Yahoo! UI Library

TreeView Widget  2.5.0

Yahoo! UI Library > treeview > YAHOO.widget.TVAnim

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static Class YAHOO.widget.TVAnim

A static factory class for tree view expand/collapse animations


FADE_IN - static string

Constant for the fade in animation

FADE_OUT - static string

Constant for the fade out animation



static YAHOO.util.Animation getAnim ( type , el , callback )
Returns a ygAnim instance of the given type
type <string> the type of animation
el <HTMLElement> the element to element (probably the children div)
callback <function> function to invoke when the animation is done.
Returns: YAHOO.util.Animation
the animation instance


static boolean isValid ( type )
Returns true if the specified animation class is available
type <string> the type of animation
Returns: boolean
true if valid, false if not

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