Xapian::ValueIterator Class Reference

An iterator pointing to values associated with a document. More...

#include <valueiterator.h>

Collaboration diagram for Xapian::ValueIterator:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category
 Allow use as an STL iterator.
typedef std::string value_type
typedef Xapian::valueno_diff difference_type
typedef std::string * pointer
typedef std::string & reference

Public Member Functions

 ValueIterator ()
 Create an uninitialised iterator; this cannot be used, but is convenient syntactically.
 ValueIterator (const ValueIterator &other)
 Copying is allowed (and is cheap).
void operator= (const ValueIterator &other)
 Assignment is allowed (and is cheap).
ValueIteratoroperator++ ()
 Advance the iterator.
ValueIterator operator++ (int)
 Advance the iterator (postfix variant).
const std::string & operator * () const
 Get the value for the current position.
const std::string * operator-> () const
 Get the value for the current position.
Xapian::valueno get_valueno () const
 Get the number of the value at the current position.
std::string get_description () const
 Return a string describing this object.


class Document
bool operator== (const ValueIterator &a, const ValueIterator &b)
bool operator!= (const ValueIterator &a, const ValueIterator &b)

Detailed Description

An iterator pointing to values associated with a document.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::input_iterator_tag Xapian::ValueIterator::iterator_category

Allow use as an STL iterator.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Xapian::ValueIterator::ValueIterator (  )  [inline]

Create an uninitialised iterator; this cannot be used, but is convenient syntactically.

Xapian::ValueIterator::ValueIterator ( const ValueIterator other  )  [inline]

Copying is allowed (and is cheap).

Member Function Documentation

void Xapian::ValueIterator::operator= ( const ValueIterator other  )  [inline]

Assignment is allowed (and is cheap).

ValueIterator& Xapian::ValueIterator::operator++ (  )  [inline]

Advance the iterator.

ValueIterator Xapian::ValueIterator::operator++ ( int   )  [inline]

Advance the iterator (postfix variant).

const std::string& Xapian::ValueIterator::operator * (  )  const

Get the value for the current position.

const std::string* Xapian::ValueIterator::operator-> (  )  const

Get the value for the current position.

Xapian::valueno Xapian::ValueIterator::get_valueno (  )  const

Get the number of the value at the current position.

std::string Xapian::ValueIterator::get_description (  )  const

Return a string describing this object.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Documentation for Xapian (version 1.0.10).
Generated on 23 Dec 2008 by Doxygen 1.5.2.