Zenoss Administration Guide

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1. Zenoss Overview
1.1. The Zenoss Standard Model
1.2. Availability Monitoring in Zenoss
1.3. Zenoss Event Management System
1.4. Zenoss Performance Monitoring System
2. Detailed Architecture
1. Zenoss Detailed Architecture
2. User Layer
3. Data Layer
4. Collection and Control Services Layer
4.1. Automated Modeling Daemons
4.2. Availability Modeling Daemons
4.3. Event Collection Daemons
4.4. Performance Monitoring Daemons
4.5. Automated Response Daemons
3. Key Concepts
1. Classification
2. zProperties
3. Inheritance and Path Navigation
4. Zenoss Interface and Navigation
1. Zenoss Dashboard
2. Left Navigation Menu
2.1. Main Views
2.2. Classes
2.3. Browse By
2.3.1. Management
2.4. Hiding the Left Navigation Menu
3. Directory Path
4. Device/IP Search Box
5. User Information Area
6. Customizing Zenoss Dashboard Portlets
6.1. Devices Issues Portlet
6.1.1. Configuring the Device Issues Portlet
6.2. Top Level Organizers
6.2.1. Configuring the Top Level Organizer Portlet
6.3. Watch List Portlet
6.3.1. Configuring the Watch List Portal
6.4. Google Maps Portlet
6.4.1. Configuring the Google Maps Portlet
6.5. Zenoss Issues Portlet
6.5.1. Configuring the Zenoss Issues Portlet
6.6. Production States Portlet
6.6.1. Configuring the Production States Portlet
7. Zenoss Network Map
8. "Menu-ized" Elements
8.1. Page Menus
8.2. Table Menus
5. User Management
1. About Zenoss User Accounts
2. Creating New User Accounts
3. Editing User Accounts
3.1. Setting User Passwords
3.2. Editing User Contact Information
3.3. Assigning Roles and Permissions to Users
3.4. Setting the Default User Level
3.5. Setting the Dashboard Timeout and Refresh Time
3.6. Specifying a Default Dashboard Organizer
3.7. Creating Object Associations
4. User Groups
6. Email and Pager Settings
1. About Email and Pager Settings
2. Setting SMTP and SNPP Information
7. Organizers and Path Navigation in Zenoss
1. About Organizers and Path Navigation
2. Classes
2.1. Setting zProperties at the Class Level
2.2. Defining and Applying Templates at the Class Level
2.3. Creating New Classes
3. Systems
3.1. Adding, Moving and Nesting Systems
3.1.1. Moving the Sub-System
4. Groups
4.1. Adding Groups
4.1.1. Moving Groups
5. Locations
5.1. Google Maps Geographic View of Network Health
5.1.1. Overview
5.1.2. API Key
5.1.3. Setting an Address for a Location
5.1.4. Network Links
5.1.5. Google Maps Example
5.2. Adding, Moving, and Nesting Locations
5.2.1. Moving Sub-locations
6. Inheritance
7. Multiple Mix-In Inheritance and Performance (RRD) Template Binding
7.1. Template Binding Example 1
7.2. Template Binding Example 2
8. zProperties
1. About zProperties
2. Event zProperties
3. Device zProperties
4. Service zProperties
5. Network zProperties
6. Manufacturer zProperties
9. Device Inventory and Configuration
1. What is Inventory and Configuration in Zenoss?
2. How Does Zenoss Model Devices?
3. The ZenModeler Daemon
4. Adding an Individual Device
5. Add an Individual Device with Context
6. Auto-Discovery of Devices
7. Device List
7.1. Managing Multiple Devices using the Device List
8. Individual Device Tabs
8.1. Device Status Tab
8.1.1. Device Status Tab Example
8.2. OS (Operating Systems) Tab
