00021 #include <config.h>
00023 #include <xapian.h>
00025 #include <iostream>
00026 #include <string>
00027 #include <vector>
00028 #include <math.h>
00030 #include "omtime.h"
00031 #include "unixcmds.h"
00032 #include "utils.h"
00034 using namespace std;
00036 #define TESTCASE(S) {#S, test_##S}
00037 #define END_OF_TESTCASES {0, 0}
00039 #include "testsuite.h"
00040 #include "testutils.h"
00042 struct test {
00043 const char *query;
00044 const char *expect;
00045 };
00047 static test test_or_queries[] = {
00048 { "simple-example", "(simple:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 example:(pos=2))" },
00049 { "time_t", "Ztime_t:(pos=1)" },
00050 { "stock -cooking", "(Zstock:(pos=1) AND_NOT Zcook:(pos=2))" },
00051 { "foo -baz bar", "((Zfoo:(pos=1) OR Zbar:(pos=3)) AND_NOT Zbaz:(pos=2))" },
00052 { "d- school report", "(Zd:(pos=1) OR Zschool:(pos=2) OR Zreport:(pos=3))" },
00053 { "gtk+ -gnome", "(Zgtk+:(pos=1) AND_NOT Zgnome:(pos=2))" },
00054 { "c++ -d--", "(Zc++:(pos=1) AND_NOT Zd:(pos=2))" },
00055 { "Mg2+ Cl-", "(mg2+:(pos=1) OR cl:(pos=2))" },
00056 { "\"c++ library\"", "(c++:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 library:(pos=2))" },
00057 { "A&L A&RMCO AD&D", "(a&l:(pos=1) OR a&rmco:(pos=2) OR ad&d:(pos=3))" },
00058 { "C# vs C++", "(c#:(pos=1) OR Zvs:(pos=2) OR c++:(pos=3))" },
00059 { "j##", "Zj##:(pos=1)" },
00060 { "a#b", "(Za:(pos=1) OR Zb:(pos=2))" },
00061 { "O.K. U.N.C.L.E XY.Z.", "(ok:(pos=1) OR uncle:(pos=2) OR (xy:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 z:(pos=4)))" },
00062 { "author:orwell animal farm", "(ZAorwel:(pos=1) OR Zanim:(pos=2) OR Zfarm:(pos=3))" },
00063 { "author:Orwell Animal Farm", "(Aorwell:(pos=1) OR animal:(pos=2) OR farm:(pos=3))" },
00065 { "author:\"orwell\" title:\"animal\"", "(Aorwell:(pos=1) OR XTanimal:(pos=2))" },
00067 { "author:(orwell) title:(animal)", "(ZAorwel:(pos=1) OR ZXTanim:(pos=2))" },
00069 { "author:\"milne, a.a.\"", "(Amilne:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 Aa:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 Aa:(pos=3))" },
00070 { "author:\"milne a.a.\"", "(Amilne:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 Aa:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 Aa:(pos=3))" },
00072 { "site:/path/name", "0 * H/path/name" },
00074 { "author:/path/name", "(author:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 path:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 name:(pos=3))" },
00076 { "author:(title::case)", "(Atitle:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 Acase:(pos=2))" },
00079 { "\"hello world\" +python", "(Zpython:(pos=3) AND_MAYBE (hello:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 world:(pos=2)))" },
00080 { "unmatched\"", "unmatched:(pos=1)" },
00081 { "unmatched \" \" ", "Zunmatch:(pos=1)" },
00082 { "hyphen-ated\" ", "(hyphen:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 ated:(pos=2))" },
00083 { "hyphen-ated\" \"", "(hyphen:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 ated:(pos=2))" },
00084 { "\"1.4\"", "1.4:(pos=1)" },
00085 { "\"1.\"", "1:(pos=1)" },
00086 { "\"A#.B.\"", "(a#:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 b:(pos=2))" },
00087 { "\" Xapian QueryParser\" parses queries", "((xapian:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 queryparser:(pos=2)) OR Zpars:(pos=3) OR Zqueri:(pos=4))" },
00088 { "\" xapian queryParser\" parses queries", "((xapian:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 queryparser:(pos=2)) OR Zpars:(pos=3) OR Zqueri:(pos=4))" },
00089 { "h\xc3\xb6hle", "Zh\xc3\xb6hle:(pos=1)" },
00090 { "one +two three", "(Ztwo:(pos=2) AND_MAYBE (Zone:(pos=1) OR Zthree:(pos=3)))" },
00091 { "subject:test other", "(ZXTtest:(pos=1) OR Zother:(pos=2))" },
00092 { "subject:\"space flight\"", "(XTspace:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 XTflight:(pos=2))" },
00093 { "author:(twain OR poe) OR flight", "(ZAtwain:(pos=1) OR ZApoe:(pos=2) OR Zflight:(pos=3))" },
00094 { "author:(twain OR title:pit OR poe)", "(ZAtwain:(pos=1) OR ZXTpit:(pos=2) OR ZApoe:(pos=3))" },
00095 { "title:2001 title:space", "(XT2001:(pos=1) OR ZXTspace:(pos=2))" },
00096 { "(title:help)", "ZXThelp:(pos=1)" },
00097 { "beer NOT \"orange juice\"", "(Zbeer:(pos=1) AND_NOT (orange:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 juice:(pos=3)))" },
00098 { "beer AND NOT lager", "(Zbeer:(pos=1) AND_NOT Zlager:(pos=2))" },
00099 { "A OR B NOT C", "(a:(pos=1) OR (b:(pos=2) AND_NOT c:(pos=3)))" },
00100 { "A OR B AND NOT C", "(a:(pos=1) OR (b:(pos=2) AND_NOT c:(pos=3)))" },
00101 { "A OR B XOR C", "(a:(pos=1) OR (b:(pos=2) XOR c:(pos=3)))" },
00102 { "A XOR B NOT C", "(a:(pos=1) XOR (b:(pos=2) AND_NOT c:(pos=3)))" },
00103 { "one AND two", "(Zone:(pos=1) AND Ztwo:(pos=2))" },
00104 { "one A.N.D. two", "(Zone:(pos=1) OR and:(pos=2) OR Ztwo:(pos=3))" },
00105 { "one \xc3\x81ND two", "(Zone:(pos=1) OR \xc3\xa1nd:(pos=2) OR Ztwo:(pos=3))" },
00106 { "one author:AND two", "(Zone:(pos=1) OR Aand:(pos=2) OR Ztwo:(pos=3))" },
00107 { "author:hyphen-ated", "(Ahyphen:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 Aated:(pos=2))" },
00108 { "cvs site:xapian.org", "(Zcvs:(pos=1) FILTER Hxapian.org)" },
00109 { "cvs -site:xapian.org", "(Zcvs:(pos=1) AND_NOT Hxapian.org)" },
00110 { "foo -site:xapian.org bar", "((Zfoo:(pos=1) OR Zbar:(pos=2)) AND_NOT Hxapian.org)" },
00111 { "site:xapian.org mail", "(Zmail:(pos=1) FILTER Hxapian.org)" },
00112 { "-site:xapian.org mail", "(Zmail:(pos=1) AND_NOT Hxapian.org)" },
00113 { "-Wredundant-decls", "(wredundant:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 decls:(pos=2))" },
00114 { "site:xapian.org", "0 * Hxapian.org" },
00115 { "mug +site:xapian.org -site:cvs.xapian.org", "((Zmug:(pos=1) FILTER Hxapian.org) AND_NOT Hcvs.xapian.org)" },
00116 { "mug -site:cvs.xapian.org +site:xapian.org", "((Zmug:(pos=1) FILTER Hxapian.org) AND_NOT Hcvs.xapian.org)" },
00117 { "NOT windows", "Syntax: <expression> NOT <expression>" },
00118 { "a AND (NOT b)", "Syntax: <expression> NOT <expression>" },
00119 { "AND NOT windows", "Syntax: <expression> AND NOT <expression>" },
00120 { "gordian NOT", "Syntax: <expression> NOT <expression>" },
00121 { "gordian AND NOT", "Syntax: <expression> AND NOT <expression>" },
00122 { "foo OR (something AND)", "Syntax: <expression> AND <expression>" },
00123 { "OR foo", "Syntax: <expression> OR <expression>" },
00124 { "XOR", "Syntax: <expression> XOR <expression>" },
00125 { "hard\xa0space", "(Zhard:(pos=1) OR Zspace:(pos=2))" },
00126 { " white\r\nspace\ttest ", "(Zwhite:(pos=1) OR Zspace:(pos=2) OR Ztest:(pos=3))" },
00127 { "one AND two/three", "(Zone:(pos=1) AND (two:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 three:(pos=3)))" },
00128 { "one AND /two/three", "(Zone:(pos=1) AND (two:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 three:(pos=3)))" },
00129 { "one AND/two/three", "(Zone:(pos=1) AND (two:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 three:(pos=3)))" },
00130 { "one +/two/three", "((two:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 three:(pos=3)) AND_MAYBE Zone:(pos=1))" },
00131 { "one//two", "(one:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 two:(pos=2))" },
00132 { "\"missing quote", "(missing:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 quote:(pos=2))" },
00133 { "DVD+RW", "(dvd:(pos=1) OR rw:(pos=2))" },
00134 { "+\"must have\" optional", "((must:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 have:(pos=2)) AND_MAYBE Zoption:(pos=3))" },
00135 { "one NEAR two NEAR three", "(one:(pos=1) NEAR 12 two:(pos=2) NEAR 12 three:(pos=3))" },
00136 { "something NEAR/3 else", "(something:(pos=1) NEAR 4 else:(pos=2))" },
00137 { "a NEAR/6 b NEAR c", "(a:(pos=1) NEAR 8 b:(pos=2) NEAR 8 c:(pos=3))" },
00138 { "something ADJ else", "(something:(pos=1) PHRASE 11 else:(pos=2))" },
00139 { "something ADJ/3 else", "(something:(pos=1) PHRASE 4 else:(pos=2))" },
00140 { "a ADJ/6 b ADJ c", "(a:(pos=1) PHRASE 8 b:(pos=2) PHRASE 8 c:(pos=3))" },
00144 { "a NEAR/\xc4\xb5 b", "(Za:(pos=1) OR (near:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 \xc4\xb5:(pos=3)) OR Zb:(pos=4))" },
00147 { "+(one two) three", "((Zone:(pos=1) OR Ztwo:(pos=2)) AND_MAYBE Zthree:(pos=3))" },
00148 { "zero -(one two)", "(Zzero:(pos=1) AND_NOT (Zone:(pos=2) OR Ztwo:(pos=3)))" },
00150 { "category:Foo", "0 * XCAT:Foo" },
00151 { "category:foo", "0 * XCATfoo" },
00152 { "category:\xc3\x96oo", "0 * XCAT\xc3\x96oo" },
00154 { "Call to undefined function: imagecreate()", "(call:(pos=1) OR Zto:(pos=2) OR Zundefin:(pos=3) OR Zfunction:(pos=4) OR imagecreate:(pos=5))" },
00155 { "mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource", "(mysql_fetch_row:(pos=1) OR Zsuppli:(pos=2) OR Zargument:(pos=3) OR Zis:(pos=4) OR Znot:(pos=5) OR Za:(pos=6) OR Zvalid:(pos=7) OR mysql:(pos=8) OR Zresult:(pos=9) OR Zresourc:(pos=10))" },
00156 { "php date() nedelands", "(Zphp:(pos=1) OR date:(pos=2) OR Znedeland:(pos=3))" },
00157 { "wget domein --http-user", "(Zwget:(pos=1) OR Zdomein:(pos=2) OR (http:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 user:(pos=4)))" },
00158 { "@home problemen", "(Zhome:(pos=1) OR Zproblemen:(pos=2))" },
00159 { "'ipacsum'", "Zipacsum:(pos=1)" },
00160 { "canal + ", "Zcanal:(pos=1)" },
00161 { "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", "(var:(pos=1) PHRASE 5 run:(pos=2) PHRASE 5 mysqld:(pos=3) PHRASE 5 mysqld:(pos=4) PHRASE 5 sock:(pos=5))" },
00162 { "\"QSI-161 drivers\"", "(qsi:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 161:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 drivers:(pos=3))" },
00163 { "\"e-cube\" barebone", "((e:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 cube:(pos=2)) OR Zbarebon:(pos=3))" },
00164 { "\"./httpd: symbol not found: dlopen\"", "(httpd:(pos=1) PHRASE 5 symbol:(pos=2) PHRASE 5 not:(pos=3) PHRASE 5 found:(pos=4) PHRASE 5 dlopen:(pos=5))" },
00165 { "ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)", "(error:(pos=1) OR 2003:(pos=2) OR can't:(pos=3) OR Zconnect:(pos=4) OR Zto:(pos=5) OR mysql:(pos=6) OR Zserver:(pos=7) OR Zon:(pos=8) OR Zlocalhost:(pos=9) OR 10061:(pos=10))" },
00166 { "location.href = \"\"", "(location:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 href:(pos=2))" },
00167 { "method=\"post\" action=\"\">", "(method:(pos=1) OR post:(pos=2) OR action:(pos=3))" },
00168 { "behuizing 19\" inch", "(Zbehuiz:(pos=1) OR 19:(pos=2) OR inch:(pos=3))" },
00169 { "19\" rack", "(19:(pos=1) OR rack:(pos=2))" },
00170 { "3,5\" mainboard", "(3,5:(pos=1) OR mainboard:(pos=2))" },
00171 { "553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)", "(553:(pos=1) OR Zsorri:(pos=2) OR Zthat:(pos=3) OR Zdomain:(pos=4) OR Zisn't:(pos=5) OR Zin:(pos=6) OR Zmy:(pos=7) OR Zlist:(pos=8) OR Zof:(pos=9) OR Zallow:(pos=10) OR Zrcpthost:(pos=11) OR 5.7.1:(pos=12))" },
00172 { "data error (clic redundancy check)", "(Zdata:(pos=1) OR Zerror:(pos=2) OR Zclic:(pos=3) OR Zredund:(pos=4) OR Zcheck:(pos=5))" },
00173 { "? mediaplayer 9\"", "(Zmediaplay:(pos=1) OR 9:(pos=2))" },
00174 { "date(\"w\")", "(date:(pos=1) OR w:(pos=2))" },
00175 { "Syntaxisfout (operator ontbreekt ASP", "(syntaxisfout:(pos=1) OR Zoper:(pos=2) OR Zontbreekt:(pos=3) OR asp:(pos=4))" },
00176 { "Request.ServerVariables(\"logon_user\")", "((request:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 servervariables:(pos=2)) OR logon_user:(pos=3))" },
00177 { "ASP \"request.form\" van \\\"enctype=\"MULTIPART/FORM-DATA\"\\\"", "(asp:(pos=1) OR (request:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 form:(pos=3)) OR Zvan:(pos=4) OR enctype:(pos=5) OR (multipart:(pos=6) PHRASE 3 form:(pos=7) PHRASE 3 data:(pos=8)))" },
00178 { "USER ftp (Login failed): Invalid shell: /sbin/nologin", "(user:(pos=1) OR Zftp:(pos=2) OR login:(pos=3) OR Zfail:(pos=4) OR invalid:(pos=5) OR Zshell:(pos=6) OR (sbin:(pos=7) PHRASE 2 nologin:(pos=8)))" },
00179 { "ip_masq_new(proto=TCP)", "(ip_masq_new:(pos=1) OR proto:(pos=2) OR tcp:(pos=3))" },
00180 { "\"document.write(\"", "(document:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 write:(pos=2))" },
00181 { "ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)", "(error:(pos=1) OR 1045:(pos=2) OR access:(pos=3) OR Zdeni:(pos=4) OR Zfor:(pos=5) OR Zuser:(pos=6) OR (root:(pos=7) PHRASE 2 localhost:(pos=8)) OR using:(pos=9) OR Zpassword:(pos=10) OR no:(pos=11))" },
00182 { "TIP !! subtitles op TV-out (via DVD max g400)", "(tip:(pos=1) OR Zsubtitl:(pos=2) OR Zop:(pos=3) OR (tv:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 out:(pos=5)) OR Zvia:(pos=6) OR dvd:(pos=7) OR Zmax:(pos=8) OR Zg400:(pos=9))" },
00183 { "Gigabyte 8PE667 (de Ultra versie) of Asus A7N8X Deluxe", "(gigabyte:(pos=1) OR 8pe667:(pos=2) OR Zde:(pos=3) OR ultra:(pos=4) OR Zversi:(pos=5) OR Zof:(pos=6) OR asus:(pos=7) OR a7n8x:(pos=8) OR deluxe:(pos=9))" },
00184 { "\"1) Ze testen 8x AF op de GFFX tegen \"", "(1:(pos=1) PHRASE 9 ze:(pos=2) PHRASE 9 testen:(pos=3) PHRASE 9 8x:(pos=4) PHRASE 9 af:(pos=5) PHRASE 9 op:(pos=6) PHRASE 9 de:(pos=7) PHRASE 9 gffx:(pos=8) PHRASE 9 tegen:(pos=9))" },
00185 { "\") Ze houden geen rekening met de kwaliteit van AF. Als ze dat gedaan hadden dan waren ze tot de conclusie gekomen dat Performance AF (dus Bilinear AF) op de 9700Pro goed te vergelijken is met Balanced AF op de GFFX. En dan hadden ze ook gezien dat de GFFX niet kan tippen aan de Quality AF van de 9700Pro.\"", "(ze:(pos=1) PHRASE 59 houden:(pos=2) PHRASE 59 geen:(pos=3) PHRASE 59 rekening:(pos=4) PHRASE 59 met:(pos=5) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=6) PHRASE 59 kwaliteit:(pos=7) PHRASE 59 van:(pos=8) PHRASE 59 af:(pos=9) PHRASE 59 als:(pos=10) PHRASE 59 ze:(pos=11) PHRASE 59 dat:(pos=12) PHRASE 59 gedaan:(pos=13) PHRASE 59 hadden:(pos=14) PHRASE 59 dan:(pos=15) PHRASE 59 waren:(pos=16) PHRASE 59 ze:(pos=17) PHRASE 59 tot:(pos=18) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=19) PHRASE 59 conclusie:(pos=20) PHRASE 59 gekomen:(pos=21) PHRASE 59 dat:(pos=22) PHRASE 59 performance:(pos=23) PHRASE 59 af:(pos=24) PHRASE 59 dus:(pos=25) PHRASE 59 bilinear:(pos=26) PHRASE 59 af:(pos=27) PHRASE 59 op:(pos=28) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=29) PHRASE 59 9700pro:(pos=30) PHRASE 59 goed:(pos=31) PHRASE 59 te:(pos=32) PHRASE 59 vergelijken:(pos=33) PHRASE 59 is:(pos=34) PHRASE 59 met:(pos=35) PHRASE 59 balanced:(pos=36) PHRASE 59 af:(pos=37) PHRASE 59 op:(pos=38) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=39) PHRASE 59 gffx:(pos=40) PHRASE 59 en:(pos=41) PHRASE 59 dan:(pos=42) PHRASE 59 hadden:(pos=43) PHRASE 59 ze:(pos=44) PHRASE 59 ook:(pos=45) PHRASE 59 gezien:(pos=46) PHRASE 59 dat:(pos=47) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=48) PHRASE 59 gffx:(pos=49) PHRASE 59 niet:(pos=50) PHRASE 59 kan:(pos=51) PHRASE 59 tippen:(pos=52) PHRASE 59 aan:(pos=53) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=54) PHRASE 59 quality:(pos=55) PHRASE 59 af:(pos=56) PHRASE 59 van:(pos=57) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=58) PHRASE 59 9700pro:(pos=59))" },
00186 { "\"Ze houden geen rekening met de kwaliteit van AF. Als ze dat gedaan hadden dan waren ze tot de conclusie gekomen dat Performance AF (dus Bilinear AF) op de 9700Pro goed te vergelijken is met Balanced AF op de GFFX. En dan hadden ze ook gezien dat de GFFX niet kan tippen aan de Quality AF van de 9700Pro.\"", "(ze:(pos=1) PHRASE 59 houden:(pos=2) PHRASE 59 geen:(pos=3) PHRASE 59 rekening:(pos=4) PHRASE 59 met:(pos=5) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=6) PHRASE 59 kwaliteit:(pos=7) PHRASE 59 van:(pos=8) PHRASE 59 af:(pos=9) PHRASE 59 als:(pos=10) PHRASE 59 ze:(pos=11) PHRASE 59 dat:(pos=12) PHRASE 59 gedaan:(pos=13) PHRASE 59 hadden:(pos=14) PHRASE 59 dan:(pos=15) PHRASE 59 waren:(pos=16) PHRASE 59 ze:(pos=17) PHRASE 59 tot:(pos=18) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=19) PHRASE 59 conclusie:(pos=20) PHRASE 59 gekomen:(pos=21) PHRASE 59 dat:(pos=22) PHRASE 59 performance:(pos=23) PHRASE 59 af:(pos=24) PHRASE 59 dus:(pos=25) PHRASE 59 bilinear:(pos=26) PHRASE 59 af:(pos=27) PHRASE 59 op:(pos=28) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=29) PHRASE 59 9700pro:(pos=30) PHRASE 59 goed:(pos=31) PHRASE 59 te:(pos=32) PHRASE 59 vergelijken:(pos=33) PHRASE 59 is:(pos=34) PHRASE 59 met:(pos=35) PHRASE 59 balanced:(pos=36) PHRASE 59 af:(pos=37) PHRASE 59 op:(pos=38) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=39) PHRASE 59 gffx:(pos=40) PHRASE 59 en:(pos=41) PHRASE 59 dan:(pos=42) PHRASE 59 hadden:(pos=43) PHRASE 59 ze:(pos=44) PHRASE 59 ook:(pos=45) PHRASE 59 gezien:(pos=46) PHRASE 59 dat:(pos=47) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=48) PHRASE 59 gffx:(pos=49) PHRASE 59 niet:(pos=50) PHRASE 59 kan:(pos=51) PHRASE 59 tippen:(pos=52) PHRASE 59 aan:(pos=53) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=54) PHRASE 59 quality:(pos=55) PHRASE 59 af:(pos=56) PHRASE 59 van:(pos=57) PHRASE 59 de:(pos=58) PHRASE 59 9700pro:(pos=59))" },
00187 { "$structure = imap_header($mbox, $tt);", "(Zstructur:(pos=1) OR imap_header:(pos=2) OR Zmbox:(pos=3) OR Ztt:(pos=4))" },
00188 { "\"ifup: Could not get a valid interface name: -> skipped\"", "(ifup:(pos=1) PHRASE 9 could:(pos=2) PHRASE 9 not:(pos=3) PHRASE 9 get:(pos=4) PHRASE 9 a:(pos=5) PHRASE 9 valid:(pos=6) PHRASE 9 interface:(pos=7) PHRASE 9 name:(pos=8) PHRASE 9 skipped:(pos=9))" },
00189 { "Er kan geen combinatie van filters worden gevonden om de gegevensstroom te genereren. (Error=80040218)", "(er:(pos=1) OR Zkan:(pos=2) OR Zgeen:(pos=3) OR Zcombinati:(pos=4) OR Zvan:(pos=5) OR Zfilter:(pos=6) OR Zworden:(pos=7) OR Zgevonden:(pos=8) OR Zom:(pos=9) OR Zde:(pos=10) OR Zgegevensstroom:(pos=11) OR Zte:(pos=12) OR Zgenereren:(pos=13) OR error:(pos=14) OR 80040218:(pos=15))" },
00190 { "ereg_replace(\"\\\\\",\"\\/\"", "ereg_replace:(pos=1)" },
