This example demonstrates a variety of ways to format data in a DataTable, including form elements, dates, currency, email addresses, and links. The first Column displays custom UI that is based on data in another Column and uses classes to highlight its cells green or red.
1 | YAHOO.example.Data = { |
2 | formatting: { |
3 | items: [ |
4 | {field1: "bananas", field2:new Date(2007, 1, 1), field3:111, field4:"23.4", field5:"bob", field6:""}, |
5 | {field1: undefined, field2:new Date(2006, 1, 1), field3:12.3, field4:"35.12", field5:"ann", field6:""}, |
6 | {field1: "apples", field2:new Date(2007, 11, 1), field3:1, field4:34.12, field5:"charlie", field6:""}, |
7 | {field1: "bananas", field2:new Date(2007, 1, 11), field3:1112, field4:"03", field5:"diane", field6:""}, |
8 | {field1: "cherries", field2:new Date(1999, 1, 11), field3:124, field4:03, field5:"edgar", field6:""}, |
9 | {field1: "", field2:"January 10, 2005", field3:"12", field4:"34", field5:"francine", field6:""}, |
10 | {field1: "unknown", field2:"January 1, 2005", field3:"19.1", field4:"234.5", field5:"george", field6:""}, |
11 | {field1: null, field2:"1/11/05", field3:"10.02", field4:"345.654", field5:"hannah", field6:""}, |
12 | {field1: "cherries", field2:"1/11/2005", field3:"109", field4:23.456, field5:"igor", field6:""}, |
13 | {field1: "bananas", field2:"November 1, 2005", field3:"11111", field4:23.0123, field5:"julie", field6:""} |
14 | ] |
15 | } |
16 | } |
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1 | .yui-skin-sam .yui-dt td.up { |
2 | background-color: #efe; |
3 | } |
4 | .yui-skin-sam .yui-dt td.down { |
5 | background-color: #fee; |
6 | } |
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1 | <div id="formatting"></div> |
view plain | print | ? |
1 | YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", function() { |
2 | YAHOO.example.CustomFormatting = new function() { |
3 | // Define a custom formatter for the Column labeled "flag" |
4 | // draws an up icon and adds class "up" to the cell to affect |
5 | // a green background color if value of field3 is greater than 100. |
6 | // Otherwise renders a down icon and assigns class "down", setting |
7 | // the background color to red. |
8 | this.myCustomFormatter = function(elLiner, oRecord, oColumn, oData) { |
9 | if(oRecord.getData("field3") > 100) { |
10 | YAHOO.util.Dom.replaceClass(elLiner.parentNode, "down", "up"); |
11 | elCell.innerHTML = ' <img src="../../build/datatable/assets/skins/sam/dt-arrow-up.png">'; |
12 | } |
13 | else { |
14 | YAHOO.util.Dom.replaceClass(elLiner.parentNode, "up","down"); |
15 | elCell.innerHTML = ' <img src="../../build/datatable/assets/skins/sam/dt-arrow-dn.png">'; |
16 | } |
17 | }; |
18 | |
19 | // Add the custom formatter to the shortcuts |
20 | YAHOO.widget.DataTable.Formatter.myCustom = this.myCustomFormatter; |
21 | |
22 | // Override the built-in formatter |
23 | YAHOO.widget.DataTable.formatEmail = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) { |
24 | var user = oData; |
25 | elCell.innerHTML = "<a href=\"mailto:" + user + "\">" + user + "</a>"; |
26 | }; |
27 | |
28 | |
29 | var myColumnDefs = [ |
30 | {key:"flag", formatter:"myCustom"}, // use custom shortcut |
31 | {key:"radio", formatter:"radio"}, // use the built-in radio formatter |
32 | {key:"check", formatter:"checkbox"}, // use the built-in checkbox formatter (shortcut) |
33 | {key:"button", label:"Show record data", formatter:YAHOO.widget.DataTable.formatButton}, // use the built-in button formatter |
34 | {key:"field1", formatter:"dropdown", dropdownOptions:["apples","bananas","cherries"],sortable:true}, |
35 | {key:"field2", sortable:true, formatter:"date"}, // use the built-in date formatter |
36 | {key:"field3", sortable:true}, |
37 | {key:"field4", sortable:true, formatter:"currency"}, // use the built-in currency formatter |
38 | {key:"field5", sortable:true, formatter:YAHOO.widget.DataTable.formatEmail}, // use the overridden email formatter |
39 | {key:"field6", sortable:true, formatter:YAHOO.widget.DataTable.formatLink} // use the built-in link formatter |
40 | ]; |
41 | |
42 | this.myDataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(YAHOO.example.Data.multitypes); |
43 | this.myDataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON; |
44 | this.myDataSource.responseSchema = { |
45 | resultsList: "items", |
46 | // Use the parse methods to populate the RecordSet with the right data types |
47 | fields: [ |
48 | {key:"field1", parser:YAHOO.util.DataSource.parseString}, // point to the string parser |
49 | {key:"field2", parser:YAHOO.util.DataSource.parseDate}, // point to the date parser |
50 | {key:"field3", parser:YAHOO.util.DataSource.parseNumber}, // point to the number parser |
51 | {key:"field4", parser:YAHOO.util.DataSource.parseNumber}, // point to the number parser |
52 | {key:"field5"}, // this is already string data so no parser needed |
53 | {key:"field6"} // this is already string data so no parser needed |
54 | ] |
55 | }; |
56 | |
57 | this.myDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("formatting", myColumnDefs, this.myDataSource); |
58 | |
59 | var lastSelectedRadioRecord = null; |
60 | this.myDataTable.subscribe("radioClickEvent", function(oArgs){ |
61 | if(lastSelectedRadioRecord) { |
62 | lastSelectedRadioRecord.setData("radio",false); |
63 | } |
64 | var elRadio =; |
65 | var oRecord = this.getRecord(elRadio); |
66 | oRecord.setData("radio",true); |
67 | lastSelectedRadioRecord = oRecord; |
68 | var name = oRecord.getData("field5"); |
69 | }); |
70 | |
71 | this.myDataTable.subscribe("checkboxClickEvent", function(oArgs){ |
72 | var elCheckbox =; |
73 | var oRecord = this.getRecord(elCheckbox); |
74 | oRecord.setData("check",elCheckbox.checked); |
75 | }); |
76 | |
77 | this.myDataTable.subscribe("buttonClickEvent", function(oArgs){ |
78 | var oRecord = this.getRecord(; |
79 | alert(YAHOO.lang.dump(oRecord.getData())); |
80 | }); |
81 | |
82 | this.myDataTable.subscribe("dropdownChangeEvent", function(oArgs){ |
83 | var elDropdown =; |
84 | var oRecord = this.getRecord(elDropdown); |
85 | oRecord.setData("field1",elDropdown.options[elDropdown.selectedIndex].value); |
86 | }); |
87 | }; |
88 | }); |
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