6. Collecting Windows Eventlog Events

ZenEventlog also runs under windows, and is used collect (WMI) event log events.


$ZENHOME/bin/zeneventlog {run|start|stop|restart|status|help [options]

Options Use
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show help message and exit
--hub-host=HUBHOST Host of zenhub daemon. Default is localhost.
--hub-port=HUBPORT Port zenhub listens on. Default is 8789.
--username=USERNAME Username for zenhub login. Default is admin.
--password=PASSWORD Password for zenhub login. Default is zenoss.
--monitor=MONITOR Name of monitor instance to use for configuration.
-v LOGSEVERITY, --logseverity=LOGSEVERITY Logging severity threshold
--logpath=LOGPATH Override default logging path
-C CONFIGFILE, --configfile=CONFIGFILE config file must define all params
--uid=UID user to become when running. Default: zenoss
-c, --cycle Cycle continuously on cycleInterval from zope
-D, --daemon Become a unix daemon
-d DEVICE, --device=DEVICE single device to collect
--debug=DEBUG turn on additional debugging