00191 { "\\\\\"divx+geen+geluid\\\\\"", "(divx:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 geen:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 geluid:(pos=3))" },
00192 { "lcase(\"string\")", "(lcase:(pos=1) OR string:(pos=2))" },
00193 { "isEmpty( ) functie in visual basic", "(isempty:(pos=1) OR Zfuncti:(pos=2) OR Zin:(pos=3) OR Zvisual:(pos=4) OR Zbasic:(pos=5))" },
00194 { "*** stop: 0x0000001E (0xC0000005,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000)", "(Zstop:(pos=1) OR 0x0000001e:(pos=2) OR 0xc0000005,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000:(pos=3))" },
00195 { "\"ctrl+v+c+a fout\"", "(ctrl:(pos=1) PHRASE 5 v:(pos=2) PHRASE 5 c:(pos=3) PHRASE 5 a:(pos=4) PHRASE 5 fout:(pos=5))" },
00196 { "Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.connection\")", "((server:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 createobject:(pos=2)) OR (adodb:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 connection:(pos=4)))" },
00197 { "Presario 6277EA-XP model P4/28 GHz-120GB-DVD-CDRW (512MBWXP) (470048-012)", "(presario:(pos=1) OR (6277ea:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 xp:(pos=3)) OR Zmodel:(pos=4) OR (p4:(pos=5) PHRASE 2 28:(pos=6)) OR (ghz:(pos=7) PHRASE 4 120gb:(pos=8) PHRASE 4 dvd:(pos=9) PHRASE 4 cdrw:(pos=10)) OR 512mbwxp:(pos=11) OR (470048:(pos=12) PHRASE 2 012:(pos=13)))" },
00198 { "Failed to connect agent. (AGENT=dbaxchg2, EC=UserId =NUll)", "(failed:(pos=1) OR Zto:(pos=2) OR Zconnect:(pos=3) OR Zagent:(pos=4) OR agent:(pos=5) OR Zdbaxchg2:(pos=6) OR ec:(pos=7) OR userid:(pos=8) OR null:(pos=9))" },
00199 { "delphi CreateOleObject(\"MSXML2.DomDocument\")", "(Zdelphi:(pos=1) OR createoleobject:(pos=2) OR (msxml2:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 domdocument:(pos=4)))" },
00200 { "Unhandled exeption in IEXPLORE.EXE (FTAPP.DLL)", "(unhandled:(pos=1) OR Zexept:(pos=2) OR Zin:(pos=3) OR (iexplore:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 exe:(pos=5)) OR (ftapp:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 dll:(pos=7)))" },
00201 { "IBM High Rate Wireless LAN PCI Adapter (Low Profile Enabled)", "(ibm:(pos=1) OR high:(pos=2) OR rate:(pos=3) OR wireless:(pos=4) OR lan:(pos=5) OR pci:(pos=6) OR adapter:(pos=7) OR low:(pos=8) OR profile:(pos=9) OR enabled:(pos=10))" },
00202 { "asp ' en \"", "(Zasp:(pos=1) OR Zen:(pos=2))" },
00203 { "Hercules 3D Prophet 8500 LE 64MB (OEM, Radeon 8500 LE)", "(hercules:(pos=1) OR 3d:(pos=2) OR prophet:(pos=3) OR 8500:(pos=4) OR le:(pos=5) OR 64mb:(pos=6) OR oem:(pos=7) OR radeon:(pos=8) OR 8500:(pos=9) OR le:(pos=10))" },
00204 { "session_set_cookie_params(echo \"hoi\")", "(session_set_cookie_params:(pos=1) OR Zecho:(pos=2) OR hoi:(pos=3))" },
00205 { "windows update werkt niet (windows se", "(Zwindow:(pos=1) OR Zupdat:(pos=2) OR Zwerkt:(pos=3) OR Zniet:(pos=4) OR Zwindow:(pos=5) OR Zse:(pos=6))" },
00206 { "De statuscode van de fout is ( 0 x 4 , 0 , 0 , 0 )", "(de:(pos=1) OR Zstatuscod:(pos=2) OR Zvan:(pos=3) OR Zde:(pos=4) OR Zfout:(pos=5) OR Zis:(pos=6) OR 0:(pos=7) OR Zx:(pos=8) OR 4:(pos=9) OR 0:(pos=10) OR 0:(pos=11) OR 0:(pos=12))" },
00207 { "sony +(u20 u-20)", "((Zu20:(pos=2) OR (u:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 20:(pos=4))) AND_MAYBE Zsoni:(pos=1))" },
00208 { "[crit] (17)File exists: unable to create scoreboard (name-based shared memory failure)", "(Zcrit:(pos=1) OR 17:(pos=2) OR file:(pos=3) OR Zexist:(pos=4) OR Zunabl:(pos=5) OR Zto:(pos=6) OR Zcreat:(pos=7) OR Zscoreboard:(pos=8) OR (name:(pos=9) PHRASE 2 based:(pos=10)) OR Zshare:(pos=11) OR Zmemori:(pos=12) OR Zfailur:(pos=13))" },
00209 { "directories lokaal php (uitlezen OR inladen)", "(Zdirectori:(pos=1) OR Zlokaal:(pos=2) OR Zphp:(pos=3) OR Zuitlezen:(pos=4) OR Zinladen:(pos=5))" },
00210 { "(multi pc modem)+ (line sync)", "(Zmulti:(pos=1) OR Zpc:(pos=2) OR Zmodem:(pos=3) OR Zline:(pos=4) OR Zsync:(pos=5))" },
00211 { "xp 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)", "(Zxp:(pos=1) OR 5.1.2600.0:(pos=2) OR (xpclient:(pos=3) PHRASE 3 010817:(pos=4) PHRASE 3 1148:(pos=5)))" },
00212 { "DirectDraw test results: Failure at step 5 (User verification of rectangles): HRESULT = 0x00000000 (error code) Direct3D 7 test results: Failure at step 32 (User verification of Direct3D rendering): HRESULT = 0x00000000 (error code) Direct3D 8 test results: Failure at step 32 (User verification of Direct3D rendering): HRESULT = 0x00000000 (error code) Direct3D 9 test results: Failure at step 32 (User verification of Direct3D rendering): HRESULT = 0x00000000 (error code)", "(directdraw:(pos=1) OR Ztest:(pos=2) OR Zresult:(pos=3) OR failure:(pos=4) OR Zat:(pos=5) OR Zstep:(pos=6) OR 5:(pos=7) OR user:(pos=8) OR Zverif:(pos=9) OR Zof:(pos=10) OR Zrectangl:(pos=11) OR hresult:(pos=12) OR 0x00000000:(pos=13) OR Zerror:(pos=14) OR Zcode:(pos=15) OR direct3d:(pos=16) OR 7:(pos=17) OR Ztest:(pos=18) OR Zresult:(pos=19) OR failure:(pos=20) OR Zat:(pos=21) OR Zstep:(pos=22) OR 32:(pos=23) OR user:(pos=24) OR Zverif:(pos=25) OR Zof:(pos=26) OR direct3d:(pos=27) OR Zrender:(pos=28) OR hresult:(pos=29) OR 0x00000000:(pos=30) OR Zerror:(pos=31) OR Zcode:(pos=32) OR direct3d:(pos=33) OR 8:(pos=34) OR Ztest:(pos=35) OR Zresult:(pos=36) OR failure:(pos=37) OR Zat:(pos=38) OR Zstep:(pos=39) OR 32:(pos=40) OR user:(pos=41) OR Zverif:(pos=42) OR Zof:(pos=43) OR direct3d:(pos=44) OR Zrender:(pos=45) OR hresult:(pos=46) OR 0x00000000:(pos=47) OR Zerror:(pos=48) OR Zcode:(pos=49) OR direct3d:(pos=50) OR 9:(pos=51) OR Ztest:(pos=52) OR Zresult:(pos=53) OR failure:(pos=54) OR Zat:(pos=55) OR Zstep:(pos=56) OR 32:(pos=57) OR user:(pos=58) OR Zverif:(pos=59) OR Zof:(pos=60) OR direct3d:(pos=61) OR Zrender:(pos=62) OR hresult:(pos=63) OR 0x00000000:(pos=64) OR Zerror:(pos=65) OR Zcode:(pos=66))" },
00213 { "Thermaltake Aquarius II waterkoeling (kompleet voor P4 en XP)", "(thermaltake:(pos=1) OR aquarius:(pos=2) OR ii:(pos=3) OR Zwaterkoel:(pos=4) OR Zkompleet:(pos=5) OR Zvoor:(pos=6) OR p4:(pos=7) OR Zen:(pos=8) OR xp:(pos=9))" },
00214 { "E3501 unable to add job to database (EC=-2005)", "(e3501:(pos=1) OR Zunabl:(pos=2) OR Zto:(pos=3) OR Zadd:(pos=4) OR Zjob:(pos=5) OR Zto:(pos=6) OR Zdatabas:(pos=7) OR ec:(pos=8) OR 2005:(pos=9))" },
00215 { "\"arp -s\" ip veranderen", "((arp:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 s:(pos=2)) OR Zip:(pos=3) OR Zveranderen:(pos=4))" },
00216 { "header(\"content-type: application/octet-stream\");", "(header:(pos=1) OR (content:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 type:(pos=3)) OR (application:(pos=4) PHRASE 3 octet:(pos=5) PHRASE 3 stream:(pos=6)))" },
00217 { "$datum = date(\"d-m-Y\");", "(Zdatum:(pos=1) OR date:(pos=2) OR (d:(pos=3) PHRASE 3 m:(pos=4) PHRASE 3 y:(pos=5)))" },
00218 { "\"'\" +asp", "Zasp:(pos=1)" },
00219 { "+session +[", "Zsession:(pos=1)" },
00220 { "Dit apparaat kan niet starten. (Code 10)", "(dit:(pos=1) OR Zapparaat:(pos=2) OR Zkan:(pos=3) OR Zniet:(pos=4) OR Zstarten:(pos=5) OR code:(pos=6) OR 10:(pos=7))" },
00221 { "\"You cannot use the Administration program while the Domino Server is running. Either shut down the Domino Server (but keep the file server running) or choose the ican labeled 'Lotus Notes' instead.\"", "(you:(pos=1) PHRASE 32 cannot:(pos=2) PHRASE 32 use:(pos=3) PHRASE 32 the:(pos=4) PHRASE 32 administration:(pos=5) PHRASE 32 program:(pos=6) PHRASE 32 while:(pos=7) PHRASE 32 the:(pos=8) PHRASE 32 domino:(pos=9) PHRASE 32 server:(pos=10) PHRASE 32 is:(pos=11) PHRASE 32 running:(pos=12) PHRASE 32 either:(pos=13) PHRASE 32 shut:(pos=14) PHRASE 32 down:(pos=15) PHRASE 32 the:(pos=16) PHRASE 32 domino:(pos=17) PHRASE 32 server:(pos=18) PHRASE 32 but:(pos=19) PHRASE 32 keep:(pos=20) PHRASE 32 the:(pos=21) PHRASE 32 file:(pos=22) PHRASE 32 server:(pos=23) PHRASE 32 running:(pos=24) PHRASE 32 or:(pos=25) PHRASE 32 choose:(pos=26) PHRASE 32 the:(pos=27) PHRASE 32 ican:(pos=28) PHRASE 32 labeled:(pos=29) PHRASE 32 lotus:(pos=30) PHRASE 32 notes:(pos=31) PHRASE 32 instead:(pos=32))" },
00222 { "\"+irq +veranderen +xp\"", "(irq:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 veranderen:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 xp:(pos=3))" },
00223 { "\"is not a member of 'operator``global namespace''' + c++", "(is:(pos=1) PHRASE 9 not:(pos=2) PHRASE 9 a:(pos=3) PHRASE 9 member:(pos=4) PHRASE 9 of:(pos=5) PHRASE 9 operator:(pos=6) PHRASE 9 global:(pos=7) PHRASE 9 namespace:(pos=8) PHRASE 9 c++:(pos=9))" },
00224 { "mkdir() failed (File exists) php", "(mkdir:(pos=1) OR Zfail:(pos=2) OR file:(pos=3) OR Zexist:(pos=4) OR Zphp:(pos=5))" },
00225 { "laatsteIndex(int n)", "(laatsteindex:(pos=1) OR Zint:(pos=2) OR Zn:(pos=3))" },
00226 { "\"line+in\" OR \"c8783\"", "((line:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 in:(pos=2)) OR c8783:(pos=3))" },
00227 { "if ($_POST['Submit'])", "(Zif:(pos=1) OR _post:(pos=2) OR submit:(pos=3))" },
00228 { "NEC DVD+-RW ND-1300A", "(nec:(pos=1) OR (dvd+:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 rw:(pos=3)) OR (nd:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 1300a:(pos=5)))" },
00229 { "*String not found* (*String not found*.)", "(string:(pos=1) OR Znot:(pos=2) OR found:(pos=3) OR string:(pos=4) OR Znot:(pos=5) OR found:(pos=6))" },
00230 { "MSI G4Ti4200-TD 128MB (GeForce4 Ti4200)", "(msi:(pos=1) OR (g4ti4200:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 td:(pos=3)) OR 128mb:(pos=4) OR geforce4:(pos=5) OR ti4200:(pos=6))" },
00231 { "href=\"#\"", "href:(pos=1)" },
00232 { "Request.ServerVariables(\"REMOTE_USER\") javascript", "((request:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 servervariables:(pos=2)) OR remote_user:(pos=3) OR Zjavascript:(pos=4))" },
00233 { "XF86Config(-4) waar", "(xf86config:(pos=1) OR 4:(pos=2) OR Zwaar:(pos=3))" },
00234 { "Unknown (tag 2000)", "(unknown:(pos=1) OR Ztag:(pos=2) OR 2000:(pos=3))" },
00235 { "KT4V(MS-6712)", "(kt4v:(pos=1) OR (ms:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 6712:(pos=3)))" },
00236 { "scheduled+AND+nieuwsgroepen+AND+updaten", "(Zschedul:(pos=1) AND Znieuwsgroepen:(pos=2) AND Zupdaten:(pos=3))" },
00237 { "137(netbios-ns)", "(137:(pos=1) OR (netbios:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 ns:(pos=3)))" },
00238 { "HARWARE ERROR, TRACKING SERVO (4:0X09:0X01)", "(harware:(pos=1) OR error:(pos=2) OR tracking:(pos=3) OR servo:(pos=4) OR (4:(pos=5) PHRASE 3 0x09:(pos=6) PHRASE 3 0x01:(pos=7)))" },
00239 { "Chr(10) wat is code van \" teken", "(chr:(pos=1) OR 10:(pos=2) OR Zwat:(pos=3) OR Zis:(pos=4) OR Zcode:(pos=5) OR Zvan:(pos=6) OR Zteken:(pos=7))" },
00240 { "wat is code van \" teken", "(Zwat:(pos=1) OR Zis:(pos=2) OR Zcode:(pos=3) OR Zvan:(pos=4) OR teken:(pos=5))" },
00241 { "The Jet VBA file (VBAJET.dll for 16-bit version, VBAJET32.dll version", "(the:(pos=1) OR jet:(pos=2) OR vba:(pos=3) OR Zfile:(pos=4) OR (vbajet:(pos=5) PHRASE 2 dll:(pos=6)) OR Zfor:(pos=7) OR (16:(pos=8) PHRASE 2 bit:(pos=9)) OR Zversion:(pos=10) OR (vbajet32:(pos=11) PHRASE 2 dll:(pos=12)) OR Zversion:(pos=13))" },
00242 { "Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).", "(permission:(pos=1) OR Zdeni:(pos=2) OR Zpublickey:(pos=3) OR Zpassword:(pos=4) OR (keyboard:(pos=5) PHRASE 2 interactive:(pos=6)))" },
00243 { "De lees- of schrijfbewerking (\"written\") op het geheugen is mislukt", "(de:(pos=1) OR Zlee:(pos=2) OR Zof:(pos=3) OR Zschrijfbewerk:(pos=4) OR written:(pos=5) OR Zop:(pos=6) OR Zhet:(pos=7) OR Zgeheugen:(pos=8) OR Zis:(pos=9) OR Zmislukt:(pos=10))" },
00244 { "Primary IDE channel no 80 conductor cable installed\"", "(primary:(pos=1) OR ide:(pos=2) OR Zchannel:(pos=3) OR Zno:(pos=4) OR 80:(pos=5) OR Zconductor:(pos=6) OR Zcabl:(pos=7) OR installed:(pos=8))" },
00245 { "\"2020 NEAR zoom\"", "(2020:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 near:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 zoom:(pos=3))" },
00246 { "setcookie(\"naam\",\"$user\");", "(setcookie:(pos=1) OR naam:(pos=2) OR user:(pos=3))" },
00247 { "MSI 645 Ultra (MS-6547) Ver1", "(msi:(pos=1) OR 645:(pos=2) OR ultra:(pos=3) OR (ms:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 6547:(pos=5)) OR ver1:(pos=6))" },
00248 { "if ($HTTP", "(Zif:(pos=1) OR http:(pos=2))" },
00249 { "data error(cyclic redundancy check)", "(Zdata:(pos=1) OR error:(pos=2) OR Zcyclic:(pos=3) OR Zredund:(pos=4) OR Zcheck:(pos=5))" },
00250 { "UObject::StaticAllocateObject <- (NULL None) <- UObject::StaticConstructObject <- InitEngine", "((uobject:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 staticallocateobject:(pos=2)) OR null:(pos=3) OR none:(pos=4) OR (uobject:(pos=5) PHRASE 2 staticconstructobject:(pos=6)) OR initengine:(pos=7))" },
00251 { "Failure at step 8 (Creating 3D Device)", "(failure:(pos=1) OR Zat:(pos=2) OR Zstep:(pos=3) OR 8:(pos=4) OR creating:(pos=5) OR 3d:(pos=6) OR device:(pos=7))" },
00252 { "Call Shell(\"notepad.exe\",", "(call:(pos=1) OR shell:(pos=2) OR (notepad:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 exe:(pos=4)))" },
00253 { "2.5\" harddisk converter", "(2.5:(pos=1) OR (harddisk:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 converter:(pos=3)))" },
00254 { "creative labs \"dvd+rw\"", "(Zcreativ:(pos=1) OR Zlab:(pos=2) OR (dvd:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 rw:(pos=4)))" },
00255 { "\"het beleid van deze computer staat u niet toe interactief", "(het:(pos=1) PHRASE 10 beleid:(pos=2) PHRASE 10 van:(pos=3) PHRASE 10 deze:(pos=4) PHRASE 10 computer:(pos=5) PHRASE 10 staat:(pos=6) PHRASE 10 u:(pos=7) PHRASE 10 niet:(pos=8) PHRASE 10 toe:(pos=9) PHRASE 10 interactief:(pos=10))" },
00256 { "ati radeon \"driver cleaner", "(Zati:(pos=1) OR Zradeon:(pos=2) OR (driver:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 cleaner:(pos=4)))" },
00257 { "\"../\" path", "Zpath:(pos=1)" },
00258 { "(novell client) workstation only", "(Znovel:(pos=1) OR Zclient:(pos=2) OR Zworkstat:(pos=3) OR Zonli:(pos=4))" },
00259 { "Unable to find libgd.(a|so) anywhere", "(unable:(pos=1) OR Zto:(pos=2) OR Zfind:(pos=3) OR Zlibgd:(pos=4) OR Za:(pos=5) OR Zso:(pos=6) OR Zanywher:(pos=7))" },
00260 { "\"libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2\"", "(libstdc++:(pos=1) PHRASE 5 libc6.1:(pos=2) PHRASE 5 1:(pos=3) PHRASE 5 so:(pos=4) PHRASE 5 2:(pos=5))" },
00261 { "ipsec_setup (/etc/ipsec.conf, line 1) cannot open configuration file \"/etc/ipsec.conf\" -- `' aborted", "(Zipsec_setup:(pos=1) OR (etc:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 ipsec:(pos=3) PHRASE 3 conf:(pos=4)) OR Zline:(pos=5) OR 1:(pos=6) OR Zcannot:(pos=7) OR Zopen:(pos=8) OR Zconfigur:(pos=9) OR Zfile:(pos=10) OR (etc:(pos=11) PHRASE 3 ipsec:(pos=12) PHRASE 3 conf:(pos=13)) OR Zabort:(pos=14))" },
00262 { "Forwarden van domeinnaam (naar HTTP adres)", "(forwarden:(pos=1) OR Zvan:(pos=2) OR Zdomeinnaam:(pos=3) OR Znaar:(pos=4) OR http:(pos=5) OR Zadr:(pos=6))" },
00263 { "Compaq HP, 146.8 GB (MPN-286716-B22) Hard Drives", "(compaq:(pos=1) OR hp:(pos=2) OR 146.8:(pos=3) OR gb:(pos=4) OR (mpn:(pos=5) PHRASE 3 286716:(pos=6) PHRASE 3 b22:(pos=7)) OR hard:(pos=8) OR drives:(pos=9))" },
00264 { "httpd (no pid file) not running", "(Zhttpd:(pos=1) OR Zno:(pos=2) OR Zpid:(pos=3) OR Zfile:(pos=4) OR Znot:(pos=5) OR Zrun:(pos=6))" },
00265 { "apache httpd (pid file) not running", "(Zapach:(pos=1) OR Zhttpd:(pos=2) OR Zpid:(pos=3) OR Zfile:(pos=4) OR Znot:(pos=5) OR Zrun:(pos=6))" },
00266 { "Klasse is niet geregistreerd (Fout=80040154).", "(klasse:(pos=1) OR Zis:(pos=2) OR Zniet:(pos=3) OR Zgeregistreerd:(pos=4) OR fout:(pos=5) OR 80040154:(pos=6))" },
00267 { "\"dvd+r\" \"dvd-r\"", "((dvd:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 r:(pos=2)) OR (dvd:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 r:(pos=4)))" },
00268 { "\"=\" tekens uit csvfile", "(Zteken:(pos=1) OR Zuit:(pos=2) OR Zcsvfile:(pos=3))" },
00269 { "libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3)", "((libc:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 so:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 6:(pos=3)) OR glibc_2.3:(pos=4))" },
00270 { "Sitecom Broadband xDSL / Cable Router 4S (DC-202)", "(sitecom:(pos=1) OR broadband:(pos=2) OR Zxdsl:(pos=3) OR cable:(pos=4) OR router:(pos=5) OR 4s:(pos=6) OR (dc:(pos=7) PHRASE 2 202:(pos=8)))" },
00271 { "(t-mobile) bereik", "((t:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 mobile:(pos=2)) OR Zbereik:(pos=3))" },
00272 { "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol \"public", "(Zerror:(pos=1) OR lnk2001:(pos=2) OR Zunresolv:(pos=3) OR Zextern:(pos=4) OR Zsymbol:(pos=5) OR public:(pos=6))" },
00273 { "patch linux exploit -p)", "(Zpatch:(pos=1) OR Zlinux:(pos=2) OR Zexploit:(pos=3) OR Zp:(pos=4))" },
00274 { "MYD not found (Errcode: 2)", "(myd:(pos=1) OR Znot:(pos=2) OR Zfound:(pos=3) OR errcode:(pos=4) OR 2:(pos=5))" },
00275 { "ob_start(\"ob_gzhandler\"); file download", "(ob_start:(pos=1) OR ob_gzhandler:(pos=2) OR Zfile:(pos=3) OR Zdownload:(pos=4))" },
00276 { "ECS Elitegroup K7VZA (VIA VT8363/VT8363A)", "(ecs:(pos=1) OR elitegroup:(pos=2) OR k7vza:(pos=3) OR via:(pos=4) OR (vt8363:(pos=5) PHRASE 2 vt8363a:(pos=6)))" },
00277 { "ASUS A7V8X (LAN + Serial-ATA + Firewire + Raid + Audio)", "(asus:(pos=1) OR a7v8x:(pos=2) OR lan:(pos=3) OR (serial:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 ata:(pos=5)) OR firewire:(pos=6) OR raid:(pos=7) OR audio:(pos=8))" },
00278 { "Javascript:history.go(-1)", "((javascript:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 history:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 go:(pos=3)) OR 1:(pos=4))" },
00279 { "java :) als icon", "(Zjava:(pos=1) OR Zal:(pos=2) OR Zicon:(pos=3))" },
00280 { "onmouseover=setPointer(this", "(onmouseover:(pos=1) OR setpointer:(pos=2) OR Zthis:(pos=3))" },
00281 { "\" in vbscript", "(in:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 vbscript:(pos=2))" },
