLineThis object represents a line in a paragraph, and stores offsets from the start of the paragraph representing the start and end positions of the line
 CwxRichTextObjectAddressA class for specifying an object anywhere in an object hierarchy, without using a pointer, necessary since wxRTC commands may delete and recreate sub-objects so physical object addresses change
 CwxRichTextRangeThis stores beginning and end positions for a range of data
 CwxRichTextSelectionStores selection information
 CwxRichTextTableBlockStores the coordinates for a block of cells
 CwxRichToolTipAllows to show a tool tip with more customizations than wxToolTip
 CwxScopedArray< T >A scoped array template class
 CwxScopedCharTypeBuffer< T >WxScopedCharTypeBuffer<T> is a template class for storing characters
 CwxScopedCharTypeBuffer< char >
 CwxScopedCharTypeBuffer< wchar_t >
 CwxScopedPtrThis is a simple scoped smart pointer implementation that is similar to the Boost smart pointers (see but rewritten to use macros instead
 CwxScopedPtr< T >A scoped pointer template class
 CwxScopeGuardScope guard is an object which allows executing an action on scope exit
 CwxSemaphoreWxSemaphore is a counter limiting the number of threads concurrently accessing a shared resource
 CwxServerA wxServer object represents the server part of a client-server DDE-like (Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation
 CwxSharedPtr< T >A smart pointer with non-intrusive reference counting
 CwxSingleInstanceCheckerWxSingleInstanceChecker class allows to check that only a single instance of a program is running
 CwxSizeA wxSize is a useful data structure for graphics operations
 CwxSizerFlagsContainer for sizer items flags providing readable names for them
 CwxSplitterRenderParamsThis is just a simple struct used as a return value of wxRendererNative::GetSplitterParams()
 CwxStack< T >WxStack<T> is similar to std::stack and can be used exactly like it
 CwxStackFrameWxStackFrame represents a single stack frame, or a single function in the call stack, and is used exclusively together with wxStackWalker, see there for a more detailed discussion
 CwxStackWalkerWxStackWalker allows an application to enumerate, or walk, the stack frames (the function callstack)
 CwxStandardPathsWxStandardPaths returns the standard locations in the file system and should be used by applications to find their data files in a portable way
 CwxStatusBarPaneA status bar pane data container used by wxStatusBar
 CwxStopWatchAllow you to measure time intervals
 CwxStreamBaseThis class is the base class of most stream related classes in wxWidgets
 CwxStreamBufferWxStreamBuffer is a cache manager for wxStreamBase: it manages a stream buffer linked to a stream
 CwxStreamToTextRedirectorThis class can be used to (temporarily) redirect all output sent to a C++ ostream object to a wxTextCtrl instead
 CwxStringString class for passing textual data to or receiving it from wxWidgets
 CwxStringBufferThis tiny class allows you to conveniently access the wxString internal buffer as a writable pointer without any risk of forgetting to restore the string to the usable state later
 CwxStringBufferLengthThis tiny class allows you to conveniently access the wxString internal buffer as a writable pointer without any risk of forgetting to restore the string to the usable state later, and allows the user to set the internal length of the string
 CwxSVGBitmapHandlerAbstract base class for handling bitmaps inside a wxSVGFileDC
 CwxTaskBarButtonA taskbar button that associated with the window under Windows 7 or later
 CwxTaskBarJumpListThis class is an transparent wrapper around Windows Jump Lists
 CwxTaskBarJumpListCategoryThis class represents a category of jump list in the taskbar button
 CwxTaskBarJumpListItemA wxTaskBarJumpListItem represents an item in a jump list category
 CwxTempFileWxTempFile provides a relatively safe way to replace the contents of the existing file
 CwxTextAttrWxTextAttr represents the character and paragraph attributes, or style, for a range of text in a wxTextCtrl or wxRichTextCtrl
 CwxTextAttrBorderA class representing a rich text object border