8.2.1. File System Monitoring
8.3. Hardware Tab
8.4. Software Tab
8.5. Events Tab
8.6. History Tab
8.7. Performance Tab
8.7.1. Graph Surfing
8.8. Edit Tab
8.9. Custom Tab
8.10. zProperties Tab
8.11. Templates Tab
8.12. Administration Tab
8.13. Collector Plugins tab
8.14. Modifications Tab
9. Searching For a Device By Name or IP Address
10. Editing Device Configurations
11. Managing Devices
11.1. Remodeling a Device
11.2. Changing the Device Class of a Device
11.3. Resetting Device Manage IP
11.4. Renaming a Device
11.5. Locking Device Configurations
11.6. Resetting the Device Community
11.7. Pushing Configuration Changes Back to the Zenoss System
11.8. Clearing Heartbeats
11.9. Deleting Devices From the System
12. Modeling Devices Using SNMP
12.1. Testing to See if a Device is Running SNMP
12.2. Modeling Remote Windows Devices Using SNMP
12.3. Modeling Remote Linux Devices Using SNMP
12.4. Modeling Cisco Devices Using SNMP
13. Modeling Using SSH/COMMAND
13.1. Using Device Class to Monitor Devices Using SSH
14. Modeling Devices Using PortScan
14.1. Using the /Server/Scan Device Class to Monitor with Portscan
15. Modeling Plugins
15.1. Getting a List of Modeling Plugins for a Device
16. Debugging the Modeling Process
17. Using zLinks to Add Custom Links to a Device Status Page
18. Dumping and Loading Devices Using XML Lists
10. Event Monitoring
1. About Event Monitoring In Zenoss
2. Event Concepts
2.1. Event Life Cycle
2.2. De-duplication
2.3. Begin-End Correlation
3. Zenoss Event Console
3.1. Viewing Event Details
4. Generating and Sending a Test Event
4.1. Sending Events from the Command Line
5. Event Classes
5.1. Creating a New Event Class
6. Event Manager Settings
6.1. Accessing Event Manager Settings
6.2. Changing Event Database Connection Information
6.3. Changing Cache Settings for the Event Manager
6.4. Change the Maintenance Settings for the Event Manager
7. Acknowledging Events
8. Moving Events To History
9. Clearing The Event History
10. Event Class Mapping
11. Applying Event and Device Context Using Event zProperties
12. Mapping Events Through the UI
13. Using Mappings to Correlate Events
14. Event Commands
14.1. Create an Event Command Example
14.2. Test the Event Command
15. SNMP Traps and Event Transforms
15.1. SNMP Trap Mapping
15.2. Sending Test Traps
15.3. Transforming Events with Event Mappings
15.4. Event Transforms Based on Device Class
16. Custom Event Views
17. Use ZenMail and ZenPop to Turn Email Messages into Zenoss Events
17.1. ZenMail
17.2. ZenPop
17.3. How Zenoss Translates Various Message Elements to the Event
17.3.1. How Zenoss uses the FROM field
17.3.2. How Zenoss uses the TO Field
17.3.3. How Zenoss uses the SUBJECT Field
17.3.4. How Zenoss uses the Message Body
11. Availability Monitoring
1. Monitoring Topology with ZenPing
1.1. Controlling the Ping Cycle Time
1.2. Using the Predefined /Ping Device Class
2. Monitoring TCP Services
2.1. Zenstatus
2.2. Adding a Service To Monitor
2.3. Monitoring Status Service Status Information
2.4. Editing Service Information
2.5. Configuring Service zProperties
2.6. Using the Predefined /Server/Scan Device Class
2.7. Monitoring a Service Using a Service Class
3. Monitoring Processes
3.1. Adding Processes to Monitor
3.2. Configuring Process zProperties