00282 { "IRC (FAQ OR (hulp NEAR bij))", "(irc:(pos=1) OR faq:(pos=2) OR (hulp:(pos=3) NEAR 11 bij:(pos=4)))" },
00283 { "setProperty(\"McSquare\"+i, _xscale, _xscale++);", "(setproperty:(pos=1) OR mcsquare:(pos=2) OR Zi:(pos=3) OR _xscale:(pos=4) OR _xscale++:(pos=5))" },
00284 { "[warn] Apache does not support line-end comments. Consider using quotes around argument: \"#-1\"", "(Zwarn:(pos=1) OR apache:(pos=2) OR Zdoe:(pos=3) OR Znot:(pos=4) OR Zsupport:(pos=5) OR (line:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 end:(pos=7)) OR Zcomment:(pos=8) OR consider:(pos=9) OR Zuse:(pos=10) OR Zquot:(pos=11) OR Zaround:(pos=12) OR Zargument:(pos=13) OR 1:(pos=14))" },
00285 { "(php.ini) (memory_limit)", "((php:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 ini:(pos=2)) OR Zmemory_limit:(pos=3))" },
00286 { "line 8: syntax error near unexpected token `kernel_thread(f'", "(Zline:(pos=1) OR 8:(pos=2) OR Zsyntax:(pos=3) OR Zerror:(pos=4) OR Znear:(pos=5) OR Zunexpect:(pos=6) OR Ztoken:(pos=7) OR kernel_thread:(pos=8) OR Zf:(pos=9))" },
00287 { "VXD NAVEX()@)", "(vxd:(pos=1) OR navex:(pos=2))" },
00288 { "\"Iiyama AS4314UT 17\" \"", "(iiyama:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 as4314ut:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 17:(pos=3))" },
00289 { "include (\"$id.html\");", "(Zinclud:(pos=1) OR (id:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 html:(pos=3)))" },
00290 { "include id.Today's date is: <? print (date (\"M d, Y\")); ?>hp", "(Zinclud:(pos=1) OR (id:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 today's:(pos=3)) OR Zdate:(pos=4) OR Zis:(pos=5) OR Zprint:(pos=6) OR Zdate:(pos=7) OR (m:(pos=8) PHRASE 3 d:(pos=9) PHRASE 3 y:(pos=10)) OR Zhp:(pos=11))" },
00291 { "(program files\\common) opstarten", "(Zprogram:(pos=1) OR (files:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 common:(pos=3)) OR Zopstarten:(pos=4))" },
00292 { "java \" string", "(Zjava:(pos=1) OR string:(pos=2))" },
00293 { "+=", "" },
00294 { "php +=", "Zphp:(pos=1)" },
00295 { "[php] ereg_replace(\".\"", "(Zphp:(pos=1) OR ereg_replace:(pos=2))" },
00296 { "\"echo -e\" kleur", "((echo:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 e:(pos=2)) OR Zkleur:(pos=3))" },
00297 { "adobe premiere \"-1\"", "(Zadob:(pos=1) OR Zpremier:(pos=2) OR 1:(pos=3))" },
00298 { "DVD brander \"+\" en \"-\"", "(dvd:(pos=1) OR Zbrander:(pos=2) OR Zen:(pos=3))" },
00299 { "inspirion \"dvd+R\"", "(Zinspirion:(pos=1) OR (dvd:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 r:(pos=3)))" },
00300 { "asp 0x80040E14)", "(Zasp:(pos=1) OR 0x80040e14:(pos=2))" },
00301 { "\"e-tech motorola router", "(e:(pos=1) PHRASE 4 tech:(pos=2) PHRASE 4 motorola:(pos=3) PHRASE 4 router:(pos=4))" },
00302 { "bluetooth '\"", "(Zbluetooth:(pos=1) OR" },
00303 { "ms +-connect", "(Zms:(pos=1) OR Zconnect:(pos=2))" },
00304 { "php+print+\"", "(Zphp:(pos=1) OR print+:(pos=2))" },
00305 { "athlon 1400 :welke videokaart\"", "(Zathlon:(pos=1) OR 1400:(pos=2) OR Zwelk:(pos=3) OR videokaart:(pos=4))" },
00306 { "+-dvd", "Zdvd:(pos=1)" },
00307 { "glftpd \"-new-\"", "(Zglftpd:(pos=1) OR new:(pos=2))" },
00308 { "\"scandisk + dos5.0", "(scandisk:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 dos5.0:(pos=2))" },
00309 { "socket\\(\\)", "socket:(pos=1)" },
00310 { "msn (e-tech) router", "(Zmsn:(pos=1) OR (e:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 tech:(pos=3)) OR Zrouter:(pos=4))" },
00311 { "Het grote Epox 8k3a+ ervaring/prob topic\"", "(het:(pos=1) OR Zgrote:(pos=2) OR epox:(pos=3) OR 8k3a+:(pos=4) OR (ervaring:(pos=5) PHRASE 2 prob:(pos=6)) OR topic:(pos=7))" },
00312 { "\"CF+bluetooth\"", "(cf:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 bluetooth:(pos=2))" },
00313 { "kwaliteit (s-video) composite verschil tv out", "(Zkwaliteit:(pos=1) OR (s:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 video:(pos=3)) OR Zcomposit:(pos=4) OR Zverschil:(pos=5) OR Ztv:(pos=6) OR Zout:(pos=7))" },
00314 { "Wie kan deze oude hardware nog gebruiken\" Deel", "(wie:(pos=1) OR Zkan:(pos=2) OR Zdeze:(pos=3) OR Zoud:(pos=4) OR Zhardwar:(pos=5) OR Znog:(pos=6) OR gebruiken:(pos=7) OR deel:(pos=8))" },
00315 { "Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib \"kernel32\" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)", "(public:(pos=1) OR declare:(pos=2) OR sub:(pos=3) OR sleep:(pos=4) OR lib:(pos=5) OR kernel32:(pos=6) OR byval:(pos=7) OR Zdwmillisecond:(pos=8) OR as:(pos=9) OR long:(pos=10))" },
00316 { "for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php')", "(Zfor:(pos=1) OR Zinclus:(pos=2) OR include_path:(pos=3) OR (usr:(pos=4) PHRASE 3 share:(pos=5) PHRASE 3 php:(pos=6)))" },
00317 { "\"muziek 2x zo snel\"\"", "(muziek:(pos=1) PHRASE 4 2x:(pos=2) PHRASE 4 zo:(pos=3) PHRASE 4 snel:(pos=4))" },
00318 { "execCommand('inserthorizontalrule'", "(execcommand:(pos=1) OR Zinserthorizontalrul:(pos=2))" },
00319 { "specs: IBM PS/2, Intel 8086 @ 25 mhz!!, 2 mb intern, 50 mb hd, 5.5\" floppy drive, toetsenbord en geen muis", "(Zspec:(pos=1) OR ibm:(pos=2) OR (ps:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 2:(pos=4)) OR intel:(pos=5) OR 8086:(pos=6) OR 25:(pos=7) OR Zmhz:(pos=8) OR 2:(pos=9) OR Zmb:(pos=10) OR Zintern:(pos=11) OR 50:(pos=12) OR Zmb:(pos=13) OR Zhd:(pos=14) OR 5.5:(pos=15) OR (floppy:(pos=16) PHRASE 6 drive:(pos=17) PHRASE 6 toetsenbord:(pos=18) PHRASE 6 en:(pos=19) PHRASE 6 geen:(pos=20) PHRASE 6 muis:(pos=21)))" },
00320 { "History: GetEventTool <- GetMusicManager <- GetMusicScript <- DMCallRoutine <- AMusicScriptEvent::execCallRoutine <- UObject::execClassContext <- (U2GameInfo M08A1.U2GameInfo0 @ Function U2.U2GameInfo.NotifyLevelChangeEnd : 0075 line 744) <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (U2GameInfo M08A1.U2GameInfo0, Function U2.U2GameInfo.NotifyLevelChangeEnd) <- UGameEngine::LoadMap <- LocalMapURL <- UGameEngine::Browse <- ServerTravel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop", "(history:(pos=1) OR geteventtool:(pos=2) OR getmusicmanager:(pos=3) OR getmusicscript:(pos=4) OR dmcallroutine:(pos=5) OR (amusicscriptevent:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 execcallroutine:(pos=7)) OR (uobject:(pos=8) PHRASE 2 execclasscontext:(pos=9)) OR u2gameinfo:(pos=10) OR (m08a1:(pos=11) PHRASE 2 u2gameinfo0:(pos=12)) OR function:(pos=13) OR (u2:(pos=14) PHRASE 3 u2gameinfo:(pos=15) PHRASE 3 notifylevelchangeend:(pos=16)) OR 0075:(pos=17) OR Zline:(pos=18) OR 744:(pos=19) OR (uobject:(pos=20) PHRASE 2 processevent:(pos=21)) OR u2gameinfo:(pos=22) OR (m08a1:(pos=23) PHRASE 2 u2gameinfo0:(pos=24)) OR function:(pos=25) OR (u2:(pos=26) PHRASE 3 u2gameinfo:(pos=27) PHRASE 3 notifylevelchangeend:(pos=28)) OR (ugameengine:(pos=29) PHRASE 2 loadmap:(pos=30)) OR localmapurl:(pos=31) OR (ugameengine:(pos=32) PHRASE 2 browse:(pos=33)) OR servertravel:(pos=34) OR (ugameengine:(pos=35) PHRASE 2 tick:(pos=36)) OR updateworld:(pos=37) OR mainloop:(pos=38))" },
00321 { "Support AMD XP 2400+ & 2600+ (K7T Turbo2 only)", "(support:(pos=1) OR amd:(pos=2) OR xp:(pos=3) OR 2400+:(pos=4) OR 2600+:(pos=5) OR k7t:(pos=6) OR turbo2:(pos=7) OR Zonli:(pos=8))" },
00322 { "'\"><br>bla</br>", "(br:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 bla:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 br:(pos=3))" },
00323 { "The instruction at \"0x30053409\" referenced memory at \"0x06460504\". The memory could not be \"read'. Click OK to terminate the application.", "(the:(pos=1) OR Zinstruct:(pos=2) OR Zat:(pos=3) OR 0x30053409:(pos=4) OR Zreferenc:(pos=5) OR Zmemori:(pos=6) OR Zat:(pos=7) OR 0x06460504:(pos=8) OR the:(pos=9) OR Zmemori:(pos=10) OR Zcould:(pos=11) OR Znot:(pos=12) OR Zbe:(pos=13) OR (read:(pos=14) PHRASE 7 click:(pos=15) PHRASE 7 ok:(pos=16) PHRASE 7 to:(pos=17) PHRASE 7 terminate:(pos=18) PHRASE 7 the:(pos=19) PHRASE 7 application:(pos=20)))" },
00324 { "\"(P5A-b)\"", "(p5a:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 b:(pos=2))" },
00325 { "(13,5 > 13) == no-go!", "(13,5:(pos=1) OR 13:(pos=2) OR (no:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 go:(pos=4)))" },
00326 { "eth not found \"ifconfig -a\"", "(Zeth:(pos=1) OR Znot:(pos=2) OR Zfound:(pos=3) OR (ifconfig:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 a:(pos=5)))" },
00327 { "<META NAME=\"ROBOTS", "(meta:(pos=1) OR name:(pos=2) OR robots:(pos=3))" },
00328 { "lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven)", "(Zlp0:(pos=1) OR Zuse:(pos=2) OR Zparport0:(pos=3) OR (interrupt:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 driven:(pos=5)))" },
00329 { "ULTRA PC-TUNING, COOLING & MODDING (4,6)", "(ultra:(pos=1) OR (pc:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 tuning:(pos=3)) OR cooling:(pos=4) OR modding:(pos=5) OR 4,6:(pos=6))" },
00330 { "512MB PC2700 DDR SDRAM Rood (Dane-Elec)", "(512mb:(pos=1) OR pc2700:(pos=2) OR ddr:(pos=3) OR sdram:(pos=4) OR rood:(pos=5) OR (dane:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 elec:(pos=7)))" },
00331 { "header(\"Content Type: text/html\");", "(header:(pos=1) OR content:(pos=2) OR type:(pos=3) OR (text:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 html:(pos=5)))" },
00332 { "\"-RW\" \"+RW\"", "(rw:(pos=1) OR rw:(pos=2))" },
00333 { "\"cresta digital answering machine", "(cresta:(pos=1) PHRASE 4 digital:(pos=2) PHRASE 4 answering:(pos=3) PHRASE 4 machine:(pos=4))" },
00334 { "Arctic Super Silent PRO TC (Athlon/P3 - 2,3 GHz)", "(arctic:(pos=1) OR super:(pos=2) OR silent:(pos=3) OR pro:(pos=4) OR tc:(pos=5) OR (athlon:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 p3:(pos=7)) OR 2,3:(pos=8) OR ghz:(pos=9))" },
00335 { "c++ fopen \"r+t\"", "(Zc++:(pos=1) OR Zfopen:(pos=2) OR (r:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 t:(pos=4)))" },
00336 { "c++ fopen (r+t)", "(Zc++:(pos=1) OR Zfopen:(pos=2) OR Zr:(pos=3) OR Zt:(pos=4))" },
00337 { "\"DVD+R\"", "(dvd:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 r:(pos=2))" },
00338 { "Class.forName(\"jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver\");", "((class:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 forname:(pos=2)) OR (jdbc:(pos=3) PHRASE 3 odbc:(pos=4) PHRASE 3 jdbcodbcdriver:(pos=5)))" },
00339 { "perl(find.pl)", "(perl:(pos=1) OR (find:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 pl:(pos=3)))" },
00340 { "\"-5v\" voeding", "(5v:(pos=1) OR Zvoed:(pos=2))" },
00341 { "\"-5v\" power supply", "(5v:(pos=1) OR Zpower:(pos=2) OR Zsuppli:(pos=3))" },
00342 { "An Error occurred whie attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $2108)", "(an:(pos=1) OR error:(pos=2) OR Zoccur:(pos=3) OR Zwhie:(pos=4) OR Zattempt:(pos=5) OR Zto:(pos=6) OR Ziniti:(pos=7) OR Zthe:(pos=8) OR borland:(pos=9) OR database:(pos=10) OR engine:(pos=11) OR Zerror:(pos=12) OR 2108:(pos=13))" },
00343 { "(error $2108) Borland", "(Zerror:(pos=1) OR 2108:(pos=2) OR borland:(pos=3))" },
00344 { "On Friday 04 April 2003 09:32, Edwin van Eersel wrote: > ik voel me eigenlijk wel behoorlijk kut :)", "(on:(pos=1) OR friday:(pos=2) OR 04:(pos=3) OR april:(pos=4) OR 2003:(pos=5) OR (09:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 32:(pos=7)) OR edwin:(pos=8) OR Zvan:(pos=9) OR eersel:(pos=10) OR Zwrote:(pos=11) OR Zik:(pos=12) OR Zvoel:(pos=13) OR Zme:(pos=14) OR Zeigenlijk:(pos=15) OR Zwel:(pos=16) OR Zbehoorlijk:(pos=17) OR Zkut:(pos=18))" },
00345 { "Elektrotechniek + \"hoe bevalt het?\"\"", "(elektrotechniek:(pos=1) OR (hoe:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 bevalt:(pos=3) PHRASE 3 het:(pos=4)))" },
00346 { "Shortcuts in menu (java", "(shortcuts:(pos=1) OR Zin:(pos=2) OR Zmenu:(pos=3) OR Zjava:(pos=4))" },
00347 { "detonator+settings\"", "(Zdeton:(pos=1) OR settings:(pos=2))" },
00348 { "(ez-bios) convert", "((ez:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 bios:(pos=2)) OR Zconvert:(pos=3))" },
00349 { "Sparkle 7100M4 64MB (GeForce4 MX440)", "(sparkle:(pos=1) OR 7100m4:(pos=2) OR 64mb:(pos=3) OR geforce4:(pos=4) OR mx440:(pos=5))" },
00350 { "freebsd \"boek OR newbie\"", "(Zfreebsd:(pos=1) OR (boek:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 or:(pos=3) PHRASE 3 newbie:(pos=4)))" },
00351 { "for (;;) c++", "(Zfor:(pos=1) OR Zc++:(pos=2))" },
00352 { "1700+-2100+", "(1700+:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 2100+:(pos=2))" },
00353 { "PHP Warning: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library) 'libmysqlclient.so'", "(php:(pos=1) OR warning:(pos=2) OR invalid:(pos=3) OR Zlibrari:(pos=4) OR Zmayb:(pos=5) OR Znot:(pos=6) OR Za:(pos=7) OR php:(pos=8) OR Zlibrari:(pos=9) OR (libmysqlclient:(pos=10) PHRASE 2 so:(pos=11)))" },
00354 { "NEC DV-5800B (Bul", "(nec:(pos=1) OR (dv:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 5800b:(pos=3)) OR bul:(pos=4))" },
00355 { "org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder.<init>(SAXBuilder.java)", "((org:(pos=1) PHRASE 4 jdom:(pos=2) PHRASE 4 input:(pos=3) PHRASE 4 saxbuilder:(pos=4)) OR init:(pos=5) OR (saxbuilder:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 java:(pos=7)))" },
00356 { "AMD Athlon XP 2500+ (1,83GHz, 512KB)", "(amd:(pos=1) OR athlon:(pos=2) OR xp:(pos=3) OR 2500+:(pos=4) OR 1,83ghz:(pos=5) OR 512kb:(pos=6))" },
00357 { "'q ben\"", "(Zq:(pos=1) OR ben:(pos=2))" },
00358 { "getsmbfilepwent: malformed password entry (uid not number)", "(Zgetsmbfilepw:(pos=1) OR Zmalform:(pos=2) OR Zpassword:(pos=3) OR Zentri:(pos=4) OR Zuid:(pos=5) OR Znot:(pos=6) OR Znumber:(pos=7))" },
00359 { "\xc3\xb6ude onderdelen\"", "(Z\xc3\xb6ude:(pos=1) OR onderdelen:(pos=2))" },
00360 { "Heeft iemand enig idee waarom de pioneer (zelf met originele firmware van pioneer) bij mij niet wil flashen ?" "?", "(heeft:(pos=1) OR Ziemand:(pos=2) OR Zenig:(pos=3) OR Zide:(pos=4) OR Zwaarom:(pos=5) OR Zde:(pos=6) OR Zpioneer:(pos=7) OR Zzelf:(pos=8) OR Zmet:(pos=9) OR Zoriginel:(pos=10) OR Zfirmwar:(pos=11) OR Zvan:(pos=12) OR Zpioneer:(pos=13) OR Zbij:(pos=14) OR Zmij:(pos=15) OR Zniet:(pos=16) OR Zwil:(pos=17) OR Zflashen:(pos=18))" },
00361 { "asus a7v266 bios nieuw -(a7v266-e)", "((Zasus:(pos=1) OR Za7v266:(pos=2) OR Zbio:(pos=3) OR Znieuw:(pos=4)) AND_NOT (a7v266:(pos=5) PHRASE 2 e:(pos=6)))" },
00362 { "cybercom \"dvd+r\"", "(Zcybercom:(pos=1) OR (dvd:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 r:(pos=3)))" },
00363 { "AMD PCNET Family Ethernet Adapter (PCI-ISA)", "(amd:(pos=1) OR pcnet:(pos=2) OR family:(pos=3) OR ethernet:(pos=4) OR adapter:(pos=5) OR (pci:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 isa:(pos=7)))" },
00364 { "relais +/-", "Zrelai:(pos=1)" },
00365 { "formules (slepen OR doortrekken) excel", "(Zformul:(pos=1) OR Zslepen:(pos=2) OR Zdoortrekken:(pos=3) OR Zexcel:(pos=4))" },
00366 { "\"%English", "english:(pos=1)" },
00367 { "select max( mysql", "(Zselect:(pos=1) OR max:(pos=2) OR Zmysql:(pos=3))" },
00368 { "leejow(saait", "(leejow:(pos=1) OR Zsaait:(pos=2))" },
00369 { "'Windows 2000 Advanced Server\" netwerkverbinding valt steeds weg", "(windows:(pos=1) OR 2000:(pos=2) OR advanced:(pos=3) OR server:(pos=4) OR (netwerkverbinding:(pos=5) PHRASE 4 valt:(pos=6) PHRASE 4 steeds:(pos=7) PHRASE 4 weg:(pos=8)))" },
00370 { "K7T Turbo 2 (MS-6330)", "(k7t:(pos=1) OR turbo:(pos=2) OR 2:(pos=3) OR (ms:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 6330:(pos=5)))" },
00371 { "failed to receive data from the client agent. (ec=1)", "(Zfail:(pos=1) OR Zto:(pos=2) OR Zreceiv:(pos=3) OR Zdata:(pos=4) OR Zfrom:(pos=5) OR Zthe:(pos=6) OR Zclient:(pos=7) OR Zagent:(pos=8) OR ec:(pos=9) OR 1:(pos=10))" },
00372 { "\"cannot find -lz\"", "(cannot:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 find:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 lz:(pos=3))" },
00373 { "undefined reference to `mysql_drop_db'\"", "(Zundefin:(pos=1) OR Zrefer:(pos=2) OR Zto:(pos=3) OR Zmysql_drop_db:(pos=4))" },
00374 { "search form asp \"%'", "(Zsearch:(pos=1) OR Zform:(pos=2) OR Zasp:(pos=3))" },
00375 { "(dvd+r) kwaliteit", "(Zdvd:(pos=1) OR Zr:(pos=2) OR Zkwaliteit:(pos=3))" },
00376 { "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes)", "(fatal:(pos=1) OR Zerror:(pos=2) OR allowed:(pos=3) OR Zmemori:(pos=4) OR Zsize:(pos=5) OR Zof:(pos=6) OR 8388608:(pos=7) OR Zbyte:(pos=8) OR Zexhaust:(pos=9) OR Ztri:(pos=10) OR Zto:(pos=11) OR Zalloc:(pos=12) OR 35:(pos=13) OR Zbyte:(pos=14))" },
00377 { "geluid (schokt OR hapert)", "(Zgeluid:(pos=1) OR Zschokt:(pos=2) OR Zhapert:(pos=3))" },
00378 { "Het wordt pas echt leuk als het hard staat!! >:)", "(het:(pos=1) OR Zwordt:(pos=2) OR Zpas:(pos=3) OR Zecht:(pos=4) OR Zleuk:(pos=5) OR Zal:(pos=6) OR Zhet:(pos=7) OR Zhard:(pos=8) OR Zstaat:(pos=9))" },
00379 { "Uw configuratie bestand bevat instellingen (root zonder wachtwoord) die betrekking hebben tot de standaard MySQL account. Uw MySQL server draait met deze standaard waardes, en is open voor ongewilde toegang, het wordt dus aangeraden dit op te lossen", "(uw:(pos=1) OR Zconfigurati:(pos=2) OR Zbestand:(pos=3) OR Zbevat:(pos=4) OR Zinstellingen:(pos=5) OR Zroot:(pos=6) OR Zzonder:(pos=7) OR Zwachtwoord:(pos=8) OR Zdie:(pos=9) OR Zbetrekk:(pos=10) OR Zhebben:(pos=11) OR Ztot:(pos=12) OR Zde:(pos=13) OR Zstandaard:(pos=14) OR mysql:(pos=15) OR Zaccount:(pos=16) OR uw:(pos=17) OR mysql:(pos=18) OR Zserver:(pos=19) OR Zdraait:(pos=20) OR Zmet:(pos=21) OR Zdeze:(pos=22) OR Zstandaard:(pos=23) OR Zwaard:(pos=24) OR Zen:(pos=25) OR Zis:(pos=26) OR Zopen:(pos=27) OR Zvoor:(pos=28) OR Zongewild:(pos=29) OR Ztoegang:(pos=30) OR Zhet:(pos=31) OR Zwordt:(pos=32) OR Zdus:(pos=33) OR Zaangeraden:(pos=34) OR Zdit:(pos=35) OR Zop:(pos=36) OR Zte:(pos=37) OR Zlossen:(pos=38))" },
00380 { "(library qt-mt) not found", "(Zlibrari:(pos=1) OR (qt:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 mt:(pos=3)) OR Znot:(pos=4) OR Zfound:(pos=5))" },
00381 { "Qt (>= Qt 3.0.3) (library qt-mt) not found", "(qt:(pos=1) OR qt:(pos=2) OR 3.0.3:(pos=3) OR Zlibrari:(pos=4) OR (qt:(pos=5) PHRASE 2 mt:(pos=6)) OR Znot:(pos=7) OR Zfound:(pos=8))" },
