Xapian::PostingIterator Class Reference

An iterator pointing to items in a list of postings. More...

#include <postingiterator.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category
 Allow use as an STL iterator.
typedef Xapian::docid value_type
typedef Xapian::doccount_diff difference_type
typedef Xapian::docidpointer
typedef Xapian::docidreference

Public Member Functions

 PostingIterator ()
 Default constructor - for declaring an uninitialised iterator.
 ~PostingIterator ()
 PostingIterator (const PostingIterator &other)
 Copying is allowed.
void operator= (const PostingIterator &other)
 Assignment is allowed.
PostingIteratoroperator++ ()
DocIDWrapper operator++ (int)
void skip_to (Xapian::docid did)
 Skip the iterator to document did, or the first document after did if did isn't in the list of documents being iterated.
Xapian::docid operator * () const
 Get the document id at the current position in the postlist.
Xapian::doclength get_doclength () const
 Get the length of the document at the current position in the postlist.
Xapian::termcount get_wdf () const
 Get the within document frequency of the document at the current position in the postlist.
PositionIterator positionlist_begin () const
 Return PositionIterator pointing to start of positionlist for current document.
PositionIterator positionlist_end () const
 Return PositionIterator pointing to end of positionlist for current document.
std::string get_description () const
 Return a string describing this object.


class Database
bool operator== (const PostingIterator &a, const PostingIterator &b)
 Test equality of two PostingIterators.

Detailed Description

An iterator pointing to items in a list of postings.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::input_iterator_tag Xapian::PostingIterator::iterator_category

Allow use as an STL iterator.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Xapian::PostingIterator::PostingIterator (  ) 

Default constructor - for declaring an uninitialised iterator.

Xapian::PostingIterator::~PostingIterator (  ) 


Xapian::PostingIterator::PostingIterator ( const PostingIterator other  ) 

Copying is allowed.

The internals are reference counted, so copying is also cheap.

Member Function Documentation

void Xapian::PostingIterator::operator= ( const PostingIterator other  ) 

Assignment is allowed.

The internals are reference counted, so assignment is also cheap.

void Xapian::PostingIterator::skip_to ( Xapian::docid  did  ) 

Skip the iterator to document did, or the first document after did if did isn't in the list of documents being iterated.

Xapian::docid Xapian::PostingIterator::operator * (  )  const

Get the document id at the current position in the postlist.

Xapian::doclength Xapian::PostingIterator::get_doclength (  )  const

Get the length of the document at the current position in the postlist.

This information may be stored in the postlist, in which case this lookup should be extremely fast (indeed, not require further disk access). If the information is not present in the postlist, it will be retrieved from the database, at a greater performance cost.

Xapian::termcount Xapian::PostingIterator::get_wdf (  )  const

Get the within document frequency of the document at the current position in the postlist.

PositionIterator Xapian::PostingIterator::positionlist_begin (  )  const

Return PositionIterator pointing to start of positionlist for current document.

PositionIterator Xapian::PostingIterator::positionlist_end (  )  const [inline]

Return PositionIterator pointing to end of positionlist for current document.

std::string Xapian::PostingIterator::get_description (  )  const

Return a string describing this object.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

bool operator== ( const PostingIterator a,
const PostingIterator b 
) [friend]

Test equality of two PostingIterators.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Documentation for Xapian (version 1.0.10).
Generated on 23 Dec 2008 by Doxygen 1.5.2.