12. Performance Monitoring
1. Performance Monitoring
2. Performance Templates
2.1. The Templates Page
3. Template Binding
4. Data Sources
5. Data Points
6. Thresholds
7. Graph Definitions
7.1. Graph Points
7.1.1. Data Point Graph Points
7.1.2. Threshold Graph Points
7.1.3. Custom Graph Points
7.2. Custom Graph Definition
7.3. Graph Commands
8. Changing the Order of the Graphs
9. Monitoring A File System and Changing a Threshold
13. Monitoring Devices Remotely via SSH
1. Monitoring Devices Remotely via SSH
1.1. Installing Zenoss Plugins on the Remote Machine
1.1.1. Zenoss Plugin Installation Technique: RPM
1.1.2. Zenoss Plugin Installation Technique: setuptools
1.1.3. Testing the Plugin Installation
1.1.4. Troubleshooting the Plugin Installation
1.1.5. Changing Zenoss to Monitor the Devices Remotely Using SSH
1.1.6. Using the Predefined /Server/Cmd Device Class
14. Monitoring Using ZenCommand
1. About ZenCommands
2. Example: Writing a ZenCommand (check_http example)
3. Collect Data from A ZenCommand
4. Plugin Format for ZenCommands
5. Testing ZenCommands
15. Monitoring Windows Devices
1. Device Preparation for Windows Devices
2. Testing WMI on a Windows Server
3. Other Optional Windows Configuration Items
4. ZenWin Command Line Parameters
5. Modeling Services on Windows Devices
6. Collecting Windows Eventlog Events
7. Monitoring Windows Performance with SNMP-Informant
8. Running Commands on Windows Servers Using Winexe
16. SNMP Monitoring
1. SNMP from the Command Line
17. Alerting Rules
1. Creating and Using Alerts
1.1. Setting SMTP Settings For Alerts
2. Creating a New Alerting Rule
2.1. Define and Enable This Alert
2.2. 1.1.1 Create the Content of the Alert Message
2.3. Create a Schedule for Sending the Alert
3. Escalation of Messaging in Zenoss
3.1. Creating an Alerting Hierarchy
4. Adding Delay and Schedules to Alerting Rules
18. UI Commands
1. About UI Commands
2. Defining UI Commands
2.1. UI Command Example: Echo Command
3. Running Commands from the Zenoss Web UI
4. Auto-Running Commands Based on Events
19. Production States and Maintenance Windows
1. About Production States and Maintenance Windows
2. Production States
2.1. Defining Production States for Devices
3. Maintenance Windows
3.1. Creating and Using Maintenance Windows
20. Reporting
1. About Reporting in Zenoss
2. Organizing Reports
3. Navigating and Sorting Report Results
4. Exporting Reports
4.1. Add An Export Button to a Report
5. Reports Included With Zenoss
5.1. Device Reports
5.2. Event Reports
5.3. Performance Reports
5.4. User Reports
6. Graph Reports
6.1. Creating a New Graph Report
6.2. Adding Graphs
6.3. Customizing Graph Text
6.4. Organizing Graphs
7. MultiGraph Reports
7.1. Creating A New MultiGraph Report
7.2. Collections
7.3. Graph Definitions
7.4. Graph Groups
7.5. Graph Order
8. Creating Custom Reports
8.1. Creating Custom Reports Using the ZMI
8.2. Create A Custom Device Report Example
9. Using Reports to Help Troubleshoot Zenoss Daemons
21. General Zenoss Administration
1. Working with Zenoss from the Command Line
2. Minimal Zenoss - ZEO and Zope
3. Checking the Version of Zenoss
4. Checking for Zenoss Updates
5. Starting and Stopping the Zenoss Daemons
6. Zenoss Daemon Commands and Options
6.1. Configuring Zenoss Daemons