00382 { "setup was unable to find (or could not read) the language specific setup resource dll, unable to continue. Please reboot and try again.", "(Zsetup:(pos=1) OR Zwas:(pos=2) OR Zunabl:(pos=3) OR Zto:(pos=4) OR Zfind:(pos=5) OR Zor:(pos=6) OR Zcould:(pos=7) OR Znot:(pos=8) OR Zread:(pos=9) OR Zthe:(pos=10) OR Zlanguag:(pos=11) OR Zspecif:(pos=12) OR Zsetup:(pos=13) OR Zresourc:(pos=14) OR Zdll:(pos=15) OR Zunabl:(pos=16) OR Zto:(pos=17) OR Zcontinu:(pos=18) OR please:(pos=19) OR Zreboot:(pos=20) OR Zand:(pos=21) OR Ztri:(pos=22) OR Zagain:(pos=23))" },
00383 { "Titan TTC-D5TB(4/CU35)", "(titan:(pos=1) OR (ttc:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 d5tb:(pos=3)) OR (4:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 cu35:(pos=5)))" },
00384 { "[php] date( min", "(Zphp:(pos=1) OR date:(pos=2) OR Zmin:(pos=3))" },
00385 { "EPOX EP-8RDA+ (nForce2 SPP+MCP-T) Rev. 1.1", "(epox:(pos=1) OR (ep:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 8rda+:(pos=3)) OR Znforce2:(pos=4) OR spp:(pos=5) OR (mcp:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 t:(pos=7)) OR rev:(pos=8) OR 1.1:(pos=9))" },
00386 { "554 5.4.6 Too many hops 53 (25 max)", "(554:(pos=1) OR 5.4.6:(pos=2) OR too:(pos=3) OR Zmani:(pos=4) OR Zhop:(pos=5) OR 53:(pos=6) OR 25:(pos=7) OR Zmax:(pos=8))" },
00387 { "ik had toch nog een vraagje: er zijn nu eigenlijk alleen maar schijfjes van 4.7GB alleen straks zullen er vast schijfjes van meer dan 4.7GB komen. Zal deze brander dit wel kunnen schijven?" "?(na bijvoorbeeld een firmware update?) ben erg benieuwd", "(Zik:(pos=1) OR Zhad:(pos=2) OR Ztoch:(pos=3) OR Znog:(pos=4) OR Zeen:(pos=5) OR Zvraagj:(pos=6) OR Zer:(pos=7) OR Zzijn:(pos=8) OR Znu:(pos=9) OR Zeigenlijk:(pos=10) OR Zalleen:(pos=11) OR Zmaar:(pos=12) OR Zschijfj:(pos=13) OR Zvan:(pos=14) OR 4.7gb:(pos=15) OR Zalleen:(pos=16) OR Zstrak:(pos=17) OR Zzullen:(pos=18) OR Zer:(pos=19) OR Zvast:(pos=20) OR Zschijfj:(pos=21) OR Zvan:(pos=22) OR Zmeer:(pos=23) OR Zdan:(pos=24) OR 4.7gb:(pos=25) OR Zkomen:(pos=26) OR zal:(pos=27) OR Zdeze:(pos=28) OR Zbrander:(pos=29) OR Zdit:(pos=30) OR Zwel:(pos=31) OR Zkunnen:(pos=32) OR Zschijven:(pos=33) OR Zna:(pos=34) OR Zbijvoorbeeld:(pos=35) OR Zeen:(pos=36) OR Zfirmwar:(pos=37) OR Zupdat:(pos=38) OR Zben:(pos=39) OR Zerg:(pos=40) OR Zbenieuwd:(pos=41))" },
00388 { "ati linux drivers (4.3.0)", "(Zati:(pos=1) OR Zlinux:(pos=2) OR Zdriver:(pos=3) OR 4.3.0:(pos=4))" },
00389 { "ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE", "encapsed_and_whitespace:(pos=1)" },
00390 { "lpadmin: add-printer (set device) failed: client-error-not-possible", "(Zlpadmin:(pos=1) OR (add:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 printer:(pos=3)) OR Zset:(pos=4) OR Zdevic:(pos=5) OR Zfail:(pos=6) OR (client:(pos=7) PHRASE 4 error:(pos=8) PHRASE 4 not:(pos=9) PHRASE 4 possible:(pos=10)))" },
00391 { "welke dvd \"+r\" media", "(Zwelk:(pos=1) OR Zdvd:(pos=2) OR r:(pos=3) OR Zmedia:(pos=4))" },
00392 { "Warning: stat failed for fotos(errno=2 - No such file or directory)", "(warning:(pos=1) OR Zstat:(pos=2) OR Zfail:(pos=3) OR Zfor:(pos=4) OR fotos:(pos=5) OR errno:(pos=6) OR 2:(pos=7) OR no:(pos=8) OR Zsuch:(pos=9) OR Zfile:(pos=10) OR Zor:(pos=11) OR Zdirectori:(pos=12))" },
00393 { "dvd +/-", "Zdvd:(pos=1)" },
00394 { "7vaxp +voltage mod\"", "(Zvoltag:(pos=2) AND_MAYBE (7vaxp:(pos=1) OR mod:(pos=3)))" },
00395 { "lpt port (SPP/EPP) is enabled", "(Zlpt:(pos=1) OR Zport:(pos=2) OR (spp:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 epp:(pos=4)) OR Zis:(pos=5) OR Zenabl:(pos=6))" },
00396 { "getenv(\"HTTP_REFERER\")", "(getenv:(pos=1) OR http_referer:(pos=2))" },
00397 { "Error setting display mode: CreateDevice failed (D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR)", "(error:(pos=1) OR Zset:(pos=2) OR Zdisplay:(pos=3) OR Zmode:(pos=4) OR createdevice:(pos=5) OR Zfail:(pos=6) OR d3derr_driverinternalerror:(pos=7))" },
00398 { "Exception number: c0000005 (access violation)", "(exception:(pos=1) OR Znumber:(pos=2) OR Zc0000005:(pos=3) OR Zaccess:(pos=4) OR Zviolat:(pos=5))" },
00399 { "header(\"Content-type:application/octetstream\");", "(header:(pos=1) OR (content:(pos=2) PHRASE 4 type:(pos=3) PHRASE 4 application:(pos=4) PHRASE 4 octetstream:(pos=5)))" },
00400 { "java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission accessClassInPackage.sun.jdbc.odbc)", "((java:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 security:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 accesscontrolexception:(pos=3)) OR Zaccess:(pos=4) OR Zdeni:(pos=5) OR (java:(pos=6) PHRASE 3 lang:(pos=7) PHRASE 3 runtimepermission:(pos=8)) OR (accessclassinpackage:(pos=9) PHRASE 4 sun:(pos=10) PHRASE 4 jdbc:(pos=11) PHRASE 4 odbc:(pos=12)))" },
00401 { "(001.part.met", "(001:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 part:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 met:(pos=3))" },
00402 { "Warning: mail(): Use the -f option (5th param) to include valid reply-to address ! in /usr/home/vdb/www/mail.php on line 79", "(warning:(pos=1) OR mail:(pos=2) OR use:(pos=3) OR Zthe:(pos=4) OR Zf:(pos=5) OR Zoption:(pos=6) OR 5th:(pos=7) OR Zparam:(pos=8) OR Zto:(pos=9) OR Zinclud:(pos=10) OR Zvalid:(pos=11) OR (reply:(pos=12) PHRASE 2 to:(pos=13)) OR Zaddress:(pos=14) OR Zin:(pos=15) OR (usr:(pos=16) PHRASE 6 home:(pos=17) PHRASE 6 vdb:(pos=18) PHRASE 6 www:(pos=19) PHRASE 6 mail:(pos=20) PHRASE 6 php:(pos=21)) OR Zon:(pos=22) OR Zline:(pos=23) OR 79:(pos=24))" },
00403 { "PHP Use the -f option (5th param)", "((php:(pos=1) OR use:(pos=2) OR Zthe:(pos=3) OR Zoption:(pos=5) OR 5th:(pos=6) OR Zparam:(pos=7)) AND_NOT Zf:(pos=4))" },
00404 { "dvd \"+\" \"-\"", "Zdvd:(pos=1)" },
00405 { "bericht ( %)", "Zbericht:(pos=1)" },
00406 { "2500+ of 2600+ (niett OC)", "(2500+:(pos=1) OR Zof:(pos=2) OR 2600+:(pos=3) OR Zniett:(pos=4) OR oc:(pos=5))" },
00407 { "maxtor windows xp werkt The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)", "(Zmaxtor:(pos=1) OR Zwindow:(pos=2) OR Zxp:(pos=3) OR Zwerkt:(pos=4) OR the:(pos=5) OR Zdriver:(pos=6) OR Zfor:(pos=7) OR Zthis:(pos=8) OR Zdevic:(pos=9) OR Zare:(pos=10) OR Znot:(pos=11) OR Zinstal:(pos=12) OR code:(pos=13) OR 28:(pos=14))" },
00408 { "Warning: stat failed for /mnt/web/react/got/react/board/non-www/headlines/tnet-headlines.txt (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /mnt/web/react/got/react/global/non-www/templates/got/functions.inc.php on line 303", "(warning:(pos=1) OR Zstat:(pos=2) OR Zfail:(pos=3) OR Zfor:(pos=4) OR (mnt:(pos=5) PHRASE 12 web:(pos=6) PHRASE 12 react:(pos=7) PHRASE 12 got:(pos=8) PHRASE 12 react:(pos=9) PHRASE 12 board:(pos=10) PHRASE 12 non:(pos=11) PHRASE 12 www:(pos=12) PHRASE 12 headlines:(pos=13) PHRASE 12 tnet:(pos=14) PHRASE 12 headlines:(pos=15) PHRASE 12 txt:(pos=16)) OR errno:(pos=17) OR 2:(pos=18) OR no:(pos=19) OR Zsuch:(pos=20) OR Zfile:(pos=21) OR Zor:(pos=22) OR Zdirectori:(pos=23) OR Zin:(pos=24) OR (mnt:(pos=25) PHRASE 13 web:(pos=26) PHRASE 13 react:(pos=27) PHRASE 13 got:(pos=28) PHRASE 13 react:(pos=29) PHRASE 13 global:(pos=30) PHRASE 13 non:(pos=31) PHRASE 13 www:(pos=32) PHRASE 13 templates:(pos=33) PHRASE 13 got:(pos=34) PHRASE 13 functions:(pos=35) PHRASE 13 inc:(pos=36) PHRASE 13 php:(pos=37)) OR Zon:(pos=38) OR Zline:(pos=39) OR 303:(pos=40))" },
00409 { "apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16)", "(Zapm:(pos=1) OR bios:(pos=2) OR Zversion:(pos=3) OR 1.2:(pos=4) OR flags:(pos=5) OR 0x03:(pos=6) OR driver:(pos=7) OR Zversion:(pos=8) OR 1.16:(pos=9))" },
00410 { "GA-8IHXP(3.0)", "((ga:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 8ihxp:(pos=2)) OR 3.0:(pos=3))" },
00411 { "8IHXP(3.0)", "(8ihxp:(pos=1) OR 3.0:(pos=2))" },
00412 { "na\xc2\xb7si (de ~ (m.))", "(Zna\xc2\xb7si:(pos=1) OR Zde:(pos=2) OR Zm:(pos=3))" },
00413 { "header(\"Content-Disposition: attachment;", "(header:(pos=1) OR (content:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 disposition:(pos=3) PHRASE 3 attachment:(pos=4)))" },
00414 { "\"header(\"Content-Disposition: attachment;\"", "(header:(pos=1) OR (content:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 disposition:(pos=3)) OR Zattach:(pos=4))" },
00415 { "\"Beep -f\"", "(beep:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 f:(pos=2))" },
00416 { "kraan NEAR (Elektrisch OR Electrisch)", "(Zkraan:(pos=1) OR near:(pos=2) OR elektrisch:(pos=3) OR or:(pos=4) OR electrisch:(pos=5))" },
00417 { "checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!", "(Zcheck:(pos=1) OR Zfor:(pos=2) OR qt:(pos=3) OR Zconfigur:(pos=4) OR Zerror:(pos=5) OR qt:(pos=6) OR qt:(pos=7) OR 3.0.2:(pos=8) OR Zheader:(pos=9) OR Zand:(pos=10) OR Zlibrari:(pos=11) OR Znot:(pos=12) OR Zfound:(pos=13) OR please:(pos=14) OR Zcheck:(pos=15) OR Zyour:(pos=16) OR Zinstal:(pos=17))" },
00418 { "parse error, unexpected '\\\"', expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING", "(Zpars:(pos=1) OR Zerror:(pos=2) OR Zunexpect:(pos=3) OR (expecting:(pos=4) PHRASE 6 t_string:(pos=5) PHRASE 6 or:(pos=6) PHRASE 6 t_variable:(pos=7) PHRASE 6 or:(pos=8) PHRASE 6 t_num_string:(pos=9)))" },
00419 { "ac3 (0x2000) \"Dolby Laboratories,", "(Zac3:(pos=1) OR 0x2000:(pos=2) OR (dolby:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 laboratories:(pos=4)))" },
00420 { "Movie.FileName=(\"../../../~animations/\"+lesson1.recordset.fields('column3')+\"Intro.avi\")", "((movie:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 filename:(pos=2)) OR animations:(pos=3) OR (lesson1:(pos=4) PHRASE 3 recordset:(pos=5) PHRASE 3 fields:(pos=6)) OR Zcolumn3:(pos=7) OR (intro:(pos=8) PHRASE 2 avi:(pos=9)))" },
00421 { "502 Permission Denied - Permission Denied - news.chello.nl -- http://www.chello.nl/ (Typhoon v1.2.3)", "(502:(pos=1) OR permission:(pos=2) OR denied:(pos=3) OR permission:(pos=4) OR denied:(pos=5) OR (news:(pos=6) PHRASE 3 chello:(pos=7) PHRASE 3 nl:(pos=8)) OR (http:(pos=9) PHRASE 4 www:(pos=10) PHRASE 4 chello:(pos=11) PHRASE 4 nl:(pos=12)) OR typhoon:(pos=13) OR Zv1.2.3:(pos=14))" },
00422 { "Motion JPEG (MJPEG codec)", "(motion:(pos=1) OR jpeg:(pos=2) OR mjpeg:(pos=3) OR Zcodec:(pos=4))" },
00423 { ": zoomtext\"", "zoomtext:(pos=1)" },
00424 { "Your SORT command does not seem to support the \"-r -n -k 7\"", "(your:(pos=1) OR sort:(pos=2) OR Zcommand:(pos=3) OR Zdoe:(pos=4) OR Znot:(pos=5) OR Zseem:(pos=6) OR Zto:(pos=7) OR Zsupport:(pos=8) OR Zthe:(pos=9) OR (r:(pos=10) PHRASE 4 n:(pos=11) PHRASE 4 k:(pos=12) PHRASE 4 7:(pos=13)))" },
00425 { "Geef de naam van de MSDOS prompt op C:\\\\WINDOWS.COM\\\"", "(geef:(pos=1) OR Zde:(pos=2) OR Znaam:(pos=3) OR Zvan:(pos=4) OR Zde:(pos=5) OR msdos:(pos=6) OR Zprompt:(pos=7) OR Zop:(pos=8) OR (c:(pos=9) PHRASE 3 windows:(pos=10) PHRASE 3 com:(pos=11)))" },
00426 { "\"\"wa is fase\"", "(Zwa:(pos=1) OR Zis:(pos=2) OR fase:(pos=3))" },
00427 { "<v:imagedata src=\"", "((v:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 imagedata:(pos=2)) OR src:(pos=3))" },
00428 { "system(play ringin.wav); ?>", "(system:(pos=1) OR Zplay:(pos=2) OR (ringin:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 wav:(pos=4)))" },
00429 { "\"perfect NEAR systems\"", "(perfect:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 near:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 systems:(pos=3))" },
00430 { "LoadLibrary(\"mainta/gamex86.dll\") failed", "(loadlibrary:(pos=1) OR (mainta:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 gamex86:(pos=3) PHRASE 3 dll:(pos=4)) OR Zfail:(pos=5))" },
00431 { "DATE_FORMAT('1997-10-04 22:23:00', '%W %M %Y');", "(date_format:(pos=1) OR (1997:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 10:(pos=3) PHRASE 3 04:(pos=4)) OR (22:(pos=5) PHRASE 3 23:(pos=6) PHRASE 3 00:(pos=7)) OR w:(pos=8) OR m:(pos=9) OR y:(pos=10))" },
00432 { "secundaire IDE-controller (dubbele fifo)", "(Zsecundair:(pos=1) OR (ide:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 controller:(pos=3)) OR Zdubbel:(pos=4) OR Zfifo:(pos=5))" },
00433 { "\"Postal2+Explorer.exe\"", "(postal2:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 explorer:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 exe:(pos=3))" },
00434 { "COUNT(*)", "count:(pos=1)" },
00435 { "Nuttige Windows progs (1/11)", "(nuttige:(pos=1) OR windows:(pos=2) OR Zprog:(pos=3) OR (1:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 11:(pos=5)))" },
00436 { "if(usercode==passcode==)", "(if:(pos=1) OR usercode:(pos=2) OR passcode:(pos=3))" },
00437 { "lg 8160b (dvd+r)", "(Zlg:(pos=1) OR 8160b:(pos=2) OR Zdvd:(pos=3) OR Zr:(pos=4))" },
00438 { "iPAQ Pocket PC 2002 End User Update (EUU - Service Pack)", "(Zipaq:(pos=1) OR pocket:(pos=2) OR pc:(pos=3) OR 2002:(pos=4) OR end:(pos=5) OR user:(pos=6) OR update:(pos=7) OR euu:(pos=8) OR service:(pos=9) OR pack:(pos=10))" },
00439 { "'ipod pakt tags niet\"", "(Zipod:(pos=1) OR Zpakt:(pos=2) OR Ztag:(pos=3) OR niet:(pos=4))" },
00440 { "\"DVD+/-R\"", "(dvd+:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 r:(pos=2))" },
00441 { "\"DVD+R DVD-R\"", "(dvd:(pos=1) PHRASE 4 r:(pos=2) PHRASE 4 dvd:(pos=3) PHRASE 4 r:(pos=4))" },
00442 { "php ;) in een array zetten", "(Zphp:(pos=1) OR Zin:(pos=2) OR Zeen:(pos=3) OR Zarray:(pos=4) OR Zzetten:(pos=5))" },
00443 { "De inhoud van uw advertentie is niet geschikt voor plaatsing op marktplaats! (001", "(de:(pos=1) OR Zinhoud:(pos=2) OR Zvan:(pos=3) OR Zuw:(pos=4) OR Zadvertenti:(pos=5) OR Zis:(pos=6) OR Zniet:(pos=7) OR Zgeschikt:(pos=8) OR Zvoor:(pos=9) OR Zplaats:(pos=10) OR Zop:(pos=11) OR Zmarktplaat:(pos=12) OR 001:(pos=13))" },
00444 { "creative (soundblaster OR sb) 128", "(Zcreativ:(pos=1) OR Zsoundblast:(pos=2) OR Zsb:(pos=3) OR 128:(pos=4))" },
00445 { "Can't open file: (errno: 145)", "(can't:(pos=1) OR Zopen:(pos=2) OR Zfile:(pos=3) OR Zerrno:(pos=4) OR 145:(pos=5))" },
00446 { "Formateren lukt niet(98,XP)", "(formateren:(pos=1) OR Zlukt:(pos=2) OR niet:(pos=3) OR 98:(pos=4) OR xp:(pos=5))" },
00447 { "access denied (java.io.", "(Zaccess:(pos=1) OR Zdeni:(pos=2) OR (java:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 io:(pos=4)))" },
00448 { "(access denied (java.io.)", "(Zaccess:(pos=1) OR Zdeni:(pos=2) OR (java:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 io:(pos=4)))" },
00449 { "wil niet installeren ( crc fouten)", "(Zwil:(pos=1) OR Zniet:(pos=2) OR Zinstalleren:(pos=3) OR Zcrc:(pos=4) OR Zfouten:(pos=5))" },
00450 { "(DVD+RW) brandsoftware meerdere", "(dvd:(pos=1) OR rw:(pos=2) OR Zbrandsoftwar:(pos=3) OR Zmeerder:(pos=4))" },
00451 { "(database OF databases) EN geheugen", "(Zdatabas:(pos=1) OR of:(pos=2) OR Zdatabas:(pos=3) OR en:(pos=4) OR Zgeheugen:(pos=5))" },
00452 { "(server 2003) winroute", "(Zserver:(pos=1) OR 2003:(pos=2) OR Zwinrout:(pos=3))" },
00453 { "54MHz (kanaal 2 VHF) tot tenminste 806 MHz (kanaal 69 UHF)", "(54mhz:(pos=1) OR Zkanaal:(pos=2) OR 2:(pos=3) OR vhf:(pos=4) OR Ztot:(pos=5) OR Ztenminst:(pos=6) OR 806:(pos=7) OR mhz:(pos=8) OR Zkanaal:(pos=9) OR 69:(pos=10) OR uhf:(pos=11))" },
00454 { "(draadloos OR wireless) netwerk", "(Zdraadloo:(pos=1) OR Zwireless:(pos=2) OR Znetwerk:(pos=3))" },
00455 { "localtime(time(NULL));", "(localtime:(pos=1) OR time:(pos=2) OR null:(pos=3))" },
00456 { "ob_start(\"ob_gzhandler\");", "(ob_start:(pos=1) OR ob_gzhandler:(pos=2))" },
00457 { "PPP Closed : LCP Time-out (VPN-0)", "(ppp:(pos=1) OR closed:(pos=2) OR lcp:(pos=3) OR (time:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 out:(pos=5)) OR (vpn:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 0:(pos=7)))" },
00458 { "COM+-gebeurtenissysteem", "(com+:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 gebeurtenissysteem:(pos=2))" },
00459 { "rcpthosts (#5.7.1)", "(Zrcpthost:(pos=1) OR 5.7.1:(pos=2))" },
00460 { "Dit apparaat werkt niet goed omdat Windows de voor dit apparaat vereiste stuurprogramma's niet kan laden. (Code 31)", "(dit:(pos=1) OR Zapparaat:(pos=2) OR Zwerkt:(pos=3) OR Zniet:(pos=4) OR Zgo:(pos=5) OR Zomdat:(pos=6) OR windows:(pos=7) OR Zde:(pos=8) OR Zvoor:(pos=9) OR Zdit:(pos=10) OR Zapparaat:(pos=11) OR Zvereist:(pos=12) OR Zstuurprogramma:(pos=13) OR Zniet:(pos=14) OR Zkan:(pos=15) OR Zladen:(pos=16) OR code:(pos=17) OR 31:(pos=18))" },
00461 { "window.open( scrollbar", "((window:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 open:(pos=2)) OR Zscrollbar:(pos=3))" },
00462 { "T68i truc ->", "(t68i:(pos=1) OR Ztruc:(pos=2))" },
00463 { "T68i ->", "t68i:(pos=1)" },
00464 { "\"de lijn is bezet\"\"", "(de:(pos=1) PHRASE 4 lijn:(pos=2) PHRASE 4 is:(pos=3) PHRASE 4 bezet:(pos=4))" },
00465 { "if (eregi(\"", "(Zif:(pos=1) OR eregi:(pos=2))" },
00466 { "This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)", "(this:(pos=1) OR Zdevic:(pos=2) OR Zis:(pos=3) OR Znot:(pos=4) OR Zwork:(pos=5) OR Zproper:(pos=6) OR Zbecaus:(pos=7) OR windows:(pos=8) OR Zcannot:(pos=9) OR Zload:(pos=10) OR Zthe:(pos=11) OR Zdriver:(pos=12) OR Zrequir:(pos=13) OR Zfor:(pos=14) OR Zthis:(pos=15) OR Zdevic:(pos=16) OR code:(pos=17) OR 31:(pos=18))" },
00467 { "execCommand(\"Paste\");", "(execcommand:(pos=1) OR paste:(pos=2))" },
00468 { "\"-1 unread\"", "(1:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 unread:(pos=2))" },
00469 { "\"www.historical-fire-engines", "(www:(pos=1) PHRASE 4 historical:(pos=2) PHRASE 4 fire:(pos=3) PHRASE 4 engines:(pos=4))" },
00470 { "\"DVD+RW\" erase", "((dvd:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 rw:(pos=2)) OR Zeras:(pos=3))" },
00471 { "[showjekamer)", "Zshowjekam:(pos=1)" },
