3. Device zProperties

To access Device zProperties, from the left navigational menu, select Devices and then click the zProperties tab. You can also select any of the Device Classes and the zProperties tab to set zProperties anywhere in the Device hierarchy. To set zProperties for an individual Device, navigate to that device, open the page menu, select the More option and then the zProperties tab.

Table 8.2. Device zProperties

Property Name Property Type Description
zCollectorClientTimeout int Allows you to set the timeout time of the collector client in seconds
zCollectorDecoding string Converts incoming characters to Unicode.
zCollectorLogChanges boolean Switch to indicate whether to log changes.
zCollectorPlugins lines A link to tall collector plugins for this device.
zCommandCommandTimeout float Time to wait for a command to complete.
zCommandCycleTime int The cycle time you use when executing zcommnads for this device or organizer.
zCommandExistanceTest string ***
zCommandLoginTimeout float Time to wait for a login prompt.
zCommandLoginTries int Number of times to attempt login.
zCommandPassword int Password to use when performing command login.
zCommandPath string Default path where ZenCommand plug-ins are installed on the local Zenoss box or a remote box in the case where SSH is used to run the command.
zCommandPort int Port to connect to when performing command collection.
zCommandProtocol string Protocol to use when performing command collection. Possible values are ssh, telnet.
zCommandSearchPath lines Path to search for any commands.
zCommandUsername string Username to use when performing command collection.
zDeviceTemplates lines Templates associated with this device. Linked by name.
zFileSystemMapIgnoreNames string Regular expression of file system names to ignore.
zFileSystemMapIgnoreTypes lines DO NOT USE
zIcon lines Icon to represent the device wherever device Icon is shown (network map, device status page etc.) Most devices such as windows servers, linux servers, and routers have images set by default
zIfDescription boolean Show the interface description field in the interface list.
zInterfaceMapIgnoreNames string A regular expression filters out interfaces that should not be discovered.
zInterfaceMapIgnoreTypes string A regular expression filters out interface maps that should not be discovered.
zIpServiceMapMaxPort int Highest port to scan, default to 1024.
zKeyPath lines Path to the key to access a device.
zLinks text Place to enter any links associated with the device.
zLocalInterfaceNames string A regular expression that uses interface name to determine whether or not the IPs on an interface should be incorporated into zenoss' network map. for instance a loopback interface "lo" might be excluded.
zLocalIpAddresses int IP addresses that should be excluded from the network map. for instance 127.x address most likely be excluded. If you have addresses that you reuse for connections between clustered machines they might be added here as well.
zMaxOIDPerRequest int The maximum number of OIDs to be sent by zenoss' SNMP collection daemons when querying information. Some devices have small buffers for handling this information so the number should be lowered.
zPingInterfaceDescription string A catalog query string that will find interfaces to be pinged by description.
zPingInterfaceName string A catalog query string that will find interfaces to be pinged by name.
zPingMonitorIgnore boolean Whether or not to ping the device.
zProdStateThreshold int Production state threshold at which Zenoss will begin to monitor a device. Default of 500 equals Pre-Productions.
zPythonClass string DO NOT USE
zRouteMapCollectOnlyIndirect boolean Only collect routes that are directly connected to the device.
zRouteMapCollectOnlyLocal boolean Only collect local routes (these are usually manually configured vs. those learned through a routing protocol.)
zSnmpAuthPassword string The shared private key used for authentication. Must be at least 8 characters long.
zSnmpAuthType string use either "MD5" or "SHA" signatures to authenticate SNMP requests
zSnmpCommunities lines Array of SNMP community strings that the ZenModeler will try to use when collecting SNMP information.
zSnmpCommunity string Community to be used when collecting SNMP information. If it is different than what is found by ZenModeler, it will be set on the modeled device.
zSnmpMonitorIgnore boolean Whether or not to ignore monitoring SNMP on a device.
zSnmpPort int Port that the SNMP agent listens on.
zSnmpPrivPassword string The shared private key used for encrypting SNMP requests. Must be at least 8 characters long.
zSnmpPrivType string Either "DES" or "AES" cryptographic algorithms.
zSnmpSecurityName string The Security Name (user) to use when making SNMPv3 requests.
zSnmpTimeout float Timeout time in seconds for an SNMP request
zSnmpTries int Amount of tries to collect snmp data
zSnmpVer string SNMP version used. Valid values are v1, v2.
zStatusConnectTimeout   The amount of time that zenstatus should wait before marking an IP Service down.
zSysedgeDiskMapIgnoreNames   Currently unused.
zTelnetEnable boolean When logging into a Cisco device issue the enable command to enable access during command collection.
zTelnetEnableRegex string Regular expression to match the enable prompt.
zTelnetLoginRegex string Regular expression to match the login prompt.
zTelnetPasswordRegex string Regular expression to match the password prompt.
zTelnetPromptTimeout float Time to wait for the telnet prompt to return.
zTelnetSuccessRegexList lines List of regular expressions to match the command prompt.
zTelnetTermLength boolean On a Cisco device, set term length to Zero.
zWinEventlog boolean Whether or not to send the log.
zWinEventlogMinSeverity int Sets minimum severity to collect from the win event log. Important to note that the higher the number, the lover the severity. 1 being the most sever and 5 being the least severe.
zWinPassword string The password used to remotely login if it is a Windows machine.
zWinUser string The user name used to remotely login if it is a Windows machine.
zWmiMonitorIgnore boolean Use this to turn on or off all WMI monitoring.
zXmlRpcMonitorIgnore boolean Use this to turn on or off all XML/RPC monitoring.