 CwxTextAttrBordersA class representing a rich text object's borders
 CwxTextAttrDimensionA class representing a rich text dimension, including units and position
 CwxTextAttrDimensionConverterA class to make it easier to convert dimensions
 CwxTextAttrDimensionsA class for left, right, top and bottom dimensions
 CwxTextAttrShadowA class representing a shadow
 CwxTextAttrSizeA class for representing width and height
 CwxTextBoxAttrA class representing the box attributes of a rich text object
 CwxTextCompleterBase class for custom text completer objects
 CwxTextEntryCommon base class for single line text entry fields
 CwxTextFileThe wxTextFile is a simple class which allows to work with text files on line by line basis
 CwxTextInputStreamThis class provides functions that reads text data using an input stream, allowing you to read text, floats, and integers
 CwxTextOutputStreamThis class provides functions that write text data using an output stream, allowing you to write text, floats, and integers
 CwxTextWrapperHelps wrap lines of text to given width
 CwxThreadA thread is basically a path of execution through a program
 CwxThreadHelperMix-in class that manages a single background thread, either detached or joinable (see wxThread for the differences)
 CwxThumbBarButtonA thumbnail toolbar button is a control that displayed in the thumbnail image of a window in a taskbar button flyout
 CwxTimerRunnerStarts the timer in its ctor, stops in the dtor
 CwxTimeSpanWxTimeSpan class represents a time interval
 CwxTipProviderThis is the class used together with wxShowTip() function
 CwxTrackableAdd-on base class for a trackable object
 CwxTranslationsThis class allows to get translations for strings
 CwxTranslationsLoaderAbstraction of translations discovery and loading
 CwxTreeItemIdAn opaque reference to a tree item
 CwxTreeListItemUnique identifier of an item in wxTreeListCtrl
 CwxTreeListItemComparatorClass defining sort order for the items in wxTreeListCtrl
 CwxUIActionSimulatorWxUIActionSimulator is a class used to simulate user interface actions such as a mouse click or a key press
 CwxULongLongThis class represents an unsigned 64 bit long number
 CwxUniCharThis class represents a single Unicode character
 CwxUniCharRefWriteable reference to a character in wxString
 CwxVarScrollHelperBaseThis class provides all common base functionality for scroll calculations shared among all variable scrolled window implementations as well as automatic scrollbar functionality, saved scroll positions, controlling target windows to be scrolled, as well as defining all required virtual functions that need to be implemented for any orientation specific work
 CwxVector< T >WxVector<T> is a template class which implements most of the std::vector class and can be used like it
 CwxVersionInfoWxVersionInfo contains version information
 CwxVideoModeDetermines the sizes and locations of displays connected to the system
 CwxVisualAttributesStruct containing all the visual attributes of a control
 CwxWeakRefDynamic< T >WxWeakRefDynamic<T> is a template class for weak references that is used in the same way as wxWeakRef<T>
 CwxWebViewHandlerThe base class for handling custom schemes in wxWebView, for example to allow virtual file system support
 CwxWebViewHistoryItemA simple class that contains the URL and title of an element of the history of a wxWebView
 CwxWindowDisablerThis class disables all windows of the application (may be with the exception of one of them) in its constructor and enables them back in its destructor
 CwxWindowUpdateLockerThis tiny class prevents redrawing of a wxWindow during its lifetime by using wxWindow::Freeze() and wxWindow::Thaw() methods
 CwxWithImagesA mixin class to be used with other classes that use a wxImageList
 CwxXLocaleThis class represents a locale object used by so-called xlocale API
 CwxXmlAttributeRepresents a node attribute
 CwxXmlDoctypeRepresents a DOCTYPE Declaration
 CwxXmlNodeRepresents a node in an XML document
 CwxZipNotifierIf you need to know when a wxZipInputStream updates a wxZipEntry, you can create a notifier by deriving from this abstract base class, overriding wxZipNotifier::OnEntryUpdated()