00472 { "The description for Event ID 1 in Source True Vector Engine ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURC", "(the:(pos=1) OR Zdescript:(pos=2) OR Zfor:(pos=3) OR event:(pos=4) OR id:(pos=5) OR 1:(pos=6) OR Zin:(pos=7) OR source:(pos=8) OR true:(pos=9) OR vector:(pos=10) OR engine:(pos=11) OR Zcannot:(pos=12) OR Zbe:(pos=13) OR Zfound:(pos=14) OR the:(pos=15) OR Zlocal:(pos=16) OR Zcomput:(pos=17) OR Zmay:(pos=18) OR Znot:(pos=19) OR Zhave:(pos=20) OR Zthe:(pos=21) OR Znecessari:(pos=22) OR Zregistri:(pos=23) OR Zinform:(pos=24) OR Zor:(pos=25) OR Zmessag:(pos=26) OR dll:(pos=27) OR Zfile:(pos=28) OR Zto:(pos=29) OR Zdisplay:(pos=30) OR Zmessag:(pos=31) OR Zfrom:(pos=32) OR Za:(pos=33) OR Zremot:(pos=34) OR Zcomput:(pos=35) OR you:(pos=36) OR Zmay:(pos=37) OR Zbe:(pos=38) OR Zabl:(pos=39) OR Zto:(pos=40) OR Zuse:(pos=41) OR Zthe:(pos=42) OR auxsourc:(pos=43))" },
00473 { "org.apache.jasper.JasperException: This absolute uri (http://java.sun.com/jstl/core) cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application", "((org:(pos=1) PHRASE 4 apache:(pos=2) PHRASE 4 jasper:(pos=3) PHRASE 4 jasperexception:(pos=4)) OR this:(pos=5) OR Zabsolut:(pos=6) OR Zuri:(pos=7) OR (http:(pos=8) PHRASE 6 java:(pos=9) PHRASE 6 sun:(pos=10) PHRASE 6 com:(pos=11) PHRASE 6 jstl:(pos=12) PHRASE 6 core:(pos=13)) OR Zcannot:(pos=14) OR Zbe:(pos=15) OR Zresolv:(pos=16) OR Zin:(pos=17) OR Zeither:(pos=18) OR (web:(pos=19) PHRASE 2 xml:(pos=20)) OR Zor:(pos=21) OR Zthe:(pos=22) OR Zjar:(pos=23) OR Zfile:(pos=24) OR Zdeploy:(pos=25) OR Zwith:(pos=26) OR Zthis:(pos=27) OR Zapplic:(pos=28))" },
00474 { "This absolute uri (http://java.sun.com/jstl/core) cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application", "(this:(pos=1) OR Zabsolut:(pos=2) OR Zuri:(pos=3) OR (http:(pos=4) PHRASE 6 java:(pos=5) PHRASE 6 sun:(pos=6) PHRASE 6 com:(pos=7) PHRASE 6 jstl:(pos=8) PHRASE 6 core:(pos=9)) OR Zcannot:(pos=10) OR Zbe:(pos=11) OR Zresolv:(pos=12) OR Zin:(pos=13) OR Zeither:(pos=14) OR (web:(pos=15) PHRASE 2 xml:(pos=16)) OR Zor:(pos=17) OR Zthe:(pos=18) OR Zjar:(pos=19) OR Zfile:(pos=20) OR Zdeploy:(pos=21) OR Zwith:(pos=22) OR Zthis:(pos=23) OR Zapplic:(pos=24))" },
00475 { "vervangen # \"/", "Zvervangen:(pos=1)" },
00476 { "vervangen # /\"", "Zvervangen:(pos=1)" },
00477 { "while(list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS))", "(while:(pos=1) OR list:(pos=2) OR Zkey:(pos=3) OR Zval:(pos=4) OR each:(pos=5) OR http_post_vars:(pos=6))" },
00478 { "PowerDVD does not support the current display mode. (DDraw Overlay mode is recommended)", "(powerdvd:(pos=1) OR Zdoe:(pos=2) OR Znot:(pos=3) OR Zsupport:(pos=4) OR Zthe:(pos=5) OR Zcurrent:(pos=6) OR Zdisplay:(pos=7) OR Zmode:(pos=8) OR ddraw:(pos=9) OR overlay:(pos=10) OR Zmode:(pos=11) OR Zis:(pos=12) OR Zrecommend:(pos=13))" },
00479 { "Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=92) state=1 highlight", "(warning:(pos=1) OR unexpected:(pos=2) OR Zcharact:(pos=3) OR Zin:(pos=4) OR Zinput:(pos=5) OR ascii:(pos=6) OR 92:(pos=7) OR state:(pos=8) OR 1:(pos=9) OR Zhighlight:(pos=10))" },
00480 { "error: Qt-1.4 (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!", "(Zerror:(pos=1) OR (qt:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 1.4:(pos=3)) OR Zheader:(pos=4) OR Zand:(pos=5) OR Zlibrari:(pos=6) OR Znot:(pos=7) OR Zfound:(pos=8) OR please:(pos=9) OR Zcheck:(pos=10) OR Zyour:(pos=11) OR Zinstal:(pos=12))" },
00481 { "Error while initializing the sound driver: device /dev/dsp can't be opened (No such device) The sound server will continue, using the null output device.", "(error:(pos=1) OR Zwhile:(pos=2) OR Ziniti:(pos=3) OR Zthe:(pos=4) OR Zsound:(pos=5) OR Zdriver:(pos=6) OR Zdevic:(pos=7) OR (dev:(pos=8) PHRASE 2 dsp:(pos=9)) OR Zcan't:(pos=10) OR Zbe:(pos=11) OR Zopen:(pos=12) OR no:(pos=13) OR Zsuch:(pos=14) OR Zdevic:(pos=15) OR the:(pos=16) OR Zsound:(pos=17) OR Zserver:(pos=18) OR Zwill:(pos=19) OR Zcontinu:(pos=20) OR Zuse:(pos=21) OR Zthe:(pos=22) OR Znull:(pos=23) OR Zoutput:(pos=24) OR Zdevic:(pos=25))" },
00482 { "mag mijn waarschuwing nu weg ? ;)", "(Zmag:(pos=1) OR Zmijn:(pos=2) OR Zwaarschuw:(pos=3) OR Znu:(pos=4) OR Zweg:(pos=5))" },
00483 { "Abit NF7-S (nForce 2 Chipset) Rev 2.0", "(abit:(pos=1) OR (nf7:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 s:(pos=3)) OR Znforc:(pos=4) OR 2:(pos=5) OR chipset:(pos=6) OR rev:(pos=7) OR 2.0:(pos=8))" },
00484 { "Setup Could Not Verify the Integrity of the File\" Error Message Occurs When You Try to Install Windows XP Service Pack 1", "(setup:(pos=1) OR could:(pos=2) OR not:(pos=3) OR verify:(pos=4) OR Zthe:(pos=5) OR integrity:(pos=6) OR Zof:(pos=7) OR Zthe:(pos=8) OR file:(pos=9) OR (error:(pos=10) PHRASE 13 message:(pos=11) PHRASE 13 occurs:(pos=12) PHRASE 13 when:(pos=13) PHRASE 13 you:(pos=14) PHRASE 13 try:(pos=15) PHRASE 13 to:(pos=16) PHRASE 13 install:(pos=17) PHRASE 13 windows:(pos=18) PHRASE 13 xp:(pos=19) PHRASE 13 service:(pos=20) PHRASE 13 pack:(pos=21) PHRASE 13 1:(pos=22)))" },
00485 { "(browser 19) citrix", "(Zbrowser:(pos=1) OR 19:(pos=2) OR Zcitrix:(pos=3))" },
00486 { "preg_replace (.*?)", "Zpreg_replac:(pos=1)" },
00487 { "formule excel #naam\"?\"", "(Zformul:(pos=1) OR Zexcel:(pos=2) OR naam:(pos=3))" },
00488 { "->", "" },
00489 { "De instructie op 0x77f436f7 verwijst naar geheugen op 0x007f4778. De lees-of schrijfbewerking (\"written\") op het geheugen is mislukt", "(de:(pos=1) OR Zinstructi:(pos=2) OR Zop:(pos=3) OR 0x77f436f7:(pos=4) OR Zverwijst:(pos=5) OR Znaar:(pos=6) OR Zgeheugen:(pos=7) OR Zop:(pos=8) OR 0x007f4778:(pos=9) OR de:(pos=10) OR (lees:(pos=11) PHRASE 2 of:(pos=12)) OR Zschrijfbewerk:(pos=13) OR written:(pos=14) OR Zop:(pos=15) OR Zhet:(pos=16) OR Zgeheugen:(pos=17) OR Zis:(pos=18) OR Zmislukt:(pos=19))" },
00490 { "<iframe src=\"www.tweakers.net></iframe>", "(Zifram:(pos=1) OR src:(pos=2) OR (www:(pos=3) PHRASE 4 tweakers:(pos=4) PHRASE 4 net:(pos=5) PHRASE 4 iframe:(pos=6)))" },
00491 { "\"rpm -e httpd\"", "(rpm:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 e:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 httpd:(pos=3))" },
00492 { "automatisch op All Flis (*.*)", "(Zautomatisch:(pos=1) OR Zop:(pos=2) OR all:(pos=3) OR flis:(pos=4))" },
00493 { "(Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030210", "(windows:(pos=1) OR u:(pos=2) OR windows:(pos=3) OR nt:(pos=4) OR 5.1:(pos=5) OR (en:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 us:(pos=7)) OR (rv:(pos=8) PHRASE 2 1.3b:(pos=9)) OR (gecko:(pos=10) PHRASE 2 20030210:(pos=11)))" },
00494 { "en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030210", "((en:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 us:(pos=2)) OR (rv:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 1.3b:(pos=4)) OR (gecko:(pos=5) PHRASE 2 20030210:(pos=6)))" },
00495 { "\"en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030210\"", "(en:(pos=1) PHRASE 6 us:(pos=2) PHRASE 6 rv:(pos=3) PHRASE 6 1.3b:(pos=4) PHRASE 6 gecko:(pos=5) PHRASE 6 20030210:(pos=6))" },
00496 { "(./) chmod.sh", "(chmod:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 sh:(pos=2))" },
00497 { "document.write(ssg(\" html", "((document:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 write:(pos=2)) OR ssg:(pos=3) OR html:(pos=4))" },
00498 { "superstack \"mac+adressen\"", "(Zsuperstack:(pos=1) OR (mac:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 adressen:(pos=3)))" },
00499 { "IIS getenv(REMOTE_HOST)_", "(iis:(pos=1) OR getenv:(pos=2) OR remote_host:(pos=3) OR _:(pos=4))" },
00500 { "IIS en getenv(REMOTE_HOST)", "(iis:(pos=1) OR Zen:(pos=2) OR getenv:(pos=3) OR remote_host:(pos=4))" },
00501 { "php getenv(\"HTTP_REFERER\")", "(Zphp:(pos=1) OR getenv:(pos=2) OR http_referer:(pos=3))" },
00502 { "nec+-1300", "(nec+:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 1300:(pos=2))" },
00503 { "smbpasswd script \"-s\"", "(Zsmbpasswd:(pos=1) OR Zscript:(pos=2) OR s:(pos=3))" },
00504 { "leestekens \" \xc3\xb6 \xc3\xab", "(Zleesteken:(pos=1) OR (\xc3\xb6:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 \xc3\xab:(pos=3)))" },
00505 { "freesco and (all seeing eye)", "(Zfreesco:(pos=1) OR Zand:(pos=2) OR Zall:(pos=3) OR Zsee:(pos=4) OR Zeye:(pos=5))" },
00506 { "('all seeing eye') and freesco", "(Zall:(pos=1) OR Zsee:(pos=2) OR Zeye:(pos=3) OR Zand:(pos=4) OR Zfreesco:(pos=5))" },
00507 { "\"[......\"", "" },
00508 { "Error = 11004 (500 No Data (Winsock error #11004))", "(error:(pos=1) OR 11004:(pos=2) OR 500:(pos=3) OR no:(pos=4) OR data:(pos=5) OR winsock:(pos=6) OR Zerror:(pos=7) OR 11004:(pos=8))" },
00509 { "gegevensfout (cyclishe redundantiecontrole)", "(Zgegevensfout:(pos=1) OR Zcyclish:(pos=2) OR Zredundantiecontrol:(pos=3))" },
00510 { "firmware versie waar NEC\"", "(Zfirmwar:(pos=1) OR Zversi:(pos=2) OR Zwaar:(pos=3) OR nec:(pos=4))" },
00511 { "nu.nl \"-1\"", "((nu:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 nl:(pos=2)) OR 1:(pos=3))" },
00512 { "provider+-webspace", "(provider+:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 webspace:(pos=2))" },
00513 { "verschil \"dvd+rw\" \"dvd-rw\"", "(Zverschil:(pos=1) OR (dvd:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 rw:(pos=3)) OR (dvd:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 rw:(pos=5)))" },
00514 { "(dhcp client) + hangt", "(Zdhcp:(pos=1) OR Zclient:(pos=2) OR Zhangt:(pos=3))" },
00515 { "MSI 875P Neo-FIS2R (Intel 875P)", "(msi:(pos=1) OR 875p:(pos=2) OR (neo:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 fis2r:(pos=4)) OR intel:(pos=5) OR 875p:(pos=6))" },
00516 { "voeding passief gekoeld\"", "(Zvoed:(pos=1) OR Zpassief:(pos=2) OR gekoeld:(pos=3))" },
00517 { "if (mysql_num_rows($resultaat)==1)", "(Zif:(pos=1) OR mysql_num_rows:(pos=2) OR Zresultaat:(pos=3) OR 1:(pos=4))" },
00518 { "Server.CreateObject(\"Persits.Upload.1\")", "((server:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 createobject:(pos=2)) OR (persits:(pos=3) PHRASE 3 upload:(pos=4) PHRASE 3 1:(pos=5)))" },
00519 { "if(cod>9999999)cod=parseInt(cod/64)", "(if:(pos=1) OR cod:(pos=2) OR 9999999:(pos=3) OR cod:(pos=4) OR parseint:(pos=5) OR (cod:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 64:(pos=7)))" },
00520 { "if (cod>9999999", "(Zif:(pos=1) OR cod:(pos=2) OR 9999999:(pos=3))" },
00521 { "\"rm -rf /bin/laden\"", "(rm:(pos=1) PHRASE 4 rf:(pos=2) PHRASE 4 bin:(pos=3) PHRASE 4 laden:(pos=4))" },
00522 { "\">>> 0) & 0xFF\"", "(0:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 0xff:(pos=2))" },
00523 { "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"> document.body.scrollHeight", "(doctype:(pos=1) OR html:(pos=2) OR public:(pos=3) OR (w3c:(pos=4) PHRASE 5 dtd:(pos=5) PHRASE 5 html:(pos=6) PHRASE 5 4.01:(pos=7) PHRASE 5 en:(pos=8)) OR (document:(pos=9) PHRASE 3 body:(pos=10) PHRASE 3 scrollheight:(pos=11)))" },
00524 { "<BR>window.resizeBy(offsetX,offsetY)<P>kweet", "(br:(pos=1) OR (window:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 resizeby:(pos=3)) OR Zoffsetx:(pos=4) OR Zoffseti:(pos=5) OR p:(pos=6) OR Zkweet:(pos=7))" },
00525 { "linux humor :)", "(Zlinux:(pos=1) OR Zhumor:(pos=2))" },
00526 { "ClassFactory kan aangevraagde klasse niet leveren (Fout=80040111)", "(classfactory:(pos=1) OR Zkan:(pos=2) OR Zaangevraagd:(pos=3) OR Zklass:(pos=4) OR Zniet:(pos=5) OR Zleveren:(pos=6) OR fout:(pos=7) OR 80040111:(pos=8))" },
00527 { "remote_smtp defer (-44)", "(Zremote_smtp:(pos=1) OR Zdefer:(pos=2) OR 44:(pos=3))" },
00528 { "txtlogin.getText().trim().toUpperCase().intern() == inuser[2 * (i - 1) + 2].trim().toUpperCase().intern() && txtpass.getText().trim().toUpperCase().intern() == inuser[2 * (i - 1) + 3].trim().toUpperCase().intern())", "((txtlogin:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 gettext:(pos=2)) OR trim:(pos=3) OR touppercase:(pos=4) OR intern:(pos=5) OR inuser:(pos=6) OR 2:(pos=7) OR Zi:(pos=8) OR 1:(pos=9) OR 2:(pos=10) OR trim:(pos=11) OR touppercase:(pos=12) OR intern:(pos=13) OR (txtpass:(pos=14) PHRASE 2 gettext:(pos=15)) OR trim:(pos=16) OR touppercase:(pos=17) OR intern:(pos=18) OR inuser:(pos=19) OR 2:(pos=20) OR Zi:(pos=21) OR 1:(pos=22) OR 3:(pos=23) OR trim:(pos=24) OR touppercase:(pos=25) OR intern:(pos=26))" },
00529 { "Koper + amoniak (NH2", "(koper:(pos=1) OR Zamoniak:(pos=2) OR nh2:(pos=3))" },
00530 { "nec dvd -/+r", "((Znec:(pos=1) OR Zdvd:(pos=2)) AND_NOT Zr:(pos=3))" },
00531 { "er is een gereserveerde fout (-1104) opgetreden", "(Zer:(pos=1) OR Zis:(pos=2) OR Zeen:(pos=3) OR Zgereserveerd:(pos=4) OR Zfout:(pos=5) OR 1104:(pos=6) OR Zopgetreden:(pos=7))" },
00532 { "Cor \\(CCN\\)'\" <[email protected]>", "(cor:(pos=1) OR ccn:(pos=2) OR (cor:(pos=3) PHRASE 5 kloet:(pos=4) PHRASE 5 ccn:(pos=5) PHRASE 5 controlec:(pos=6) PHRASE 5 nl:(pos=7)))" },
00533 { "Warning: Failed opening for inclusion (include_path='') in Unknown on line 0", "(warning:(pos=1) OR failed:(pos=2) OR Zopen:(pos=3) OR Zfor:(pos=4) OR Zinclus:(pos=5) OR include_path:(pos=6) OR Zin:(pos=7) OR unknown:(pos=8) OR Zon:(pos=9) OR Zline:(pos=10) OR 0:(pos=11))" },
00534 { "\"~\" + \"c:\\\"", "Zc:(pos=1)" },
00535 { "mysql count(*)", "(Zmysql:(pos=1) OR count:(pos=2))" },
00536 { "for %f in (*.*) do", "(Zfor:(pos=1) OR Zf:(pos=2) OR Zin:(pos=3) OR Zdo:(pos=4))" },
00537 { "raar \"~\" bestand", "(Zraar:(pos=1) OR Zbestand:(pos=2))" },
00538 { "NEC DVD +-R/RW 1300", "(nec:(pos=1) OR dvd:(pos=2) OR (r:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 rw:(pos=4)) OR 1300:(pos=5))" },
00539 { "approved (ref: 38446-263)", "(Zapprov:(pos=1) OR Zref:(pos=2) OR (38446:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 263:(pos=4)))" },
00540 { "GA-7VRXP(2.0)", "((ga:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 7vrxp:(pos=2)) OR 2.0:(pos=3))" },
00541 { "~ Could not retrieve directory listing for \"/\"", "(could:(pos=1) OR Znot:(pos=2) OR Zretriev:(pos=3) OR Zdirectori:(pos=4) OR Zlist:(pos=5) OR Zfor:(pos=6))" },
00542 { "asp CreateObject(\"Word.Document\")", "(Zasp:(pos=1) OR createobject:(pos=2) OR (word:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 document:(pos=4)))" },
00543 { "De lees- of schrijfbewerking (\"written\") op het geheugen is mislukt.", "(de:(pos=1) OR Zlee:(pos=2) OR Zof:(pos=3) OR Zschrijfbewerk:(pos=4) OR written:(pos=5) OR Zop:(pos=6) OR Zhet:(pos=7) OR Zgeheugen:(pos=8) OR Zis:(pos=9) OR Zmislukt:(pos=10))" },
00544 { "putStr (map (\\x -> chr (round (21/2 * x^3 - 92 * x^2 + 503/2 * x - 105))) [1..4])", "(Zputstr:(pos=1) OR Zmap:(pos=2) OR ((Zx:(pos=3) OR Zround:(pos=5) OR (21:(pos=6) PHRASE 2 2:(pos=7)) OR Zx:(pos=8) OR 3:(pos=9) OR 92:(pos=10) OR Zx:(pos=11) OR 2:(pos=12) OR (503:(pos=13) PHRASE 2 2:(pos=14)) OR Zx:(pos=15) OR 105:(pos=16)) AND_NOT Zchr:(pos=4)) OR (1:(pos=17) PHRASE 2 4:(pos=18)))" },
00545 { "parent.document.getElementById(\\\"leftmenu\\\").cols", "((parent:(pos=1) PHRASE 3 document:(pos=2) PHRASE 3 getelementbyid:(pos=3)) OR leftmenu:(pos=4) OR Zcol:(pos=5))" },
00546 { "<% if not isEmpty(Request.QueryString) then", "(Zif:(pos=1) OR Znot:(pos=2) OR isempty:(pos=3) OR (request:(pos=4) PHRASE 2 querystring:(pos=5)) OR Zthen:(pos=6))" },
00547 { "Active Desktop (Hier issie)", "(active:(pos=1) OR desktop:(pos=2) OR hier:(pos=3) OR Zissi:(pos=4))" },
00548 { "Asus A7V8X (LAN + Sound)", "(asus:(pos=1) OR a7v8x:(pos=2) OR lan:(pos=3) OR sound:(pos=4))" },
00549 { "Novell This pentium class machine (or greater) lacks some required CPU feature(s", "(novell:(pos=1) OR this:(pos=2) OR Zpentium:(pos=3) OR Zclass:(pos=4) OR Zmachin:(pos=5) OR Zor:(pos=6) OR Zgreater:(pos=7) OR Zlack:(pos=8) OR Zsome:(pos=9) OR Zrequir:(pos=10) OR cpu:(pos=11) OR feature:(pos=12) OR Zs:(pos=13))" },
00550 { "sql server install fails error code (-1)", "(Zsql:(pos=1) OR Zserver:(pos=2) OR Zinstal:(pos=3) OR Zfail:(pos=4) OR Zerror:(pos=5) OR Zcode:(pos=6) OR 1:(pos=7))" },
00551 { "session_register(\"login\");", "(session_register:(pos=1) OR login:(pos=2))" },
00552 { "\"kylix+ndmb\"", "(kylix:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 ndmb:(pos=2))" },
00553 { "Cannot find imap library (libc-client.a).", "(cannot:(pos=1) OR Zfind:(pos=2) OR Zimap:(pos=3) OR Zlibrari:(pos=4) OR (libc:(pos=5) PHRASE 3 client:(pos=6) PHRASE 3 a:(pos=7)))" },
00554 { "If ($_SESSION[\"Login\"] == 1)", "(if:(pos=1) OR _session:(pos=2) OR login:(pos=3) OR 1:(pos=4))" },
00555 { "You have an error in your SQL syntax near '1')' at line 1", "(you:(pos=1) OR Zhave:(pos=2) OR Zan:(pos=3) OR Zerror:(pos=4) OR Zin:(pos=5) OR Zyour:(pos=6) OR sql:(pos=7) OR Zsyntax:(pos=8) OR Znear:(pos=9) OR 1:(pos=10) OR Zat:(pos=11) OR Zline:(pos=12) OR 1:(pos=13))" },
00556 { "ASRock K7VT2 (incl. LAN)", "(asrock:(pos=1) OR k7vt2:(pos=2) OR Zincl:(pos=3) OR lan:(pos=4))" },
00557 { "+windows98 +(geen communicatie) +ie5", "(Zwindows98:(pos=1) AND (Zgeen:(pos=2) OR Zcommunicati:(pos=3)) AND Zie5:(pos=4))" },
00558 { "\"xterm -fn\"", "(xterm:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 fn:(pos=2))" },
00559 { "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL", "irql_not_less_or_equal:(pos=1)" },
00560 { "access query \"NOT IN\"", "(Zaccess:(pos=1) OR Zqueri:(pos=2) OR (not:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 in:(pos=4)))" },
00561 { "\"phrase one \"phrase two\"", "((phrase:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 one:(pos=2)) OR Zphrase:(pos=3) OR two:(pos=4))" },
00562 { "NEAR 207 46 249 27", "(near:(pos=1) OR 207:(pos=2) OR 46:(pos=3) OR 249:(pos=4) OR 27:(pos=5))" },
00563 { "- NEAR 12V voeding", "(near:(pos=1) OR 12v:(pos=2) OR Zvoed:(pos=3))" },
00564 { "waarom \"~\" in directorynaam", "(Zwaarom:(pos=1) OR Zin:(pos=2) OR Zdirectorynaam:(pos=3))" },
00565 { "cd'r NEAR toebehoren", "(cd'r:(pos=1) NEAR 11 toebehoren:(pos=2))" },
00566 { "site:1 site:2", "0 * (H1 OR H2)" },
00567 { "site:1 site2:2", "0 * (H1 AND J2)" },
00568 { "site:1 site:2 site2:2", "0 * ((H1 OR H2) AND J2)" },
00569 { "site:1 OR site:2", "(0 * H1 OR 0 * H2)" },
00570 { "site:1 AND site:2", "(0 * H1 AND 0 * H2)" },
00571 #if 0
00572 { "A site:1 site:2", "(a FILTER (H1 OR H2))" },
00573 { "A (site:1 OR site:2)", "(a FILTER (H1 OR H2))" },
00574 { "A (site:1 OR site:2)", "(a FILTER (H1 OR H2))" },
00575 { "A site:1 site2:2", "(a FILTER (H1 AND J2))" },
00576 { "A site:1 site:2 site2:2", "(a FILTER ((H1 OR H2) AND J2))" },
