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3. Configuration

3.1. Install the ZenGlobe Web Server

Follow these steps to download and install the Zenoss Global Dashboard:

  1. Download the latest version of the Zenoss Global Dashboard.

  2. Extract the tarball and change to the created directory using the following commands:

    tar xzf ZenGlobe-2.1.tar.gz
    cd ZenGlobe-2.1
  3. Install ZenGlobe.

    sudo python setup.py install
  4. Prior to starting up the first time, ZenGlobe needs to know the port it should bind to and the Zenoss instance it should use for authentication. Run:

    sudo zenglobe configure

    Enter the port to which you want ZenGlobe to bind. Make sure you have nothing else listening at that port.

    When asked, enter the hostname of a running Zenoss instance that you want ZenGlobe to use for authentication. You can change this setting later, but in order to log in to ZenGlobe the first time, you will need to use the username and password of a user from this Zenoss instance. Anyone with a login to this instance will be able to view the ZenGlobe dashboard, but only the admin user will be able to edit settings.

  5. Start ZenGlobe using the command:

    sudo zenglobe start
  6. Check to make sure that ZenGlobe has started by accessing from your browser:

    http://[ZenGlobe machine hostname]:[port]/

    You should now see a ZenGlobe login screen.

3.2. Configure Remote Zenoss for Monitoring

For security reasons, ZenGlobe must be configured to log in to the remote Zenoss instances from which it gathers data. By default, this is set to be zenglobe:zenglobe; however, it is a good idea to reconfigure ZenGlobe to use a more secure username and password combination.

  1. In a browser, navigate to the Zenoss instance you wish to monitor, click Settings in the left navigation pane.

  2. Select the Users tab.

  3. From the table menu, select Add New User. Enter the username that you want ZenGlobe to use to log in to all Zenoss instances (e.g. zenglobe). You may leave the Email field blank.

  4. Click the OK button to save your changes.

3.3. Configure ZenGlobe to Monitor Remote Zenoss Instances

  1. Log in to the Zenoss Global Dashboard as the admin user.


    Only the admin user can modify ZenGlobe options.

  2. Click the Configure... link in the top bar. The configuration box will slide down.

    The options in this configuration box are as follows:

    Table 52.2. Zen Global Dashboard Configuration Options


    Zenoss Servers

    The list of hostnames of the Zenoss instances ZenGlobe will monitor.

    Remote Login

    The user name and password ZenGlobe will use to access the remote Zenoss instances. By default, it is set to zenglobe:zenglobe. Follow the instructions in Section 3.2, “Configure Remote Zenoss for Monitoring” to set up matching users on each Zenoss instance to be monitored.

    URL Template

    The template ZenGlobe will use to build the URL by which it accesses monitored Zenoss instances. If you run your Zenoss instances on a different port, or serve them behind Apache with rewritten URLs, you will need to update this value to reflect that change.

    Authentication Server

    The Zenoss instance against which ZenGlobe authenticates. You may also reset the port and authentication server using the same command line option you used when initially configuring ZenGlobe.