4. Collection and Control Services Layer

The services that collect the data and feed it to the Data Layer come from the daemons associated with the Collection and Control Services Layer. These daemons can be broken down into five distinct areas: Automated Modeling, Availability Monitoring, Event Collection, Performance Monitoring, or Automated Response. The daemons that fall under each layer are detailed below.

4.1. Automated Modeling Daemons

Daemon Description
Zendisc Zendisc is a subclass of zenmodeler and it goes out to discover new network resources. It walks the routing table to discover the network topology and then pings all discovered networks to find active IPs and devices.
ZenwinModeler ZenWinModeler is used for the auto-discovery of Windows Services (WMI) running on a windows box.
ZenModeler ZenModeler is a configuration collection and configuration daemon. It is used for high-performance, automated model population using SNMP, SSH, and Telnet to collect its information. Zenmodeler works against devices that have been loaded into the DMD.

4.2. Availability Modeling Daemons

Daemon Description
Zenping Zenping is the ping status monitoring (ICMP) for Zenoss. Zenping does the high-performance asynchronous testing of the ICMP status.
Zenwin Zenwin is used for Windows Service Monitoring (WMI).
Zenstatus Zenstatus performs active TCP connection testing of remote daemons.
Zenprocess Zenprocess enables process monitoring using SNMP host resources mib.

4.3. Event Collection Daemons

Daemon Description
Zensyslog Zensyslog is collection of and classification of syslog events.
Zeneventlog Zeneventlog is used collect (WMI) event log events.
Zentrap Zentrap collects SNMP Traps. It receives traps and turns them into events.

4.4. Performance Monitoring Daemons

Daemon Description
ZenperfSNMP ZenperfSNMP does the high performance asynchronous SNMP performance collection.
ZenperfXMLrpc ZenperfXMLrpc is used for XML RPC Collection.
Zencommand Zencommand is used for XML RPC Collection specifically it allows the running of NagiosĀ© and Cactii plug-ins on the local box or on remote boxes through SSH.

4.5. Automated Response Daemons

Daemon Description
Zenactions Zenactions is used for alerts (SMTP, SNPP and Maintenance Windows).