00577 { "A site:1 OR site:2", "(a FILTER (H1 OR H2))" },
00578 { "A site:1 AND site:2", "(a FILTER (H1 AND H2))" },
00579 #endif
00580 { "site:xapian.org OR site:www.xapian.org", "(0 * Hxapian.org OR 0 * Hwww.xapian.org)" },
00581 { "site:xapian.org site:www.xapian.org", "0 * (Hxapian.org OR Hwww.xapian.org)" },
00582 { "site:xapian.org AND site:www.xapian.org", "(0 * Hxapian.org AND 0 * Hwww.xapian.org)" },
00583 { "Xapian site:xapian.org site:www.xapian.org", "(xapian:(pos=1) FILTER (Hxapian.org OR Hwww.xapian.org))" },
00584 { "author:richard author:olly writer:charlie", "(ZArichard:(pos=1) OR ZAolli:(pos=2) OR ZAcharli:(pos=3))"},
00585 { "author:richard NEAR title:book", "(Arichard:(pos=1) NEAR 11 XTbook:(pos=2))"},
00586 { "authortitle:richard NEAR title:book", "((Arichard:(pos=1) NEAR 11 XTbook:(pos=2)) OR (XTrichard:(pos=1) NEAR 11 XTbook:(pos=2)))"},
00587 { "multisite:xapian.org", "0 * (Hxapian.org OR Jxapian.org)"},
00588 { "authortitle:richard", "(ZArichard:(pos=1) OR ZXTrichard:(pos=1))"},
00589 { "multisite:xapian.org site:www.xapian.org author:richard authortitle:richard", "((ZArichard:(pos=1) OR ZArichard:(pos=2) OR ZXTrichard:(pos=2)) FILTER (Hwww.xapian.org AND (Hxapian.org OR Jxapian.org)))"},
00590 { "authortitle:richard-boulton", "((Arichard:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 Aboulton:(pos=2)) OR (XTrichard:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 XTboulton:(pos=2)))"},
00591 { "authortitle:\"richard boulton\"", "((Arichard:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 Aboulton:(pos=2)) OR (XTrichard:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 XTboulton:(pos=2)))"},
00592 { NULL, NULL }
00593 };
00595 static bool test_queryparser1()
00596 {
00597 Xapian::QueryParser queryparser;
00598 queryparser.set_stemmer(Xapian::Stem("english"));
00599 queryparser.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
00600 queryparser.add_prefix("author", "A");
00601 queryparser.add_prefix("writer", "A");
00602 queryparser.add_prefix("title", "XT");
00603 queryparser.add_prefix("subject", "XT");
00604 queryparser.add_prefix("authortitle", "A");
00605 queryparser.add_prefix("authortitle", "XT");
00606 queryparser.add_boolean_prefix("site", "H");
00607 queryparser.add_boolean_prefix("site2", "J");
00608 queryparser.add_boolean_prefix("multisite", "H");
00609 queryparser.add_boolean_prefix("multisite", "J");
00610 queryparser.add_boolean_prefix("category", "XCAT");
00611 TEST_EXCEPTION(Xapian::InvalidOperationError,
00612 queryparser.add_boolean_prefix("authortitle", "B");
00613 );
00614 TEST_EXCEPTION(Xapian::InvalidOperationError,
00615 queryparser.add_prefix("multisite", "B");
00616 );
00617 for (test *p = test_or_queries; p->query; ++p) {
00618 string expect, parsed;
00619 if (p->expect)
00620 expect = p->expect;
00621 else
00622 expect = "parse error";
00623 try {
00624 Xapian::Query qobj = queryparser.parse_query(p->query);
00625 parsed = qobj.get_description();
00626 expect = string("Xapian::Query(") + expect + ')';
00627 } catch (const Xapian::QueryParserError &e) {
00628 parsed = e.get_msg();
00629 } catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
00630 parsed = e.get_description();
00631 } catch (...) {
00632 parsed = "Unknown exception!";
00633 }
00634 tout << "Query: " << p->query << '\n';
00635 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(parsed, expect);
00636 }
00637 return true;
00638 }
00640 static test test_and_queries[] = {
00641 { "internet explorer title:(http www)", "(Zinternet:(pos=1) AND Zexplor:(pos=2) AND ZXThttp:(pos=3) AND ZXTwww:(pos=4))" },
00644 { "one +two three", "(Zone:(pos=1) AND Ztwo:(pos=2) AND Zthree:(pos=3))" },
00645 { "hello -title:\"hello world\"", "(Zhello:(pos=1) AND_NOT (XThello:(pos=2) PHRASE 2 XTworld:(pos=3)))" },
00648 { "\"hello world\" -C++", "((hello:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 world:(pos=2)) AND_NOT c++:(pos=3))" },
00651 { "-cup site:world", "(0 * Hworld AND_NOT Zcup:(pos=1))" },
00652 { "site:world -cup", "(0 * Hworld AND_NOT Zcup:(pos=1))" },
00654 { "(site:world) -cup", "(0 * Hworld AND_NOT Zcup:(pos=1))" },
00658 { "foo site:xapian.org bar", "((Zfoo:(pos=1) AND Zbar:(pos=2)) FILTER Hxapian.org)" },
00660 { "a b site:xapian.org", "((Za:(pos=1) AND Zb:(pos=2)) FILTER Hxapian.org)" },
00661 { "site:xapian.org a b", "((Za:(pos=1) AND Zb:(pos=2)) FILTER Hxapian.org)" },
00662 { NULL, NULL }
00663 };
00666 static bool test_qp_default_op1()
00667 {
00668 Xapian::QueryParser queryparser;
00669 queryparser.set_stemmer(Xapian::Stem("english"));
00670 queryparser.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
00671 queryparser.add_prefix("author", "A");
00672 queryparser.add_prefix("title", "XT");
00673 queryparser.add_prefix("subject", "XT");
00674 queryparser.add_boolean_prefix("site", "H");
00675 queryparser.set_default_op(Xapian::Query::OP_AND);
00676 for (test *p = test_and_queries; p->query; ++p) {
00677 string expect, parsed;
00678 if (p->expect)
00679 expect = p->expect;
00680 else
00681 expect = "parse error";
00682 try {
00683 Xapian::Query qobj = queryparser.parse_query(p->query);
00684 parsed = qobj.get_description();
00685 expect = string("Xapian::Query(") + expect + ')';
00686 } catch (const Xapian::QueryParserError &e) {
00687 parsed = e.get_msg();
00688 } catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
00689 parsed = e.get_description();
00690 } catch (...) {
00691 parsed = "Unknown exception!";
00692 }
00693 tout << "Query: " << p->query << '\n';
00694 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(parsed, expect);
00695 }
00696 return true;
00697 }
00700 static bool test_qp_default_prefix1()
00701 {
00702 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
00703 qp.set_stemmer(Xapian::Stem("english"));
00704 qp.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
00705 qp.add_prefix("title", "XT");
00707 Xapian::Query qobj;
00708 qobj = qp.parse_query("hello world", 0, "A");
00709 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((ZAhello:(pos=1) OR ZAworld:(pos=2)))");
00710 qobj = qp.parse_query("me title:stuff", 0, "A");
00711 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((ZAme:(pos=1) OR ZXTstuff:(pos=2)))");
00712 qobj = qp.parse_query("title:(stuff) me", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN, "A");
00713 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((ZXTstuff:(pos=1) OR ZAme:(pos=2)))");
00714 return true;
00715 }
00719 static bool test_qp_default_prefix2()
00720 {
00721 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
00722 qp.set_stemmer(Xapian::Stem("english"));
00723 qp.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
00726 TEST_EXCEPTION(Xapian::UnimplementedError,
00727 qp.add_boolean_prefix("", "B");
00728 );
00730 qp.add_prefix("title", "XT");
00731 qp.add_prefix("", "A");
00733 Xapian::Query qobj;
00734 qobj = qp.parse_query("hello world", 0);
00735 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((ZAhello:(pos=1) OR ZAworld:(pos=2)))");
00736 qobj = qp.parse_query("me title:stuff", 0);
00737 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((ZAme:(pos=1) OR ZXTstuff:(pos=2)))");
00738 qobj = qp.parse_query("title:(stuff) me", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN);
00739 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((ZXTstuff:(pos=1) OR ZAme:(pos=2)))");
00741 qobj = qp.parse_query("hello world", 0, "B");
00742 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((ZBhello:(pos=1) OR ZBworld:(pos=2)))");
00743 qobj = qp.parse_query("me title:stuff", 0, "B");
00744 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((ZBme:(pos=1) OR ZXTstuff:(pos=2)))");
00745 qobj = qp.parse_query("title:(stuff) me", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN, "B");
00746 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((ZXTstuff:(pos=1) OR ZBme:(pos=2)))");
00748 qp.add_prefix("", "B");
00749 qobj = qp.parse_query("me-us title:(stuff) me", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN);
00750 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(((Ame:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 Aus:(pos=2)) OR (Bme:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 Bus:(pos=2)) OR ZXTstuff:(pos=3) OR ZAme:(pos=4) OR ZBme:(pos=4)))");
00751 qobj = qp.parse_query("me-us title:(stuff) me", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN, "C");
00752 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(((Cme:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 Cus:(pos=2)) OR ZXTstuff:(pos=3) OR ZCme:(pos=4)))");
00754 qobj = qp.parse_query("me-us title:\"not-me\"", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE);
00755 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(((Ame:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 Aus:(pos=2)) OR (Bme:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 Bus:(pos=2)) OR (XTnot:(pos=3) PHRASE 2 XTme:(pos=4))))");
00756 return true;
00757 }
00760 static bool test_qp_odd_chars1()
00761 {
00762 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
00763 string query("\x01weird\x00stuff\x7f", 13);
00764 Xapian::Query qobj = qp.parse_query(query);
00765 tout << "Query: " << query << '\n';
00766 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((weird:(pos=1) OR stuff:(pos=2)))");
00767 return true;
00768 }
00771 static bool test_qp_flag_wildcard1()
00772 {
00773 Xapian::WritableDatabase db(Xapian::InMemory::open());
00774 Xapian::Document doc;
00775 doc.add_term("abc");
00776 doc.add_term("main");
00777 doc.add_term("muscat");
00778 doc.add_term("muscle");
00779 doc.add_term("musclebound");
00780 doc.add_term("muscular");
00781 doc.add_term("mutton");
00782 db.add_document(doc);
00783 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
00784 qp.set_database(db);
00785 Xapian::Query qobj = qp.parse_query("ab*", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD);
00786 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(abc:(pos=1))");
00787 qobj = qp.parse_query("muscle*", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD);
00788 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((muscle:(pos=1) OR musclebound:(pos=1)))");
00789 qobj = qp.parse_query("meat*", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD);
00790 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00791 qobj = qp.parse_query("musc*", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD);
00792 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((muscat:(pos=1) OR muscle:(pos=1) OR musclebound:(pos=1) OR muscular:(pos=1)))");
00793 qobj = qp.parse_query("mutt*", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD);
00794 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(mutton:(pos=1))");
00797 qobj = qp.parse_query("mUTTON++");
00798 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(mutton:(pos=1))");
00800 unsigned flags = Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD |
00801 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_LOVEHATE;
00802 qobj = qp.parse_query("+mai* main", flags);
00803 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((main:(pos=1) AND_MAYBE main:(pos=2)))");
00806 qobj = qp.parse_query("foo* main", flags);
00807 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(main:(pos=2))");
00808 qobj = qp.parse_query("main foo*", flags);
00809 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(main:(pos=1))");
00810 qobj = qp.parse_query("+foo* main", flags);
00811 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00812 qobj = qp.parse_query("main +foo*", flags);
00813 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00814 qobj = qp.parse_query("foo* +main", flags);
00815 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(main:(pos=2))");
00816 qobj = qp.parse_query("+main foo*", flags);
00817 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(main:(pos=1))");
00818 qobj = qp.parse_query("+foo* +main", flags);
00819 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00820 qobj = qp.parse_query("+main +foo*", flags);
00821 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00822 qobj = qp.parse_query("foo* mai", flags);
00823 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(mai:(pos=2))");
00824 qobj = qp.parse_query("mai foo*", flags);
00825 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(mai:(pos=1))");
00826 qobj = qp.parse_query("+foo* mai", flags);
00827 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00828 qobj = qp.parse_query("mai +foo*", flags);
00829 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00830 qobj = qp.parse_query("foo* +mai", flags);
00831 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(mai:(pos=2))");
00832 qobj = qp.parse_query("+mai foo*", flags);
00833 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(mai:(pos=1))");
00834 qobj = qp.parse_query("+foo* +mai", flags);
00835 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00836 qobj = qp.parse_query("+mai +foo*", flags);
00837 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00838 qobj = qp.parse_query("-foo* main", flags);
00839 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(main:(pos=2))");
00840 qobj = qp.parse_query("main -foo*", flags);
00841 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(main:(pos=1))");
00842 qobj = qp.parse_query("main -foo* -bar", flags);
00843 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((main:(pos=1) AND_NOT bar:(pos=3)))");
00844 qobj = qp.parse_query("main -bar -foo*", flags);
00845 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((main:(pos=1) AND_NOT bar:(pos=2)))");
00847 qp.set_default_op(Xapian::Query::OP_AND);
00848 qobj = qp.parse_query("foo* main", flags);
00849 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00850 qobj = qp.parse_query("main foo*", flags);
00851 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00852 qp.set_default_op(Xapian::Query::OP_AND);
00853 qobj = qp.parse_query("+foo* main", flags);
00854 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00855 qobj = qp.parse_query("main +foo*", flags);
00856 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00857 qobj = qp.parse_query("-foo* main", flags);
00858 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(main:(pos=2))");
00859 qobj = qp.parse_query("main -foo*", flags);
00860 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(main:(pos=1))");
00862 qobj = qp.parse_query("foo* -main", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD);
00863 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query()");
00864 return true;
00865 }
00868 static bool test_qp_flag_wildcard2()
00869 {
00870 Xapian::WritableDatabase db(Xapian::InMemory::open());
00871 Xapian::Document doc;
00872 doc.add_term("Aheinlein");
00873 doc.add_term("Ahuxley");
00874 doc.add_term("hello");
00875 db.add_document(doc);
00876 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
00877 qp.set_database(db);
00878 qp.add_prefix("author", "A");
00879 Xapian::Query qobj;
00880 qobj = qp.parse_query("author:h*", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD);
00881 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((Aheinlein:(pos=1) OR Ahuxley:(pos=1)))");
00882 qobj = qp.parse_query("author:h* test", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD);
00883 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((Aheinlein:(pos=1) OR Ahuxley:(pos=1) OR test:(pos=2)))");
00884 return true;
00885 }
00888 static bool test_qp_flag_partial1()
00889 {
00890 Xapian::WritableDatabase db(Xapian::InMemory::open());
00891 Xapian::Document doc;
00892 Xapian::Stem stemmer("english");
00893 doc.add_term("abc");
00894 doc.add_term("main");
00895 doc.add_term("muscat");
00896 doc.add_term("muscle");
00897 doc.add_term("musclebound");
00898 doc.add_term("muscular");
00899 doc.add_term("mutton");
00900 doc.add_term("Z" + stemmer("outside"));
00901 doc.add_term("Z" + stemmer("out"));
00902 doc.add_term("outside");
00903 doc.add_term("out");
00904 doc.add_term("XTcove");
00905 doc.add_term("XTcows");
00906 doc.add_term("XTcowl");
00907 doc.add_term("XTcox");
00908 doc.add_term("ZXTcow");
00909 db.add_document(doc);
00910 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
00911 qp.set_database(db);
00912 qp.set_stemmer(stemmer);
00913 qp.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
00914 qp.add_prefix("title", "XT");
00915 qp.add_prefix("double", "XONE");
00916 qp.add_prefix("double", "XTWO");
00919 Xapian::Query qobj = qp.parse_query("a", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00920 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((abc:(pos=1) OR Za:(pos=1)))");
00921 qobj = qp.parse_query("ab", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00922 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((abc:(pos=1) OR Zab:(pos=1)))");
00923 qobj = qp.parse_query("muscle", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00924 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((muscle:(pos=1) OR musclebound:(pos=1) OR Zmuscl:(pos=1)))");
00925 qobj = qp.parse_query("meat", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00926 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(Zmeat:(pos=1))");
00927 qobj = qp.parse_query("musc", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00928 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((muscat:(pos=1) OR muscle:(pos=1) OR musclebound:(pos=1) OR muscular:(pos=1) OR Zmusc:(pos=1)))");
00929 qobj = qp.parse_query("mutt", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00930 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((mutton:(pos=1) OR Zmutt:(pos=1)))");
00931 qobj = qp.parse_query("abc musc", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00932 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((Zabc:(pos=1) OR muscat:(pos=2) OR muscle:(pos=2) OR musclebound:(pos=2) OR muscular:(pos=2) OR Zmusc:(pos=2)))");