6.2. General Options for All Daemons
6.3. zenhub Options
6.4. zenmodeler Options
6.5. zenperfsnmp Options
6.6. zenperfxmlrpc Options
6.7. zenProcess Options
6.8. zenping Options
6.9. zensyslog Options
6.10. zenstatus Options
6.11. zenactions Options
6.12. zentrap Options
6.13. zencommand Options
7. Troubleshooting Zenoss Daemons
8. Automatic Startup in Linux Environments
9. Using Zenoss with a Remote MySQL Instance
10. Registering MIBs with Zenoss
10.1. Resolving MIB Dependencies
22. Backup, Recovery and Maintenance
1. Backup and Restore
1.1. Backup Details
1.2. Restore Details
1.3. Periodic Backups
1.3.1. Pack ZEO Database
1.3.2. Log Rotate Script
1.3.3. Backing up the MySQL Event Backend
23. ZenPacks
1. Introduction to Zenpacks
1.1. Installing ZenPacks
1.1.1. Installing via the Command Line
1.1.2. Installing via the User Interface
1.1.3. Installing All Core ZenPacks via RPM
1.2. Creating a ZenPack
1.2.1. Packaging and Distributing Your ZenPack
1.3. Example ZenPack
1.4. ZenPack Structure
1.4.1. HelloWorldZenPack/
1.4.2. HelloWorldZenPack/init.py
1.4.3. HelloWorldZenPack/HelloWorld.py
1.4.4. HelloWorldZenPack/daemons
1.4.5. HelloWorldZenPack/datasources
1.4.6. HelloWorldZenPack/modeler
1.4.7. HelloWorldZenPack/objects
1.4.8. HelloWorldZenPack/skins
1.5. Removing a ZenPack
2. Zenoss Core ZenPacks
2.1. ZenJMX ZenPack
2.1.1. About ZenJMX
2.1.2. JMX Background
2.1.3. ZenJMX Capabilities
2.1.4. Single Value Attribute Calls
2.1.5. Multi-Value Attribute Calls
2.1.6. Operation Calls
2.1.7. ZenJMX Behavior
2.1.8. Running the ZenJMX Daemon
2.1.9. Defining Custom JMX Data Sources
2.1.10. Enabling Remote JMX Access
2.1.11. Interrogating an JMX Agent via JConsole
2.1.12. Installing ZenJMX
2.2. ApacheMonitor ZenPack
2.3. DellMonitor ZenPack
2.4. HPMonitor ZenPack
2.5. MySqlMonitor ZenPack
A. Net-SNMP and Zenoss
1. Net-SNMP Configuration Settings
1.1. Community Information
1.2. System Contact Information
1.3. Extra Information
B. Event Database Dictionary
1. Event Database Dictionary
C. TALES Expressions
1. About TALES Expressions
2. TALES Device Attributes
3. TALES Event Attributes
D. Device Preparation
1. Net-SNMP
2. SNMP V3 Support
3. Forwarding Syslog messages from UNIX/Linux Devices
4. Forwarding Syslog Messages from a Cisco IOS Router
4.1. Other Cisco syslog Configurations
5. Forwarding Syslog Messages from a Cisco CatOS Switch
6. Forwarding Syslog Messages using Syslog-ng
E. Zenoss Licensing Information
2. GNU General Public License

List of Figures

1.1. Zenoss High-Level Architecture
2.1. Zenioss Detailed Architecture
4.1. Zenoss Dashboard
4.2. Column Layout Dialog
4.3. Add Portlet Dialog
4.4. Device Issues Portlet
4.5. Device Issues Portlet Configuration
4.6. Top Level Organizer Portlet
4.7. Top Level Organizer Configuration
4.8. Watch List Portlet
4.9. Watch List Portlet Configuration
4.10. Google Maps Portlet
4.11. Configuring the Google Maps Portlet
4.12. Zenoss Issues Portlet
4.13. Configuring the Zenoss Issue Portlet
4.14. Production State Portlet
4.15. Configuring the Production State Portlet
4.16. Zenoss Network Map
4.17. Page Menu
4.18. Sub-Devices Table Menu
5.1. User Administration page
5.2. Add User Dialog
5.3. Individual User Administration Page
5.4. Administered Objects Initial View
