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YUI Library Examples: Reset CSS: Basic Test Suite for YUI Reset

Reset CSS: Basic Test Suite for YUI Reset

YUI Reset is the lowest-level member of YUI's CSS suite. It normalizes the rendering of the most common HTML elements, neutralizing subtle differences that exist between the browser style sheets among the A-Grade browsers.

About This Example

The normalization provided by YUI Reset CSS includes the following characteristics:

  • black text on a white page background,
  • margin and padding to zero,
  • table borders to zero,
  • no visual list style (ol, ul, dl),
  • all fonts at 100% of base,
  • font-weight and font-style to normal,
  • better (but still incomplete) font inheritance into forms,
  • reduced line-height disruption from sub and sup.

Open this example is a new window to see a test page of HTML elements with YUI Reset applied.

Reset CSS Examples:

More Reset CSS Resources:

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