config.h [code] | |
api/ [code] | Edit distance calculation algorithm |
api/editdistance.h [code] | Edit distance calculation algorithm |
api/ [code] | Xapian::Error base class |
api/ [code] | |
api/ [code] | Allow rejection of terms during ESet generation |
api/ [code] | Abstract base class for leaf postlists |
api/maptermlist.h [code] | |
api/ [code] | |
api/ [code] | |
api/ [code] | |
api/ [code] | |
api/ [code] | |
api/ [code] | |
api/ [code] | |
api/ [code] | |
api/ [code] | |
api/ [code] | Abstract base class for postlists |
api/ [code] | Serialise floating point values to string which sort the same way |
api/ [code] | Build sort keys for MSet ordering |
api/ [code] | Abstract base class for termlists |
api/ [code] | Standard ValueRangeProcessor subclass implementations |
api/ [code] | Old implementation of NumberValueRangeProcessor for ABI compat |
api/ [code] | |
api/ [code] | Implementation of methods from weightinternal.h |
backends/ [code] | Abstract base class for iterating all terms in a database |
backends/ [code] | |
backends/ [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | Iterate all document ids when they form a contiguous range |
backends/flint/contiguousalldocspostlist.h [code] | Iterate all document ids when they form a contiguous range |
backends/flint/ [code] | A PostList which iterates over all documents in a FlintDatabase |
backends/flint/flint_alldocspostlist.h [code] | A PostList which iterates over all documents in a FlintDatabase |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_alltermslist.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_btreebase.h [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_btreeutil.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_check.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_cursor.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_database.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_document.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | Wrappers for low-level POSIX I/O routines |
backends/flint/flint_io.h [code] | Wrappers for low-level POSIX I/O routines |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_lock.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_metadata.h [code] | Access to metadata for a flint database |
backends/flint/ [code] | A FlintPostList plus pending modifications |
backends/flint/flint_modifiedpostlist.h [code] | A FlintPostList plus pending modifications |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_positionlist.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_postlist.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_record.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | Spelling correction data for a flint database |
backends/flint/flint_spelling.h [code] | Spelling correction data for a flint database |
backends/flint/ [code] | Iterator for the spelling correction words in a flint database |
backends/flint/flint_spellingwordslist.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | Synonym data for a flint database |
backends/flint/flint_synonym.h [code] | Synonym data for a flint database |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_table.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_termlist.h [code] | A TermList in a flint database |
backends/flint/ [code] | Subclass of FlintTable which holds termlists |
backends/flint/flint_termlisttable.h [code] | Subclass of FlintTable which holds termlists |
backends/flint/flint_types.h [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_utils.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | |
backends/flint/flint_values.h [code] | |
backends/flint/ [code] | FlintVersion class |
backends/flint/flint_version.h [code] | FlintVersion class |
backends/inmemory/ [code] | |
backends/inmemory/inmemory_alltermslist.h [code] | |
backends/inmemory/ [code] | |
backends/inmemory/inmemory_database.h [code] | |
backends/inmemory/ [code] | |
backends/inmemory/inmemory_document.h [code] | |
backends/inmemory/ [code] | |
backends/multi/ [code] | |
backends/multi/ [code] | |
backends/multi/multi_postlist.h [code] | |
backends/multi/ [code] | |
backends/multi/multi_termlist.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/bcursor.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/btree.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/btree_base.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/btree_util.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/btreecheck.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_alldocspostlist.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_alltermslist.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_database.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_document.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_log.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_metafile.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_positionlist.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_postlist.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_record.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_termlist.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_types.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_utils.h [code] | |
backends/quartz/ [code] | |
backends/quartz/quartz_values.h [code] | |
backends/remote/ [code] | |
backends/remote/net_document.h [code] | |
backends/remote/ [code] | Postlists for remote databases |
backends/remote/net_postlist.h [code] | Postlists for remote databases |
backends/remote/ [code] | |
backends/remote/net_termlist.h [code] | |
backends/remote/ [code] | Remote backend database class |
bin/ [code] | |
bin/ [code] | |
bin/ [code] | |
bin/ [code] | |
bin/ [code] | |
bin/ [code] | Inspect the contents of a flint table for development or debugging |
bin/ [code] | Remote server for use with ProgClient |
bin/ [code] | |
common/alltermslist.h [code] | Abstract base class for iterating all terms in a database |
common/autoptr.h [code] | |
common/database.h [code] | |
common/document.h [code] | |
common/documentterm.h [code] | |
common/emptypostlist.h [code] | |
common/expand.h [code] | |