00933 qobj = qp.parse_query("a* mutt", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL | Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD);
00934 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((abc:(pos=1) OR mutton:(pos=2) OR Zmutt:(pos=2)))");
00937 qobj = qp.parse_query("o", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00938 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((out:(pos=1) OR outside:(pos=1) OR Zo:(pos=1)))");
00939 qobj = qp.parse_query("ou", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00940 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((out:(pos=1) OR outside:(pos=1) OR Zou:(pos=1)))");
00941 qobj = qp.parse_query("out", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00942 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((out:(pos=1) OR outside:(pos=1) OR Zout:(pos=1)))");
00943 qobj = qp.parse_query("outs", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00944 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((outside:(pos=1) OR Zout:(pos=1)))");
00945 qobj = qp.parse_query("outsi", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00946 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((outside:(pos=1) OR Zoutsi:(pos=1)))");
00947 qobj = qp.parse_query("outsid", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00948 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((outside:(pos=1) OR Zoutsid:(pos=1)))");
00949 qobj = qp.parse_query("outside", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00950 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((outside:(pos=1) OR Zoutsid:(pos=1)))");
00953 qobj = qp.parse_query("Out", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00954 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((out:(pos=1,wqf=2) OR outside:(pos=1)))");
00955 qobj = qp.parse_query("Outs", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00956 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((outside:(pos=1) OR outs:(pos=1)))");
00957 qobj = qp.parse_query("Outside", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00958 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(outside:(pos=1,wqf=2))");
00961 qp.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_ALL);
00962 qobj = qp.parse_query("Out", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00963 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((out:(pos=1,wqf=2) OR outside:(pos=1)))");
00964 qobj = qp.parse_query("Outs", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00965 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((outside:(pos=1) OR out:(pos=1)))");
00966 qobj = qp.parse_query("Outside", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00967 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((outside:(pos=1) OR outsid:(pos=1)))");
00970 qp.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
00971 qobj = qp.parse_query("title:cow", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00972 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((XTcowl:(pos=1) OR XTcows:(pos=1) OR ZXTcow:(pos=1)))");
00973 qobj = qp.parse_query("title:cows", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00974 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((XTcows:(pos=1) OR ZXTcow:(pos=1)))");
00975 qobj = qp.parse_query("title:Cow", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00976 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((XTcowl:(pos=1) OR XTcows:(pos=1) OR XTcow:(pos=1)))");
00977 qobj = qp.parse_query("title:Cows", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00978 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query(XTcows:(pos=1,wqf=2))");
00983 qobj = qp.parse_query("double:vision", Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PARTIAL);
00984 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((ZXONEvision:(pos=1) OR ZXTWOvision:(pos=1)))");
00986 return true;
00987 }
00989 static bool test_qp_flag_bool_any_case1()
00990 {
00991 using Xapian::QueryParser;
00992 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
00993 Xapian::Query qobj;
00994 qobj = qp.parse_query("to and fro", QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN | QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN_ANY_CASE);
00995 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((to:(pos=1) AND fro:(pos=2)))");
00996 qobj = qp.parse_query("to and fro", QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN);
00997 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((to:(pos=1) OR and:(pos=2) OR fro:(pos=3)))");
00999 qobj = qp.parse_query("to And fro", QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN | QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN_ANY_CASE);
01000 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((to:(pos=1) AND fro:(pos=2)))");
01001 qobj = qp.parse_query("to And fro", QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN);
01002 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qobj.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((to:(pos=1) OR and:(pos=2) OR fro:(pos=3)))");
01003 return true;
01004 }
01006 static test test_stop_queries[] = {
01007 { "test the queryparser", "(test:(pos=1) AND queryparser:(pos=3))" },
01010 { "test AND the AND queryparser", "(test:(pos=1) AND the:(pos=2) AND queryparser:(pos=3))" },
01016 { "the", "the:(pos=1)" },
01017 { NULL, NULL }
01018 };
01020 static bool test_qp_stopper1()
01021 {
01022 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01023 const char * stopwords[] = { "a", "an", "the" };
01024 Xapian::SimpleStopper stop(stopwords, stopwords + 3);
01025 qp.set_stopper(&stop);
01026 qp.set_default_op(Xapian::Query::OP_AND);
01027 for (test *p = test_stop_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01028 string expect, parsed;
01029 if (p->expect)
01030 expect = p->expect;
01031 else
01032 expect = "parse error";
01033 try {
01034 Xapian::Query qobj = qp.parse_query(p->query);
01035 parsed = qobj.get_description();
01036 expect = string("Xapian::Query(") + expect + ')';
01037 } catch (const Xapian::QueryParserError &e) {
01038 parsed = e.get_msg();
01039 } catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
01040 parsed = e.get_description();
01041 } catch (...) {
01042 parsed = "Unknown exception!";
01043 }
01044 tout << "Query: " << p->query << '\n';
01045 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(parsed, expect);
01046 }
01047 return true;
01048 }
01050 static test test_pure_not_queries[] = {
01051 { "NOT windows", "(<alldocuments> AND_NOT Zwindow:(pos=1))" },
01052 { "a AND (NOT b)", "(Za:(pos=1) AND (<alldocuments> AND_NOT Zb:(pos=2)))" },
01053 { "AND NOT windows", "Syntax: <expression> AND NOT <expression>" },
01054 { "gordian NOT", "Syntax: <expression> NOT <expression>" },
01055 { "gordian AND NOT", "Syntax: <expression> AND NOT <expression>" },
01056 { NULL, NULL }
01057 };
01059 static bool test_qp_flag_pure_not1()
01060 {
01061 using Xapian::QueryParser;
01062 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01063 qp.set_stemmer(Xapian::Stem("english"));
01064 qp.set_stemming_strategy(QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
01065 for (test *p = test_pure_not_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01066 string expect, parsed;
01067 if (p->expect)
01068 expect = p->expect;
01069 else
01070 expect = "parse error";
01071 try {
01072 Xapian::Query qobj = qp.parse_query(p->query,
01073 QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN |
01074 QueryParser::FLAG_PURE_NOT);
01075 parsed = qobj.get_description();
01076 expect = string("Xapian::Query(") + expect + ')';
01077 } catch (const Xapian::QueryParserError &e) {
01078 parsed = e.get_msg();
01079 } catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
01080 parsed = e.get_description();
01081 } catch (...) {
01082 parsed = "Unknown exception!";
01083 }
01084 tout << "Query: " << p->query << '\n';
01085 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(parsed, expect);
01086 }
01087 return true;
01088 }
01093 static bool test_qp_unstem_boolean_prefix()
01094 {
01095 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01096 qp.add_boolean_prefix("test", "XTEST");
01097 Xapian::Query q = qp.parse_query("hello test:foo");
01098 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(q.get_description(), "Xapian::Query((hello:(pos=1) FILTER XTESTfoo))");
01099 Xapian::TermIterator u = qp.unstem_begin("XTESTfoo");
01100 TEST(u != qp.unstem_end("XTESTfoo"));
01101 TEST_EQUAL(*u, "test:foo");
01102 ++u;
01103 TEST(u == qp.unstem_end("XTESTfoo"));
01104 return true;
01105 }
01107 static test test_value_range1_queries[] = {
01108 { "a..b", "VALUE_RANGE 1 a b" },
01109 { "$50..100", "VALUE_RANGE 1 $50 100" },
01110 { "$50..$100", "VALUE_RANGE 1 $50 $100" },
01111 { "02/03/1979..10/12/1980", "VALUE_RANGE 1 02/03/1979 10/12/1980" },
01112 { "a..b hello", "(hello:(pos=1) FILTER VALUE_RANGE 1 a b)" },
01113 { "hello a..b", "(hello:(pos=1) FILTER VALUE_RANGE 1 a b)" },
01114 { "hello a..b world", "((hello:(pos=1) OR world:(pos=2)) FILTER VALUE_RANGE 1 a b)" },
01115 { "hello a..b test:foo", "(hello:(pos=1) FILTER (VALUE_RANGE 1 a b AND XTESTfoo))" },
01116 { "hello a..b test:foo test:bar", "(hello:(pos=1) FILTER (VALUE_RANGE 1 a b AND (XTESTfoo OR XTESTbar)))" },
01117 { "hello a..b c..d test:foo", "(hello:(pos=1) FILTER ((VALUE_RANGE 1 a b OR VALUE_RANGE 1 c d) AND XTESTfoo))" },
01118 { "hello a..b c..d test:foo test:bar", "(hello:(pos=1) FILTER ((VALUE_RANGE 1 a b OR VALUE_RANGE 1 c d) AND (XTESTfoo OR XTESTbar)))" },
01119 { "-5..7", "VALUE_RANGE 1 -5 7" },
01120 { "hello -5..7", "(hello:(pos=1) FILTER VALUE_RANGE 1 -5 7)" },
01121 { "-5..7 hello", "(hello:(pos=1) FILTER VALUE_RANGE 1 -5 7)" },
01122 { "\"time flies\" 09:00..12:30", "((time:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 flies:(pos=2)) FILTER VALUE_RANGE 1 09:00 12:30)" },
01123 { NULL, NULL }
01124 };
01127 static bool test_qp_value_range1()
01128 {
01129 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01130 qp.add_boolean_prefix("test", "XTEST");
01131 Xapian::StringValueRangeProcessor vrp(1);
01132 qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(&vrp);
01133 for (test *p = test_value_range1_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01134 string expect, parsed;
01135 if (p->expect)
01136 expect = p->expect;
01137 else
01138 expect = "parse error";
01139 try {
01140 Xapian::Query qobj = qp.parse_query(p->query);
01141 parsed = qobj.get_description();
01142 expect = string("Xapian::Query(") + expect + ')';
01143 } catch (const Xapian::QueryParserError &e) {
01144 parsed = e.get_msg();
01145 } catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
01146 parsed = e.get_description();
01147 } catch (...) {
01148 parsed = "Unknown exception!";
01149 }
01150 tout << "Query: " << p->query << '\n';
01151 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(parsed, expect);
01152 }
01153 return true;
01154 }
01156 static test test_value_range2_queries[] = {
01157 { "a..b", "VALUE_RANGE 3 a b" },
01158 { "1..12", "VALUE_RANGE 2 \240 \256" },
01159 { "20070201..20070228", "VALUE_RANGE 1 20070201 20070228" },
01160 { "$10..20", "VALUE_RANGE 4 \255 \261" },
01161 { "$10..$20", "VALUE_RANGE 4 \255 \261" },
01162 { "12..42kg", "VALUE_RANGE 5 \256 \265@" },
01163 { "12kg..42kg", "VALUE_RANGE 5 \256 \265@" },
01164 { "12kg..42", "VALUE_RANGE 3 12kg 42" },
01165 { "10..$20", "VALUE_RANGE 3 10 $20" },
01166 { "1999-03-12..2020-12-30", "VALUE_RANGE 1 19990312 20201230" },
01167 { "1999/03/12..2020/12/30", "VALUE_RANGE 1 19990312 20201230" },
01168 { "1999.03.12..2020.12.30", "VALUE_RANGE 1 19990312 20201230" },
01169 { "12/03/99..12/04/01", "VALUE_RANGE 1 19990312 20010412" },
01170 { "03-12-99..04-14-01", "VALUE_RANGE 1 19990312 20010414" },
01171 { "(test:a..test:b hello)", "(hello:(pos=1) FILTER VALUE_RANGE 3 test:a test:b)" },
01172 { "12..42kg 5..6kg 1..12", "0 * (VALUE_RANGE 2 \240 \256 AND (VALUE_RANGE 5 \256 \265@ OR VALUE_RANGE 5 \251 \252))" },
01173 { NULL, NULL }
01174 };
01177 static bool test_qp_value_range2()
01178 {
01179 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01180 qp.add_boolean_prefix("test", "XTEST");
01181 Xapian::DateValueRangeProcessor vrp_date(1);
01182 Xapian::NumberValueRangeProcessor vrp_num(2);
01183 Xapian::StringValueRangeProcessor vrp_str(3);
01184 Xapian::NumberValueRangeProcessor vrp_cash(4, "$");
01185 Xapian::NumberValueRangeProcessor vrp_weight(5, "kg", false);
01186 qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(&vrp_date);
01187 qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(&vrp_num);
01188 qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(&vrp_cash);
01189 qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(&vrp_weight);
01190 qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(&vrp_str);
01191 for (test *p = test_value_range2_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01192 string expect, parsed;
01193 if (p->expect)
01194 expect = p->expect;
01195 else
01196 expect = "parse error";
01197 try {
01198 Xapian::Query qobj = qp.parse_query(p->query);
01199 parsed = qobj.get_description();
01200 expect = string("Xapian::Query(") + expect + ')';
01201 } catch (const Xapian::QueryParserError &e) {
01202 parsed = e.get_msg();
01203 } catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
01204 parsed = e.get_description();
01205 } catch (...) {
01206 parsed = "Unknown exception!";
01207 }
01208 tout << "Query: " << p->query << '\n';
01209 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(parsed, expect);
01210 }
01211 return true;
01212 }
01215 static bool test_qp_value_range3()
01216 {
01217 Xapian::WritableDatabase db(Xapian::InMemory::open());
01218 double low = -10;
01219 int steps = 60;
01220 double step = 0.5;
01222 for (int i = 0; i <= steps; ++i) {
01223 double v = low + i * step;
01224 Xapian::Document doc;
01225 doc.add_value(1, Xapian::sortable_serialise(v));
01226 db.add_document(doc);
01227 }
01229 Xapian::NumberValueRangeProcessor vrp_num(1);
01230 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01231 qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(&vrp_num);
01233 for (int j = 0; j <= steps; ++j) {
01234 double start = low + j * step;
01235 for (int k = 0; k <= steps; ++k) {
01236 double end = low + k * step;
01237 string query = om_tostring(start) + ".." + om_tostring(end);
01238 tout << "Query: " << query << '\n';
01239 Xapian::Query qobj = qp.parse_query(query);
01240 Xapian::Enquire enq(db);
01241 enq.set_query(qobj);
01242 Xapian::MSet mset = enq.get_mset(0, steps + 1);
01243 if (end < start) {
01244 TEST_EQUAL(mset.size(), 0);
01245 } else {
01246 TEST_EQUAL(mset.size(), 1u + (k - j));
01247 for (unsigned int m = 0; m != mset.size(); ++m) {
01248 double v = start + m * step;
01249 TEST_EQUAL(mset[m].get_document().get_value(1),
01250 Xapian::sortable_serialise(v));
01251 }
01252 }
01253 }
01254 }
01255 return true;
01256 }
01258 static const double test_value_range_numbers[] = {
01259 #ifdef INFINITY
01260 -INFINITY,
01261 #endif
01262 -HUGE_VAL,
01263 -DBL_MAX,
01264 -pow(2.0, 1022),
01265 -1024.5,
01266 -3.14159265358979323846,
01267 -3,
01268 -2,
01269 -1.8,
01270 -1.1,
01271 -1,
01272 -0.5,
01273 -0.2,
01274 -0.1,
01275 -0.000005,
01276 -0.000002,
01277 -0.000001,
01278 -pow(2.0, -1023),
01279 -pow(2.0, -1024),
01280 -pow(2.0, -1074),
01281 -DBL_MIN,
01282 0,
01283 DBL_MIN,
01284 pow(2.0, -1074),
01285 pow(2.0, -1024),
01286 pow(2.0, -1023),
01287 0.000001,
01288 0.000002,
01289 0.000005,
01290 0.1,
01291 0.2,
01292 0.5,
01293 1,
01294 1.1,
01295 1.8,
01296 2,
01297 3,
01298 3.14159265358979323846,
01299 1024.5,
01300 pow(2.0, 1022),
01301 DBL_MAX,
01302 HUGE_VAL,
01303 #ifdef INFINITY
01305 #endif
01307 64
01308 };
01311 static bool test_value_range_serialise1()
01312 {
01313 double prevnum = 0;
01314 string prevstr;
01315 bool started = false;
01316 for (const double *p = test_value_range_numbers; *p != 64; ++p) {
01317 double num = *p;
01318 tout << "Number: " << num << '\n';
01319 string str = Xapian::sortable_serialise(num);
01320 tout << "String: " << str << '\n';
01321 TEST_EQUAL(Xapian::sortable_unserialise(str), num);
01323 if (started) {
01324 int num_cmp = 0;
01325 if (prevnum < num) {
01326 num_cmp = -1;
01327 } else if (prevnum > num) {
01328 num_cmp = 1;
01329 }
01330 int str_cmp = 0;
01331 if (prevstr < str) {
01332 str_cmp = -1;
01333 } else if (prevstr > str) {
01334 str_cmp = 1;
01335 }
01337 TEST_AND_EXPLAIN(num_cmp == str_cmp,
01338 "Numbers " << prevnum << " and " << num <<
01339 " don't sort the same way as their string "
01340 "counterparts");
01341 }
01343 prevnum = num;
01344 prevstr = str;
01345 started = true;
01346 }
01347 return true;
01348 }
01350 static test test_value_daterange1_queries[] = {
01351 { "12/03/99..12/04/01", "VALUE_RANGE 1 19991203 20011204" },
01352 { "03-12-99..04-14-01", "VALUE_RANGE 1 19990312 20010414" },
01353 { "01/30/60..02/02/59", "VALUE_RANGE 1 19600130 20590202" },
01354 { "1999-03-12..2001-04-14", "VALUE_RANGE 1 19990312 20010414" },
01355 { "12/03/99..02", "Unknown range operation" },
01356 { "1999-03-12..2001", "Unknown range operation" },
01357 { NULL, NULL }
01358 };
01361 static bool test_qp_value_daterange1()
01362 {
01363 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01364 Xapian::DateValueRangeProcessor vrp_date(1, true, 1960);
01365 qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(&vrp_date);
01366 for (test *p = test_value_daterange1_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01367 string expect, parsed;
01368 if (p->expect)
01369 expect = p->expect;
01370 else
01371 expect = "parse error";
01372 try {
01373 Xapian::Query qobj = qp.parse_query(p->query);
01374 parsed = qobj.get_description();
01375 expect = string("Xapian::Query(") + expect + ')';
01376 } catch (const Xapian::QueryParserError &e) {
01377 parsed = e.get_msg();
