Components: vbox, hbox and box.
The box model of XUL is used to divide a portion of the display into a series of boxes. Components inside of a box will orient themselves horizontally or vertically. By combining a series of boxes and separators, you can control the layout of the visual presentation.
A box can lay out its children in one of two orientations, either horizontally or vertically. A horizontal box lines up its components horizontally and a vertical box orients its components vertically. You can think of a box as one row or one column from an HTML table.
Some examples are shown as follows.
<zk><vbox> <button label="Button 1"/> <button label="Button 2"/> </vbox> <hbox> <button label="Button 3"/> <button label="Button 4"/> </hbox> </zk>
The hbox component is used to create a horizontally oriented box. Each component placed in the hbox will be placed horizontally in a row. The vbox component is used to create a vertically oriented box. Added components will be placed underneath each other in a column.
There is also a generic box component which defaults to horizontal orientation, meaning that it is equivalent to the hbox. However, you can use the orient property to control the orientation of the box. You can set this property to the value horizontal to create a horizontal box and vertical to create a vertical box.
Thus, the two lines below are equivalent:
<vbox> <box orient="vertical">
You can add as many components as you want inside a box, including other boxes. In the case of a horizontal box, each additional component will be placed to the right of the previous one. The components will not wrap at all so the more components you add, the wider the window will be. Similarly, each element added to a vertical box will be placed underneath the previous one.