common/expandweight.h [code] | Collate statistics and calculate the term weights for the ESet |
common/ [code] | |
common/gnu_getopt.h [code] | |
common/inmemory_positionlist.h [code] | |
common/leafpostlist.h [code] | Abstract base class for leaf postlists |
common/ [code] | Implementation of dirent functions using WIN32 API |
common/msvc_dirent.h [code] | Implementation of dirent functions using WIN32 API |
common/ [code] | |
common/msvc_posix_wrapper.h [code] | |
common/multialltermslist.h [code] | Class for merging AllTermsList objects from subdatabases |
common/multimatch.h [code] | |
common/noreturn.h [code] | Define the XAPIAN_NORETURN macro |
common/omassert.h [code] | Various assertion macros |
common/ [code] | |
common/omdebug.h [code] | |
common/omenquireinternal.h [code] | |
common/omqueryinternal.h [code] | |
common/omtime.h [code] | |
common/ortermlist.h [code] | Merge two TermList objects using an OR operation |
common/output.h [code] | Functions for output of strings describing Xapian objects |
common/positionlist.h [code] | |
common/postlist.h [code] | Abstract base class for postlists |
common/progclient.h [code] | Implementation of RemoteDatabase using a spawned server |
common/remote-database.h [code] | RemoteDatabase is the baseclass for remote database implementations |
common/remoteconnection.h [code] | RemoteConnection class used by the remote backend |
common/remoteprotocol.h [code] | Remote protocol version and message numbers |
common/remoteserver.h [code] | Xapian remote backend server base class |
common/rset.h [code] | |
common/ [code] | Helper functions for safe*.h |
common/safeerrno.h [code] | |
common/safefcntl.h [code] | |
common/safesysselect.h [code] | |
common/safesysstat.h [code] | |
common/safeunistd.h [code] | |
common/safewindows.h [code] | |
common/safewinsock2.h [code] | |
common/ [code] | |
common/serialise-double.h [code] | |
common/serialise.h [code] | |
common/stats.h [code] | |
common/ [code] | Various handy helpers which std::string really should provide |
common/stringutils.h [code] | Various handy helpers which std::string really should provide |
common/submatch.h [code] | Base class for sub-matchers |
common/tcpclient.h [code] | TCP/IP socket based RemoteDatabase implementation |
common/tcpserver.h [code] | |
common/termlist.h [code] | Abstract base class for termlists |
common/ [code] | |
common/utils.h [code] | |
common/vectortermlist.h [code] | |
common/weightinternal.h [code] | Internals of weight object |
examples/ [code] | Perform a document-by-document copy of one or more Xapian databases |
examples/ [code] | |
examples/ [code] | |
examples/ [code] | Simple example program demonstrating query expansion |
examples/ [code] | Index each paragraph of a text file as a Xapian document |
examples/ [code] | Simple command-line search utility |
expand/ [code] | |
expand/ [code] | |
expand/ [code] | Merge two TermList objects using an OR operation |
include/xapian.h [code] | Public interfaces for the Xapian library |
include/xapian/base.h [code] | |
include/xapian/database.h [code] | |
include/xapian/dbfactory.h [code] | Factory functions for constructing Database and WritableDatabase objects |
include/xapian/deprecated.h [code] | |
include/xapian/document.h [code] | |
include/xapian/enquire.h [code] | API for running queries |
include/xapian/error.h [code] | Hierarchy of classes which Xapian can throw as exceptions |
include/xapian/errordispatch.h [code] | |
include/xapian/errorhandler.h [code] | Decide if a Xapian::Error exception should be ignored |
include/xapian/expanddecider.h [code] | Allow rejection of terms during ESet generation |
include/xapian/positioniterator.h [code] | Classes for iterating through position lists |
include/xapian/postingiterator.h [code] | Classes for iterating through posting lists |
include/xapian/query.h [code] | Classes for representing a query |
include/xapian/queryparser.h [code] | Parsing a user query string to build a Xapian::Query object |
include/xapian/sorter.h [code] | Build sort keys for MSet ordering |
include/xapian/stem.h [code] | Stemming algorithms |
include/xapian/termgenerator.h [code] | Parse free text and generate terms |
include/xapian/termiterator.h [code] | Classes for iterating through term lists |
include/xapian/types.h [code] | Typedefs for Xapian |
include/xapian/unicode.h [code] | Unicode and UTF-8 related classes and functions |
include/xapian/valueiterator.h [code] | Classes for iterating through values |
include/xapian/version.h [code] | |
include/xapian/ [code] | |
include/xapian/visibility.h [code] | |
languages/allsnowballheaders.h [code] | Include the headers for all the snowball stemmers |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/danish.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/dutch.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/english.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/finnish.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/french.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/german.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/german2.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/hungarian.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/italian.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/kraaij_pohlmann.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/lovins.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/norwegian.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/porter.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/portuguese.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/romanian.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/russian.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/spanish.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | Implementation of Xapian::Stem API class |
languages/ [code] | Base class for implementations of stemming algorithms |
languages/steminternal.h [code] | Base class for implementations of stemming algorithms |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/swedish.h [code] | |
languages/ [code] | |
languages/turkish.h [code] | |
languages/compiler/analyser.c [code] | |
