9. Monitoring A File System and Changing a Threshold

Zenoss also monitors File System Utilization.

To see File system statistics:

  1. Navigate to the OS tab for a device you have loaded into the system.

  2. Click the “/” File System.

    Here you see a summary of the statistics for the file system for the device.

    You can change the threshold for events to occur in the local template for this file system. This example walks you through creating a low threshold and then generating events based on this new low threshold.

  3. Click More and then Templates.

  4. Click the Create Local Copy button to make a local copy of the template for this device.

  5. In the Thresholds area, in the Add box, enter the name “Really Low Threshold” and click the Add button.

    The Really Low Threshold appears in the list.

  6. Click on the link for the Really Low Threshold.

  7. Choose usedBlocks use Blocks

  8. In the Max Value area, enter the following expression:

    here.totalBlocks * .05

    Basically this sets the really low threshold at 5% of usage.

  9. Make sure Enabled is set to True.

    You can leave the other values the same since we will gather this data from the same data-source and other attributes.

    You have now created a new threshold that you can create and send events based upon.