5.5. Administered Object - Object Added
5.6. Users Tab showing User Groups
5.7. Add New User Group Dialog
5.8. Add User to Group Dialog
6.1. Zenoss Settings- Settings Tab
7.1. Device Groupings
7.2. Device Class Tab
7.3. Device Class zProperties tab
7.4. Device Class Template tab
7.5. Sub-systems Status Menu
7.6. Add Organizer Dialog
7.7. Move Organizer Dialog
7.8. Add Organizer Dialog
7.9. Move Organizer
7.10. Zenoss Device Class Tree and Inheritance
9.1. Add Device - Full Page
9.2. Main Device Page
9.3. Add Device with Context Dialog
9.4. Networks Overview Tab
9.5. Auto-Discovery of Devices
9.6. Device List
9.7. Individual Device - Status Tab
9.8. Individual Device - OS Tab
9.9. Individual Device Hardware Tab
9.10. Individual Device - Software Tab
9.11. Individual Device - Events Tab
9.12. Individual Device - Status Tab
9.13. Individual Device Performance tab
9.14. Individual Device - Edit Tab
9.15. Individual Device Custom Tab
9.16. Individual Device - zProperties Tab
9.17. Individual Device - Templates Tab
9.18. Individual Device Administration Tab
9.19. Individual Device - Collector Plugins Tab
9.20. Individual Device - Modifications Tab
9.21. Device - Edit Tab
9.22. Change Device Class Path Dialog
9.23. Reset IP Dialog
9.24. Rename Device Dialog
9.25. Configuration Lock Editing Dialog
9.26. Delete Device Confirmation Dialog
10.1. Event Life Cycle
10.2. De-duplication
10.3. Begin-End Correlation
10.4. Zenoss Event Console
10.5. Event Details Fields Tab
10.6. Add Event Dialog
10.7. Add Organizer Dialog
10.8. Event Manager Edit Tab
10.9. Event Class Mapping
10.10. Event Mapping Page
10.11. IndividualEvent Mapping Page
10.12. Edit Event Mapping Tab
10.13. Event Mapping zProperties
10.14. Map Events Dialog
10.15. SNMP Trap Transform
10.16. Custom Event Views - Initial Views
10.17. Add Custom Event View
10.18. Custom Event Views - Edit Tab
11.1. Services List - Classes tab
11.2. Individual Service Status Tab
11.3. Individual Service- Edit Tab
11.4. Individual Service - zProperties Tab
11.5. Showing Processes to Monitor
11.6. Service Summary
11.7. Process Monitoring
11.8. Processes Page
11.9. Add OS Process Dialog
11.10. Processes zProperties tab
12.1. Perf Tab showing Load Average Graph
12.2. Performance Template for Load Average Graph
12.3. Data Source
12.4. Data Points
12.5. Threshold Definition
12.6. Graph Definition
13.1. Device Group zProperties Tab
14.1. Running ZenCommands
17.1. Sending Alerts
17.2. Settings Tab Showing SMTP Settings
17.3. Preferences Tab - Edit Tab
17.4. Alerting Rules Tab
17.5. Add Alerting Rule Dialog
17.6. Alert Details Edit Page
17.7. Alerting Rules Message Tab
17.8. Alerting Rules - Schedule Tab
17.9. Add Active Period Dialog
17.10. Alerting Rules - Schedule Details Page
18.1. Add User Command Dialog
18.2. Define User Command Dialog
18.3. Command Output
18.4. Edit Event Command Page
20.1. Report Organizer List
20.2. Graph Report
20.3. Graph Report Edit Page
20.4. Graph Report Element
20.5. MultiGraph Report Graphs
20.6. MultiGraph Report Edit Page
20.7. MultiGraph Report Collection
20.8. MultiGraph Report Graph Definition
20.9. MultiGraph Report Graph Group
21.1. Settings Page - Daemons Tab
23.1. JMX Heap Graph
23.2. Memory MBean
23.3. Memory MBean Expanded
23.4. Operations Tab