languages/compiler/driver.c [code] | |
languages/compiler/generator.c [code] | |
languages/compiler/header.h [code] | |
languages/compiler/space.c [code] | |
languages/compiler/syswords.h [code] | |
languages/compiler/syswords2.h [code] | |
languages/compiler/tokeniser.c [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/andmaybepostlist.h [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/andnotpostlist.h [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/andpostlist.h [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | Virtual base class for branched types of postlist |
matcher/branchpostlist.h [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | SubMatch class for a dead remote database |
matcher/emptysubmatch.h [code] | SubMatch class for a dead remote database |
matcher/ [code] | Return docs containing terms forming a particular exact phrase |
matcher/exactphrasepostlist.h [code] | Return docs containing terms forming a particular exact phrase |
matcher/extraweightpostlist.h [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/localmatch.h [code] | SubMatch class for a local database |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/mergepostlist.h [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/msetcmp.h [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | PostList returning entries from an MSet |
matcher/msetpostlist.h [code] | PostList returning entries from an MSet |
matcher/ [code] | N-way AND postlist |
matcher/multiandpostlist.h [code] | N-way AND postlist |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/orpostlist.h [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/phrasepostlist.h [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | Convert a Xapian::Query::Internal tree into an optimal PostList tree |
matcher/queryoptimiser.h [code] | Convert a Xapian::Query::Internal tree into an optimal PostList tree |
matcher/ [code] | SubMatch class for a remote database |
matcher/remotesubmatch.h [code] | SubMatch class for a remote database |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | Xapian::Weight subclass for implementing OP_SCALE_WEIGHT |
matcher/scaleweight.h [code] | Xapian::Weight subclass for implementing OP_SCALE_WEIGHT |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/selectpostlist.h [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | Implementation of methods from stats.h |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/ [code] | Return document ids matching a range test on a specified doc value |
matcher/valuegepostlist.h [code] | Return document ids matching a >= test on a specified doc value |
matcher/ [code] | Return document ids matching a range test on a specified doc value |
matcher/valuerangepostlist.h [code] | Return document ids matching a range test on a specified doc value |
matcher/ [code] | Xapian::Weight base class |
matcher/ [code] | |
matcher/xorpostlist.h [code] | |
net/ [code] | |
net/ [code] | RemoteConnection class used by the remote backend |
net/ [code] | Xapian remote backend server base class |
net/ [code] | |
net/ [code] | |
net/ [code] | |
queryparser/lemon.c [code] | |
queryparser/ [code] | |
queryparser/ [code] | |
queryparser/queryparser_internal.h [code] | |
queryparser/queryparser_token.h [code] | |
queryparser/ [code] | TermGenerator class implementation |
queryparser/ [code] | TermGenerator class internals |
queryparser/termgenerator_internal.h [code] | TermGenerator class internals |
tests/api_all.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/api_anydb.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | Backend-related tests |
tests/api_backend.h [code] | |
tests/api_collated.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/api_db.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/api_generated.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/api_nodb.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/api_posdb.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | Tests of MSet sorting |
tests/api_sorting.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | Test the spelling correction suggestion API |
tests/api_spelling.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | Tests requiring a database backend supporting transactions |
tests/api_transdb.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | Test the Unicode and UTF-8 classes and functions |
tests/api_unicode.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/api_wrdb.h [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/apitest.h [code] | Test functionality of the Xapian API |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/ [code] | |
tests/harness/ [code] | |
tests/harness/backendmanager.h [code] | |
tests/harness/ [code] | BackendManager subclass for flint databases |
tests/harness/backendmanager_flint.h [code] | BackendManager subclass for flint databases |
tests/harness/ [code] | BackendManager subclass for inmemory databases |
tests/harness/backendmanager_inmemory.h [code] | BackendManager subclass for inmemory databases |
tests/harness/backendmanager_local.h [code] | BackendManager subclass for local databases |
tests/harness/ [code] | BackendManager subclass for multi databases |
tests/harness/backendmanager_multi.h [code] | BackendManager subclass for multi databases |
tests/harness/ [code] | BackendManager subclass for quartz databases |
tests/harness/backendmanager_quartz.h [code] | BackendManager subclass for quartz databases |
tests/harness/ [code] | BackendManager subclass for remoteprog databases |
tests/harness/backendmanager_remoteprog.h [code] | BackendManager subclass for remoteprog databases |
tests/harness/ [code] | BackendManager subclass for remotetcp databases |
tests/harness/backendmanager_remotetcp.h [code] | BackendManager subclass for remotetcp databases |
tests/harness/ [code] | |
tests/harness/index_utils.h [code] | |
tests/harness/ [code] | |
tests/harness/testsuite.h [code] | |
tests/harness/ [code] | |
tests/harness/testutils.h [code] | |
tests/harness/ [code] | C++ function versions of useful Unix commands |
tests/harness/unixcmds.h [code] | C++ function versions of useful Unix commands |
unicode/ [code] | |
unicode/ [code] |