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YUI Library Examples: Logger Control: Configuring LogReader

Logger Control: Configuring LogReader

Demonstrations of LogReader configurations.

Example: Compact Ouput

Log a simple message

By default, log messages are printed to the console with a good deal of whitespace for better readability. In this example, verbose output has been disabled so each message gets output on a single line without wrapping.

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Example: Footer Disabled

Log a simple message

By default, the footer displays checkboxes for easy filtration of log messages by category and by source, as well as buttons to pause/resume output and clear the console. In this example, the footer is hidden from the UI, but filters can still be enabled or disabled programmatically.

Hide "info" Category Show "info" Category

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Example: Oldest On Top

Log a simple message

By default, new messages get prepended at the top of the console. In this example, new messages get appended at the bottom of the console.

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Example: Undraggable

Log a simple message

Although the Drag and Drop Utility is available on the page, draggability of this LogReader has been disabled.

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Example: Filtered Output

Log a simple message

The first LogReader will show only global info messages. The second LogReader will only show info messages coming from the "LogReader" class.

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Example: Buffered

Log a simple message

Output buffer has been increased to 3 seconds. Therefore, messages are printed to the screen every 3 seconds.

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Example: Paused

Resume this LogReader | Pause this LogReader | Log a simple message

Output has been paused.

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Example: Collapsed

Log a simple message

The LogReader console has been collapsed.

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Example: Hidden

Show this LogReader | Hide this LogReader | Log a simple message

The entire LogReader console has been hidden.

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Example: Styled via Custom CSS

Log a simple message

The UI has been customized via custom CSS.

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