01378 } catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
01379 parsed = e.get_description();
01380 } catch (...) {
01381 parsed = "Unknown exception!";
01382 }
01383 tout << "Query: " << p->query << '\n';
01384 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(parsed, expect);
01385 }
01386 return true;
01387 }
01389 struct AuthorValueRangeProcessor : public Xapian::ValueRangeProcessor {
01390 AuthorValueRangeProcessor() {}
01392 Xapian::valueno operator()(std::string &begin, std::string &end) {
01393 if (begin.substr(0, 7) != "author:")
01394 return Xapian::BAD_VALUENO;
01395 begin.erase(0, 7);
01396 begin = Xapian::Unicode::tolower(begin);
01397 end = Xapian::Unicode::tolower(end);
01398 return 4;
01399 }
01400 };
01402 static test test_value_customrange1_queries[] = {
01403 { "mars author:Asimov..Bradbury", "(mars:(pos=1) FILTER VALUE_RANGE 4 asimov bradbury)" },
01404 { NULL, NULL }
01405 };
01408 static bool test_qp_value_customrange1()
01409 {
01410 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01411 AuthorValueRangeProcessor vrp_author;
01412 qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(&vrp_author);
01413 for (test *p = test_value_customrange1_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01414 string expect, parsed;
01415 if (p->expect)
01416 expect = p->expect;
01417 else
01418 expect = "parse error";
01419 try {
01420 Xapian::Query qobj = qp.parse_query(p->query);
01421 parsed = qobj.get_description();
01422 expect = string("Xapian::Query(") + expect + ')';
01423 } catch (const Xapian::QueryParserError &e) {
01424 parsed = e.get_msg();
01425 } catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
01426 parsed = e.get_description();
01427 } catch (...) {
01428 parsed = "Unknown exception!";
01429 }
01430 tout << "Query: " << p->query << '\n';
01431 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(parsed, expect);
01432 }
01433 return true;
01434 }
01436 static bool test_qp_stoplist1()
01437 {
01438 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01439 const char * stopwords[] = { "a", "an", "the" };
01440 Xapian::SimpleStopper stop(stopwords, stopwords + 3);
01441 qp.set_stopper(&stop);
01443 Xapian::TermIterator i;
01445 Xapian::Query query1 = qp.parse_query("some mice");
01446 i = qp.stoplist_begin();
01447 TEST(i == qp.stoplist_end());
01449 Xapian::Query query2 = qp.parse_query("the cat");
01450 i = qp.stoplist_begin();
01451 TEST(i != qp.stoplist_end());
01452 TEST_EQUAL(*i, "the");
01453 ++i;
01454 TEST(i == qp.stoplist_end());
01458 Xapian::Query query3 = qp.parse_query("an aardvark");
01459 i = qp.stoplist_begin();
01460 TEST(i != qp.stoplist_end());
01461 TEST_EQUAL(*i, "an");
01462 ++i;
01463 TEST(i == qp.stoplist_end());
01465 return true;
01466 }
01468 static test test_mispelled_queries[] = {
01469 { "doucment search", "document search" },
01470 { "doucment seeacrh", "document search" },
01471 { "docment seeacrh test", "document search test" },
01472 { "\"paragahp pineapple\"", "\"paragraph pineapple\"" },
01473 { "\"paragahp pineapple\"", "\"paragraph pineapple\"" },
01474 { "test S.E.A.R.C.", "" },
01475 { "this AND that", "" },
01476 { "documento", "document" },
01477 { "documento-documento", "document-document" },
01478 { "documento-searcho", "document-search" },
01479 { NULL, NULL }
01480 };
01483 static bool test_qp_spell1()
01484 {
01485 mkdir(".flint", 0755);
01486 string dbdir = ".flint/qp_spell1";
01487 Xapian::WritableDatabase db(dbdir, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE);
01489 db.add_spelling("document");
01490 db.add_spelling("search");
01491 db.add_spelling("paragraph");
01492 db.add_spelling("band");
01494 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01495 qp.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
01496 qp.set_database(db);
01498 for (test *p = test_mispelled_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01499 Xapian::Query q;
01500 q = qp.parse_query(p->query,
01501 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_SPELLING_CORRECTION |
01502 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN );
01503 tout << "Query: " << p->query << endl;
01504 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qp.get_corrected_query_string(), p->expect);
01505 }
01507 return true;
01508 }
01511 static bool test_qp_spell2()
01512 {
01513 mkdir(".flint", 0755);
01514 string dbdir = ".flint/qp_spell2";
01515 Xapian::WritableDatabase db1(dbdir, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE);
01517 db1.add_spelling("document");
01518 db1.add_spelling("search");
01519 db1.flush();
01521 dbdir = ".flint/qp_spell2b";
01522 Xapian::WritableDatabase db2(dbdir, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE);
01524 db2.add_spelling("document");
01525 db2.add_spelling("paragraph");
01526 db2.add_spelling("band");
01528 Xapian::Database db;
01529 db.add_database(db1);
01530 db.add_database(db2);
01532 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01533 qp.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
01534 qp.set_database(db);
01536 for (test *p = test_mispelled_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01537 Xapian::Query q;
01538 q = qp.parse_query(p->query,
01539 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_SPELLING_CORRECTION |
01540 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN );
01541 tout << "Query: " << p->query << endl;
01542 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(qp.get_corrected_query_string(), p->expect);
01543 }
01545 return true;
01546 }
01548 static test test_synonym_queries[] = {
01549 { "searching", "(Zsearch:(pos=1) OR Zfind:(pos=1) OR Zlocate:(pos=1))" },
01550 { "search", "(Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1))" },
01551 { "Search", "(search:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1))" },
01552 { "Searching", "searching:(pos=1)" },
01553 { "searching OR terms", "(Zsearch:(pos=1) OR Zfind:(pos=1) OR Zlocate:(pos=1) OR Zterm:(pos=2))" },
01554 { "search OR terms", "(Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1) OR Zterm:(pos=2))" },
01555 { "search +terms", "(Zterm:(pos=2) AND_MAYBE (Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1)))" },
01556 { "search -terms", "((Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1)) AND_NOT Zterm:(pos=2))" },
01557 { "+search terms", "((Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1)) AND_MAYBE Zterm:(pos=2))" },
01558 { "-search terms", "(Zterm:(pos=2) AND_NOT (Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1)))" },
01559 { "search terms", "(Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1) OR Zterm:(pos=2))" },
01561 { "\"search terms\"", "(search:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 terms:(pos=2))" },
01562 { NULL, NULL }
01563 };
01566 static bool test_qp_synonym1()
01567 {
01568 mkdir(".flint", 0755);
01569 string dbdir = ".flint/qp_synonym1";
01570 Xapian::WritableDatabase db(dbdir, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE);
01572 db.add_synonym("Zsearch", "Zfind");
01573 db.add_synonym("Zsearch", "Zlocate");
01574 db.add_synonym("search", "find");
01575 db.add_synonym("Zseek", "Zsearch");
01577 db.flush();
01579 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01580 qp.set_stemmer(Xapian::Stem("english"));
01581 qp.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
01582 qp.set_database(db);
01584 for (test *p = test_synonym_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01585 string expect = "Xapian::Query(";
01586 expect += p->expect;
01587 expect += ')';
01588 Xapian::Query q;
01589 q = qp.parse_query(p->query,
01590 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_AUTO_SYNONYMS |
01591 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN |
01592 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_LOVEHATE |
01593 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE );
01594 tout << "Query: " << p->query << endl;
01595 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(q.get_description(), expect);
01596 }
01598 return true;
01599 }
01601 static test test_multi_synonym_queries[] = {
01602 { "sun OR tan OR cream", "(Zsun:(pos=1) OR Ztan:(pos=2) OR Zcream:(pos=3))" },
01603 { "sun tan", "(Zsun:(pos=1) OR Ztan:(pos=2) OR bathe:(pos=1))" },
01604 { "sun tan cream", "(Zsun:(pos=1) OR Ztan:(pos=2) OR Zcream:(pos=3) OR lotion:(pos=1))" },
01605 { "beach sun tan holiday", "(Zbeach:(pos=1) OR Zsun:(pos=2) OR Ztan:(pos=3) OR bathe:(pos=2) OR Zholiday:(pos=4))" },
01606 { "sun tan sun tan cream", "(Zsun:(pos=1) OR Ztan:(pos=2) OR bathe:(pos=1) OR Zsun:(pos=3) OR Ztan:(pos=4) OR Zcream:(pos=5) OR lotion:(pos=3))" },
01607 { "single", "(Zsingl:(pos=1) OR record:(pos=1))" },
01608 { NULL, NULL }
01609 };
01612 static bool test_qp_synonym2()
01613 {
01614 mkdir(".flint", 0755);
01615 string dbdir = ".flint/qp_synonym2";
01616 Xapian::WritableDatabase db(dbdir, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE);
01618 db.add_synonym("sun tan cream", "lotion");
01619 db.add_synonym("sun tan", "bathe");
01620 db.add_synonym("single", "record");
01622 db.flush();
01624 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01625 qp.set_stemmer(Xapian::Stem("english"));
01626 qp.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
01627 qp.set_database(db);
01629 for (test *p = test_multi_synonym_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01630 string expect = "Xapian::Query(";
01631 expect += p->expect;
01632 expect += ')';
01633 Xapian::Query q;
01634 q = qp.parse_query(p->query,
01635 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_AUTO_MULTIWORD_SYNONYMS |
01636 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN |
01637 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_LOVEHATE |
01638 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE );
01639 tout << "Query: " << p->query << endl;
01640 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(q.get_description(), expect);
01641 }
01643 return true;
01644 }
01646 static test test_synonym_op_queries[] = {
01647 { "searching", "Zsearch:(pos=1)" },
01648 { "~searching", "(Zsearch:(pos=1) OR Zfind:(pos=1) OR Zlocate:(pos=1))" },
01649 { "~search", "(Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1))" },
01650 { "~Search", "(search:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1))" },
01651 { "~Searching", "searching:(pos=1)" },
01652 { "~searching OR terms", "(Zsearch:(pos=1) OR Zfind:(pos=1) OR Zlocate:(pos=1) OR Zterm:(pos=2))" },
01653 { "~search OR terms", "(Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1) OR Zterm:(pos=2))" },
01654 { "~search +terms", "(Zterm:(pos=2) AND_MAYBE (Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1)))" },
01655 { "~search -terms", "((Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1)) AND_NOT Zterm:(pos=2))" },
01656 { "+~search terms", "((Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1)) AND_MAYBE Zterm:(pos=2))" },
01657 { "-~search terms", "(Zterm:(pos=2) AND_NOT (Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1)))" },
01658 { "~search terms", "(Zsearch:(pos=1) OR find:(pos=1) OR Zterm:(pos=2))" },
01660 { "~\"search terms\"", "(search:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 terms:(pos=2))" },
01661 { NULL, NULL }
01662 };
01665 static bool test_qp_synonym3()
01666 {
01667 mkdir(".flint", 0755);
01668 string dbdir = ".flint/qp_synonym3";
01669 Xapian::WritableDatabase db(dbdir, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE);
01671 db.add_synonym("Zsearch", "Zfind");
01672 db.add_synonym("Zsearch", "Zlocate");
01673 db.add_synonym("search", "find");
01674 db.add_synonym("Zseek", "Zsearch");
01676 db.flush();
01678 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01679 qp.set_stemmer(Xapian::Stem("english"));
01680 qp.set_stemming_strategy(Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME);
01681 qp.set_database(db);
01683 for (test *p = test_synonym_op_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01684 string expect = "Xapian::Query(";
01685 expect += p->expect;
01686 expect += ')';
01687 Xapian::Query q;
01688 q = qp.parse_query(p->query,
01689 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_SYNONYM |
01690 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN |
01691 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_LOVEHATE |
01692 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE );
01693 tout << "Query: " << p->query << endl;
01694 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(q.get_description(), expect);
01695 }
01697 return true;
01698 }
01700 static test test_stem_all_queries[] = {
01701 { "\"chemical engineers\"", "(chemic:(pos=1) PHRASE 2 engin:(pos=2))" },
01702 { "chemical NEAR engineers", "(chemic:(pos=1) NEAR 11 engin:(pos=2))" },
01703 { "chemical engineers", "(chemic:(pos=1) OR engin:(pos=2))" },
01704 { NULL, NULL }
01705 };
01707 static bool test_qp_stem_all1()
01708 {
01709 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01710 qp.set_stemmer(Xapian::Stem("english"));
01711 qp.set_stemming_strategy(qp.STEM_ALL);
01712 for (test *p = test_stem_all_queries; p->query; ++p) {
01713 string expect, parsed;
01714 if (p->expect)
01715 expect = p->expect;
01716 else
01717 expect = "parse error";
01718 try {
01719 Xapian::Query qobj = qp.parse_query(p->query);
01720 parsed = qobj.get_description();
01721 expect = string("Xapian::Query(") + expect + ')';
01722 } catch (const Xapian::QueryParserError &e) {
01723 parsed = e.get_msg();
01724 } catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
01725 parsed = e.get_description();
01726 } catch (...) {
01727 parsed = "Unknown exception!";
01728 }
01729 tout << "Query: " << p->query << '\n';
01730 TEST_STRINGS_EQUAL(parsed, expect);
01731 }
01732 return true;
01733 }
01735 static double time_query_parse(const Xapian::Database & db,
01736 const string & q,
01737 int repetitions,
01738 unsigned flags)
01739 {
01740 Xapian::QueryParser qp;
01741 qp.set_database(db);
01742 OmTime start, end;
01743 start = OmTime::now();
01744 std::vector<Xapian::Query> qs;
01745 qs.reserve(repetitions);
01746 for (int i = 0; i != repetitions; ++i) {
01747 qs.push_back(qp.parse_query(q, flags));
01748 }
01749 if (repetitions > 1) {
01750 Xapian::Query qc(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, qs.begin(), qs.end());
01752 } else {
01754 }
01755 end = OmTime::now();
01756 return (end - start).as_double();
01757 }
01761 static bool test_qp_stem_scale1()
01762 {
01763 mkdir(".flint", 0755);
01764 string dbdir = ".flint/qp_stem_scale1";
01765 Xapian::WritableDatabase db(dbdir, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE);
01767 db.add_synonym("foo", "bar");
01768 db.flush();
01770 string q1("foo ");
01771 string q1b("baz ");
01772 string q2, q2b;
01773 int repetitions = 2000;
01774 q2.reserve(q1.size() * repetitions);
01775 q2b.reserve(q1b.size() * repetitions);
01776 for (int i = repetitions; i != 0; --i) {
01777 q2 += q1;
01778 q2b += q1b;
01779 }
01782 string syn;
01783 for (int j = 60; j != 0; --j) {
01784 syn += q1;
01785 }
01786 syn.resize(syn.size() - 1);
01788 double time1, time2;
01789 unsigned defflags =
01790 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE |
01791 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN |
01792 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_LOVEHATE;
01793 unsigned synflags = defflags |
01794 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_SYNONYM |
01795 Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_AUTO_MULTIWORD_SYNONYMS;
01799 time1 = time_query_parse(db, q1, repetitions, defflags);
01800 if (time1 == 0.0) {
01802 SKIP_TEST("Timer granularity is too coarse");
01803 }
01804 time2 = time_query_parse(db, q2, 1, defflags);
01805 tout << "defflags: small=" << time1 << "s, large=" << time2 << "s\n";
01806 TEST_LESSER(time2, time1 * 2);
01810 time1 = time_query_parse(db, q1b, repetitions, synflags);
01811 if (time1 == 0.0) {
01813 SKIP_TEST("Timer granularity is too coarse");
01814 }
01815 time2 = time_query_parse(db, q2b, 1, synflags);
01816 tout << "synflags: small=" << time1 << "s, large=" << time2 << "s\n";
01817 TEST_LESSER(time2, time1 * 2);
01820 time1 = time_query_parse(db, q1, repetitions, synflags);
01821 if (time1 == 0.0) {
01823 SKIP_TEST("Timer granularity is too coarse");
01824 }
01825 time2 = time_query_parse(db, q2, 1, synflags);
01826 tout << "synflags: small=" << time1 << "s, large=" << time2 << "s\n";
01827 TEST_LESSER(time2, time1 * 2);
01830 db.add_synonym(syn, "bar");
01831 db.flush();
01833 time1 = time_query_parse(db, q1, repetitions, synflags);
01834 if (time1 == 0.0) {
01836 SKIP_TEST("Timer granularity is too coarse");
01837 }
01838 time2 = time_query_parse(db, q2, 1, synflags);
01839 tout << "synflags2: small=" << time1 << "s, large=" << time2 << "s\n";
01840 TEST_LESSER(time2, time1 * 2);
01842 return true;
01843 }
01846 static test_desc tests[] = {
01847 TESTCASE(queryparser1),
01848 TESTCASE(qp_default_op1),
01849 TESTCASE(qp_odd_chars1),
01850 TESTCASE(qp_flag_wildcard1),
01851 TESTCASE(qp_flag_wildcard2),
01852 TESTCASE(qp_flag_partial1),
01853 TESTCASE(qp_flag_bool_any_case1),
01854 TESTCASE(qp_stopper1),
01855 TESTCASE(qp_flag_pure_not1),
01856 TESTCASE(qp_unstem_boolean_prefix),
01857 TESTCASE(qp_default_prefix1),
01858 TESTCASE(qp_default_prefix2),
01859 TESTCASE(value_range_serialise1),
01860 TESTCASE(qp_value_range1),
01861 TESTCASE(qp_value_range2),
01862 TESTCASE(qp_value_range3),
01863 TESTCASE(qp_value_daterange1),
01864 TESTCASE(qp_value_customrange1),
01865 TESTCASE(qp_stoplist1),
01866 TESTCASE(qp_spell1),
01867 TESTCASE(qp_spell2),
01868 TESTCASE(qp_synonym1),
01869 TESTCASE(qp_synonym2),
01870 TESTCASE(qp_synonym3),
01871 TESTCASE(qp_stem_all1),
01872 TESTCASE(qp_stem_scale1),
01874 };
01876 int main(int argc, char **argv)
01877 {
01878 test_driver::parse_command_line(argc, argv);
01879 return test_driver::run(tests);
01880 }